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Posts posted by Falan.1839

  1. PvP always has some inherent toxicity, and as Avatar pointed out, in high gold and low plat there are quite a few people who are able to stomp the biggest noobs and now think they are big shots whereas in reality they meet their limits fairly quickly when they face actually competent players, but lack the self-reflection to see their own mistakes and just by default resort to blaming their team. There is still plenty toxicity in the higher ranks, but at least they are usually a bit more aware of their own impact and also know they will have to deal with less competent players in their team, so they usually don't go "omg shit team" in teamchat after the first wipe.

  2. In the last quarterly preview, where there should have been news about PvP, there was absolutely nothing. Literally everything about it was PvE related. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/looking-ahead-to-summer-days-and-nights/


    So we are not getting any new content, such as a new 2v2 miniseason and to make things worse, balance updates are both more infrequent and more sparse than ever. All of that is bad enough, however in March, 2020, we were at least promised a new itinerance of the Tournament of Legends.




    Right now for high-end PvP players, there is very little reason to play the game. Match quality in ranked is bad as always, the next mAT is still far away and Daily ATs rarely have more than one or two (and often no) team that could be considered good from the perspetice of p3/leg players that have competed in MotA or gotten far in mAT. The only thing kind of going on are inhouses, obviously organized by the players themselves. A Tournament of Legend with good rewards (maybe a choice of a rare infusion for the winners) could actually motivate the players to get back into their teams and play the game. And this ToL was announced in March 2020. So is there any news about it? This kind of tournament was already done in the past, so it can't be that hard to implement even under Work from Home conditions.

  3. Not true, Power Rev has always been one of the more mechanically challenging classes since it can allow very little facetanking and depends on a kind of gapless execution of its cds and movement to survive. It still has very strong skills like Glint heal or IO, but it's definitely not outperforming other dps specs like Reaper or Nade Holo atm, quite to the contrary, those 2 builds are generally preferred over Power Rev atm.


    Easy builds are those like symbol guard who just mash their cds in a random order to put up passive pressure while their sustain allows them to keep facetanking, but definitely not squishy dps builds like Power Rev. If anything is broken about it than it is its easy and permanent access to portengages, but definitely not the damage it does or its ability to survive.

  4. It generally depends on enemy comp and positioning. Reaper/Nec in general isn't as good as a target anymore as it was because they all play with 2 ports now. Power Rev or Grenade Holo tend to drop easier. FB also a good target if they play with that as a support. Tempest generally has too many oh shit buttons to be an easy first target.

  5. It is definitely possible, imo it would just need higher base hp (or less dmg, but I'd prefer the first variant) while drastically cutting resustain, limiting it to pretty much exclusively the dedicated heal skill when it comes to selfheal. This way 1v1s would end eventually, but a 2v1 would still be survivable unless the +1 hits an already very low hp enemy.

  6. Low population and an unwillingness to improve among many, since the game's philosophy is to make most ingame rewards outside of PvP super easily achievable, while the good stuff is in the gemstore. Unfortunately this game has a bit of a hippie philosophy, "you can get everything you want at every you want at any skill level", which obviously doesn't go well with a competitive mindset, which is also why the more hardcore playerbase in basically all 3 gamemodes is constantly at odds with the game design decisions made by Anet.

  7. Quite a lot actually. but it used to be easier. We had season with ~50 people in legend on EU because the average rating was much higher. I think Helseth even made a vid about starting in Bronze and climbing to Legend in SoloQ back then.


    It's still possible now in theory to Solo Q to legend, but you need a dumb amount of luck with matchmaking basically.

  8. > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

    > > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > > Nope not this week, afaik cmc confirmed it's not today.


    > Where did he confirm that? Not doubting you, just wondering why it was relayed in such a clandestine manner.



    He mentioned it in the discord talk with people from the PvP community. He said something like there is a balance patch coming but it's not this week.

  9. I mean you're not incorrect about 1v1 builds tending still to be very bunkerish, but Tranquility has always been a bit of a meme in that regard since there is no node to contest and you can kite freely. Even in the past builds like Druid were basically unkillable there unless heavily zerged. Fights on sidenode are still a bit stale, but in most cases one party can force the fullcap after a while at least.

  10. > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

    > > @"Falan.1839" said:

    > > OP has it right, there are tons of variations of Rev that are all very strong, (Core, Herald, Renegade), almost every stance is viable (with the slight exception of Ventari possibly) and you almost get a strong build. To make things worse, the Class has always stacked very well with each other, so the more Revs you stack, the stronger your teamfight gets basically.

    > >

    > > With so many strong variants of Rev existing, this unfortunately will not be an easy fix, since just hitting one or two key mechanics probably won't cut it.


    > I'm done arguing over Herald, but the fact that you and some others suddenly start calling Renegade OP shows complete ignorance of the EP. Renegade has literally been the only 'garbage' EP since PoF launch. It's current position is still not 'meta'. Renegade managed to 'crawl' closer to being 'meta' only after the 'Big Nerf' patch that rightfully reduced power-creep for all classes. Please, try to at least play the class before posting such ignorant generalisations on the forum. Thanks!

    > P.S. Been playing Renegade in ranked since PoF launch.


    Did you watch the April mAT on EU which also doubled as MOTA qualifier? Do you know the Comp that won it, while definitely now having the best individual players?



    If you need a reminder. The class hasn't been nerfed since - while others have been - and that team is playing a variation of that comp in the MOTA too (with Renegade and Core Rev, because spec stacking is banned).


    The fact that Renegade was shit before the February patch doesn't mean it's in line now when other specs have basically been cut down by half.

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