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Posts posted by Nyel.1843

  1. > @ProtoGunner.4953 said:

    > Both, but who cares. With today's connections, it usually takes a couple of minutes to download it.


    What? Couple of minutes? There are many countries where DLS 25-50.000 is still the standard and 100, 200 or 500 are not available. Even in developed countries. Germany for example has one of the worst developed internet connections in Europe and is by far the most developed industrial nation there.

  2. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > If I had wanted them to be the same post I would have edited my first one. The second post was meant to be separate. Sometimes I post separately because I want the two situations to be considered separately.


    This doesn't make any sense. You can adress the same issue in just one post, why do you need two separate ones? I understand your issue when you're a content creator and need placeholder comments but not really in this case. Still interested in your explanation, maybe I'll understand it then.


    > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > First, there are good reasons why people might post twice in a row, so it would be a bad thing to "prevent double posting". Second, what's the harm if there is double posting?


    > There are so many other things that we're already asking to be changed and this one seems like a low impact, low frequency issue affecting a tiny fraction of people, with an existing work-around.


    Well, except the situation mentioned by Just a flesh wound I really don't see good situations for having to separate comments in a row. I know you said something about on topic vs. off topic comments but I really don't see this as a reason to create two separate comments instead of only one. "Harm"? Well, it's just spamming the thread, nothing else. Wouldn't call it harm at all but it looks a bit weird when a player has two or three comments in a row. Quoting is easier, I agree on that, but overall it's not (at least in my opinion).


    Low impact, low frequency? Believe me, if you're used to forums where this is the standard you wouldn't say things like that. It might have no impact on day 1 or week 1 but the more you post the more useful it becomes.



    I totally understand when my suggestion seems to be weird or unnecessary for some of you, I respect your opinion.

  3. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > How would it handle posts that are meant to be separated, like the gemstore thread for new/returned/sales where there will be multiple posts by the same person, sometimes on the same day and sometimes with a day between. Merging all those posts meant to be on different days, successive posts, would ruin that thread.



    Well, this is a no issue when you're (the forum software) doing it right. I'm not into the details behind all of this so I really can't tell you how it's working in other forums that use this way of "editing", but it works. I'll try to figure it out somehow.


    > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > Also, how about content makers on one thread that post successively. They won't automatically want their posts all merged together if it's supposed to be successive posts.


    Well, your comment now is a good example what I meant. Instead of being a second comment under your other comment the forum would've merged both with an

    - - - - Updated - - - -

    line in between and turned it into one comment. Would've been better than having two separate comments, wouldn't it?

  4. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > I'm not sure I understand. Why not edit the original post instead of making multiple posts and asking for the forum to merge those posts to your first post?


    > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > I agree: Why would you post multiple posts, when you can simply edit your own content? This is, I realize, dependent on the fact that people need to get to the point where they have unlimited editing times, but that doesn't take long.


    The thing is, editing your old post and updating it with new stuff takes too much time and too many steps (click edit, copy & paste your new comment, click save) compared to the solution I suggest. I know this forum can handle it like I said and it's so much easier.

    I am somebody who likes to quote and answer directly to quotes instead of quote person 1 and answer that post, scroll down a bit, see person 2, quote that person, write a comment, copy & paste it to edit your old comment just to go on and find person 3 you want to quote again. If a thread has many comments or you missed it for some hours / a day it gets quite hard to edit one comment with all of your replies and quotes. I mean sure, you could do it. But there is a much easier way to achieve this, by letting the forum make this for you.


    What I suggest is exactly that but instead of you editing your comment every time the forum does this automatically without requiring consent. And it only does this when there is no newer reply to the thread. If I post two comments in a row it will be merged to one "edited" comment. If I post a comment and another one posts a newer comment and I post another comment just 10 seconds later it will be two comments because it just merges comments when they follow each other without anything in between. If you haven't experienced this option in another forum it's hard to understand what I mean but if you frequently use forums where this is the status quo you will quickly realize how much better this is.

  5. I know this thing from other forums (Elder Scrolls Online forums use the same template as this and have this option).


    Sometimes it's very clunky to quote, edit and copy & paste a comment when you directly want to answer another player after you commented once.


    Can we have an option that your comments are merged if you post in a thread two times, three times etc. in a row and there is no other comment in between?


    So instead of having two separate comments (or more) we have one comment which gets edited automatically.

  6. > @CornishRose.2815 said:

    > If you boost a character to level 80 now, you have 80 Hero points to full up your skills ready and willing.

    > If you then want to world complete, ie, go get all the in world Hero Points in central tyria (and HOT if you have it), you will then accrue enough Hero Points to almost walk into POF and almost go straight into the POF Class Specialisms.

    > This is the difference between manually leveling your characters and boosting them. I have 3 traditionally levelled characters, and 2 boostered ones. I have a kitten of a lot more Hero Points spare on my boosted characters.

    > for example, my first ele, levelled traditionally, 100% map completion, full HOT tempest, only has 35 spare Hero Points. My boosted Rev, full HOT Herald, 60% map completion (so at least 50 more Hero points to get) already has 170 extra Hero Points to put towards the POF renegade Elite.


    > Unless they have decided to completely change the way you accrue the POF Hero Points.... then its allll a waste.


    I read it twice but I don't understand it: why does your boosted characters have more skill points than the ones you played from 1-80 all by yourself?

  7. Hey there! Some days ago I opened this thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1932/is-it-possible-to-level-a-new-toon-to-80-in-4-days-and-enjoy-it#latest where I asked if it's possible to level a new toon to 80.


    I really want to play PoF when it comes out but without rushing through the 1-80 content we already have (I appreciate every bit of content in GW2 too much to rush). So instead of leveling a new toon I just though about creating a lvl 1 toon, boosting him to 80 and starting with him into PoF and doing all the other 1-80 stuff after I "finished" PoF. Is that something possible and something that could work? If yes, what should I do with the boosed level 80 before PoF launches on Friday?

  8. > @Epphyx.5078 said:

    > 3) It promote the idea that only positive thoughts are allowed on the forum. But without criticism there's no progress only stagnation.


    Wrong. If you disagree with something a simple "Thumbs Down" doesn't help. If you don't care to explain why you disagree you don't deserve a simple tool to disagree with (or in some cases harass) others.


    If you disagree with something, please explain WHY you disagree with it. This enforces a discussion culture.

  9. > @Panda.1967 said:

    > > @Glott.7239 said:

    > > I heard that stacking boons with constantly changing values are very taxing on the servers so maybe it would be better to have it stack not in intensity nor duration but ticks instead. More like stability if you will. 1 stack of regeneration would be 1 heal tick, obviously with a much higher base value. Like this it still be a heal over time but not a permanent think you carry around and not care much about, rather something you would want to spike a lot of on people when you expect or try to recover from a lot of damage.


    > Stacking in ticks, wouldn't really be any different than it is now... that's still just stacking duration when you boil it all down. It's just a different way of stacking duration.


    Well, if it would work as I suggest stacking in ticks would change something when additional ticks don't increase the Regen duration but reduce the amount of time between ticks. Instead of every 1 second it ticks every 0.9 seconds and in the end we have an additional tick - with more healing power it is reduced to 0.8, 0.7 etc. with 2 or 3 or more ticks added into the usual duration window.


    Let me quote myself:


    > @Nyel.1843 said:


    > **Version 3:** Base regeneration is 10.000 over 10 seconds (10 ticks a 1000) - every 5000 Healing Power there will be one additional tick within the timeframe of 10 seconds (11.000 healing over 10 seconds via 11 ticks so the time between ticks is reduced and instead of every 1 second it heals every 0,9 seconds): 1. 1000 - 2. 1000 - 3. 1000 ... - 11. 1000


    > **Verion 5:** similar to V3 but with a different approach: instead of adding more ticks you keep the amount of ticks but reduce the duration (instead of 10.000 healing over 10 seconds with 10 ticks it will be 10.000 healing over 9 seconds (with 5000 Healing Power) via 10 ticks etc.)



  10. Title says it all. I plan to create a new Necromancer (already got a Human Necromancer at 73) which I'll make my main character. I am quite into GW2 lore and that's why I want to use a race most fitting to the Necromancer class.


    I've come to the decision that it'll either be Sylvari or Human. And that's where I want your opinion: which race fits Necromancer the best? And why?

  11. > @OriOri.8724 said:

    > > @Nyel.1843 said:

    > > > @onevstheworld.2419 said:

    > > > Is there a reason for another balance patch? The last one was presumably to prepare for PoF. There's only 4 days left... the next balance patch will be PoF itself.

    > >

    > > That's my question though. Will the PoF "launch Patch have balancing fixes or not. I am not up to date with GW2 that's why I'm asking. :)


    > Yes. We've already been told that the elite specs underwent a lot of changes. So it will be a balance patch at least for the new elite specs compared to what we saw in the demo weekend. We also saw evidence of some more balance changes (notably core ele getting barrier, and supposed changes to power reaper) weeks before the demo weekend that were not included in the pre-PoF balance patch. So maybe those are going to come with PoF as well.


    Thank you!

  12. > @lagrimabendita.8763 said:

    > > @Lancaeron.1524 said:

    > > There is the Water Attunement, for Elementalists. Staff skills are very much dedicated for healing/support.


    > I find the Water ele as support/healer very bland. But hey it is just my opinon.




    Me too but most likely because Regeneration feels so unsatisfying.

  13. > @Sigmoid.7082 said:

    > > @Nyel.1843 said:

    > > How likely is it to reach the 50% HP cap though? I only have some beta videos as reference but it didn't seem likely by applying 2 or 3 Barriers to reach the cap.

    > On who now? Yourself or others? It entirely depends on what sort of investment you have placed into vit,healing power., and sources of barrier.


    Well, on any player. I don't know for sure that's why I'm asking. Saw a video of a Necro with Healing Power and the Barriers had values of 3-5k. Not that into theorycrafting but it seemed quite unlikely that one Scourge can place 50% HP barriers. I am happy for some more insights.


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