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Posts posted by Deepcuts.9740

  1. **10 seconds**

    How to achieve:

    1. Enter FotM via a lfg stating only T4+recs.

    2. Start seeing requests for various titles and KPs.

    3. Maybe even a "your class is useless. change"

    4. Leave FotM

    5. Use the rest of 29:50 minutes to rub the labrador's belly instead of playing with such people.


  2. VPN might help when your route to Anet is in the 3 digit zone, like 200-300+, circling the globe because reasons..

    But when the client shows 40-50 ms without any spikes, yet the skill lag is measured in seconds, the mother of all VPNs won't help.

    It is server side. Code or resource starvation. Or both.

    Also, they won't do a thing about it while people still buy the game and gems for shiny, worthless fluff.


  3. Only did T1 Sunqua like 4-5 times as a harrier Druid. Did not even try T4.

    Without exception, ended up finishing the run in 2 players, rest being dead. One run, I was the only one alive.

    Another run we actually started as 2 players party and finished without problems. Might be the scaling? Or just the final boss not bugging? Who knows.

    Cannot recall this happening on any other T1 fractal in the past.

    This fractal reminds me of...me when I started learning programming: write code, compile, run=error, leave the room for days. Repeat until mostly error free or just gave up.

    Come to think of it, most programming today seems to be like that.

    The difference is: I never asked money or get payed for my code.

  4. What I would like changed in PvE: faster spirit activation.

    Too many times I activate one, the animation plays but the skill gets interrupted for reasons.

    I think I have some spirit up, when in fact it is not. Constantly checking my skill bar. No fun really.

    I really dislike the speed with which I can activate 4 spirits, sometimes all 5 of them in a row.

    If high dps group, by the time I spawn my spirits the group moved a long time ago.


    Horrible experience as a Druid.


  5. Searched a bit, could not find any reports/my search is subpar.


    In Bjora Marches, for some time now, [Raven Locks](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Raven_Lock) are not always activating on 1st try.

    Today I had to activate one 5 times to open a barrier.

    Same issue in Raven Sanctum, with the one that activates the light on 2nd stage. The light does not appear and I cannot activate it again.


    To me it looks like the ball of energy is shooting in the wrong direction when it is not activating.

  6. @KeyOrion.9506 I wish this was just an excuse from someone at Anet who did not wanted to be bothered fixing it, because if they cannot even find an object on a map, what expectations should we have for them to fix their lag ridden servers?

  7. I bet this is a social experiment.

    Management.6969: We need some serious expenses cuts. Ideas?

    Employee.6666: I got you boss. We deploy plan X: "How long will people still login and try to play this while we move everything to the cheapest AWS instance"

    Management.6969: I like the idea, specially in regards to a single instance! You just got promoted!

    Employee.6666: Wait, I meant instance**s** . Never mind. I like this promotion.

  8. Did a chill T1 run for the 1st time.

    Nice view.

    A bit too long.

    We have jumping puzzles for ....jumping. No need for a fractal with this.

    Final boss is a mess with too much HP and weird strategy (if any). I got the gather 3 balls and then jump to disperse something part. Rest, not so much.

    Managed to stay alive just because I was a healing/boon druid. Finished the boss in 2 people.

    Forgettable experience and might cause some shell shock on T4 if not adjusted heavily.


    I wonder: when they tested this on T4 prior to release...did they use god mode and never bothered to disable it? Just a guess. Haven't seen T4.

  9. I never understand players taking Anet's side on this, saying "but it costs money, so no go".

    Me thinks that a lot if not all these posts are from undercover Anet, because I really cannot comprehend players not wanting a better experience (see D912pxy).

    Last time I checked, 99% of my guild bought all expansions and a lot of them buy gems with real money frequently.

    And as long as smaller companies with a LOT smaller player base and a LOT smaller income can do it, I really can't put the blame on anyone but Anet for this.


  10. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Deepcuts.9740" said:

    > > Remember the 1st day Southsun Cove released? That beautiful frame by frame zerg....


    > Slide shows happen when your hardware can't handle the load of players. Skill and action delays due to latency is a totally different story, a server sided issue.


    As I wrote that sentence, a voice in my head said: "Someone will most definitely correct you".

    Slide shows=everything freezes for everyone, then everything moves again. Skills not activating. Rinse and repeat.

  11. Seen many times: player spawns near a freaking useless vegetable bush, farms it while not moving one bit then disappears.

    Very hard to think that a poor vegetable node would make a player park they character there.

    Maybe if there were 4-6 nodes in close proximity like the ones in Verdank Brink for example...yes. But this is not the case.

    And this has been going on since the beginning. So stuff like "we need to monitor so we ban in waves" means nothing and does nothing.

    I would say the teleporting got a lot worse in the last couple of months. That, or I like to watch nodes more then usual.


  12. I just wish the formula for RNG Anet is using was made public.

    I can't be sure of course, but to me it looks like Anet is not totally honest about it.


    Buy 1 chest and have 1 in 100 chances you win something worth while is not the same as 1 in 100000000.

    And the best part for Anet is they can call it RNG, their fans can call it RNG but the reality is nobody but Anet know how RNG the process actually is.

    On top of that it has been known they like to "tweak" drop rates for anything in game as they see fit. Why would they stop there when they can "tweak" BL chests also.

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