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Posts posted by Despond.2174

  1. If there is no separate storage than to me it's a pointless addition because I"d need to buy more bag space on top of buying more templates. The inconvenience of clicking my return item to swap out will far outweigh anything this new feature has to offer.


    Legendary armors still have amazing benefit of saving bank space, being able to hybrid stats, save runes, change on the fly etc. Will they get the most out of this change? Probably not, but I am sure there's coding issues with being able to save them like with ascended armor.


    If I had a choice I'd still rather all 3 sets of legendary armor than any template system.

  2. We already have some meta for nearly every minute of the hour. Naturally as they keep adding more of these smaller LW maps there's just not going to be enough people sticking around after the story mode and main achievements are done.

  3. Plenty of stat types are used for all modes of the game. If you stack damage for some builds in the wrong content you will have hard time and be able to make nearly zero mistakes.


    I have a mixture of stats I change all the time. I think that's also why legendary armor is worth the 1 year grind. I'd constantly be tweaking my armor combos, that shows a game has a healthy amount of strong combinations.


    For example I'll usually run beserker weapon+trinkets and power/fer/stam on armor. If it's a build where I need to hit more crit then I'll replace some zerker with assassins etc. There are HEAPS of different defensive combos too for wvw/spvp, and remember lots of defense comes from talents and dodging.


  4. 100% of something nearly zero is still nearly zero. I think the chak egg sac over the years as been worked out to be a 1/10,000 drop rate. Making that 1/5000 metas is still going to mean you will probably never see it. If you did 1 meta a day--which is realistic for TD--it would roughly on average take you 14 years to get it via a drop. You're better off farming the gold for one and just leaving RNG in getting one as a bonus surprise.

  5. It's definitely one of the best for me but it's gone down a bit because everything you mentioned after many years begins to be a bit stale. I'd like some new content for non-repeatable content. Just LW every few months isn't enough if I want to treat as my primary game anymore. Before fractals, world bosses and everything else was fine especially when I was trying to reach goals that cost gold. But I've achieved pretty much nearly everything I want.


    Mind you sometimes I'll still log in to do metas just so I can see eternity in action. Also that rare chance in finally getting an egg sac. Currently now I am playing way more than usual because of LW and a nice drop I received. I hope whatever shifting they are doing gives them a strong base to continue GW into a GW3, all new engine and modern tech for more gameplay mechanics. I will buy GW3 instantly.


    To be honest the MMO scene is filled with over-hyped titles, P2W models that have a game condensed servers and die off in 6 months and copy+paste WoW clones. GW2 is still top 3, but it could hit it out the park if we knew more about it's future other than Living World. More attention to other game modes would be appreciated. I am not sure how financially viable it is, whether they plan to have an expansion, whether they see this franchise going to a new engine and release etc.


    I would like more QOL features like an aura/effects tab and maybe new items/skin to be bought with things like fractal relics etc. More currency sinks, karma, everything.

  6. If it was like 3-4 tabs per game mode I'd be fine. Open world tagging, open world soloing - 2 very different specs. MAYBE one open world boss spec but that's not really needed.


    SPVP I would use at least a couple


    WVW I would use once again if I was honesty with myself, 2-3.


    Fractals I would use probably 2


    I don't raid atm


    So 8-10 but if I raided add another couple. If it's really only 3 for all modes then it's really not going to make a difference for me sadly.

  7. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Iozeph.5617" said:

    > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > It's moments like these where I wish the game went full on subscription mode. Get rid of part of the entitled no revenue generating player base, reduce and move staff from gemstore skins to ingame skins. A win-win for any player who spends around a typical subscription worth of money per month on the game.

    > >

    > > So that it's as empty as lotro?


    > Did I mention lotro? Currenty top tier western MMORPGs which see play next to GW2

    > - WoW

    > - FF14

    > - ESO

    > - BDO

    > - SWToR

    > - Eve Online


    > All of which demand a far higher monthly monatery investment than GW2, either in form of a mandatory subscription or via "optional" subscriptions to reduce penalties (with premium currency shops without the ability to exhange ingame currency for premium currency).


    > But don't take my word for it. Please leave GW2 and try out some other MMORPGs. If you are happier there, win for you. If not you'll be back and have some more sympathy for how much stuff here is actually free.


    I love GW2 but this is apples vs orange. If you're a moderate to above player in GW2 you will end up spending nearly a sub a month anyway for extras and QOL stuff. Even more if you want to jump start getting a legendary etc.


    Games with SUBS and p2w cash shops are ofc not ok, but people don't support that very well. Just a pure sub = you have access to everything and never have to pay any more. Sub MMOs actually are much cheaper than most cash shop MMOs. A lot of people would rather play a flat small fee than pay nearly double that a month for a cash-shop system that has uncapped P2W - not saying GW2 is but you have plenty of MMOs like this.


    I think B2P model with a sensible cash shop is a very good system and GW2 cash shop isn't P2W because the gear system isn't linear, you can easily attain the best gear with in-game farming in a like a month. However, there are many things like character slots, bank bags etc you are compelled--not technically forced--if you want to have a better time. Which is fine, but when you start adding it to every QOL you are going to get disgruntled people because if you average what you are spending it works out to a sub anyway.


    Remember also those MMOs you listed are under pressure to constantly update their gear and pve/pvp tiers. Subs basically demand they have to, otherwise you can't get away with a sub. GW2 for many has been slow burning, and they can get away with that because we are basically playing for free now; but you can't compared content updates from like let's say FF14 compared to GW2.


    GW2 could not be a sub MMO with how it's laying out content atm, people would unsub at fast rates - hence why it's not following a sub model but that's my point.


    Also for those using ARC I can see how this is actually a step backwards but I have no idea what the current stance on ARC usage is from AANET etc so I can't really expand on that anymore. If it's officially legal then this update is definitely worse for those players.


    At the end of the day I think it's more because people have wanted this QOL for so long and maybe even some people are returning because of this update but feel it's something that shouldn't be a part of a pay wall. We had technically 3 templates for all 3 modes anyway, so the 3 free ones feels less of an impact.


    I mean for me personally 3-4 would be plenty but I can definitely understand how this announcement has lost it's punch for those wanting more. Couple that with some uncertainty/concerns with future content, people are kind of excused in feeling this way.



  8. I think there are too many mounts. I already have a whole row of binds just for mounts. I'd rather they ADD additional/suitable abilities to our current mounts. The Skyscale main ability should have been a griffon mastery or something. Ground, water, sky and add addition mastery to improve their competency in their designed field. Seriously, if they add even ANOTHER mount it will feel like there are more mount hotkeys than actually abilities.

  9. I think it's around 11 months if you do 3 full SPVP seasons. Legendary armor is actually very accessible and works out considerably cheaper than crafting multiple ascendancy armor.


    You can accumulate the required amount of tickets from repeating the final chest over 3 seasons - unless this has been changed. So basically nearly a year. The good part is, you don't need any high rating, you can win 50/50 at low rating and still get the chests.


    Gift of the battle can be done in one weekend, so there's really no excuse.

  10. It's not happening, this MMO is designed to be able to be picked up from where you left no matter how long you're away. It was always designed to be a semi-casual MMO. Everything except maybe raids--where you need to put in some effort to get into training groups--is achievable quickly and by yourself - including fractals. The gear system it's self is probably the most flexible and casual friendly system of the current top 5 MMOs.


    They have their market cornered, and they aren't going to just randomly change that and risk losing their loyal fanbase.

  11. DD d/p thief was in the perfect spot of squishiness and reward from skilled play a few seasons ago. Getting yourself into +1s, getting out, decapping, team stealth etc etc. It couldn't 1v1 nodes well and really with spvp 1vs1s most of the meta would trash on it with better sustain, blocking etc. Also it didn't excel in equal team fights - hence it's strength was it's mobility across the map to quickly +1 a target.


    But after all the constant changes to something that wasn't even meta in a few seasons my loyalty kept me playing it. However now, this is the last straw, it's now retired. It's such a massive gameplay change as any good thief will know, it just wasn't needed at all. I was just shaking my head when I was reading the changes going: "But why?".

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