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Bolbo Baggins.8594

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Everything posted by Bolbo Baggins.8594

  1. I would love to interact with the grawls, give them some story. They always seem to be disrespected by the intelligent races, especially the charr in the past, who decimated and enslaved them for years, and drove them away from their homelands. They havent evolved or very little over the last 250 years and many before that. They could use some education (if capable of it) or end up with the same fate as the gw 1 Gargoyles. On the other hand, they may turn against us in the process :p
  2. In my opinion they should not be scared of a yelling salty minority on the internet echochambers (few 100 people, you can almost count them, its always the same names), nothing different since even gw1 times. Its been mostly quiet for a period of half a year now, some comunication and teasing hype wont hurt. Especially in these times, that builds confidence and a new community foundation (new players, existing and returning(like me)) which has been eroding for some years now.
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