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Posts posted by Angelweave.1856

  1. Yep agree it is the best mmo on the market at the moment, the qol features are amazing, even spvp with all it's flaws is still fun. I still play eso every now and then but I only last about 1hr then I'm back, wow is impossible you can't dodge and the best part about GW2 is no server downtime, for an oceanic player that means my primetime is playtime.


    Two things I would love added into the game is the combat to be able to be a little more free (i.e. less locked onto the target and able to miss) also to either go the whole way with tank/heal/dps in raids and implement a threat mechanic or make the meta raid comp be one of each class because you need the utilities of each class in synergy. The current soft trinity just feels meah.


    Still I haven't found anything that comes close to doing so much right like GW2 does...

  2. I just had the most craziest team just then.... game starts - 2 go home, 2- go far, I stand in the middle of the map saying "gg" and talking rubbish because we just threw the game, I even let the other team kill me while I typed trash. At the end of the game we won, the other team were just as stupid crazy as my team and didn't recap... It's a pretty weird state that MM has got to the point where the dumbest ideas pay off because you never know what type of crazy is on the other team. Oh and no this is not bronze 1, it was gold 2.

  3. I'm sorry I might not have been clear

    This is not a post saying "I should be in the top 10 on the leader board", I think I belong in gold tier 2 because in that tier I have some great games.


    This is it's a post to ask do people feel there is a soft cap present. I did 10 games as a test where I refused to finish anyone or cap a point, when I did down a player I just waved at them and ran away. I had heaps of fun and my team were screaming at me for being a dick though at the end of the ten games... I was still mid gold tier 2.


    I'm wondering if there is a soft cap at both the top and bottom of the tier to keep me in the tier, like my test of 10 games where I couldn't drop below the tier.


  4. Is there a soft cap to keep you inside your rank? I was talking with another player as we both felt there was a soft cap in our ranking. We both believe we experienced that if we got too high in our rank (both gold 2) we would lose a few games and the point loss would slide us back to down, then we would win our games and crawl our way back up.


    We tried queing duo to see if we could break the cycle and it was pretty much the same, so we gave up on that.


    I was slowly climbing my way up till today, I lost 6 games in a row, now I'm at the bottom of gold rank 2 and what do you know the next two games were 221 and 181 point victory's... I was supposed to win those games.

  5. True condi does take time to apply, but if you mess up your rotation for a condi build your dps drop is hardly noticed... with power if you mess up your rotation on your spike you're not going to get your dps up again for another 5-10 seconds. So to me they are balanced in that condi takes time but is forgiving, power is instant but don't mess up the critical skills.

  6. Firstly let me state that I don't follow the meta often. My power ranger uses sword/dagger and I even use this build in tier 4 fractuals, so to all the meta haters I'm with you. However when I struggle I grab a meta build and all of a sudden I have no issues.


    Though the meta still affects my gameplay, take my sub-optimal power ranger. Power is never ever going to cut it, so I gimp myself firstly by playing power instead of condition and then secondly by using a dagger instead of an axe.


    The meta is too disparate,

    1. Best ranger power build = 26k dps

    2. Best ranger condi build = 37k dps


    A balanced meta would be similar to gear stats 5% between exotic and ascended, why does the meta have a 30% gap...??? Can this balance patch close the gap please.


    (side note) I will still play my sub-optimal builds, though they can be 30% more viable if the meta had improved balance


  7. It would be really handy if there was an ascended or legendary mount that incorporated all the movement types of each mount into one single mount. If that is too hard a secondary option would be to have it work similar to the elementalists attunements and be able to flick between movement types once mounted... just as a quality of life feature

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