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Posts posted by Sobx.1758

  1. > @Ashantara.8731 said:

    > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > However, regardless, BL Chests are specifically designed to drop junk. They have never had a fair chance of getting the stuff you mentioned and never will.


    > That is untrue. Like I said, I used to open tons of them, and before the update last fall there was a good chance of receiving valuable drops (even rares). Now chances are slim even for the unique uncommon items.


    You having a stroke of luck doesn't mean the chance was high. Also if the chance of dropping something was this high, the price automatically plummets (like, you know, the raptor), so it's no longer a valuable drop anyways.


    And since when could anyone reliably "get their gold's worth" after converting gold into gems to buy keys to open BLChests? (question directed to OP)

    It's just pure lottery.

  2. > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > @Sobx.1758 said:

    > > It's not that simple, because it goes right back to my point:

    > > You give away to your target that you're around and everyone knows that you need malice to deal burst dmg. At that point you can't "just kneel and wait", because that won't be enough dmg to burst anyone down. Also -again as I wrote before (in case you forgot about that post already)- the kneel puts you in the position where when someone wants to fight back, it's easy because of the overall mobility of pretty much every class in the game. On the other hand if someone doesn't want to fight you, you won't catch up to anyone because you lost your mobility by going DE.

    > > And yes, you contradicted yourself (and by "yourself" I mean the definition you copy-pasted) there.


    > The very existence of DE already made everyone vigilant even though DE aren't around. Even if someone choose to run, it wouldn't matter much, but if they choose to fight, the DE has the element of surprise. Silent Scope puts the DE in stealth when kneeling and you can extend that stealth with Shadow Meld and remain hidden while the Malice build up. If the DE screwed up their surprise, they can just reset the fight and try again. DE has a lot of escape and it seems that you're not familiar with it because you have not played DE at all, you're basing your argument on what you read on paper. Well, I can tell you this, there's a lot of things on paper that don't work or works differently in game. Besides, you don't need full Malice to deal 20k in 2 seconds if you build your DE the right way. I was on the receiving end of Zacchary.6183's burst when we're testing DE out and I'm telling you even with my Reaper's 22k HP and 2300 armor, I received 20k damage in 2 seconds -- just imagine someone wearing berserkers.


    > The point is, Zacchary.6183 is talking from experience while you're just arguing for whatever it is you're trying to accomplish.


    "existence of DE already made everyone vigilant"? What? That's seriously new to me, frmo my experience nobody cares. When I see DE while I play DD, I don't really care because I can pop him off and if I don't want to fight for one reason or another, he can't catch me anyways. Who (and why) is so "vigilant" solely because of DE existance? I don't see where that came from at all. And "DE aren't around" for a reason.

    DE has to use malice to start a fight, which pretty much -AGAIN- negates any and all "element of surprise" arguments. The whole point is that there is no element of surprise and you pretty much won't start a fight without letting your target know that you intend to fight him.

    Also I know DE and I've played it enough, so yo can stop trying to patronizingly "explain to me what his traits do".


    It's not "on paper", at the current state DE doesn't work like it should and it's a fact.


    > I was on the receiving end of Zacchary.6183's


    And theeeeere it is, I suspected you're connected to that guy in one way or another and that's why you "mysteriously appeared" in this thread all of a sudden.

    Well, not a surprise.



    > @Zacchary.6183 said:

    > > @Sobx.1758 said:

    > > It's not that simple, because it goes right back to my point:

    > It's a simple thing to do to *explain your point* which was something I have been trying to get you to do for the past few days. You did not explain it well and it took someone jumping into the conversation to clarify what you said in order for that to happen.


    The thing is, I already did and you just failed to understand it. Why? I already told you, so I'll just stop repeating myself.

    Now you say "it was so easy to explain my point", meanwhile all I did was water down my first 2 posts in this thread. Suddenly you claim that's enough? Well... ok?


    > > You give away to your target that you're around and everyone knows that you need malice to deal burst dmg. At that point you can't "just kneel and wait", because that won't be enough dmg to burst anyone down. Also -again as I wrote before- the kneel puts you in the position where when someone wants to fight back, it's easy because of the overall mobility of pretty much every class in the game. On the other hand if someone doesn't want to fight you, you won't catch up to anyone because you lost your mobility by going DE.

    > Yet, like SirVincent said, even if your presence is known your position isn't compromised and you can still build up malice without having to get into major conflict. At that point, if someone wants to fight or run away, they best hurry up because the DE can put out significant numbers in a short amount of time.


    Either way it's not a "surprise engage" anymore when your presence in the area is obvious. You can't "catch someone off guard" when you scream at him that you'll start a fight soon.


    > > And yes, you contradicted yourself (and by "yourself" I mean the definition you copy-pasted) there.

    > And you have yet to explain how that is contradictory.


    Yup, I did.

  3. It's not that simple, because it goes right back to my point:

    You give away to your target that you're around and everyone knows that you need malice to deal burst dmg. At that point you can't "just kneel and wait", because that won't be enough dmg to burst anyone down. Also -again as I wrote before (in case you forgot about that post already)- the kneel puts you in the position where when someone wants to fight back, it's easy because of the overall mobility of pretty much every class in the game. On the other hand if someone doesn't want to fight you, you won't catch up to anyone because you lost your mobility by going DE.

    And yes, you contradicted yourself (and by "yourself" I mean the definition you copy-pasted) there.


    Overally DE is crap in pve and doesn't work in pvp like it should because of the limitations that pretty much "make that class" in the world of mobility based game like this.

  4. > @Asur.9178 said:

    > Lol...people calling for nerfs on DD makes me laugh.


    > Nerfing DD won't suddenly make DE better to be played.


    > You'd be better of playing core thief or a completely different class.


    Exactly, people thinking that "nerfing one spec to the ground just so more players pick another shit spec" is a viable solution just blows my mind.

  5. > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

    > No. Keep the kneel. Kneel mechanic is going to be the thing that saves the Deadeye spec if they truly intend range to deal melee level damage. I know it is not there yet, but without kneel, A-net would nerf Deadeye's damage even more. Kneel is our saving grace for damage.


    I think the problem here is that it COULD be 'the thing that saves DE', but right now it isn't.

  6. > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

    > > @Kuulpb.5412 said:

    > > I would prefer a war rifle buff :D ( I comment this too many times, I know, but seriously, I feel warrior rifle that has existed longer should get a buff so it's a stronger weapon than warrior longbow, before thief rifle gets buffed)


    > The Warrior is not built around the rifle though while the Deadeye is built around it. Time is of the essence in my mind for the Deadeye's rifle to get buffed before groups and people start complaining at Deadeye players to switch to Daredevil. I do not want that movement to grow any larger then it already is.


    True, the problem is that the class is literally supposed to be built around that weapon and it's just... suboptimal to say the least.

  7. > @Zacchary.6183 said:

    > > @Sobx.1758 said:

    > > First of all you say that "people look at DE as a pve-only spec", which is false, beacuse in fact it's a really bad pve spec.

    > > Then -for pvp I assume- you say this:

    > >

    > > >The reality is that Deadeye is a sniper. A sniper stays still, kills from afar and then gets the kitten out of dodge.

    > >

    > > The thing about the "sniper playstyle" is that it doesn't really work unless you have allies that can guard you from the enemies. If you start the fight at ~max range and kneel, it's really easy to get out and you don't really have the mobility to catch up. If you start closer, most -if not all- of the classes can easly gap-close to you and simply kill you.

    > > Combine that with the fact that you actually don't have the ability to insta-burst, because to reach your full potential (numbers hurr durr), you have to charge malice (which, whatever you like to claim, is not instant) aaaand it's quite easy to see why DE fails as a "sniper" concept.


    > Just fyi, this was made in September


    Ah crap, someone dug it out, didn't pay attention to the date it was posted.



    >And you are wrong about it failing as a sniper concept simply because snipers usually wait before they kill their target.


    Yeah, they do... but the whole thing that makes it possible is being unnoticed, as in their target can't be aware of their presence. Sooo not really wrong.


    And jesus, linking to the sniper definition as an argument aside... Even by that standard you contradict yourself:

    You LITEREALLY just quoted this:

    >snipers wait patiently for the unsuspecting soldiers


    And then commented with this:


    >Deadeyes have to wait for malice to build before they can blow someone up with one Death's Judgement and they have to remain hidden or else they'll get pressured and possibly killed.


    Once you apply malice, you're no longer able to be unnoticed by your desired target.

  8. First of all you say that "people look at DE as a pve-only spec", which is false, beacuse in fact it's a really bad pve spec.

    Then -for pvp I assume- you say this:


    >The reality is that Deadeye is a sniper. A sniper stays still, kills from afar and then gets the kitten out of dodge.


    The thing about the "sniper playstyle" is that it doesn't really work unless you have allies that can guard you from the enemies. If you start the fight at ~max range and kneel, it's really easy to get out and you don't really have the mobility to catch up. If you start closer, most -if not all- of the classes can easly gap-close to you and simply kill you.

    Combine that with the fact that you actually don't have the ability to insta-burst, because to reach your full potential (numbers hurr durr), you have to charge malice (which, whatever you like to claim, is not instant) aaaand it's quite easy to see why DE fails as a "sniper" concept.

  9. > @"Wynn the Woeful.6417" said:

    > > @Malediktus.9250 said:

    > > He was fixed according to the patchnotes, but they cannot reactivate him until all players patched the game. Reactivating him would activate him for non patched maps also.


    > That makes sense. IIRC isn't there a specific amount of time before all updates are forced to clients? Usually 3 hours or so? Or am I off base?


    Yup, was "forced" to re-launch the client about 10 minutes ago. So Wintergust should be up now (well -or respawn soon).



    Edit: can confirm he spawned :p

  10. > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > @Sobx.1758 said:

    > > I don't know, I feel like there's no real reason to pick a DE spec. Other than "I want to play with rifle", but IMO the spec doesn't really feel as good as it should. And I'm saying that as someone who REALLY wanted to play DE. But it's... disappointing on so many levels. There's barely a situation (if any) where you can pick DE over other thief builds.

    > > You trade a lot (mobility, ability to attack multiple targets, some dmg/dps) to get what? Range? In a game where anyone can easly close the gap? I don't know about that. Not to mention that when you kneel vs ranger, he can hit you and you can't hit him, kitten ;D


    > Without rifle, just like DD, they are improved core thieves.


    Nah, the thing is DD is better. Gets dmg boost while having more survivability, mobility and has easier time at attacking multiple targets. By no way DE is on the same level as DD.


    > Stealing is no longer a hard engage (advantage and disadvantage)


    Disadvantage considering you're not using rifle as you mentioned at the beginning of your post. You try to make something an "advantage" even if it's clearly not in the situation you mentioned.


    > Ramping Damage with all weapons to a single target(? Malice does not feel like it behaves in this way). 21% at full malice using M7. 15% with only 5 Malice. DD can not achieve that without having staff on at all times.


    And why would you not want to use staff as DD? That's not a valid argument at all. MAYBE if you want to run P/P, but when you have a staff, you don't really have a reason.

    Also you're just completely disregarding the designated DE weapon for some reason? You can't 'market' a class as a rifle user and then say "eh... but it kinds works without a rifle, right?".


    > A second, and reliable access to quickness with scaling damage of 15% at max malice.


    DD is ~~fine~~ better on dmg and for some reason you list malice bonus dmg again?


    > Quick on demand access to stealth that removes penalties that prevents it.


    Thief/DD always had an easy access to stealth, not really an argument.


    > Very tanky against a single target.


    LOL, not really. (and you keep mentioning all these ""advantages"" like you're able to pick all the traits at the same time for some reason? :D)


    > A massive damage spike at Max Malice


    ""massive damage spike"" after you charge the malice, but DD has the bonus dmg all the time without charging anything, so DD is still better with dps?


    > Very Strong Synergy with Critical Strikes, Shadow Arts, Trickery, and in some cases Deadly Arts


    You can say that literally about any thief build, not only elite ones. What kind of argument is that?


    > Stolen Items apply Conditions and Debuffs to marked targets at all ranges, and gives you boons that thieves normally would not have access to. (Superspeed for example)


    As a thief (as you said, not using rifle), you want to be in close range anyways (again, with the exception of P/P?) and you have (and always had) means to achieve that.

    So... yeah, not really an argument except for the part that you can get new boons... but what if you want the old stolen skills?


    > You have support functions in two traits.


    I'm sure everyone picks up DE to be a support. Give me a break. There are better picks for that.


    > Can get a free stolen skill, when combined with deadly arts, stolen skills can be used twice giving you a total of 2+2*(each cantrip used) stolen skill.


    You can get a 2 stolen skills anyways because it's in DA, not DE. 4 stolen skills is a clear overkill. Also you keep writing as if you can take all traits at once and we both know this one pretty much won't see any use. Not. An. Argument.


    > Access to a very powerful AOE Utility.


    So does the DD and not on a 40 second cd?

    (and you won't be using that)


    > Strong Defensive Utilities and CCs.


    Ok, kind of. But you need space in a build to use it. And you won't. And DD is still a better pick if you want to stay safe.


    > The ability to play mindgames with players.


    Like the whole thief class. Not an argument.


    > Strongest self heal ability, that doubles as a powerful condi removal. Something that thieves had MASSIVELY lacked


    For the cost of your bonus dmg. Or do we suddenly stopped caring about that part that you used at least twice as an argument in this post?

    (also for that powerful heal you, again, need to charge your malice. And you can't heal when you get 2-shotted) DD still has better survivability. Aaaand thief already had condition removal.


    > Max bonus damage percentage is 21% Requires one Trait, but is fully gained over the course of some seconds.


    Ah so we're back to malice. Third time? Maybe.


    > Minimal Bonus damage percentage is 15%


    When. You. Charge. It.

    Also "malice bonus dmg" arguement already was mentioned by you. Stop trying to repeat the same point when you don't have any real ones just to make your list artificially longer.


    > Access to a stun when you first damage an opponent (can not be blocked due to the trigger being damage).


    What is a stealth staff 1 again? Ah yes. Not an argument.


    > Without Staff, DD gives...


    WHY WOULD YOU NOT USE STAFF? "hey if you don't use proper weapon, then it's weak!"

    Not. An. Argument.



    > Looking at it objectively, when you take away the spec unique weapon, Deadeye provides more power if the player is comfortable with core thief. Daredevil provides a mix of damage and survivability, and isn't as punishing for wasting a dodge. Yes Mark can be blocked, but it only stops the steal effects. You will generate malice normally, I haven't been denied a stolen skill yet. Steal can be blocked in the same manner.

    > Something tells me you're not actually taking a moment to think about what each spec can do without their weapons.


    lmao, looking at it objectively, you're not objective. You write as if you could pick all traits at once, you list skills that won't even find a place in builds (while at the same time you compare it to a DD in a "build for a staff, but don't use a staff" manner) and you even list some things multiple times just so you can have a longer and "more viable" list. You're clearly biased.



    Also your whole post is based on an absurd principle of a: "pick an elite, but don't use their weapon" as if that's supposed to make any sense. So I'll ask again: why wouldn't you want to use staff on DD? Why not compare a VALID BUILD with a VALID BUILD instead?

  11. I don't know, I feel like there's no real reason to pick a DE spec. Other than "I want to play with rifle", but IMO the spec doesn't really feel as good as it should. And I'm saying that as someone who REALLY wanted to play DE. But it's... disappointing on so many levels. There's barely a situation (if any) where you can pick DE over other thief builds.

    You trade a lot (mobility, ability to attack multiple targets, some dmg/dps) to get what? Range? In a game where anyone can easly close the gap? I don't know about that. Not to mention that when you kneel vs ranger, he can hit you and you can't hit him, wtf ;D

  12. > @Saraneth.6021 said:

    > > @Jana.6831 said:

    > > > @Justine.6351 said:

    > > > I had a deadeye so giddy because he could 1-shot my hammer rev from stealth.

    > > > Pretty much sums up the state of deadeye, useless 99% of the time.

    > >

    > > Maybe that's because 99% of the players are useless 99% of the time.


    > So in saying that, Deadeye is useless 99.99% of the time. Great!


    I don't think you understand how percentages work.


    > @Saraneth.6021 said:

    > > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

    > > > @Tarinis.6054 said:

    > > > It just seems so wrong to me. Shouldnt we at least be even?

    > >

    > > Maybe in future they will develop better rifle technology, but for now it is as it was in the real-life past, Longbows have more range than early rifles.


    > This is a Fantasy game, not a real-life past game.


    ...you know it works as much against his argument as it does against yours, right?

  13. > @Oglaf.1074 said:

    > > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

    > > Well Spellbreaker seems to be an spvp/ wvw spec - I faced a spellbreaker in WvW. I could kill him... with the help of 3 other players...and we still needed 5 minutes.

    > >

    > > Full Counter is one of the strongest skills ever made. It literally absorbs damage - > counters unblockable attacks


    > Which is totally irrelevant to the discussion of Dagger DPS being teh suck.


    wtf are you smoking, it totally is relevant. Since the very moment we got to know Spellbreaker's skillset, you should be able to easly tell that it's predominantly a pvp class. As such, you have to look at the whole class to judge it's viability and in fact it IS a strong spec. The fact that you choose a pretty much strictly pvp class, then disregard anything it can do and just look at its raw blunt press-1-DPS is laughable and in itself makes this whole thread a joke.

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