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Posts posted by Angelweave.1856

  1. Being part of a 50+ person blob on Palawadan is a great farm but let's be real your always gonna win the event so the thrill is low, but you get rewards.

    If events scaled down so that a team of 5-7 could do it, well you all gotta pull your weight... now that's hectic and awesome.

    I know people have asked for this for older group content, because getting a blob is not possible, though it would be cool if everything was like this.




  2. Nar I want real control, like taunt... force the boss to obey you.

    Remember we used to say "every class has support" we called them combo fields and blast finishers back in the day. Don't be held back by what is now.

    Control can be a thing so much more than it is now.

    Agree with you Turkey... lets knock the mes back a peg or two.

  3. I feel like GW2 is doing the 2/3 trinity; DPS and support.

    Sure you don't need the support slot in your team comp but the benefit is HUGE.

    Where is the GW2 version of a control spec, Anet please make the first control spec a Rev.


    Yeah yeah enough of the Rev hate we are making a comeback... (see what I did there, Rev... comeback)

  4. It already exists it's called BUFF/HEAL/DPS... when was the last time you saw T4 CM or a Raid without a mesmer or heal???


    Check LFG under fract T4 or raid and you will see groups waiting for these specific roles to be filled all the time.

  5. I've lost what 40 of the last 60 games, I don't care about the rank just the ascended shards and it's getting annoying to farm, cause of the inordinate amount of losses lately :)


    Is there a better way/different way not to just match people up but make the game more even maybe like in golf have a handicap?

    Or maybe allow us to get shards somewhere we have more control over the outcome... like 3v3??



  6. Ignore all the people saying LTP... they are unhelpful and mainly untrue statements. There are people who have two accounts, same build but different divisions. I've played the same build this season and went up 3 ranks and in the last month dropped 1.5ranks, is my play style that wild... nope.


    Play for the fun of playing, not your rank. Your enjoyment is all that matters.

  7. I was just outside a damage circle when the skill hit but I still got blasted, I suspect this is probably due to lag.

    So why not make the visual circle a little larger than the skill radius so that if there is a little lag you don't get blasted.

  8. So I play in Australia which means a good ping for me is around 200 (average is about 230), anyhow I started a PvP match just before and to people on my team were dc'ed and I regularly hit a ping in the 4,000's, average ping for the match was about 1,200.


    Oh I know that Australia's NBN (national broadband network) is probably the worst 84billion dollars of tax payers money ever to be spent, but my ping to other sites even this forum is pretty good.


    I though "oh well, first world problems" but it has happened a few time that around this time of the day/night (depending on where you live) the connection does not seem very solid, why is that does America have a black out every morning.


  9. I'm thinking that we already have taunt on a few skills and highest toughness works in raids as a soft tank, extend the soft tank that is already in raids to other aspects of the game and maybe buff taunt a little more. I think a change like that isn't going to make tanks mandatory but they might be able to take some of the heat off a group i.e. ensure a cone attack is aimed at the tank instead of a random person.

  10. Hard group content not just raids, you generally want heals and buffs (aka druid and chrono). Do you need these roles, not if you’re awesome but for the rest of us the answer is yes.

    I’m actually doing fract 100cm as I type this and we are waiting for a healer cause our druid bailed.

    So we now have in the game dps, heals and soft tanking.


    Healers have their itch scratched, what about those of us who love tanking...


  11. I feel there is no incentive to try and get a higher rank... I'm not good enough to get to plat where the rewards get better so for ranks Bronze, Silver and Gold and the tiers in them it's all the same, try really hard win 50/50 or just chill and win 50/50 at a lower level for exactly the same rewards.

  12. Just a quick message to say thank you for putting in the latest balance patch.


    Ignore the haters and even the people who love what you have done, we know you (Anet) are the ones with actual data on all play styles and what is actually happening for the majority of the player base.


    I always tell my staff, "you always perform at your peak when you just do what you know is the right thing, you fall over when you listen to haters, supporters or your ego".

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