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Posts posted by coso.9173

  1. i think all HoT and later content looks amazing IMO. if they could just update the vanilla maps I would be completely happy. (oh and if they could add an actual weather and day night system with actual sunets and sunrises with a yellow or orange sky instead of what we have now.

    also some graphical QoL features would be nice, like screenshotting features among others.

  2. I know for now we have the chat bubbles and it shows in the chat log, but many times, specially on events where we're also fighting at the same times, many times I can't see it clearly because if I'm not looking at the NPC i question I won't se the speech bubble and I don't get to see the chat log in detail when busy.

    why not have an option to show it in the top or bottom of the sceen in a big font? so we don't have to keep on checking. specially for those that english isnt the main language.

    I know it would help me a lot.

  3. Story was nice, if a bit short, but we'll see something more in 5 days and I'm really curious, since it's the first time I see something like this (never played ls1)

    I'm glad they used already existing maps for new instanced content, I've been asking that for years as a way to quickly have maps for story progress and development. I hope we'll see some more in the next update too, and add them to the portals.

    I like the interaction with Ryland and the frost legion, although I really think they could have had a better entrance for them, a short cinematic with them opening a portal in the middle of Rata sum for instance, would have been awesome.

    I DO wish they had added something in between the 3 missions, more story more dialogue or anything really to change the pace up a bit, now it's like BAM BAM BAM the end.

    I enjoyed it, and I'm waiting for the next part :)

  4. hmmm I have mixed feelings about this.

    overall I enjoyed it, and I like we'll see more as soon as a week from now.

    the dialogue was nice, and I appreciate the story moving forward.

    The part of rata sum was nice.

    for the dragon misions, even though I did have fun, and they're finally doing what I've been wanting for a long time (taking parts of existing maps to create new instanced content) to be honest it looks like they were all done in an afternoon. seriously.

    well the dialogue in them is very nice, it's just a preset map, with a very random final boss, that doesn't look or feel special at all, and doesn't have much of a strategy. at least it has *some* strategy but could have been done with less HP and better attacks IMO.

    still, it was fun. and I hope the next thing coming wil be entertaining too. I wonder what's this about a wekly progress now, since they told us that it would be 1 chapter every 2 months.

  5. I never really got that part. I know certain villages follow him, and some dont. in the academy many teachers lie about him giving him achievements we actually id ourselves, among other lies.

    It's been so long since I've done the episodes of Pof so I might have forgotten, but following an undead king that spreads lies doesn't really sound like a good idea.

    also a bit confused about factions, what are exactly the awakened? If I remember corectly it's undead creatures that recovered their independence from him?

  6. people always says stuff like that just because they're either disappointed with the game, or afraid to spend time and resources in a game that might not be doing well enough for them.

    the thing is GW2 is one of the top MMOs, and among the most played ones. Devs keep on adding content often and consistently, so it's very much not dead, for MMO standards.


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