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Posts posted by Hesione.9412

  1. > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

    > Really needed an option for "Any time the map has full Zergs and they get close."


    > When running with [HELL], our commander can usually use Lag spikes to predict Zerg Movement.


    The "tell" for me is when my frame rate drops.


    Lag + low fps due to large groups. If I die on stairs, this is why


  2. > @"MattDu.7123" said:

    > Another year and still broken

    > I don't mind farming the Kralkatite ore but the Powdered Rose Quartz is mind numbingly boring. I'm averaging between 10 to 20 Quartz per meteor because more often than not I'm the only one that turns up. At 3 meteors an hour, at maximum(20 Quartz) I can make 1 weapon every 8 and a half hour , at that rate I just as well join the army of AFK farmers.

    > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > You know you can buy rose quartz from tp, right?


    > Several people have suggested buying it on TP but It works out about 10g per weapon (see join the army of AFK farmers) and secondly isn't that just proving that its broken.

    > I actually enjoy farming but needing just under 150 hours to gain **one** of the materials needed to make a full set of Astral weapons is sucking the fun out of the game for me.


    > I watched several how to's on Rose Quartz farming and with it fully powered they were averaging 40 Powdered Rose Quartz and 4 Rose Quartz per meteor.

    > So can't we just have it fully powered with one Impact Site Marker instead of needing four other people that are not going to turn up?

    > I'm not asking for anything extra, just by dropping the 5x power up, we can have the same advantage as those that could access the S4 maps had, when we had to sit them out, until they fixed the server lag.


    And get rid of the adds. If you're solo, you've also got to deal with the normal mobs in the area. Yes gathering is tedious on all maps. However, this is the one map where gathering using alts doesn't give an advantage - it's the same rate of meteors, and the max number of meteorite sites you can mine is account-bound not character bound.


  3. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > @"Hesione.9412" said:

    > > > Given that I still haven't got the achievement https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Shatterer_(achievements)#No-fly_Zone I'm not sure that players understand breaking the defiance bar is needed.

    > > That one is problematic, because the breakbar is tuned so high it's practically impossible to break with using class cc skills alone. You need to have a significant number of players using the bomb skill from gliding in order to be able to deal enough breakbar damage (when i say significant number, i mean somewhere between 25 to 50% of all players, depending of how efficient the glider attacks would be - see further on that).

    > >

    > > Another problem is that the timing is so tight, you need to be either at the launchpad or already in the air when the breakbar appears in order to be in time. If you start running to launchpad when you see the first sign of breakbar phase starting, you will be too late. Which requires people checking the timer. Which, again, gets compolicated, because timer is not constant - it gets affected by the length of each healing crystal spawn phase (basically, the internal, invisible timer for breakbar phases stops when crystals appear, and starts again only once they all get destroyed, which takes a variable amount of time).

    > >

    > > That's why it's next to impossible to see the breakbar broken ina normal, pug attempt. You generally only see that when there's enough discord-coordinated players involved to take care of that part of mechanic.

    > >


    > You sure it cant be done with the new legion waystation?


    I got the Smash the Dragon achievement when people used EMPs. Since that time, I haven't had any more progress towards finishing No-Fly Zone. In all times, I have been playing with random people, none of us in a squad.

  4. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > @"Hesione.9412" said:

    > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > > @"Hesione.9412" said:

    > > > > The only time it is difficult to take a fully sieged structure without resorting to a blob is when there is a blob defending it. Siege without players is just useless structures.

    > > > > This is what I don't understand: is it fun being in a blob and taking everything as a blob?

    > > >

    > > > tell me, how do i build 6 catas/ rams 2 shield gens and a balli or 2 with a small group?

    > >

    > > I should have clarified, my second sentence was referring to towers and keeps with siege, but not enough players to use all of it. You can have 5 superior or guild catapults available for use, but only 2 players in the structure.


    > alright, i've felt that pain.


    I was thinking arrow carts, but typed catapults. I've updated my comment, but your quote has my old text (unsurprisingly). You probably wondered why I mentioned catapults instead of the more usual defensive siege.

  5. > @"Legend of Rogue.5394" said:

    > Friend starting the game for the first time. I have been playing since Day 1 but have 0 idea where to start with a new person. They bought both expansions. Just start from lvl 1 and go from there? They want to get their professions and mounts as well but few people even remain on these maps anymore. At what point do you start crafting armor, ascended etc...


    > Also HOT starter story line in verdant brink is non existent, seems very difficult for new players.


    > Thanks


    Few people on the new maps can be an advantage for a new player who is playing with friends. When events pop up, you'll be able to do them without every man and his dog descending in on mounts. Core Tyria hero points should also be easily obtainable with two or more people - except the ones in Orr. There is one that sits behind a map meta achievement.


    I would recommend doing the Season 2 story before going into HoT. This part is a good introduction to the mobs that are encountered in VB: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Echoes_of_the_Past

  6. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > @"Hesione.9412" said:

    > > The only time it is difficult to take a fully sieged structure without resorting to a blob is when there is a blob defending it. Siege without players is just useless structures.

    > > This is what I don't understand: is it fun being in a blob and taking everything as a blob?


    > tell me, how do i build 6 catas/ rams 2 shield gens and a balli or 2 with a small group?


    I should have clarified, my second sentence was referring to towers and keeps with siege, but not enough players to use all of it. You can have 5 superior or guild arrow carts available for use, but only 2 players in the structure.

  7. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Hesione.9412" said:

    > > > @"Astyrah.4015" said:

    > > > > @"Hesione.9412" said:

    > > > > And, what I found a bit hard to get my head around at first when coming from another MMO: I couldn't pick which skills and the order of them in my 1-0 slots. Which is also a big difference from GW1.

    > > >

    > > > also came from other mmorpgs.

    > > >

    > > > i was able to get around the fixed weapons skills pretty quickly when i was new, my main gripe back then was i couldn't have a "hotbar 2" to put consumables and other items (non skills) on it

    > >

    > > The other thing is when people say "CC" they don't mean "CC". They mean "break bar" (BB?). That one still annoys me, coming from a game (you can guess which one) where having CC, and how much CC, was the turning point for some raids - particularly when most of the raid group was still gearing up. CC == "adds". The first few times I heard it, I was looking out for the adds.

    > >

    > > Also "break bar" has as many syllables in it as "CC", so it's not like "CC" is quicker to say....


    > No what they say is use cc= crowd control skills to nuke the break bar.

    > So instead of saying cc the bb they stop at cc.


    _When I was a new player_ it was confusing to hear cc used to mean break this: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defiance_bar. I was used to running raids where multiple players had the role of cc because one player might not be enough to cc all the adds (those heady days of frost mages, chain trapper hunters, and rogues for sapping). The point of the cc was to limit the number of fighting enemies that one was facing, hence "crowd control".


    _When I was a new player_ I thought cc meant adds were coming that needed to be handled.


    _When I was a new player_ I had no idea about soft versus hard break skills.


    Given that I still haven't got the achievement https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Shatterer_(achievements)#No-fly_Zone I'm not sure that players understand breaking the defiance bar is needed. I've also seen this failure on other NPCs: matriarch and PoF bounties to name a few. _Even when a waystation has been placed._ _Even when "cc" has been called out._

  8. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

    > > The balance has never favored defenders.

    > > Instantly, people flock to a link to make a bunch of megalinks that rarely can lose a fight, because they know the enemy has 1/4th their numbers and the attacker has the advantage.


    > have you ever tried to take a fully sieged structure with less then a zerg? its impossible. maybe a lot of those transfers are due to this fact. imo the game mode is dying cuz people would rather play siege wars then fight each other in pvp combat. both should be viable, but when you have to have a zerg to take anything, are they both really viable?


    The only time it is difficult to take a fully sieged structure without resorting to a blob is when there is a blob defending it. Siege without players is just useless structures.


    The problem with the game mode is the heavily out-balanced server numbers. Which then leads to back-capping objectives as the smaller number of people start havocing and trying to avoid the blobs.


    _This isn't directed at you:_

    This is what I don't understand: is it fun being in a blob and taking everything as a blob? And fighting smaller numbers as a blob? Because, the few times I am in that situation, I find it 1. boring and 2. feel very sorry for the people on the other server. There's no skill involved, you can pretty much autoattack and it's all over for the other side. Even if you try, you can't get one rotation in.

  9. > @"Astyrah.4015" said:

    > > @"Hesione.9412" said:

    > > And, what I found a bit hard to get my head around at first when coming from another MMO: I couldn't pick which skills and the order of them in my 1-0 slots. Which is also a big difference from GW1.


    > also came from other mmorpgs.


    > i was able to get around the fixed weapons skills pretty quickly when i was new, my main gripe back then was i couldn't have a "hotbar 2" to put consumables and other items (non skills) on it


    The other thing is when people say "CC" they don't mean "CC". They mean "break bar" (BB?). That one still annoys me, coming from a game (you can guess which one) where having CC, and how much CC, was the turning point for some raids - particularly when most of the raid group was still gearing up. CC == "adds". The first few times I heard it, I was looking out for the adds.


    Also "break bar" has as many syllables in it as "CC", so it's not like "CC" is quicker to say....

  10. > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > They don't have to go nuts to bring back defending. ACs could go back to hitting more targets instead of 15. Manning oil could give you "Determined" buff, like being in spawn (you can still be pulled, so you'd probably need perma-stability, too, while manning it). These easy, small changes could have a great impact AND shake things up again.


    Both those changes would go some way to helping small groups defend against the blob server. Those of us in small squads, because anything other than reset and the day after reset can be a nightmare to get numbers, particularly OCX, may be able to defend better.


    We already leave when we come across a blob defending, so it can't unbalance that situation any worse than it already is.

  11. > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > The starter zones are designed to be approachable by the lowest common denominator. A lot of us are seasoned gamers around here, so we've lost perspective on how [low that denominator is.](

    ) Anet wants to sell this game to people who don't know what hit points are, who don't know how to type yet, who don't know what damage is, who don't know how to auto attack. A lot of the lower level enemies may seem like they're trivial gimmies to us, but that is because we know how to play the game. But, there are potential players out there who upon being attacked will quickly panic, freeze, look at their keyboard, struggle to remember where the keys are, struggle to remember what the keys do, begin mashing randomly hoping that something will happen, panic again when they open a bunch of windows, ask the nearest person what they should do, and then maybe they'll mouse over the auto attack skill and click on it. Even if these enemies are so easy that you can slaughter them in mass by auto attacking, even that is not guaranteed for a new player.


    > And that is why we need a defiance bar tutorial somewhere in the early game.


    And, what I found a bit hard to get my head around at first when coming from another MMO: I couldn't pick which skills and the order of them in my 1-0 slots. Which is also a big difference from GW1.

  12. > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > > @"Threather.9354" said:

    > > **Following changes are necessary:**

    > > #Reduce passive defending:

    > > - Nerf claim buff to ground (especially movement speed), even replace whole claim buff with non-combat buffs like siege taking less supply to build and out of combat movement speed

    > > - Reduce gliding speed in combat or remove ability to glide in combat. Remove this toxic playstyle, there used to be massive negatives standing on the walls midcombat with pure caster builds like staff ele (and now dps guard). And now you could be fully wipe defenders that lose fight or escape on the wall, deservably.

    > > - Increase upgrade times of keeps and castles by 100% and 300% respectively while reducing incoming supply. No logic in every objective requiring same amount.

    > > - Fix packed dolyaks that they don't count towards 2 for the upgrade. But make them carry 4x supply to make up for the incoming supply nerfs.

    > >

    > > #Increase active defending:

    > > - Remove shield gens ability to block siege but instead make it pulse like 30% damage reduction that also affects siege

    > > - Increase siege damage to siege some because siege health got doubled vs siege for no reason in condi/crit change.

    > > - Increase health of upgraded walls/gates (was nerfed for no reason to make up for defensive powercreep by other things introduced with HoT)

    > > - Increase supply cost of guild golems to 80

    > >

    > > So overall powershift in so that attackers take longer to breach outer and inner walls but if they manage to do, the fighting ground is somewhat equal outside defender having supreme stealth engages, ability to use keep portals and cloud in the lord room. You will maybe take the keep in 1 time out of 6, like in the past, not just get onepushed by equally strong group. And big nerf to clouding playstyle because reworking claim buff will mean one needs permaswift.

    > >

    > > And please, do not think these changes are unfair, they are for good of WvW and will affect enemy servers as well...


    > Great post, completely agree.

    > These posts would certainly change the way fights around objectives would occur.

    > Reverting the wall nerf would be a giant leap forwards.

    > I feel that pulls might need nerfing, too - or some way to access to stability for defenders, since standing ANYWHERE on a wall gets you pulled nowadays (see the Twitch video where Iraneo is surprised by how far an engineer pulls him).


    Re pulls, I hear you. The pulls are incredible now, especially when combined with distance AoEs. Burning oil is pretty useless, and it's hard to put an arrow cart anywhere that you can't be pulled off. Not only have I been pulled while standing on the staircase behind a wall, but I've also been pulled outside a tower via the entrance portal.

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