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Posts posted by Deepcuts.9740

  1. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Deepcuts.9740" said:

    > > So, any of you two has a link to some CM videos showing full DPS comp. without a healer?


    > 100CM 3 weaver, 1 chrono, 1 bannerslave meta comp:



    > There is also 100CM solo videos of bosses.


    > Same goes for 99CM.


    Nice run.

    With that dps, things go fast.

    I call myself lucky if my party can sustain 15k :)

    But usually, it falls under 10k :(

  2. Never seen so many bugs as I have seen during today's T4 run.

    Deepstone: at room with 4 orbs we all died. When we resurrected, we could not enter the puzzle again. Path blocked by black smoke like curtain./gg did not fix anything. We had to exit.

    Moten Furnace: end boss. The attacks did not stop for 3 minutes and the center target was unavailable to attack. We had to exit.


    And this in only one T4 run.

    Somebody is playing with fractals and not doing a very good job at it.

  3. It is not nice of me to say this, but this is just a learn to play problem.

    The more you practice, the more you start developing the precog in you and avoid lethal blows.


    Some people don't want to train for anything anymore. A good example is the latest fractal Deepstone.

    When it became available, I joined a level 11 run of Deepstone to see what is what. Learned a bit the mechanics and what to expect.

    One hour later, I joined a level 84 Deepstone and to my surprise, the other 4 in the party had no idea what to do and were going splat all over the place, while in the same time accusing everyone else but themselves for it, proving that they did not have the decency of trying the fractal on a lower difficulty scale to learn its mechanics.


    Another good example is almost any training group for old raids.

    The squad is formed and ready to go, but 1st timers without any knowledge of the raid are dead quiet. If anyone asks "anyone needs any pointers?", dead silence again. So as soon as the party starts, 1st timers will wipe, taking the rest of the squad with them.

    If any tactic is not fully understood, nobody will ask for pointers, cause you know, asking is a stigma these days. Anyone can do anything!


    And lastly, veterans without any patience, but with a lot of self importance can cause problems with difficult fractals.

    If one or more people in party looks to be "a noob", those veterans will be mighty fast at pointing that out, causing unnecessary drama, instead of giving some tips. Many times these so called veterans will just leave at the very first sign of trouble, or vote to kick, because of course they never make mistakes, creating some of those @lastboss lfgs.


    What I would really like is for the rewards to go up a bit for the more challenging/time consuming fractals/content and not the difficulty to be scaled down.

  4. For all wanna be heroes @ 99 and 100 CM (and more) going splat and crying "healer very sux", please:

    1. stop standing in all possible AoEs

    2. you need to actually be near the healer to get healed. A bit harder when on the opposite side of the boss.

    3. having a healer does not mean you get to stack on the boss and smash skill 1 while dropping a nice shiny Flux Bomb, standing on other people while having Social Awkwardness and thinking Last Laugh is a new show on Comedy Central

    I wish a healer could mitigate all that damage, but it does not work like that


    Yes, sometimes healer might very well "very sux". But look 1st in the mirror and think that others play that content without ANY healer.

  5. I gave up using lfg with EXP in it.

    Most people have no idea what EXP or even Experienced means. Or at least they act like they don't know. Or they think they can just get carried and nobody will notice.


    Other examples are:

    80+ - I get a lot of level 50-60 that get mad if you ask them to leave the party

    Food - "lol you don't need food for this, are you noob?"

    Potions - "I don't buy potions because I need the relics"

    150AR - "What is AR?"

    Chill people only please - Rage quit 1st fail

    DPS - Most do 5-6K at T4

    CM - No clue what do to and don't bother telling anyone they are 1st timers.

    Title - "What?"

    Full run - they leave after 1st path because that was the only one they needed/wanted

    Daily T4s - they leave after the 1st one because that was the only one they needed/wanted

    Daily T4s + Rec - they leave after T4s because those were the only ones they needed/wanted



    The point is: get religious and just pray you get decent folks.

  6. I do not see a way to report people who buy gems with real money, then buying all the radiant dust from the market, creating a real advantage for them and a real disadvantage for me when need to buy radiant dust!

    They don't even have to be afk at all! Just input CC details and bam!

    Wait, I never buy radiant dust...





  7. Did a lot of dungeon runs to finish my dungeon collections.

    Most people don't bother getting dungeon specific food, so I usually bought food for all the dungeons I planned doing that run.

    Now...I had to email those to the party. Oh joy oh joy "your message was suppressed"

    Would be nice to increase the limit to 5-10 emails for those in the same party/squad/guild/fiend list.

    Guess we should not hold our breath tho until this might get implemented.


  8. I am glad you found some helpful player actually mentoring. Rare bread.

    In my experience, 99,9999% of players with a mentor tag are using the tag to ask for help (not offer help) or, "help" others find events.

    At least rename the tag to something other then Mentor, because for the vast majority of use cases it has absolutely nothing to do with mentoring.

    Or allow the tag only for veteran players, with X number of hours played or X amount of achievement points. You know, someone who might actually know a thing or two about the game.

    I, for one, am really tired of seeing so called mentors all over the map.

    I really wish there was an option to turn off mentor tag visibility.


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