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Posts posted by arielwind.8921

  1. > How do mounts magically make the beautiful terrain turn into ugly cliffs?


    Especially because of Springer and Griffon. They can easily jump and fly over hill, mountains. So Anet made vertical high cliff and wall everywhere PoF and L4 maps. Obviously mount did destroied terrain.

  2. 1. Over ping 200. Dodge and guard sometimes don't work properly.

    2. Gaming is relax time for me. After work hard and got tired, when get back to home, i don't want to feel stressed even in game.

    Snowball Mayhem is the only competitive game mode i really enjoy honestly

  3. Skyscale can do too much. Since skyscale can skip EVERYTHING.

    I still think mount was mistake. Guild Wars 2 core map was fun to exploring, still HoT with glider was nice somehow. Worried about how Anet can make the terrain after the launch of this flying mount.

    So i hope there's a map where flying mounts are restricted, but know it won't happen because Anet selling mount skins for product.

  4. I'm fine with timegates. Anet built up griffon unlock plans for months, and players had finished for few days referenced from web. So, I think Anet made it this time.


    Here's a plan that people could be less frastrated.

    Not as game system but a real pet of yours. think **how you get trusted from pet** or horse.

    Reknown Heart of mount version. Any of followed activities affect progress bar. (maybe slowly)


    1. Feed. with ingredients of Central Tyria. maybe easy cooked one with lower level recipes.

    2. Practice to ride. Mount race or Mount Adventure.

    3. Take some fight, journey together, not as a mount but a companion like ranger pet. Boss event, mini instance, whatever.


    I believe that Anet and players have more better ideas.

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