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  1. To be honest, Grenade Kit was pretty strong on Scrapper and Holosmith. The former got a lot of sustain from the pure damage it provided, and with its additional quickness, it was able to diss out a lot of damage. The latter is generally an upgrade to core anyways, so as long as core traitline reworks doesn't happen, it will probably stay that way. Sadly, since skills team is probably busy with the new round of elite specs, we probably won't see any reworks. The kit only felt fair on Core, where you could decide to go all in on damage, and be squishy as hell, or go for a more defensive set-up, but not beign able to do decent damage. It sucks that it is nerfed hard now for core, because the kit provided an easy to pick up, and decent damage build for core.
  2. Finally! I made it into a montage video! \o/ Jokes aside, this build looks fun. Probably going to try to learn it when I get time to play again.
  3. Remember when core engi with bomb kit was the best engi spec to raid with, at the start of HoT? Anyways, core engi sucks in high end PvE, because all you want there is pure damage output. In that regard, Holosmith >> Tools, Scrapper kind of equal to Tools, but it gives extra utility, and survivability. (Comparing to Tools, because that is our third, semi damage focused line.) If they wanted to bring core engineer to the meta, they would have to nerf Holosmiths condi output, buff kit condi damage, and make Tools minor trait: Excessive Vigor, to affect condi damage. This way core engi becomes the go-to condi spec, holo becomes our power spec, and scrapper becomes the laid back dps, or support. > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > Is any other core build much better off in PvE? The meta is all PoF or HoT specs (which incidently include both holo and scrapper). Core Guardian is better than DH, when you can keep high Aegis uptime.
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