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Posts posted by Despond.2174

  1. Did anyone else think it was going to be you can salvage the actual runes but you still get them out of the weapons? Wouldn't that be the best compromise and solve the issue of bag space etc? So you have let's say, 60 items of greens-rares you want to mass salvage. You salvage all, get all your mats and useless runes, then you salvage the runes - OR you can just keep the runes like before if you choose. Or is it just me? I am sure they can change it so it's the actual sigils/runes that you can salvage separately for mats; this would satisfy both sides of the fence with just keeping 1 extra click only, 1 extra salvage to not have them clog up your inventory but not remove the ability to have them separate.

  2. Core specs are still strong and in some modes even stronger than the elite options. I think they've done a pretty decent job considering how hard it would be to balance everything. We don't need everything equal, some flavors may prefer some modes, some may not. There's solid core specs for every profession and for some eg THIEF there are non-elite options that are meta. I'd rather new elites be a little bit better than having core spec always better, nothing crazy but enough to spice up the meta each xpac.


    At the end of the day, you can buy both xpacs for the price of HALF a normal MMO xpac, support AANET, play the great expansions and never worry again.

  3. I am not sure what you mean by enormous amounts of farming. It's one of the least grindy games of all the top 10 MMOs. AR is simple to get, you can get the vanilla versions from the TP quite cheap. Crafting is not that expensive to hit 500 anymore with how cheap mats are. There are guides that will show you exactly what amounts, exactly what you need to craft. Then you're all done. You could do any gold farm meta and even make the missing pieces for like 45-60g/e. There's also free gear from achieves that don't take long.


    Fractals requires such a small initial input to get started, a player has to put in some effort. I pugged all my fractals from 1 to level 100. You'll get plenty of AR along the way also. It's never been cheaper to do anything in this game, that's including making legendaries. Sigil swapping novelty exists for a reason, it's not necessary in any mode but there for those who want that added benefit.


    Then you never have to do it again! Yes, with a horizontal gear system once you get it once, that's it, it's the best until there is GW3. You can rejoin whenever you feel and never be behind. Every other top MMO is nearly the opposite. All GW2 requires you is to do a minimal amount of effort @ the start and you're rewarded forever.


    AR+Stats is meant to be a steady grind for those who have nothing else to do. It's a very minimal reward at a large premium; it by design isn't meant for you to get easily and neither is the Fractal God title.



  4. If you sacrifice some dmg you most definitely can. I had some nice custom staff+lb builds, good sustain, mobility, with tanky pets. It can do HOT champs pretty comfortably. I just run my fractal build now anyway so it's less swapping back and forth. :P

  5. Average T4 3 dailies seems to be 40min, teams spot on 30-35. But 35-45min shouldn't take more, if it is then there's one or more people letting the group down. Maybe if it's TO or something you can expect slower times. There's so many dailies in this game, you definitely don't want to be bogged down unnecessarily. If you're using guildies and friends then it can be a lot quicker but the times I've listed is my general pug experience for years.

  6. Nope, every meta, wold boss, fractal, any time I log in there are heaps of people and guildies. GW2 is still in the top 4 most populated MMO. Some people may play less after a new episode, which is natural. I think the new LB+GS legendaries will have lots of buzz.


    I was comparing Halloween this year to last, the people in LA, the amount of groups farming labs, and it seems to be all the same/healthy.

  7. 2 silver to 12 gold (blinks). I think these sort of swings giving players no other option is never going to be received well. I understand those who took the opportunity don't want any changes, so perhaps AANET may not do anything but make sure it's not repeated - though this happened with mischief sigils but that wasn't as bad as these. People who aren't there the precise minute of a patch shouldn't be so heavily punished.

  8. Actually a lot of the stats are used. It just depends what mode. Like others have mentioned ones you have missed, there are many combinations people chang constantly depending on the content they are doing. There's nothing wrong having a best set for a certain part of content, that will always happen. There are pros and cons, some players are not quick enough to fully utilize nearly all offensive. Some may just want to do world content for example on a thief and go mara just to avoid a 1 shot etc. Some people may have full offensive sets, pvp sets, vit+offensive etc, healer set, boon sharing set etc. It's actually quite balanced and nothing like some people try make it out to be.

  9. You're making strict demands and who are you to say who belongs in the community? Something like this would never properly be governed fairly. People can do it unintentionally or discuss things they don't really consider spoilers, things that are forgone conclusions. Everyone doesn't have to change for you, but what you can do is when there is a fresh storyline, just switch chat tabs until you complete it.

  10. There won't even be a new expansion soon since they announced there will be a LWS 5. I think GW3 will happen but it's a very, very long time away. GW2 was apparently mostly made simply because the old engine couldn't do gameplay/mechanical changes they wanted. I'd love GW3, a new engine, a fresh beginning but I wouldn't expect it if it's going to happen to be until like 2022+

  11. I think Eternity is one of or maybe the best Greatsword design/theme in gaming history. Even owning one for so long I still get lost gazing into the inter-dimensional world whether it's from the blade trail, footfalls or the blade itself. I am always changing my angles and see new colors and shapes. It's just fantastic and the name it self is amazing. I still remember the first time I wielded it, probably the most exciting time in my GW2 history.


    There are some great designs from both generations.

  12. > @"Specialka.7290" said:

    > Usually rogue are the 1v1 king, and at gw2 release, the thief was no exception. But patch after patch, thief is now a +1 and a decap class. Basically, it is not a duelist, some other class do that role far better (Mesmer, Warrior for instance).


    That's the thing. It's a +1 decap machine because nearly anything can contest on point against a thief. WVW is different, but if the thief has to disengage you've won. It isn't a 1vs1 specialist and thief isn't a team fighter like other classes can do much better. I can think of 5-6 builds just on the top of my head that can /lol. So it makes me sad when I keep seeing more nerfs. Given both teams are equal in skill a bad thief on your team is disastrous, it's a 4vs5, where as other more forgiving classes can still give decent output played at a lesser level. A thief has to be constantly moving, reading the map, picking their +1 spots, a bad thief is massive dead weight.

  13. Staff power is still solid for fractals, decent in raids--it's dmg vs rotation difficulty is very good--condi d/d excels in quite a few fights also. You're never going to have perfect balance, but I do agree thief in PVE is definitely on the more least desirable side. It's more to do with group buffs/utility, just buffing the raw damage won't be a solution but then you need to consider PVP implications etc.

  14. If you consider uneven terrain, speed wise it's slower than the jackal and the raptor, while the griffon overall is the best mount. For flat terrain, no turning/jumping yeah the beetle is faster but it's evade mechanics are worse too. Overall it's more of a cute gimmick but it's a cute one at that. :)

  15. GW2 has the probably the friendliest and laid back dungeon community of all MMOs. I pugged everything for nearly 2 years, maybe 5% were bad groups. In fact groups that say "XP, pots+food" usually always run the smoothest, people fly though it, and if someone isn't performing then there's enough doing 20-30k dps to not really worry about it.


    Now and then you do get a group that's unbearable but it's not often. Think of it this way, given the dailies aren't something like SO, TO, T4 should takes 25-30min, but a group that's failing over and over, leaving, finding others, you can get a set of dailies that takes 1-1hr30min. Now that's a large chunk of your day especially when there's plenty more than just T4 dailies to do.


    But T4s are so easy now, for the most part they are done within 30-40min. Even groups that ask for food+pots and someone doesn't do it, no-one really does anything about it, as long as they aren't AFK or doing nearly zero then no-one really can be bothered with drama.


    I've always been the player to be buffed up, even with cheap options in other MMOs, more to do with pride. If you're using even 50copper food it shows you're be considerate. Given GW2 has a near horizontal gear system, food/utilities/pots do play a decent portion since there's not many options to get more stats. We can farm 20g/hr from Istan, I think people can afford a few silver on food lol.


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