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Posts posted by coso.9173

  1. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Well, Visions of the Past wasn't exactly an 'episode'. Though, it was connected to the story, in a way.

    > What we've received was a 'release' every month. One month, a festival; the other month something else.


    well yeah, it wasn¿t an episode per se, but was part of the same story, the fractal now isn't part of the same story so i'm not counting on it. but if we only counts the story episodes it's been pretty consistent every 2 months, so if now it would be 5 months or so, It would be really bad news IMO.

  2. > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

    > > > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > > > They already said why its taking longer on their social media. They're bringing back voice acting, but its not the same capacity they had before due to safety restrictions, so its going to take some time to voice two eps and make a new one too.

    > >

    > > Source please? I read they were planning on re-adding voice acting in stages but don’t recall them saying anything about slowing down the cadence to do it


    > I'm not sure how you could expect them to do it without slowing it down. They're still under pandemic restrictions and for over half a year couldn't even go into the studio, and everything they do still has to be done with significant precautions.


    > I could go into a long post about it here but voice acting requires dozens of recordings for one single line. The effort explodes exponentially due to having multiple languages and then multiple races on top of that, so even though each episode many only play about a hundred voiced lines to the player, literally thousands of lines have to recorded to deliver that experience.


    > That's why they rely on text-based dialogue so much ever since LS2.


    i'm pretty sure the team that works on voiceover and audio has nothing to do with the one that works in episodes in general. working on past episodes voiceovers shouldn't delay the current work in episodes IMO.

  3. > @"lokh.2695" said:

    > The reason something like that won't happen lies in the sad truth that MMO PCs have to be some sort of bland, vanilla, simple. It leaves as much as possible to your imagination, and most people can identify with that and fill in the blanks with their head canon.


    > Just imagine the outrage should ANet write a story about "the commander" falling in love with another NPC.That NPC could have the "wrong" gender for some, could have the "wrong" personbality. "I'd never date a [enter whatever]!!!!! Why is ANet forcing my character to?!?!?!?!?!?" would be probably the more polite comments to the issue. As it is now, you can fantasize your relationship with whatever NPC floats your boat and it's prvate, your very own fanfic and no one has to care about it. But as soon ANet would make a relationship canon, there would be outrage. There already was outrage for "having to play the good guys" just think about how upset people would get if ANet would take away this freedom of RP as well.


    > tl:dr You don't want that to happen, just trust me.


    they could easily leave all those options for sidequests or collections, so people get to choose who they want to romance without affecting much the story.

  4. i think even a blank character can have some development, I mean the commander is in many ways similar to the inquisitor in Dragon age inquisition, we make our own story, but in DAI being a single player game, we get a lot more of options on what to do, who to romance, and how to change the story. even with MMO limitations (and gw2 limitations) there is room for some commander character development, without messing too much with the world or story.

  5. I'd love any kind of character depth for our characters. romancing NPCs, personal questlines, class quests, anything would be awesome. But I feel ANET is going further and further away from the RPG part in MMORPG and more towards games like LOL where it's just a bunch of people doing skill combos over and over again.

  6. > @"robertthebard.8150" said:

    > > @"coso.9173" said:

    > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > > @"coso.9173" said:

    > > > > I wish they would at least make all new armor wearable by all weights from now on

    > > >

    > > > I believe that the original intent was to enable players to differentiate opponents by the types of armor they were wearing. Outfits, however, defeat that intent. Now, though, I would suspect it to be too difficult to change the armor to be allowed across all professions without completely re-writing code. To me, that is not something that they can justify spending resources to do.

    > >

    > > If you ask me, it was really stupid from the beginning to have different armor weights have different seams and skeleton. They shot themselves in the foot with that.


    > So the alternative is to make all the armors look the same, and then there's no need for skins anyway. There are reasons that armor categories look different: heavy armor is more "restricting", medium armor allows for better mobility, etc. What's "really stupid" is complaining that they made armors look differently in a thread wanting to be able to mix and match the way these armors look.


    No it's not.

    In ESO all armor weights look different but share the same seams and skeletons. So you can equip any you want for the look you want while still keeping their own style for the different weights.

  7. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"coso.9173" said:

    > > Anything that adds to the depth, and lore of the world.

    > > Fishing, housing, some sort of activity that teaches us about the story and lore of each place

    > I'm at a loss to understand how fishing and/or housing would really add to the story/lore of GW2



    any extra interaction with the world adds to its lore. and depending on the system, it could help to deepen the world. for example talking about the different kinds of fish and different seas/lakes/rivers can add to lore aswell, same for house decorations, if we can have books, or other things related to stories, myths, legends, past battles, etc.

  8. Anything that adds to the depth, and lore of the world.

    Fishing, housing, some sort of activity that teaches us about the story and lore of each place, like relic hunting in ESO, adding more depth to existing towns and villages, more than sole random outside only houses and random npc, make it look like they love there. Add stores, inns, pubs, etc.

    I think in general all newer content is very superficial in terms of lore and zone story.

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