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Posts posted by Angelweave.1856

  1. Sadly no you can not fly, glide, etc. to get to this one, have to wait for the the event.


    I was on the map for 1.5hrs, reading stuff on the net and checking back every 5min... the event did not pop and the cave was not open once during that time. I lucked it when I logged back on a few hours later and the cave was open.


    I'm ok with doing events to get to places but imo that event should be occurring frequently..

  2. I think it's time to acknowledge that a risk was taken and that risk didn't pay off (for those who can't see that it didn't pay off, the community is pretty riled up even if you are not).


    We all appreciate that taking risks is the only way to be innovative, so for trying something new and different, genuinely I say "Well done and I truly hope you have more risks that you have taken in your roadmap for the future, as I know most of those risks will the magic that keeps the game so compelling."


    Though a critical part of engagement is what you do when something goes south, so far that piece of information has not been shared?

  3. How about a re-work of racial skills so they are more cosmetic and be a toggle with a slight boost to stats


    Norn turn into; Spirits of the Wild (i.e. transform into a Bear and power, precision and ferocity get a 7% stat boost)

    Asura turn into; Golem (i.e. transform into Mox and power, precision and ferocity get a 7% stat boost)

    Human turn into; Gods (i.e. transform into Balthazar and power, precision and ferocity get a 7% stat boost)

    Char turn into; Battle machines (i.e. transform into a Trike and power, precision and ferocity get a 7% stat boost)

    Sylvari turn into; Animals (i.e. transform into a Wild Stag and power, precision and ferocity get a 7% stat boost)


    Each race could have 4-5 different things they transform into and get different stat boosts (basically it's like Malyx on revenant but not as powerful)

  4. When we have templates, which is soon!!!

    Can we have account wide armor and weapon templates as well, that we can place account bound armor and weapons (legendary and ascended) into it.


    For example

    a) Template 1: I'll name it "Light armor zerk set" - has a full set of zerker ascended or legendary light armor with weapons and trinkets

    b) Template 2: I'll name it "Light armor minstrel set" - has full set of minstrel ascended or legendary light armor with weapons and trinkets


    Let's say I'm playing my necro using "Template 1" (zerker set)

    I decide to do some T4's and use my chrono using "Template 2" (minstrel set), though the group gets an alacren and quickbrand

    I just load "Template 1" onto my chrono and I play zerker chrono

    No need for swapping items between characters or having multiple sets of the same armor and trinkets for different characters, because I can just switch armor templates!

  5. I agree with your sentiments and would love that from a RP perspective, the issue I think comes if this option is taken where is the deep customisation. There are millions of way to still achieve this (i.e. stances that reduce dps but pump out boons) though the counter to that is stale gameplay as you just click a button and go from dps to tank/heal/boon/corruption etc. I don't think there is a perfect solution that will satisfy everyone


    I know right WHAT AM I SMOKING! but I have OCD and like to get achievements ticked off (not that I'm overly successful at that). Many of the PVE and some WvW ones are pretty hard to get because I'm a loner and don't play GW2 as an MMO... antisocial people playing MMO's, we do exist to give meaning to the word oxymoron.


    PVP if I have 15min free I can jump into a game and tick of my achievement itch, PVE ugggh event pops in 2hrs, need 3 people for this or that. I'm not saying change anything in the game I'm just saying I love the speed that PVP can be played at.



  7. You can equip every legendary you own to be a walking disco ball that looks like pixel puke.


    You can build a amazing look around a legendary item that people say "I wish I looked like that, dam need that legendary"


    Grinding to make a legendary does not make you cool... you make the legendary cool

  8. Great idea, would be awesome to make it happen. ESO did it and called the Maelstrom Arena.

    It was super hard but the rewards make it worth farming, even with all the guides in the world and doing the same fights over and over again it was still a challenge.

    I don't remember anyone saying it was a cake walk, it was a mission to finish even with check points.

  9. I get that there is a grind in each map, it's a good way to keep a map alive for a little longer, though the map still dies and things like collecting 700 Inscribed Shards is just a painful way to keep the map alive.


    How about implementing a "weekly", that looks something like

    example 1 "complete 25 dynamic events, view 15 vista's and harvest 100 nodes from any of the 4 starting zone maps"

    example 2 "complete 25 bounties and 5 meta events from any POF map"

    example 3 "complete all 34 world bosses"



    This way people would cycle through all the maps / content in the game and we can do away with the grindy parts.

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