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Posts posted by Nephalem.8921

  1. > @"Tyncale.1629" said:

    > Strikes are a bust, only a few hardcore peeps fell for them, and now they have been elitized, like mini-raids. ( Li-nonsense and exclusion of classes included)


    That happens because the majority of the playerbase is incredible bad at creating decent builds. There is a very high chance that someone without kp or li will do 3-4k dps while pretending to be dps.

    no class is excluded but most selfish builds are. those have no value in a grp.

  2. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > Are you a heal renegade then yes that is solid numbers, but I guess you have a heal firebrand as well right?

    > this is specific biuld, not heal, and not dps, more fun. But I ask question about CFB, not about alac.


    Its maybe more fun for you but isnt helping the team at all.

    > You can make dps biuld, and get 3k. But I still see full meta cfb who make 6-8k.


    Because they are also taking your approach of running tank builds. More fun.


  3. > @"Euclid.2517" said:

    > Because many pug don't give aegis/stab well, as long as cannot even maintain 10 stacks above might as well, which make power overwhelming useless.


    Any hfb ren group struggling with might cant be helped. as a weaver i would just play fresh air in that situation, swap to earth and blast my firefield 4 times for 12 area might. could even take arcane blast for more might.

    > Also these days pug are just bad, since most veteran instanced content player like you don't play anymore, since there is almost no update in this game. I once saw a team where there is a core necro, doing less damage than alac, yet all of them have title. I guess you are one of the fractal **elitists** who rarely pug these days (based on your style of history reply), and underestimate how bad pug are.


    Actually i joined some t3 SO and even regular t4s for fun on weaver. Sure it cant compete with cfb in those situations because it lacks selfbuffs but its still good and even easier to stay alive on than pchrono because you dont need your heal for dps.

    > And it is truly annoying when you see pug saying lf condi FB only, as even our static scourge can do 32k+ on dark Ai, and we are even skipping breaking bar for every odd occurence. While most pug Cfb cannot do more than 24k target dps....

    > [https://dps.report/RdtB-20210222-205917_ai](https://dps.report/RdtB-20210222-205917_ai)


    > Holo has bell to reset burst, A.E.D. to skip mechanics, and range possibility through grenade, more tanky, etc. Yeah, maybe equal when you can consistently hit a boss like golem, like Gorseval etc. But is it fair to be just equal? Given all these shortcomings? So why should I play Pweaver in raid when there is a build that is almost equally strong, and with a lot of better things?


    Holo bell is an exploit that might get fixed. A.E.D is strong but you can skip the adina shockwave with polaric leap aswell. Equal is better than one being simply better. Otherwise nobody would play holo like it was for a long time. I play weaver in our static runs and regularly outdps holos aswell.

    So why should you play something thats not better and just equal? Maybe because someone likes the playstyle more? I like ff14 approach in this regard. everything is so incredible close to each other that it doesnt really matter what you play. play what you enjoy. GW2 has up to 40% difference between classes but holo and weaver are not the outliers.

    This doesnt mean that i wouldnt change something about ele. It lacks a decent way to generate boons without sacrificing all damage. Fiery greatsword cd is ridiculous for what it does. Most conjures have been nerfed too hard with flame axe always being a meme. Twin strike could hit harder but those wouldnt even change the dps that much.



  4. > @"Euclid.2517" said:

    > You are talking about PVE. I will talk about instanced content mainly.


    > > @"KelyNeli.4516" said:

    > > I have read a ton of comments and information on the internet and it seems like the class is OVERNERFED horribly and that Arenanet has some stupid vendetta against this fun to play profession, why?


    > Sure, it is overnerfed given it is the most squishy class, and isn't the best choice for most things, but not garbage at all.

    > Power weaver is an ok build in raid **(tho holosmith is strictly better, with more CC, higher burst damage, range ability, more tanky, also potential to bring "pinpoint distribution" for group buff).** It is a strong build for CA, which has huge hitbox.

    > It is a strong build in fractal, **if you have a organized static group**.



    It is not only a strong build in a fractal static. you just need support in the form of alac, quickness and might. You can also play masters fortitude which puts you at 14k hp.

    Statics play it without a healer, why should it struggle in your standard hfb pug. Pugs just dont use everything it brings like conjure share but its still very good.

    Holo brings pinpoint on exactly 1 boss and holo is taken for the vuln there anyways.

    Holo is not strictly better. both builds are quite equal on a lot of bosses and both builds struggle vs pChrono stack. Holos more bursty nature can also be bad when phase times dont align or during splits. just slight buffs would put it above holo easily. Like normalizing fgs cd to reasonable levels or buffing fresh air slightly with maybe buffing twin strikes. fresh air weaver has high cc aswell.

  5. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > > Which one?

    > In PoF both Balthazar and his Herald use way too much AoE.

    The whole balthazar mechanic is to sidestep the ground aoe. I would say this is part of the design. Its one of the better designed bosses in my opinion.

    > And their HP, as well as the HP of his Warbeast and the HP of the Forged Bastion, is too much.


    I could make a video for you where i burst it within seconds. Actually tried to "speedrun" scruffy at one point. Got the long phase down in like 20seconds. This doesnt sound like high hp to me.

    > In Season 4, Episode 1 Amala, as well as Scruffy 2.0 (and maybe the Wyvern, I don't remember that one) are even more AoE spammy.


    Scruffy aoe is good aoe though. Very big telegraphs. Not a lot of visual noise. The wyvern in the thunderhead peak drm is bad aoe for me. The whole arena is so orange that it hurts my eyes. Cant distinguish fire effects from ground there.

    > In Episode 2, Lonai has too much HP and spams her AoE.


    > And that's merely six examples (or ten, if we count Balthazar and his herald once for each of their three times each).


    > > All story bosses phase within seconds.

    > Not everyone uses META builds, story bosses should not be balanced around those.


    Yes they should be balanced around what good builds do and not what random snowflake builds do in expansion story. You shouldnt be able to burst stuff within 5 seconds. Currently most story stuff phases within 10-20 which is ok for me. Maybe even a bit too fast. Lower the hp and it would trivialize the story even further. You are one of the only players i know who say that the hp in content is too high.

    Current cm boss fractal records have sub 3! second phases. All classes are able to do high amounts of damage now and not only ele like it was years ago. I do play other games and mmos in this one is the only one where fights are over withing seconds.

    Why arent you changing your build towards something decent? You basically force players to handycap themselves to not oneshot everything if they lower the hp of stuff.

  6. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > Many bosses in GW2, especially since PoF, just boil down to:

    > **bloated HP pool**

    > CC spam

    > AoE spam


    > These things simply make bosses unfun for me.

    > And the disturbing visual effects sometimes make it even worse.


    Which one? All story bosses phase within seconds. World bosses get upscaled hard by dead weight.


    There is an option to limit effect lod. This should always be checked.

  7. > @"Brandon Uzumaki.1524" said:

    > The Fractals are fine for me, new one was amazing, my problem is these cancerous instabilities, basically "everything kills you in one hit now, yay".


    > It's one of the reasons why **Block and Barrier are the new "meta" instead of healing**, you can't heal a dredge outflanking you while you have frailty, but you can block that 20k damage you will receive hehe, i even remember a time when you could easily do T4 Fractals without any healer or support, even with pugs, used to do that a lot, now it's next to impossible to do.


    > Like, i have no problems dealing with those (except that trash combo of Afflicted in the last boss of Aquatic), but since i only pug, it became unbearable to do them for me, and since most of the "veterans" have left, you have a lot of new people, so you have to go from group to group, failing a lot, till you find the right one.

    > I stopped doing them like 3 or 4 months before the new Fractal, then it launched, i did it a few times, even at T4, but stopped for good since then.


    > It's a shame, my favorite piece of content in the entire game.


    What do you mean with new meta? This was always the case. Back in 2012 healing wasnt even an option. Outhealing the damage and mechanics should never be an option. Before fb ren it was chrono or chrono power druid. Pugs usually took a heal druid. before that it was no healer at all. Good players are still playing without a healer.

  8. > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    > Which site mentions Flame Legion runes as a top pick on the actual build pages for weaver? Please link that page. Just because it is in the calculator doesn't mean it is recommended.



    It is also used in the benchmark sc video. Actually its more about hitbox size. sabetha and xera have such a small hitbox size that lightning storm becomes very weak and fire storm adds a lot of burning. those bosses have way smaller hitboxes than the smallest golem.

    > If your average / median (not sure what "most of the time" means in your wording) scholar bonus is 4.2% then it just reinforces Firebeard's argument that it is the superior choice for the majority of situations.


    For raids and fractals weaver yes. for open world? no. not at all.

    > Also if you are looking at this from the point of view from someone that has legendaries that is going to be different than your average player. Just because I have legendary gear shouldn't invalidate everyone that doesn't have it , plus plenty of people have alt accounts. There's loads of players still using exotics and even rares I found out. That's similar to telling players new to raids that investing into multiple sets of gear for it is going to be profitable when the ROI is going to be severely negative compared to open-world.


    You dont have to invest into multiple sets of gear. you will drop them.

    > A "single straightforward damage option" really ought not to be exceeding every other option by the entire amount of damage bonus on other runes even in extremely unfavored scenarios. That's basically what is happening on soulbeast , holo, daredevil, power DH, and likely power revenants even when you factor in your "most of the time" +4.2% (i.e. the entire bonus on ogre rune). Ultimately that is what Firebeard was trying to convey in a less eloquent manner I believe, although his target methodology of addressing it was probably to buff every other applicable rune that under-performs relative to Scholar.


    Only 4 power/ferocity runes exist. only 2 have damage mods. Buffing ogre might be better here instead of buffing precision granting runes to be comparable to scholar for classes that dont even need the precision.

    Or nerf classes so they wont critcap with just banners and fury. would just create a new "best everywhere" rune but it wouldnt be scholar.


  9. > @"Armen.1483"

    You completely forgot to factor in tome resets. Its insane in some fractals. During some encounters you spend more time in your tome than on your weapon set. Also weaver needs weave self for burst which has a very long cd. Fb just needs the tome which resets on each kill.


  10. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > > @"TeeracK.3601" said:

    > > > > Right now cause the timer happening in the middle of the escort the timer is really hard to beat simply for not having anyone with a speed buff for the npcs. Change it so all enemies spawn after the pre events and then the npcs just run and talk without it effecting anything like they do in literally every other drm. Also remove the elites that offer no interesting mechanics in the fight besides having lots of hp and make it kill the three portals and then go back to the boss. That is how it works on all the other bosses like the one in brisband and gendaran you kill the volcanos and it phases. The boss fight is pretty fun but its not a fun drm because it fails for really dumb reasons right now.

    > > >

    > > > then they should cut down the timer by a bit. it shouldnt be made easier, but the escort can be tweaked to gain no personal advantage and disadvantage

    > >

    > > This is the only drm that is kinda hard to solo though. You have more than 50% of the timer left but in this one its always 2min max without any wipes. usually below 1min.

    > > and then the boss is getting protection for no particular reason aswell. just to mess with power builds.

    > >


    > Have someone quickness or super speed the npc and you will have 9-6 mins left mate.


    WITH swiftness its 7min for the endboss. which has 3 phases and bombards you with chill. you kinda need op solo builds to finish it in time in the first place and this is the only drm where this applies.

    This was about solo. the escort takes too much time. you cant pull adds together because they have stab so even killing the spread out chill spamming mobs becomes a nightmare. it is possible but on another level than all the other drms for the wrong (escort) reasons.

  11. > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > @"TeeracK.3601" said:

    > > Right now cause the timer happening in the middle of the escort the timer is really hard to beat simply for not having anyone with a speed buff for the npcs. Change it so all enemies spawn after the pre events and then the npcs just run and talk without it effecting anything like they do in literally every other drm. Also remove the elites that offer no interesting mechanics in the fight besides having lots of hp and make it kill the three portals and then go back to the boss. That is how it works on all the other bosses like the one in brisband and gendaran you kill the volcanos and it phases. The boss fight is pretty fun but its not a fun drm because it fails for really dumb reasons right now.


    > then they should cut down the timer by a bit. it shouldnt be made easier, but the escort can be tweaked to gain no personal advantage and disadvantage


    This is the only drm that is kinda hard to solo though. You have more than 50% of the timer left on the other ones but in this one its always 2min max without any wipes. usually below 1min.

    and then the boss is getting protection for no particular reason aswell. just to mess with power builds.


  12. > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > > If you raid berserker would take thief runes because the no flanking runes are niche. Solo you would often take eagle. Virtues dh takes thief aswell.

    > > Not sure what infusions numbers are but they are not effective power. no idea what discretize calculates there.

    > >


    > I guess we're on a different page then. I'm not going to have an entirely different gear set just for a set of runes. **I'll take the one that does best most of the time**, which would be scholar's. Even if it lags the others a little bit in edge cases, it's not by much and you're sacrificing top-notch performance for it.


    Its the opposite in raids. There are 2 encounters where flanking isnt possible. you would be suboptimal for the majority just to be better at 2? In raids thief is best most of the time.



    > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    > Even if there's only 50% uptime on thief it does respectably in that scenario and in actuality ~60% of power chrono damage is from the player (even more so if you run Seize the Moment , it's ~77%). Phantasms (not clones) flank around 60-70% of the time anyway.


    Doesnt matter if phantasms flank because they are not affected by mods from runes. only bare stats and some traits apply. thats why accuracy isnt good either and your scholar build used it. you want your phantasms to crit because mesmer has 2 damage mods that only work on crits. those are affecting your phantasms. 30% eagle vs 60% thief lets eagle runes win hard.


    > > The only builds which need the precision and dont use thief/eagle are 1 weaver build and PI dh. virtues dh still uses thief. I dont see a problem with this. The effective scholar bonus is already closer to 4%-4.5% anyways.

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > According to who?

    > Not Lucky Noobs, not Snowcrows, not discretize. Are we to take your word for it? That's as absurd as telling people without legendary armor or endless extractors to change their runes for every encounter for ~5% damage differences at best.


    Do you mean my stated effective scholar bonus? arc logs that and i went through a couple of logs. highest was 4.88% and lowest 2.8%. Most of the time it was around 4.2%.

    If you mean flame legion runes. both sites mention those. you know you could just have different sets with different runes. raids and fractals reward you with countless ascended chests. what are you using them for?


    > An ideal scale back of Scholar rune would put it roughly on par with whatever is next best rather than making it an outright poor choice. If this had been the goal in mind in the 2018 rebalance we would not even have this discussion. Most casual people would think 2% health bonus is the same as before (8.3% crit and 2% health bonus is ~ 10%) if they don't pay attention to combat math.


    There are simply no other power fero mod runes and why should there? a single straight forward damage option is better than having 10 options nobody uses because mathematically one is the best.



  13. > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    > **ENGINEER**

    > * Holo - 17,549.25 Eagle | 17,531.09 Scholar 0% uptime | 17,290.56 Thief (not in top 50 results) ---> effectively even

    Quite impressive concidering that precision is worthless on holo.


    > **RANGER**

    > * Soulbeast Skirmishing (spotter self supplied but not needed) - 22,790.75 Eagle | 22,682.90 Thief | 22,682.68 Scholar 0% uptime ---> effectively the same, below 0.5% variance

    Again precision is useless.


    > **MESMER**

    > * Chrono with danger time - 18,741.26 Eagle | 18,549.05 Thief (Furious Stone) | 18,530.68 Thief | 18,092.60 Scholar 0% uptime ---> 3.5% effective scholar bonus to be even

    > * Chrono without danger time - 16,249.63 Thief (Furious Stone) | 16,224.96 Thief | 15,949.73 Eagle | 15,190.22 Scholar 0% uptime ---> never can match thief rune (bonus must exceed 6%)


    Its not that simple for mesmer. phantasms are 50% of your dmg and dont scale with mods unless stated by the trait. thats why thief runes are bad on mesmer. use eagle. also accuracy is unusable.


    > * Power weaver, fresh air - 15,746.60 Eagle | 15,642.85 Thief | 15,117.07 Scholar 0% uptime ---> 4% effective scholar bonus to be even

    Yet flame legion are better because more than 10% of your damage are burning.

    > **If the scholar bonus is reduced to ~3% then up to half of the builds would be marginally better using eagle due to the damage bonus on eagle.** Other runes aren't in the Snowcrows calculator and the gap to pack runes and others that are present in the calculator present larger differences. Eagle rune has a large ferocity bonus on top of the damage bonus as mentioned in my first post in this thread.


    The only builds which need the precision and dont use thief/eagle are 1 weaver build and PI dh. virtues dh still uses thief. I dont see a problem with this. The effective scholar bonus is already closer to 4%-4.5% anyways.




  14. > @"Henrik.7560" said:

    > the stupid thing is some of the consumables still work in fractals so we have to keep changing which ones we have every patch.


    > Can they just disable ALL consumables in fractals and reduce the extremely cancerous massive defiance bars? like 3.5k in the new 100cm is ridiculous for 5 people considering we have to cc adds as well.


    > It's getting nearly impossible to carry bad pugs without consumables, this is why people go toxic-elite mode with high KP / title requirements, because they can't carry with anets dumb changes.


    Thats a good thing though. it shouldnt be possible to carry useless players through the hardest group content.

  15. > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > So basically you're telling me I'm wrong because there's ONE profession and spec against the other 10 that happens to have such insane base ferocity that it's finally close to even and precision barely does better (in a VERY circumstantial case)? I did concede as much before that the two multiplicative stack, but I'm not wrong scholar is meta is most cases. And IS meta with the right comps and you hitting crit cap (and is meta according to the SC site, STILL, on your chosen class).


    I've chosen holo because it has low base ferocity from traits. Only builds with lower ferocity are dh and chrono. chrono has damage mods only working on crits so its instantly precision > everything for chrono..

    > I explicitly mentioned circumstances forcing crit higher as a reason ferocity scales better, not sure why we're having this debate. You can't change your runes on the fly unless you're all leggie, so if you're sane, you'd pick scholar's just so you're performing optimally in your best circumstances. I also mentioned crit capping. Not sure why you're focused on such small and circumstantial margins SC shows Scholar's as meta for a reason, and infusion's numbers prove that. Swapping between the two would be WAY too expensive for someone who isn't already all leggie. The only thing you're right about is that there are breakpoints where precision is better, but if you read my OP, it's pretty clear I mentioned this.


    Of course you change runes or have multiple sets if you minmax. isnt this what its all about? Only 5 players in a group have spotter unless you play with soulbeasts. If you look closely at the sc or ln builds you will see that they mention those situations.

    If you raid berserker would take thief runes because the no flanking runes are niche. Solo you would often take eagle. Virtues dh takes thief aswell.

    Not sure what infusions numbers are but they are not effective power. no idea what discretize calculates there.


    Effective power for warr with spotter:

    >!Thief: 21336

    >!scholar: 21165 with accuracy instead of impact aswell. 21138 with full precise infusions otherwise.


    >!Without spotter:

    >!Thief: 20937

    >!scholar: 20766

    >!no sane warr would primarely play scholar in raids.



  16. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > I do think that Minions get far to side lined in this stigma that they exist to deal damage thus minions suck because they are mediocre at doing that.

    > Personally I have gotten far far more use out of minions as a hybrid support and damage mechanic thanks to their excessive lifesteal capability and Dark bond, the latter being basically a 25 second protection buff that stacks with the protection boon.

    > Thus Minions excel primarily on tankier builds as a form of sustain by constantly feeding you health and reducing your damage.. they're mainly a support mechanic for Necromancers not an offensive one as most people seem to think they are.


    > That is backed up heavily as well by the fact that all Minion traits are in the Death and Blood Magic traitlines.

    > These two traitlines focus almost entirely on defence and support, not offense and damage.

    > It's also a point of note as well that minion damage is static! and is not affected by the players stats etc.. thus minion damage is far more beneficial to Necro's running low damage builds.. tanks basically

    > This gives necros the ability to benefit fairly well from power tank stat combos, basically being very very tanky without being completely useless in damage as most tanks would be in those sets.


    You basically describe the perfect afk farm build here. Doesnt even matter if you use full nomads because minions dont scale. Doesnt even make a difference what you are doing because you deal no damage yourself anyways.


    > I don't see that happening though tbh.. and largely for the same reason I expect we'll never see minions or pets get added to any other class in the game.

    > AFK farming has put a pretty negative stigma onto these kinds of skill types and made a lot of people pretty bitter towards the existence of AI mechanics that require no player input to use.


    Because they are made for that gameplay. Permanent minions work like that in most games. just ai that completes the game for you without effort. a lot of single player rpgs have these for the casuals. never seen it working in multiplayer games.

    The only type of minion that could work would be short duration ones without threat generation. They would be fancy dots with pathing bugs.

    > Mostly and I can speak for myself here too, it comes from people who are fans of pets and minions etc

    > We are constantly fearing that some mechanics we love and enjoy in the game will end up being crippled and ruined because of bad actor players abusing them..

    > And even if that doesn't come to pass, at the very least it's likely Anet will avoid putting more of them into the game for that very reason.

    > As much as we love these mechanics and would love to play other classes with summoner playstyles.. we don't expect it to ever happen largely thanks to bad players who abuse them and ruin it for everyone.


    The playstyle those people enjoy is basically afk farm meta. Unless you mean summoner like the ff14 summoner. But like i wrote earlier those are not like gw2 minions. they cant be used as meatshields and use the casters stats. basically normal spells with fancy animations.


  17. > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > You tell people barely clearing content that they're doing worse now because of your sensibilities. The high-end PVE in this game is hard enough without nerfing some of the meta tools for it. If they are nerfing scholar's they need to nerf every boss/encounter in the game accordingly.


    > Also, just as a bit of clarification: The thief numbers are assuming 100% flanking uptime, correct? That bonus, if halved to match scholar doesn't compete. **Just pointing it out to the person trying to tell me that precision is stronger. It's not**. The popular precision runes just have good 6-tier bonuses.


    Is that based on your feelings or math? I used a simple excel sheet for that. For Holo with metabuild i got 0.029% increase in damage for 1 point of precision at an artificial 99%. Currently you critcap without it but just one nerfed trait would put it in that area. Crit at 50% had a 0.4% gain while fero was extremely weak with 0.018%

    Power had like 0.0275% and ferocity 0.0252%.

    Fero > precision is possible but not with meta builds. You would need very low base ferocity. All builds have ferocity traits which push them beyond that.

  18. > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > > > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    > > Nice effort but you made quite a lot of errors. In fact the slb build without scholar has higher effective power than the scholar one. Scholar takes skirmishing while thief rune build takes marksmanship. Obviously using a rune with precision does nothing on an already critcapped build.

    > > 15% critical dmg are NOT 15% dmg. the 8.3 critdamage from 6th bonus translate to ~4% or less total damage. Closer to 3% for high ferocity builds. There will always be one best offensive rune. The difference between them is way smaller than you think. Ferocity is the weakest stat of the 3 offensive power ones. Other runes are stronger as soon as a build needs a lot of precision. Thief runes 6th bonus is far stronger than scholars bonus. Its just the random condition dmg that makes them not best in slot for everyone.

    > > Scholar runes were uncontested meta years ago with the 10% dmg mod while above 90% health. there are a lot of competetive options now and scholar is not in all cases optimal. Fractals are an outlier because you just fix low critchance with more ar instead of using another rune with precision.

    > > Also even on critcapped builds flame legion pulls ahead for fresh air weaver and you always have to factor in the 5% scholar bonus. burning will have a 100% uptime, your health threshold wont.

    > > In fact strength 6th bonus was 7% at first but it got nerfed because it was too strong compared to other runes.

    > >


    > Ferocity is not WEAKER, 15 ferocity = 1% crit damage. Past I think 75% crit you'd be even with precision which is 22-21 for 1%. It gets even more cheap per point of damage the higher your precision goes/if you have fury uptime. Also, it's uncapped. Crit caps. They're both necessary but I don't think your reasoning is correct. These numbers are estimates, but the idea holds, if you math it out, ferocity easily starts beating precision at certain breakpoints. Granted, the higher one goes, the more the valuable the other becomes. But there's also a boon (fury) that increases crit, no gear required, making ferocity even more attractive.


    I just calculated it for holo which has low ferocity. At an artificial 99% crit the statweight is precision > power > ferocity.

    At 100% its power > ferocity. The difference is a lot bigger for high ferocity builds aswell.

    You need low ferocity or close to unobtainable power levels to reach the ferocity > power situation. Bloodlust + writs + ea would bring you there but thats not very realistic. Even then the difference would be extremely small and ap would immediately swing it in another direction. And i made this for holo which gets only 350 ferocity from traits.

  19. > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    Nice effort but you made quite a lot of errors. In fact the slb build without scholar has higher effective power than the scholar one. Scholar takes skirmishing while thief rune build takes marksmanship. Obviously using a rune with precision does nothing on an already critcapped build.

    15% critical dmg are NOT 15% dmg. the 8.3 critdamage from 6th bonus translate to ~4% or less total damage. Closer to 3% for high ferocity builds. There will always be one best offensive rune. The difference between them is way smaller than you think. Ferocity is the weakest stat of the 3 offensive power ones. Other runes are stronger as soon as a build needs a lot of precision. Thief runes 6th bonus is far stronger than scholars bonus. Its just the random condition dmg that makes them not best in slot for everyone.

    Scholar runes were uncontested meta years ago with the 10% dmg mod while above 90% health. there are a lot of competetive options now and scholar is not in all cases optimal. Fractals are an outlier because you just fix low critchance with more ar instead of using another rune with precision.

    Also even on critcapped builds flame legion pulls ahead for fresh air weaver and you always have to factor in the 5% scholar bonus. burning will have a 100% uptime, your health threshold wont.

    In fact strength 6th bonus was 7% at first but it got nerfed because it was too strong compared to other runes.


  20. > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > Particularly for power builds. Nothing competes well with Scholar. In fact I'm not even sure scholar would lose out to say eagle or Ogre if you didn't have 100% uptime on the damage bonus: Ogre's doesn't give a good bonus outside the 4% bonus and Eagle's lacks power - power is still way more valuable than precision in most cases. Eagle's is very situational as it's possible to overcap crit depending on the gear setup (some power builds already feature some assasin's making the precision less valuable). There's not really anything else that gives the huge bonuses that scholar does at tier 6 and always gives probably the best stats for power dps - power and ferocity.


    Scholar are not meta for all classes. Berserker uses thief, chrono eagle without spotter, weaver flame legion and a couple more builds exist aswell. Precision > power below critcap. you would never use assassins if this wouldnt be the case.

    Strength runes are also very good in solo situations. dont underestimate the might duration.

  21. > @"XenoSpyro.1780" said:

    > I main Engi. Saying it's bad is an overstatement. You just have to figure out a build that flows good for you, and it will usually involve Tools line. With some tweaks you can squeeze out some decent damage from Firearms/Explosives, or survivability through Alchemy. For context, I've never been kicked from fractals for low damage, and the one guy that DID complain? He switched to his holosmith and immediately got deleted multiple times on Shattered. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    Are you joining cm groups though? Those groups would kick for sure. Power core engi kinda works but is far behind holo. like 30%-40% behind. Condi engi is completely fine dmg wise but almost nobody wants to play that. it has easily twice the apm of the 2nd most intense build. I hope engi gets a condi build with pof that doesnt cause carpal tunnel.

    Core engi is extremely bad without kits. im not sure why it is not the profession mechanic. its unplayable to not use kits as core engi. the base weapons are extremely bad and lack auto attack dmg. grenades do more dmg than pistol on a condi build and they dont even cause condis. only interact with shrapnel.

  22. > @"LuRkEr.9462" said:

    > So the only thing I don't agree with on this is bringing 2 eles. Why wouldn't a soulbeast be brought for their unique buffs and abilities in place of 1 ele?

    > HB, Alac, BS, SB, Weaver is basically the meta listed on Discreatize.


    I highly doubt it includes Hfb.


    Meta highly depends on the fractal. A good all rounder is 4cfb + ren or 3cfb, bs + ren for easier cc.

    99 + 98cm both are very power centric. Good comps are usually Fb, ren, bs, + slb/weaver or slb/holo or slb/slb.

    The best for fast no effort runs are cfb stacks. the aegis spam is just too strong and cfb outdamages power builds if you dont bother with slaying sigils and potions.

    You need to have a fairly good team to make power work in all fractals. Cfb is just highly rewarding keyboard smash gameplay.

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