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Posts posted by Kraitan.8476

  1. Agree, new expac, new spec, new weapon? JK, dagger been dead since pof launch. It's fun for hitting somewurms in pve but for any kind of pvp/wvw, dagger is just never ever worth it, maybe if dagger 3 was an evade it'd be more viable but even then its still meh. I mean, compare the utility and shit warriors have on their dagger, then look at soulbeast dagger and its just shit dmg with trashy condies which will never do the job.

    Dear Anet, please rework it so I can use the weapon I once used-to-be excited about getting for my ranger.

  2. Nodes should be changed the following way: put a flag in the center of them and in order to cap it you channel just like you’d channel tranq (any dmg interrupts). This would make fights more about winning the fight and capping between fights rather then camping and nuking the hell out of a circle or bunkering them by chaining evades etc. I think conquest not being about standing on nodes would make it very refreshing and solve some of the balance issues along with it and I think it would over time create a more engaging meta for the game.

  3. > @"Chaith.8256" said:


    > But the point is that monthly AT gizmos are a legit show of skill that you can't attain if you're unworthy.


    They are for now, remember titles once were prestigious. That's beside OP's point though. Point was titles used to mean something and now they are more or less a meme which can hopefully change a bit if only players who earned them got have them. How to do this is another question :/



  4. Also I wouldn’t say the teams responsible for balance and stronghold aren’t very bright. Seems like any good idea they ever have is fixing obvious stuff that the community notices 6+ months before they attempt to fix it. Expecting these guys to create a fun good mode seems unrealistic to me. They have enough of a struggle with pvp as it is..

  5. We need some open form of 15v15 ish with multiple objectives where players can just focus on buildcrafting & combat instead of being forced into conquest where the build that shits out most pressure in a circle while evading wins. People seem to forget that a lot of these so called pvp/balance issues are the result of the only pvp game mode this MMO has.

  6. > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

    > > @"Kraitan.8476" said:

    > > Awesome patch, I LOVE it. Can finally run frost trap with a clean conscience


    > Wait the 25% dmg increase actually had an effect >.>

    > Still no goid trap but well fune by me i deviated from trapper builds since PoF.


    Sorry it was sarcastic, I would not encourage using it :P

  7. @"Ardenwolfe.8590" it would find a better place if mesmer wasnt so cheesy, if thief didnt have to press 2 buttons to be effective, if warriors didnt have 1000 bonus toughness trait and a visually buggy full counter. If necros didnt shit out condis by looking at you (why did they design stances to be so boon dependent anyway?? sb could have been a kind of counter to boonstrip with those stances:( ) and maybe if holo didnt have perma all boons with huge dmg & cc. Maybe then soulbeast would genuinely be fun to play but vs somewhat skilled players it’s 99% frustration and wondering why I even bother still :(

  8. But ye kudos for posting & trying to help. You can also report these bugs ingame but honestly you might just wanna play another class if this kind of bug already makes you post on these forums ;) you’re gonna find way more, post way more & lose a lot more faith of anything changing while other classes just spam 1-2 buttons to be ‘meta’.

  9. Yea noticed it too, sadly I think it’s never getting fixed because the whole balance team needs about 2 more years to rework thief & mesmer because of favoritism. Like read last balance patch notes and ask yourself: howmuch did actually change for my class? Barely anything mate, its been like that for multiple patches now and will remain so. Meanwhile the huge buglist that exists (and has for years) remains unseen/unnoticed/ignored by the Anet eye. Seriously, unless ranger gets a bug that makes them immortal gods oneshotting every other class while being invuln, unless that happens, don’t expect bugfixes :)

  10. Sadly soulbeast isnt any better. Dagger as a mainhand weapon is close to completely unplayable in pvp. Traitwise there still are too many bad pick pushing everyone into 33% condi reduc and stances or a boring 10% dmg. Let’s not get started on utilities because the majority is outperformed by core ranger utils and tl;dr soulbeast may look or appear better in light of druid nerfs but compared to actual meta, it’s a very very sub par specialization, only second worst to renegade..

  11. ' Scrap it for a powerful, active function such as: Pet swap instantly refreshes Beastmode cooldown.' Love it, I didn't think about alternatives too much but literally any other function would probably be an interesting improvement.

  12. Can this 'grandmaster' trait get some love? It's a 3.9k heal (can scale to 5.5k with mender amulet) and 3 seconds of protection on going down while merged. Please buff this, it's a joke: 3.9k becomes 2.6k while poisoned (which you pretty much always are in combat) and this results in this trait giving us additional health to absorb 1 more autoattack when we go down (every 90s). I just can't findany reason to ever use this compared to the other traits. More reasonable would be a 6-7k base heal scaling up to 9k with healing power. Maybe also cleanse 3 conditions when it procs? It would still not break the meta in any way but it would give soulbeasts a third trait to choose as grandmaster. It's flavorless and underpowered rightnow.

  13. Just noticed that the 3 ability on spear (Surging Maw) almost never seems to be able to hit a moving target, it just dashes through targets and misses its goal almost every single time. Anyone else experiencing this? It used to be more reliable, might as well be an empty skill slot now.

  14. What for me as a long time player is frustrating is that REAL OBVIOUS balance mismatches are always tackled after at least 3-6+ months. Usually more towards the latter. Kudos for that ‘mesmer hotfix though (Anets’ worlds’ first HYPE.) It’s a shame that it didn’t cut it at all. The main issue im trying to describe is playing a fun game for years, but for several months of each year it’s just plagued with ‘meta’ and/or bugs. If they could manage to adress these issues faster I think everyone in general would be more enticed to play.

    Now before someone comes in here and says: ‘but balance requires testing etc before it can be implemented’. Sure, valid argument however let’s take chrono for example: Wouldnt it be better to overnerf the OP class and patch it up later? Instead of having an entire community with 8 other classes suffer for multiple seasons while you find the magic/surgical precision nerf you’ve been working on for months? Tldr is this: rather fuck over 1 class and let 8 others have fun meanwhile, than let it reign OP and have all non-mesmer players annoyed as fuck for multiple seasons. Cmmon @Anet what kind of logic is that?

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