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Posts posted by Kraitan.8476

  1. And not a single fucking mount skin from in-game achievements or rewards... Rightnow mount skins only display that you're a dumb fuck who threw money at his screen trying to desperately get what he wants. Thanks for funding my next expac kids. I will keep my money to myself and pay another 25 euros for another expac in 2-3 years. Untill then Anet will have to drain the dumb.

  2. Agree, really can't compete in pvp with it (on a high level, vs opponents on decent builds rotating correctly), not really great for raids or high tier fractals either. Imo traits & especially the utilities (Stances) need a change (& not just numerical adjustments..)

  3. Thing is, they implemented/dropped in the 2v2 map and didn't give us a queue for it. WHERE IS THE LOGIC? Seriously, what was the point of that? Do they expect players to go to HoTM or use the LFG: 2 players LOOKING FOR 2 other players to fight. Come on... what is this shit...

    Edit: constructive part: give us an unranked 2v2 queue & add a daily 2v2 match win. There we go, that wasn't so hard and will keep a lot of players interested for quite some time. EZ.

  4. > @Loop.8106 said:

    > So, Gaile Gray just made a post stating that the balance patch is releasing at the same time as the new pvp season. This means, ANY over-nerfs and / or buffs will be set in stone for the entire season. Once again.


    > How is it not possible to have this done after five weeks?

    > How is it okay to keep going back on your words, time and time again? "We will release quarterly balance patches between pvp seasons."

    > How is it okay to have no communication to your playerbase?

    > and most importantly. How do you just pretend that the sun is shining? When it's clearly a kitten tornado heading your way?


    > I'm actually speechless. Which says a lot, because I was expecting nothing to begin with.


    At this point I'm trying to train the ability to have negative expectations, since while having no expectations at all they still find a way to disappoint. My new expectations are: next week another crap patch, then another 6 months for the follow up to fix that & finally in 2018 they will remove pvp from the game. Now let's see how they manage to top that.

  5. In it's current condition I feel like it will take Anet at least a year of balancing to get soulbeast viable in any way shape or form. I really hope they aren't afraid to go big on it and if neccesary tweak it down a little after. But who am I kidding, this spec will never be meta.

  6. > @Seteruss.4058 said:

    > I'm so satisfied that i'm playing all day long....with my druid :bleep_bloop:


    I personally didn't like druid because of the passive AA on staff, and the support type spec in general but Hey! At least it worked, at least I could fight other players with it. I won't complain because I don't like how a spec turns out but soulbeast just DOESN'T WORK ON ANY LEVEL - sorry for the caps, felt required.

  7. Lol Ash, I just read that necro forum and saw the exact same wording in this title so hard to come & check it out. Sadly I don't think Devs are aware of this classes' existence, so for them to randomly appear on this part of the forum would be nothing short of a miracle. I do feel your question, I main ranger & mostly only pvp eversince GW1 came out but since PoF hit I'm just sitting in LA on my mount, wondering what the point of this spec was & wondering why I play this game and wondering why this class still has the biggest & oldest buglist of any of them. Some clarification on what we're supposed to do with this class would be nice. I even tried the default build Anet made for soulbeast but it's a complete joke on which I could write a 5000 word essay of all the stupidities. I won't tho, at this point I just can't be arsed to give a fuck anymore. Peace out

  8. Yeah this is definetely how you kill your pvp scene. I've played over 7000 games in 5k hours because the combat is fun but pvp hasn't been fun for ages and every ''major quarterly balance patch'' so far has been pretty disappointing in my opinion. Guess I should quit the game at some point anyway, might as well now.

    Oh and yeah, HAPPY HALLOWEEN GUYS!

  9. Yeah this is definetely how you kill your pvp scene. I've played over 7000 games in 5k hours because the combat is fun but pvp hasn't been fun for ages and every ''major quarterly balance patch'' so far has been pretty disappointing in my opinion. Guess I should quit the game at some point anyway, might as well now.

  10. > @Kaga.7629 said:

    > Game is barely keeping tabs on all the moving pieces ( see pets unable to hit moving targets, leaps going all kinds of random places and whatnot ) and then you want to have the game figure out where everyone is clicking.... and to relay that info ?


    > like the others said, too much potential for abuse, and i don't think the devs would think this one is worth the squeeze.


    To help me understand, could you describe a situation in spvp where this info could actually be abused?

  11. > @ParanoidKami.2867 said:

    > Would clutter up the UI. Also, it's bad for the player as it can give away a person using certain tactics.


    would clutter the UI? that's a quick conclusion without even discussing how it could be implemented. Also seeing your opponents current target is quite normal in other MMO's and generally improves the complexity.And bad for the player because it can give away tactics? Not sure that really applies as it usually takes about 0.5s to figure out who the warrior has targeted. It's more QoL than gameplay-changing really.

  12. > @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

    > > @Kraitan.8476 said:

    > > Am I the only one who's hoping for any kind of instanced pvp that isn't on a tiny map fighting in tiny circles? Come on.


    > I've pretty much gave up on hope, for it happening in GW2. And currently playing other games that not only have that. But are fully supporting it as well. Whenever I have the need to instanced pvp that's not circle dancing.


    Yeah sometimes I feel like going back to WoW just for some warsong gulch/arathi basin games, sadly I never do it because the rest of the game doesn't appeal to me anymore and its such a geargrind :/

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