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Posts posted by Deepcuts.9740

  1. Took a break.

    Came back to this...joke form of a Druid.

    Quickly remembered why I took the break. I see the devs that never actually play the classes they maul to death are still alive and kicking.

    Too bad, so sad love bread.

  2. > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > > @"Deepcuts.9740" said:

    > > No farming. No TP flipping. No lucky drops.

    > > Plain old swiping the plastic.

    > > This is the only way to have such a high account value.


    > This is false.


    If believing 819,120k (at the time of writing) gold can be achieved by flipping TP (without insider trading) and no real money makes you feel better, by all means, keep on doing that.

    note: no clue if gw2efficiency lists only their registered accounts or all guild wars 2 accounts.



  3. Unfortunately, fractals are not on my daily to do list anymore.

    I just have a bit more work towards fractal god, but I rather keep my sanity than have an achievement.

    Parties fill up very slowly and when they do, you usually get fresh new people with very low experience. Usually the kind of people that tend to think highly of themselves but can't back that up with actual skills.

    Add the new fucking instabilities in the mix and you get yourself a recipe for disaster.

    Once in a blue moon you might get a decent party and can finish the chore without any drama.


  4. What I understood from this thread is: I like playing class A. Forget about class B. Class A looks tastier and more people will play it.

    Maybe a mix of "I like class A and B". F class C and D"

    My crazy idea is: play what you like with whoever you like.

    You don't have a group and have to go lfg like most of us mortals? Tough luck.

  5. Wiped 10 times last night.

    No matter how many times I told my party to try to cleave and kill adds, don't just focus the boss, nobody listened.

    Actually, some were adamant about it. "lol, just focus boss".

    I agree that instabilities play a big part, but too many people are trying to skip as much content and mechanics as they can. I could understand even that, but when you see that some strategies don't work, one should adjust and try something else. Don't just bang your head against the wall ad infinitum.

    Also, SR sux.

  6. What's the point in expressing our opinions?

    The people in charge with "balancing" never seem to read forums and just do what they want anyway.

    Also, I have a strong impression that they don't actually play the end game content, or else, most of these changes would have not even be up for discussion.

    So many popular requests have gone without a response for years, while stuff that NOBODY requested is implemented.

    I think they don't even load the game client anymore. Just look at some tabular data and then add or subtract some % or seconds to random skills.

    "Let's just do this and that so the players will have the impression that we do something for the game"


  7. Lost track of how many people I saw joining raid squads with clear requirements stated in LFG, that once in the squad, they kept quiet as a mouse. No ping at all.

    When asked, most of the time, they will keep quiet.

    If they actually say something, they start complaining that "how can I get KP if nobody allows me to play?"

    If you tell them to join training runs, most will say "training runs are for nubs! lul"

    If I make the mistake to give them a chance, 99% of the time I will be very sorry.

    For a long time, when commanded a raid squad, I did not kick anyone. Just spoke with them and explain them that this is not a training run.

    But...so many people have a very thick skin. They won't take no for an answer and won't leave the squad no matter what.

    So I started kicking. Man oh man, the mouth on some of the people if they get kicked for not meeting the requirements on LFG. Makes you want to disinfect the monitor.

    By the way, would love a fix from Anet so when someone gets the boot from a squad, they should not be able to join the squad for some time.



  8. Usually play a Druid.

    I am using ArcDPS.

    It is not about min/max dps or buffs but about people carrying their own weight.

    I lost count how many people I carried as a healer that had the same DPS as me. (there are more buttons to be pressed then 1 1 1 1 1 )

    I lost count how many people I carried as a DPS that had very very very low boons/healing. (please stop playing support if you don't like it and have the right gear)

    People complaining about meters got carried hard and of course they don't like it.

  9. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Guerradellepere.2784" said:

    > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > > you do not need to type in an URL, just say you are on killproof.me, then they just need to enter your accountname there. it is fast, easy and almost impossible to fake (you would need to hack the server or bribe the dev)

    > > > posting the URL is only good to advertise killproof.me to people who are unaware of it

    > >

    > > But commander still needs to alt tab and write account name on mask

    > >

    > >


    > And this necro was needed why?


    And your issue is? Does it interfere with your game play or forum experience? Its not like the last post was from 2017.

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