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Posts posted by Despond.2174

  1. Mmmm I have to agree with a lot of people here that feel the GS is sort of similar to other models like shining blade and it's a bit--well im--too simplistic in it's futuristic sci-fi design. Mind you we haven't seen any footfalls yet I think? Or any lengthy combat.


    It's definitely looks nice, but for me it falls under the category of a normal BLC skin price cost category. Eternity can sleep easy now, I shall still be wielding it. :)


    I am a little hesitant on the pattern of adding more and more mounts. I am not sure about the reasoning behind the skyscale mount. Surely it could have been some addition/mastery point for the griffin? My hot keys for mount are already getting out of control, I understand we want strength+weaknesses for each mount but a new mount for a small niche may get to be too many imo. So I am on my flying griffin then dismount because there's a bit more vertical to go so I hope onto another flyer that can go a bit higher? I feel I'd rather just use my springer etc.


    Can't wait to find play this episode, it's been a long wait since the last and I hope the final battle is epic!

  2. For non-active utility builds If you want to solo anything including all HoT masteries with ez then you can do a power/condi reaper minionmancer. You'll only have 1 non minion ability which actually spawns more minions. I go Reaper/blood magic/death magic--but it's flexible--GS+Staff, staff for tagging, kiting champions while your minions munch. GS when it's safe to get right up close and personal or if you're in a group. It can solo paths too for currency.


    It's so tanky with so much cc you can just go full offensive stats and the disparity of GS/Staff being power/condi makes little difference. I am 19.2k HP with 4 default stacks of flesh of the master. That gets turboed up with "RISE!". Shroud is just a huge bonus.



  3. I am hoping for a new expansion one day, they will have my support there. My real hope is for a GW3, even though GW2 still holds up visually, I am sure with today's modern coding and visuals we could have something even more astounding to see and more game play features. GW3 would be an instant pre-purchase for me, I think I'd like start a new adventure in Guild Wars and working my way back up again.

  4. It's not even remotely as bad as people on the forums make it out to be. I was on my DH with a GS+LB because I wanted to mix things up for a T4 daily. I did well on the golems so I knew I wasn't gimping them too much, not one person mentioned on my weapon switch why I had a LB. Just for your own ambition and self respect I'd just try out a golem to see what I am doing and if it's at least average.


    Competitiveness is fine as long as they are not exceptionally rude and if someone wants a group with no requirements or meta they should be allowed so just as much as someone who wants a group WITH requirements/meta should be allowed so.

  5. Mount are here to stay but I have to admit it has reduced the scope of the world for me. Zip here, bounce there, maps nearly all discovered. Take PoF core maps, they really just felt like any new LW map due to mount traveling. I've noticed even the new vistas and pois are all designed with mounts in mind. I'll get to a high spot, swap to my flyer and grab like half the pois in one swoop. It's certainly not personally satisfying as the old ones where you're using your characters abilities and cameras to slowly figure out the puzzle.


    So then what's left to separate an expansion with LW episodes now in the age of mounts? Well elite specializations are the most that stands out, but they probably could release those as a major patch. As far as storytelling, they could do the same with LW to continue that.


    Either way, it's worrying when companies starting working on the mobile market, it's a very contrary type of player to your PC gamer. But from a financial standpoint I can understand, but it's a very fleeting and shallow market and the p2w aspect is massive. Also mechanically everything is reduced to be accommodating on a more basic platform.


    I think the most worrying part of all of is is the plans for a GW3. If LW are rich in content I could go without an official new expansion but I definitely want to play this MMO with a whole brand new engine, fresh start etc. I guess we just wait, see and hope for now.

  6. > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > I’m feeling that it will be a greatsword that you can combine with Eternity to make another greatsword.


    I think I wouldn't mind this. Hey, we always need new projects to help us keep interested. :D I hope it's something that's not close to skins already like fire, cold etc. I doubt it will beat Eternity and the whole other world theme but if it does I will make one. I also hope it looks good sheathed and not "contracted" like they are doing with many weapons now.

  7. There's sadly a lot of entitlement with this thread and using "New players" as a scapegoat for their personal gain. I took a long break from GW2 a while ago and I did not expect to get LW episodes for free. I turned in currency for gems and I bought them and now I am getting them for free because I am sticking with this game.


    The whole point of Living World Episodes was to reward players who stuck/stick with GW2. If you are playing while it's introduced it's free. Loyalty rewards are fine, your loyal fanbase are the CORE not just potential new players. The prices for LW episodes is ridiculously cheap but let's say you don't want to spend real money, you can farm nearly any popular meta for a bunch of hours and have an episode. That's a small session for 1 episode that lasted for 3months+.


    There's nothing really more to be said, farm istan, do your dailies, get the episodes you missed and make sure you log on for the new ones. No-one is under a detriment when farming gold has NEVER been so easy.



  8. I personally don't think it's different enough to warrant spending my gold but some people like it so it's all good. I'll be honest though, I was really excited for my DH to get some epic LB because Kudzu doesn't suit it's theme. I hear the #5 ranger skill doesn't change arrows too, hopefully that's changed because you'd hope a legendary weapon would alter the skill animations. The draw animation for this is excellent, the footfalls are very disappointing because there's subtle and too subtle. The actual model itself I feel is too simple and looks like a chaos bow, but that's my preference.

  9. The intention was noble but the result just made everything more expensive and tedious. I think the right way would have been to have made sigils/runes salvageable to crafting components and leave it at that. You still extract runes/sigils to keep when you salvage an item and you have the added options of saving bag space to break it down again if you wish. Prices are crazy for some items that were always cheap.


    To have a convenience we added a restriction, my suggested way removes the restriction while still keep the added convenience of clearing space of runes/sigils.

  10. I've never witness anyone kick/say to me or anyone else in years of T4 pug dailies fractals because of ARCdps. If someone is mentioning something it would have to be someone whos AFK or someone who really isn't trying at all and wanting to be carried. While I don't use these programs since I know my rotations are solid on the dummy--and I can ask those who use ARC what I did on a certain boss--I don't think it should be bannable.


    Unless you're doing CMs/raid--which then you have to show you're competent or else everyone fails--then no-one really cares. It seems very anecdotal to me OP because GW2 is notorious for being ultra friendly. There's always 1-2 people in a frac group that's spot on and it gets done faster regardless. Casual content I would say 99% people don't care unless you're AFKing/trolling.


    It's not rational to want to remove something from everyone--if they so choose--because you've had a few outlier experiences that doesn't accurately represent the average pug group. It's selfish to want it only your way, some people thrive on pushing their characters further and using tools to monitor/analyze their performance. Punishing many for the actions of a few, it's not good practice. As long as people aren't breaking the rules such as swearing at you, abusing--I mean actual abuse not just disagree/questioning you--then I find it's usually that person complaining that has to make changes.

  11. As a Silver and Copper owner I am not sure how I feel about this new item. Also it's the issue of valuable shared slots. I think like others suggested that Silver should get a reduced costs when salvaging or something, but even then I feel the need to get this new item when I thought Silver would be the final salvaging item I need.


    I just wished the whole rune/craft system was that you still can salvage an item and get the sigil, but the sigils THEN can be broken down if you wish, otherwise you can just keep the runes/sigils. That way you can choose the best of both worlds. Seems like the system went more convoluted than it needed to and now a new salvage kit to add on top of it all.

  12. How do you think Guild Wars 2 came to be? All the ideas and gameplay mechanics they wanted to add was impossible/too hard to do on in GW1. Games evolve, one day it will be time to upgrade the engine not just for being modern in a visual sense but for added gameplay features.


    GW3 wouldn't be for at least another 3+ years anyway since they announced LW5 but my wallet and passion will be waiting for the next huge sequel. GW2 popularity will assure GW3 will be a success whenever they decide it's time.

  13. I feel it should have always been an infusion/aura. I love the effect so much but having to never have shoulders visible always makes me disappointed. I mean to be honest I think there should be an infusion/aura tab for management since we have so many different infusions and combinations now. Maybe attach a small in-game currency fee like 25s a change or something. I think the whole cosmetic system could use some tab condensing to make management a lot better especially since we have so much to choose from now. Oh and of course, build templates. ;)

  14. I disagree. They did stealth really well in GW2. You have to work for it usually and there's a massive downside. Thieves are not prime teamfighters, they are horrible at contesting nodes against so many other builds, and even the most cheesy DE perma stealth build against a properly geared/good player is not going to get the dmg they need in their opener. You have to look @ the broader picture, and there are plenty of roaming OP builds that couldn't careless about stealthing or vs a sb/thief/mesmar


    Any stealth/thief/rogue class gets a lot of hate in MMOs because usually there's some skill ceiling to play it well - look @ odl school sub rogues or Ninja in BDO. They can dish out great damage when combo'd but are countered very easily if they even slip up once.


    It would be boring to just have everyone the same, stealth can be balanced. I think D/P thief in SPVP a few seasons ago is the perfect example of balancing a stealth class with enough drawbacks and rewards for excellent play. I mean I agree stuff like Ghost Thief was taking it too far, but they did address that. I think the current DE roam build is cheesy but it IS a gimmick build and has a low rate against any decent player.


    Sometimes you have to put your random experience aside and look at it more objectively. I mean I can just hop on my spellbreaker and just /lol at thieves everywhere I go. Stealth is fine as long as there is some downside with utility, up time on dmg, survival etc. Thieves are hated no matter what happens, even when D/P was perfectly balanced and it took skill people still complained. It would be a boring game if everyone was just a dmg dummy charging in.

  15. T1-T2 are very new player friendly. T3 has a large ramp up, T2 to T3 feels a lot larger than T3 to T4. I pugged everything to a personal level 100 and still pug all my T4 dailies, I'd say 90% of all groups are great, so just jump right into T1s and make your way up - it doesn't take that long either. One tip I would say is if you get a daily that's easy and a much higher level than your personal fractal level; then try farm that as much as you can to get easy personal levels.

  16. Of all the profs I found my reaper minionmancer to be a champion killing God - Staff+GS, yes you heard right. Old school condi chrono with staff/sword+shield also was also untouchable. Druids and their kiting ability+sustain are right up there too. You can do it with other profs but for me I found those 3 to have a lot more breathing room. Some of the best solo fun I ever had was just storming through HoT points on my minionmancer - even before I got reaper.

  17. Hmm people toxic about open world DPS? I've never once experienced that, I find this hard to believe. Maybe CMs and high end raiding you can get people you may not agree with but that's to be expected @ any high level content. If they are actually excessively rude or something for no reason you can report, other wise stick with friends/guildies. To be honest, T4 pug dailies, open world, WVW etc it's pretty much 95% people being nice and sometimes OVERLY nice lol.


    Also I find in many cases like someone stated there's usually another story to be told. Someone may be really hampering a group, not accepting civil criticisms etc then when the group has had enough and decide to replace they will go to the forums and paint a picture like they were hard done by - I am not saying this is you but it's very common to have people exaggerate what actually happened.


    GW2 is easily the most friendliest MMO I've ever played but you can never avoid conflict, it's a human condition and natural as long as it's in check.

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