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Posts posted by Kraitan.8476

  1. > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

    > > @"Kraitan.8476" said:

    > > If you play ranger you're gonna have to accept you will be using core elites for the rest of this games' lifetime ;)

    > I meant pvp :)

    > One wolf pack is fantastic. Its on par with entangle and SotP.



  2. Hey currently on twitch there's a good meme-rich 1v1 tourney going on called mysticbuilds. I don't know if this would be a lot of work but it would be nice if we could disable team colors as spectators? It's called Fasionwars 2 after all, let the players shine! ;)

  3. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > @Sinid.7460 said:

    > > 2v2 or even 3v3 can be fun with some combinations, but you do realize that it will end up being necro + support vs necro + support if you want to win these? It will be very easy to have stale matchups or annoying matchups that are decided before you even get to play because of the "rock, paper, scissors" factor. These will never work without straight up banning sustained builds from entering these.


    > We do have some balance concerns with 2v2's. I think when we have our first special 2v2 tournament, it will teach us a lot.


    Why not implement an unranked queue rightnow and use these months to see what the balance & meta in 2v2 will be so when your tournament comes you're already a step ahead? Will definitely up the quality of that 2v2 tournament if you've had feedback to work with before then.

  4. > @Auriam.8745 said:

    > > @Kraitan.8476 said:

    > > Why all these 2v2 maps if we can NOT have a 2v2 queue? Any news on that? (just unranked would be great) It's seems just so incredibly counterproductive..


    > I went into this thread first seeing the 2v2 support excited that we might get at least an unranked 2v2 queue, and then I move onto the Game Modes thread to see that they say they won't be adding any more queues. Some clarificaton on that would be great, as the thought of 2v2 would bring me back to PvP for sure.


    EXACTLY that. You have a small as fuck population so what do you do? A) Create more options for players to be attracted to & engage in pvp or B) Try to fix the game mode that has been killing that same population for over 5 years? Some clarification on this logic would really easy our minds. more modes means more people will be willing to try them out, maybe even like some of them and get drawn into all aspects of pvp from there. Please, bigger maps for both conquest & new modes aswell as a 2v2 unranked queue or at least just a reply with some kind of explanation would make many of us so very very happy..

  5. Hi! I wanted to ask: are there plans for any new game modes? mostly importantly: Modes with BIGGER maps and more players like 10v10 15v15. Where the objective is NOT to hold a small circle for a period of time. I know there is the argument: don't know how it will go, don't want to split the playerbase but to be honest, at some point something has to be done. Conquest can get stale, breeds toxicity and favors certain builds over others. I think in the end it comes down to either 1) providing the community with different game modes, letting them play the kind of pvp they prefer (be it conquest, 2v2s, larger scale 15v15) and grow the scene that way. The other option as I see it is 2) focus heavily on conquest and hope the scene can grow from there (which it hasn't & won't is my prediction). PLEASE give us other modes. Doesn't necessarily have to involve ranked aswell but a lot of us are looking for fun pvp without games being lost because 1 of your 4 teammates plays like shit & decides to afk. I know with a 15v15 an afk player will still suck. But the impact and chances of losing the game from that point on will be lowered significantly.

  6. Battle of Champion’s Dusk: early feedback: MAKE IT BIGGER. A game mode like that could easily work on a map the size of LA or bigger. It would be way more interesting when you can't see the enemies' every single move every single moment.

  7. ''The long and short of it is that we feel that splitting the population right now is really risky and could have a major negative impact on the game.'' On the other hand, adding some mode like possibly a 15v15 which doesn't come down to holding nodes, could maybe DRAW people to pvp. I played 10k games but I can fully understand any new player getting into pvp, starting with conquest, getting rekt once or twice and disregarding the entire idea of pvp because they did not enjoy the confusing toxic mode called conquest. That being said, could we maybe have an unranked queue for 2v2s? It's impossible to find enemies unless you get online with 3 friends but that gets boring pretty fast. It's as dead as stronghold atm. Third question: when can we expect any new map for conquest? Over the last 5 years it hasn't been much and it's been a while since the last map was introduced so I'm wondering if there's anything in the works?

  8. Anything on different game modes? conquest is rather intense & small scale and breeds toxicity & promotes bunker-y gameplay. After 10000 games this can become stale. Can we expect anything with larger maps, maybe 10v10, 15v15 or 20v20 with average 30-45 mins gameplay? (hinting at WSG/Arathi basin from WoW here)

    Furthermore, how about an unranked 2v2 queue? It could be so much fun but absolutely NOBODY will take the effort to find a suitable 2v2 enemy in LFG/PvP lobby meaning that the 2v2 map might as well not have been introduced, it's as dead as stronghold at this point and not because there's fundamental flaws with it, MERELY because it's so goddamn difficult to find players to fight without any queueu whatsoever.

  9. > @choovanski.5462 said:

    > they did know that it was going to die without a queue, we all told them so. we were ignored


    > sadly, anet has also told us that they have **NO INTENTION** to develop any new gamemodes. so you won't get it


    Do you happen to have a link to that quote? I'd love to see it

  10. Maybe if we had more than 1 tiny-ass map every year people would have faith. I basicly just pvp at this point, it’s the only ‘content’ I havent ‘finished’ but currently I’ve been thinking of quitting altogether. The amount of ‘love’ pvp has seen over 5 years is rediculous. No new modes(no, stronghold does not count), no frequent major balance, 5 year old bugs, and not even 1 new map a year on average. Add to that poor communication and no build templates. One might almost think pvp was never on any table. Long story short: I love your post and some of the ideas but reality is you should stop trying. Beating a dead horse here, it is not & will never be a priority to Anet. Its been bleeding for a long time and without intervention it will die eventually.

  11. Some

    Mates and I really love to play 2v2s. But going in lfg or hotm and looking for 2 enemies to fight makes it too much of a hassle to do it. I honestly feel like the newly added 2v2 map will see less playtime than the stronghold debacle. Does anyone have any insight as to what the point of adding it was? Surely they must have known it was going to die without a queue? Edit: sorry for bad editing etc, posted this from my phone which isn’t exactly the best of friends with the ‘new’ gw2 forums.

  12. 'two elite specs later, and I'm still always running entangle and sotp in pvp and wvw'

    Yeah man, Feelsbadman...

    After the balance patch (which included mostly bugfixes & mountskins btw) I still can't get soulbeast to work properly in pvp/wvw. It's really frustrating to think about what it could have been vs. what it is indeed. Just some numerical changes won't fix this spec so I'm not expecting Anet to fix it anytime soon @ this rate.

    Back to Holo!

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