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Posts posted by Khisanth.2948

  1. > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

    > > @"bastet.9321" said:

    > > Thought repairs were kept in to keep people/groups from just endlessly zerging/leap frogging stuff like high leveled/ranked enemies in an endless tide

    > >

    > > Maybe I'm just crazy


    > That rings a bell, vaguely, linked to the change in dungeon boss fights way far back when, to obstruct what they called "rez rushing".


    That is taken care of by preventing WP use if anyone on the party is in combat.

  2. It is either a bug or just further proof that rarity categories mean nothing since each item can have their own rates within each group. We didn't really need more proof though since previous data already showed that was the case.


    > @"Sylvyn.4750" said:

    > Huh, and here I bought 3 of those bags from the guild vendor using guild tokens and got one of the 8g statues...and my magic find is not even halfway to max, I believe...so yes, maybe less magic find is better as Frizz stated above.


    Those are not the same bags. The ones OP is referring to is bought with essence of luck.

  3. > @"Sylvyn.4750" said:

    > Lots of buffs seem to have a condition counterpart...slow vs quickness, protection vs vulnerability...should they all just cancel out? Seems like that would really hurt condi builds if there were more ways to remove condis in addition to all the traits, skills and weapon procs that also remove condis.


    that is boon vs condition not condition vs condition


    OP's idea is pretty stupid.


    Go search for all the posts complaining about the problems with combos and combo fields. Have you ever seen someone asking "we need to spread this problem to other parts of the game"? That is basically what OP is offering.

  4. > @"sorudo.9054" said:

    > an option to remove armor (like in the make-over shop) would fix this, able to zoom a bit further out could be a small change that helps tons.


    or just starting with a larger window


    the preview window isn't even large enough for some daggers

  5. > @"Tridentuk.1625" said:

    > Have you checked here yet?

    > https://www.peuresearchcenter.com/benchmarks.html


    > Also reference gold per hour, or mention how many hours you've played to get 50 gold. If you say "can't get past 50 gold per day" that naturally sounds like you've literally stayed up 24 hours and you just can't manage to break 50 gold.


    > I think I probably end up with like 25-30 gold per day off 5 hours average (obviously quite abit more if you consider the value of alternative currencies). I'll do one run of icebound chests and winterberries, dailies, then play pvp and fractals, then do whatever. It varies though cos I tend to hoard my mats and sell a bunch at once when they overflow my 500 limit.


    > If you just grind all of the most valuable maps (and do tricks with switching characters and maps to reset) the benchmark would probably be something like 90-100gold/5hrs.


    There was a time in LA I saw someone mentioning a very impressive amount of gold per day. Impressive until they mentioned that they were playing 12 hours a day.

  6. > @"Tyncale.1629" said:

    > > @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

    > > There is only 2 items in the games that requires Funerary Incense, Vision and Coalescence. All gen2 legendary weapons can be gotten using the HoT path using crystalline ingots. This is a non issue. Also can we stop this trend of "I personally hate X, so it should be changed for the Steam players" excuses.

    > Yes, after I saw what a pita those Funerary Incenses were, I went with the HoT path. And Dragons Stand meta's are still kinda fun, and done a lot in Euro time zones. Definitely the way to go here.


    > So I guess the OP has a bit of a point that they could make the Incenses somewhat easier to get. I do quit a bit of content in PoF, but even then Elegy Mosaics and Trade Contracts come in too slow for the harsh exchange rate to buy Incenses. So maybe offer 3 incenses per day for doing a Heart instead of one.



    Easier? O_o


    If you want to spin this into "time gating is awful game design" or maybe "repetitive and tedious tasks are bad game design" then sure but there is nothing difficult about the current design to begin with.


    Things are also made worse by OP's own choices. If there are multiple ways to obtain something and someone decides that they don't want to do any of the options then of course it will seem difficult.

  7. > @"Psykewne.3025" said:

    > > @"Spook.5847" said:

    > > I just suffered through an hour plus of one chapter to unlock a WvW track, and realized how many times I have been stuck in the same or a similar position - doing stuff I really dislike just to be able to play the game. Absolutely NOTHING should be required in the "personal story" or the Living World instance stuff for a person to go anywhere in the world, or to have a means to get the stuff in the game. There's nothing I dislike more than to be forced to do content like this - even JPs, which I despise, are not as bad (although the forced wintersday and clocktower JPs come close).

    > >

    > > Look, I dont care about cut scenes or voice acting in this case. If I want that, I can watch anime. I care about being able to play without worrying I will get disconnected or something and have to start over, or that I will be put in the same boat due to not realizing what a huge timesink I got into until it is almost time for work, etc. Having whatever insane, overly-costly open world requirements is fine - but requiring personal instances for unlocks is not. Just let us skip the entire thing if we want to, or play it for the mastery points BY CHOICE.


    > What WvW track was this?


    Pretty much all the LS track. They give similar rewards to the corresponding LS map as an alternative to playing on said map. Some items are even easier to obtain this way!


    Most tracks doesn't even require playing the full episode to unlock.

  8. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > My prediction? Stays the same.


    > This.


    > I fail to see how these recipes need updating. Did the HoT recipes get updated with the release of PoF? No. Same situation here.


    > Also @"lare.5129", you left out the conversion of Crystalline Ingot to Funerary essence, which while time gated, makes this resource entirely acquirable via HoT. **So again, no change needed even "if" PoF were to die out.**


    The Desert Highlands meta can also be done completely solo. Somewhat similar to going into DS and opening the pods that spawn with the map. Not great but still doable.

  9. This is ignoring the most important question.


    Why are people dying 8 times in a row so frequently that this is even a concern? In order to require 1 repair per hour you would need to die every 7.5 minutes. That is only half way through Kormir's monologue ...


    All those deaths are while NOT doing fractals, raids, strikes, PvP, or WvW since they all have either no armor damage, auto repair or repair options along the path players would take anyway when doing that content. That already eliminates all the content where you are most likely to die more frequently.


    That leaves open world, maybe dungeons and story instances.


    Additionally it would mean doing content where you are mostly solo since https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Noblesse_Oblige exist.



  10. > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > @"lokh.2695" said:

    > > Sure, let's have some options with skins that are made anyway.

    > >

    > > > @"Dragon.4782" said:

    > > >Why cant we have a miniature scimitar dagger, or a kukri? Hell, why not split charakams or sai's?

    > >

    > > If it helps: [sai](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Usoku%27s_Needle), [Kama](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragon_Kama), [Kukri](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Touch_of_Dhuum) are in-game already.


    > The way the kama and kukri are held really bothers me. Kama should be an axe skin at least tbh


    Daggers can be made to be held with a normal grip as seen in https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Reaper_of_Souls

  11. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > Cooking is really well done in this game. I don't use the craft enough in game, but the levelling of chef and the fun of discovery (despite the inventory madness) was highly enjoyable.


    > Not being able to enjoy a Quaggan Cheeseburger though due to rule one is a shame though...


    Hmm ... could try a seal burger

  12. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > I'm not a dev but I do cook a lot and I can tell you a lot of them are real foods, but the recipies have been tweaked to fit game mechanics.


    > For example [hummus](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bowl_of_Hummus) really is made from chickpeas, sesame seeds, lemon and garlic, although it usually includes oil as well. But the GW2 version is made with 1 chickpea, 1 sesame seed, a whole lemon and a whole head of garlic, which in real life would make....gritty, lemony garlic paste. (I really wouldn't want to taste test that.)


    > Even going by the pictures (6 chickpeas, about 20 sesame seeds, 1 lemon and 1 head of garlic) isn't much of an improvement. A realistic recipe would use something like 40 chickpeas, 40 seame seeds (both would actually be measured by weight or volume), 1/2 a lemon and about 1/8 of a head of garlic (1-2 cloves), plus vegetable oil, but that's impossible in-game becaue you can't use less than 1 of an ingredient and it would make it much more expensive to craft.


    I think one of the soup recipes use something like 10 sticks of butter ...


    Can you even fit 10 sticks of melted butter into a typical soup bowl?



  13. > @"ShadowCatz.8437" said:

    > > @"Ameepa.6793" said:

    > > A class that can press the special skill that every challenge has


    > Maybe a reminder that people need to set up a key bind to Special Action key in Option>Controls?


    It has one by default, the minus key(-).

    Unfortunately when rendered it just happens to look a lot like how other apps often rendered things that are unset ...

  14. > @"TheThief.8475" said:

    > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > > It wasn't directly tied to levels, but it's not like you started the game with all weapon skills unlocked.

    > >

    > > It wasn't tied to levels but the unlocks are faster at higher levels

    > >

    > > With the current system weapon skills unlock ...

    > > slot 2 at lv2

    > > slot 3 at lv4

    > > slot 4 at lv6

    > > slot 5 at lv8

    > >

    > > but you are lv2 as soon as you exit starting instance and walking near a single map objective(PoI/wp/etc.) gets you to lv3

    > > Characters also gain exp as essentially 2x rate for levels 1-15

    > >

    > > The old system was tedious if you wanted try different weapons while at low level. At higher level both are more ore less the same the same.

    > > Old system requires killing stuff to unlock each weapon's slots individually. Current system requires killing stuff to unlock each slot across all weapons. Both can be reduced to "killing stuff".

    > >

    > > Both system can be a bit tedious but the old one can be worse depending in some situation.

    > >


    > With old sistem you could unlock all skills for 2 weapons at level 4, ignoring quest and exploration to kill things and unlock skills, now you are somehow forced to explore and do quest, since, if you don't it takes a lot of time to level up. You had more freedom this is a fact.


    Killing mobs is one of the worst ways to accomplish anything in the game. Meanwhile exploration is one of the things the game was designed for.


    So in your opinion encouraging people to do the wrong thing is good but pushing them towards doing the intended thing is bad because "freedom". Are you a politician or planning to become one?


    > Don't tell me you can always level up by just killing things, no one would do that for no reason, to unlock skills maybe, yes :)


    Do you just plan to stay at lv4 forever?


  15. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > It wasn't directly tied to levels, but it's not like you started the game with all weapon skills unlocked.


    It wasn't tied to levels but the unlocks are faster at higher levels


    With the current system weapon skills unlock ...

    slot 2 at lv2

    slot 3 at lv4

    slot 4 at lv6

    slot 5 at lv8


    but you are lv2 as soon as you exit starting instance and walking near a single map objective(PoI/wp/etc.) gets you to lv3

    Characters also gain exp as essentially 2x rate for levels 1-15


    The old system was tedious if you wanted try different weapons while at low level. At higher level both are more ore less the same the same.

    Old system requires killing stuff to unlock each weapon's slots individually. Current system requires killing stuff to unlock each slot across all weapons. Both can be reduced to "killing stuff".


    Both system can be a bit tedious but the old one can be worse depending in some situation.


  16. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > This essentially keeps the total price of the Heirloom Short Bow at less than 1800g (and with inflated values due to rounding) compared to a legendary weapon that costs almost 2300g. And remember this is for every single stat combination, players that need 5 or 10 of them (out of the 35 total) will pay significantly less.

    > Meaning, your prices are way way too generous.


    Price is probably the biggest problem after any technical issues.


    Any alternative to legendaries that isn't cheaper than legendaries is almost useless. Their only usefulness is to avoid the need to acquire a GoB and GoE.

    On the other hand if the alternative is cheaper then legendaries are essentially reduced to an expensive skin.


    The only way to avoid the issue is to not have any alternative ...

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