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Posts posted by tim.4596

  1. Thank you for making this main post.


    I'm also chrono main, and the changes feels awful... I'm trying very hard to "accept" the changes but really this is too much.... the no more shatter just feels awful... not being able to shatter during continum just feels awful. I don't mind so much the distortion removal, it just make the game harder overall, but the distortion on the new F4 kind of make up for it so it's alright. Also as it is right now., core mesmer shatter deal more damage than Chronomancer shatter... that's not right. We've been stripped out of shatter and on top of that the core shatter skill do less damage than core mesmer ?? How does this make sense ???? I know that slow is supposed to make up for it, but really it doesnt.

  2. You could go for the current PvP build but with PvE traits instead.


    Should look something like this: [Power Mirage Build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAscRnsIC1ohlpBeoBcrhlUDjcAUCCA+JwH4Es8DcCKAA-jxBBQBlR53oU/JP6DAwpAwJ7PQSlgB4JAAA-e "Power Mirage Build")


    -Assassin/Berserker Gear

    -Mesmer Runes


    I'd say Greatsword is your main weapons and everything else (utility, other weapons) is swappable to your liking.


    **Note:** If you don't want to rely on daze for extra damage you can swap mesmer runes for either 6/6 Thief, Eagle or Spellbreaker runes and adjust berserker/assassin armor try to aim for 80% critical strike chance. With Fury (20% critical chance) you'll hit 100% and won't be dependent on other class to buff you.

  3. I think Guardian is already completely broken. People just don't realise it because it's been shaded by Chrono for so many years. But if you look at the curent state it already is, you'll see that it should SERIOUSLY get nerfed instead of getting buffed.


    Stand your Ground already affects 10 players, I doubt that shout could work on 10 people, it would just be overly broken to cleanse conditions in WvW + I think it's better that each subgroup has to deal with their own boon + condi cleanse synergy. It just makes zergging more fun.

  4. > @"Turial.1293" said:

    > Now I don't mean me personally but ask yourself this question, what's in it for you? You get your guild group together at reset, rush through the raid wings in about 3 hours and then you are done for the week, no more rewards, you are capped. You see guildie after guildie ask in chat, you see pugs beg in map chat for a full party so they can even practice.... but why bother? You don't get any rewards for helping them, not even blues/greens, you get zilch. Maybe you can join the raid sellers instead, at least that way you get gold and others can get their raid done, who cares if they understand the mechanics or learn anything, what is important is that you make money. If only there was a system in place where you got extra loot if someone in the party completes their first clear of a wing, that could be incentive but that doesn't exist. You get nothing, why bother?


    > Maybe I should pose the question to the GW2 Raid Devs instead? There is only a small numbers of players that complete raids weekly and everyone else has to suck it up; the current system is flawed, especially when you consider that the only constant day to day is raid sellers in the LFG tool. No issue with raid sellers mind you, they are just filling a gap that the devs have left wide open. GW2 Raids have an artifical barrier built in that makes it harder and harder for the casual player to experience them, if you don't have 100 kill proofs then you cannot join but they can't get a group so they cannot join, it's a catch 22. This isn't a topic on the difficulty of raids by the way, just the lack of rewards for everyone. It's a minority of players that do full clears every week with the vast majority of players not able to find groups and it has nothing to do with their gear or skill levels, plenty are able for raids but if you don't play by reset each week, then you just don't play and that is the reality.


    > Update: The emphasis of my post has less to do with rewards and more to do with a flawed raid system that cuts off 95% of the playerbase by it's design, not by player choice.


    The answer is very easy:


    1. If you're a true raider, you only play this game to do raids

    2. Because you're bored


  5. > @"Rico.6873" said:

    > So 3 questions

    > Best tank for pugs?

    > and best tank for normal raiding?


    > I mostly work with pugs so knowing which tank is the best in that settings would interest me a lot

    > And the question on how to chrono with these new changes

    > Before you could distort with shatter to give your allies aegis for teleports/gorse knockbacks and other mechanics

    > That can only be done with the 2 signets inspiration and ether?

    > And which shatter should be focused on when you support and which when you tank?


    > I dont chrono all that much but I do wish to know what to do when it is asked of me

    > Hope you guys can help me master the ways of the Chrono


    Chrono hasn't been much affected in Raid:


    -Shatter change doesn't really matter, you do less damage as you cannot shatter during your continuum split and that you mostly want to prioritise F1 over trying to shatter F1 + F2

    -Some mechanics became significantly harder: Distorting on certain boss became harder (Gorseval + KC) you previously would just hit F4. Otherwise on Dhuum, you would previously dodge + F4 in Dhuum hitbox after split phase as tank. You can't do that anymore.

    -You'd still want a chrono to extend boons from other class. Whilst Firebrand is becoming more and more popular in Raids, If you have a Chrono in your party you don't need any Diviner piece on your Firebrand.

    -Power Chrono has been significantly nerfed, so I'm not sure how much this is affecting dps rotation from the chrono. Prior to patch with an alacagade in your group Boon chrono would be 18-20k dps target. I doubt you can get those numbers anymore.

    -Tanking wise, Chrono is still superior than FB when it comes to tanking. That is low toughness tanking though (example VG tanking with 1005 toughness, Chrono can distort himself and therefore not die from green mechanic while FB cannot and will need to run higher toughness). Minstrel Firebrand will however be much better than a Minstrel Chrono. You don't really need Minstrel gear on any boss except SH maybe, and if you're taking minstrel gear on any other boss it's probably because you don't want to be bothered with mitigating the damage with blocks + evades, in which case a Minstrel Firebrand will be much better at sustaining himself than a chrono. Minstrel Firebrand on Deimos, can almost not die + full heal Saul if he were to take damage, while a Minstrel Chrono might not die, but he won't be able to sustain Saul from dying from Pride mechanic.


    In Fractals however, chrono is pretty much dead:


    -Not being able to shatter with 0 clones, pretty much deleted any chrono skip which made him useful. I know that the entire group can still blast Stealth from Druid pet, or with an engineer in the group or a thief; however you cannot solo portal skip anymore if you needed more than a certain duration of stealth sadly.

    -Distorting mechanics also became significantly harder

    -Chrono is technically a hard class, while Heal Firebrand is currently an insane carry due to all the buffs it gives + stability + is extremely easy to play. So most groups just prefer that. I don't want to say that the difference between a good and a bad firebrand is almost insignificant. But there is way less difference than between Chrono to chrono.



  6. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > @"tim.4596" said:

    > > > @"yann.1946" said:

    > > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > > There are many factors. Anet has stated they announced it too early. That the wait between the announcement and the release was too long. Is it true? They seem to think so. I agree. They couldn't sustain the hype for long enough and drew it out. Some people lost interest in the wait.

    > > > > Why then the same didn't happen with PoF even though we knew that expac was being worked on for far longer? And doesn't that suggest that it was _not_ the info about them working on the expac that was the issue in HoT case?

    > > > >

    > > > > > Look, we've discussed this to death.

    > > > > Yes, and i still see holes in the reasoning you brought up. The one menioned above being among the most glaring ones.

    > > > >

    > > > > > Your point of view is that they should tell us what they're doing in the future, because they're a company and thy owe it to us.

    > > > > No. I am saying that, especially now, it should be in their own interest to not make people worrying about whether this game has a future.

    > > > >

    > > > > > Other companies do it. My opinion is that they have policy based on their belief and understanding. It's what they believe is best. I'm not even saying I necessarily agree with them. But I do disagree with the idea that somehow they owe is a roadmap prior to when they're ready to release it, whether other companies do that or not. We're never going to agree on this, so I'm just going to let it drop.

    > > > > I don;t think they owe us anything. I just think that, after layoffs, having players worry about the future is not the best idea. They should have put more than just a token effort in trying to reassure everyone that everything is fine. They didn't. So, as i see it, either they don't realize that need (which would mean they are completely out of touch with the community), or things are _not_ fine, and they just don't want us to know it.

    > > > > Neither option is good for the future of this game.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > I think their will always be people worrying and they did make a statement about what's to come ( the road map).

    > >

    > > Yes, but that's an outdated statement in my point of view. They did say that they would prioritize horizontal progression over vertical. However that was before the last raid came out. I know that Anet might think, that a lot of players are just salty, but honestly it's not the case. _**I think a lot of players are seriously concerned about what's next, because as much as one might enjoy this game. You simply can't be asked to stay around and wait for the next patch. Like there needs to be something aspiring to do which keeps you wanting to log on into the game to improve, or get that item which is difficult to get etc....**_

    > >

    > > For a starter, I think Anet should beta test their major patch. I know it's got it's pros and cons but in Anet case, I'm pretty sure that the pros will outnumbers the cons. And you still can lock certain content. Not 100% has to be available in beta test of patches.

    > >

    > > > I would argue that their is more communication then before the layoffs. So the third option is that this thread is out of thouch with the general community and is overestimating the doubt of the community.

    > >

    > >


    > I'm going to argue the opposite, the game is designed to come and go as you please, that's been part of their philosophy since GW1, the mere fact that you don't have to play every single day should be an incentive. It's entertainment, it's not a job, it should be something you do for fun and if you no longer find yourself having fun then take a break and then return when you start to miss that fun, that's how it's designed.


    > They'll never do a beta test server, even if they had one you still wouldn't find everything that could go wrong just because of the nature of their code and how it's all mashed together, besides the fact that there's always that one player that will do the one thing you don't test for. You couldn't possibly have enough people play a beta test server and find everything without having the entire player base play test it, and that's just not sane policy.


    When I referred to the beta server, I was more concerned about certain game content being too easy. Such as raids. If W7 had had a beta release they could have adjusted the difficulty of Challenge Mode, or at least realise some Guilds cleared it in 2h. I know this subject has been bashed and re-bashed but it is very real. The hardcore scene of GW2 is dying.

  7. > @"yann.1946" said:

    > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > There are many factors. Anet has stated they announced it too early. That the wait between the announcement and the release was too long. Is it true? They seem to think so. I agree. They couldn't sustain the hype for long enough and drew it out. Some people lost interest in the wait.

    > > Why then the same didn't happen with PoF even though we knew that expac was being worked on for far longer? And doesn't that suggest that it was _not_ the info about them working on the expac that was the issue in HoT case?

    > >

    > > > Look, we've discussed this to death.

    > > Yes, and i still see holes in the reasoning you brought up. The one menioned above being among the most glaring ones.

    > >

    > > > Your point of view is that they should tell us what they're doing in the future, because they're a company and thy owe it to us.

    > > No. I am saying that, especially now, it should be in their own interest to not make people worrying about whether this game has a future.

    > >

    > > > Other companies do it. My opinion is that they have policy based on their belief and understanding. It's what they believe is best. I'm not even saying I necessarily agree with them. But I do disagree with the idea that somehow they owe is a roadmap prior to when they're ready to release it, whether other companies do that or not. We're never going to agree on this, so I'm just going to let it drop.

    > > I don;t think they owe us anything. I just think that, after layoffs, having players worry about the future is not the best idea. They should have put more than just a token effort in trying to reassure everyone that everything is fine. They didn't. So, as i see it, either they don't realize that need (which would mean they are completely out of touch with the community), or things are _not_ fine, and they just don't want us to know it.

    > > Neither option is good for the future of this game.

    > >

    > >


    > I think their will always be people worrying and they did make a statement about what's to come ( the road map).


    Yes, but that's an outdated statement in my point of view. They did say that they would prioritize horizontal progression over vertical. However that was before the last raid came out. I know that Anet might think, that a lot of players are just salty, but honestly it's not the case. I think a lot of players are seriously concerned about what's next, because as much as one might enjoy this game. You simply can't be asked to stay around and wait for the next patch. Like there needs to be something aspiring to do which keeps you wanting to log on into the game to improve, or get that item which is difficult to get etc....


    For a starter, I think Anet should beta test their major patch. I know it's got it's pros and cons but in Anet case, I'm pretty sure that the pros will outnumbers the cons. And you still can lock certain content. Not 100% has to be available in beta test of patches.


    > I would argue that their is more communication then before the layoffs. So the third option is that this thread is out of thouch with the general community and is overestimating the doubt of the community.



  8. > @"Cardolan.9123" said:

    > What if there's a new WVW map that's designed similar to a PVE map? Instead of the towers camps keeps etc, it can have PVE features such as events, meta events, NPCs, renown hearts, and even map currencies. WVW server scores in this map can be calculated based on event completion and enemy players killed. This kind of makes it a PVE map with open world PVP enabled. Plus, the reward of farming this map should be no more than that of farming an ordinary PVE map, and there won't be any personal story in this map, so it will have zero influence to the PVE playerbase.

    > Thoughts? (Still it's not likely gonna happen though)


    That's not even required, they could keep maps as they currently are, and just activate an in-game toggle ON/OFF which allows you to activate PvP mode. That way, if you want to do PvP. You do so. And if you don't want to. Then you don't. And this way, everyone is happy. However, that's probably never gonna happen. So I'd say your idea of a new WvW map is way better :)

  9. > @"Fawx.9064" said:

    > > @"Yasi.9065" said:

    > > > @"Fawx.9064" said:

    > > > While wing 7 was completed for the first time pretty fast by the community, it is repeatable content. The cries of “9 months for 2 hours of content” are pretty inaccurate. Most of us will get hours and hours of playtime from w7. Just like we have had hours of playtime from w1-6.

    > >

    > > Its not even truely repeatable. Anet is so scared of players "farming" raids, they nerfed repeatable rewards - which were low to begin with - into the ground to make it as unattractive as possible to repeat raids more than once a week. So in this context that means, if (and thats still a big if) we get w8 in 9 months, w7 is only 30min * 36 weeks worth of "content". So thats 18 hours. Add 2 hours for progression and maybe 4 hours for CMs, you are at 24 hours.

    > > You can artificially (yay, buzzword) stretch the content by doing w7 only with pugs, then you get maybe a hundred hours of frustration out of it. I mean, seriously, how can you fall into the first hole on adina CM three times in a row?

    > >

    > > Guess why raids are slowly dieing? 24 hours of content that you have to stretch over 9 months.


    > Name me any content in the game that is adding more that 24 hours of content over 9 months if cleared at optimal efficiency. Also, you talk as if w5 was invalidated as soon as wing 6 released, and wing 6 as soon as wing 7. Wing 7 is permanent content. It'll exist until its removed, not until wing 8 comes out.


    For me personally, W5 becomes invalidated after farming it for 3months straight. It just isn't a challenge anymore. It's pure farm.


    > And don't make me laugh about nerfing repeatable raid rewards. Repeatable rewards never existed. Claiming that a champ bag and 2 bags of gear was "repeatable reward" for raids is laughable. You can't nerf something that was never there.



  10. > @"Obtena.7952" said:


    > Let's not get too sensational here ... the dedicated players (I'm going to assume you mean semi to high frequency players) don't need Anet to come hold their hands with promises of what's coming every 2 months. We have 7 years of experience in this game to have a general understanding of what we will see and what kind of content it will be. In fact, I would say the LESS a player is dedicated, the MORE they demand these updates because they play for very specific interests.


    Sorry, but could you elaborate a bit more, because I'm failing to see how this make sense.


    I'm a relatively dedicated player as long as there is content, and even when there is no content, I still try to keep myself busy within the game. I however do not spam achievement as this doesn't make much sense to me, and it is not something which I enjoy. But I'm interested in what's about to come next for GW2 PvE content, because right now the game is making me wonder whether or not I should just log into the game everytime they release somethign new, play for 1 to 2 weeks and then stop again while playing again. And in all honesty, this is the last thing which I'd want.

  11. > @"Fawx.9064" said:

    > While wing 7 was completed for the first time pretty fast by the community, it is repeatable content. The cries of “9 months for 2 hours of content” are pretty inaccurate. Most of us will get hours and hours of playtime from w7. Just like we have had hours of playtime from w1-6.


    That's inacurate information, so many players from the Raiding community have quitted the game following W7. Those people were in the TOP PvE Guilds. Mightyteapot is currently struggling to find Guilds to join the ERP tournament.


    Also, Anet should release close to IMPOSSIBLE challenge mode, and nerf them a few months later. THere is nothing wrong with that. WoW does it all the time and it's great. So if you want that challenge mode kill within the first few months you need to be truly dedicated.

  12. Hello there,


    Now that W7 has been released, what's the plan for PvE? I have read the previous note about roadmap post from Anet, however it didn't have much info about raids of such.


    I know that those comments can be triggering, especially since a lot of effort has been put into developing the newest raid wing. But it was completed way too fast by most players. I'm just wondering what is the future of the game towrads it endgame content at the moment more than anything else.


    My main questions are:

    -Will raids be released every 9months from now on? Will the next raid be in the next expansion?

    -Are we going to see some new contents arriving for Fractals etc... ?

    -Will there be something new? or a reforge of something already existing?

    -Will there be open beta of upcoming raid wings to avoid W7 effect ?

  13. @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"tim.4596" said:

    > > Is it time to quit the game? And play something else?


    > Depends on if raids are the only content you enjoy in GW2.


    > Me personally, I have friends, guild mates, contacts, I enjoy the flat item and vertical progression, fractals, dungeons, WvW, open world and story as well as the combat design.


    > Raids for me are just one aspect of the game I enjoy and spend my time on.


    What I really enjoy is the social interaction which you can have with other players towards completing something.


    Raid progression is fantastic as it takes a group of player and get them to engage together into beating the raid encounter. However this whole part in GW2 is seriously lacking.


    What I'm saying is that for new players who are just discovering GW2, the game appears to be great, tons of things to do, now more than even with the release of two expansion. However for veteran players who have already done most of what the game has to offer, there is really nothing much left. Appart from Fractals and Raids, you wouldn't necessarily group with another group of people, since you do not (in most cases) need the help of everyone but yourself (you have sufficient game knowledge to know what build to run to solo most encounters). And are geared properly towards that end, + it's generally much more efficient to do solo what you have to do. Collections can be long and tiresome, so appart from killing a few rare mobs that might prove challenging, the content is best completed solo.


    I've played a lot of MMORPG, and I really enjoy GW2, which is probably my biggest issue right now as it makes quitting the game hard. I'm truly hopping that they will change their approach to raid content or "harder content" (CM's etc...) however, the longer I stay in GW2 and the longer I realise that those things aren't gonna change... The thing is... the hardcore community really tried to push in for more raids... or even invent new ingenuitive ways to make the game interesting but Anet just doesn't seem to care. Or if they do... it doesn't show.>


  14. > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > @"Miellyn.6847" said:

    > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > > Well, who would have thought that? Isn't it obvious that this is the outcome after the layoffs earlier this year? I mean seriously what did you expect? A shift to the better in terms of challenging content when it was already a niche before the structural changes? Especially when the lead developer and most dedicated & communicative person here in the forums & reddit left the company.

    > > > GW2 will be in a good state but raids and fractals won't be. At least that was and still is my logical conclusion. And finally this is a perfect one for the whole community. Wing 5 & 6 are too complex for a lot of players and also not interesting enough. Hopefully the new wing will change that and be a perfect equivalent to W4.

    > > >

    > > > Great days/weeks for GW2 at the moment. I'm very happy.

    > >

    > > The last boss of wing 7 is around wing 5 & 6 complexity wise. Single points of failure doesn't make a boss complex.


    > Given the fact that people of my old - more casually oriented - guild already cleared all CMs in the new wing the 2nd day (1st day was clearing normal mode) contradict that.


    > > Also developer != designer. They have almost nothing to do with balancing the content. They said the new wing will be near wing 1 difficulty which they actually achieved.


    > So you are telling me that Ben wasn't the one focussing on balancing stuff in raids & fractals? And we know of two additional members of the raid team that left. If I'm speaking about raid developers I mean those individuals who tweak the balance a.k.a. difficulty not the graphical surroundings, music or anything else unrelated.


    > > Ironically it can be an equivalent to wing 4 for pugs. Do everything except the endboss looks quite realistic. A lot of pugs are still afraid of Deimos.


    > Pugs who fail Deimos are ~~trash~~ not really competent players. There's nothing hard at Deimos. If you want to make it ubersafe there are 3 people who need to know the boss: the tank, the hand kiter and the black kiter. Everyone else can still afk-range from the middle and get an easy LI. This tactic also is the best pug tactic because even if all pug players have a gazillion of LIs somebody is definitely going to step into a black and make the group wipe. Can compare those people to the ones dying in poison fields of Tequatl.



    The only difficulty at Deimos is that depending on your PC performance / internet connection, things can go insanely wrong. Tank may not see green spawning and get ported, lagg might make you dodging the slam attack fly off the platform. The game just doesn't seem optimised for bosses like Deimos. Stepping out on black doesn't bug though... So if people step on blacks then they seriously have to start looking at what they are doing indeed.


    Otherwise what kills most pug groups is pure mechanic knowledge. 2 people can actually carry the whole fight. Or 1 really good druid can definitely hard carry the whole fight and prevent wipes (but those don't seem to exist anymore). Maybe too many people trashed talked druid players, saying that druid is for newbie... I don't know :D.

  15. > @"Raizel.8175" said:

    > > @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

    > > I am quite glad that both CMs and normals are easy. The LFG in NA has already died down, discords are not nearly as heated up as they were during w6 release, and it's just hard in general to make any kind of group that is not a static. This is quite weak and means the mode has become extremely insulated, if even fresh content from 2 days ago doesn't stimulate on/off players, newbies and people with alts to simply hook up a pug group and have a go at it.


    > It's the communities fault though which is fueled by incoherent game design. I think that more people would be into raiding if people wouldn't exaggerate with KP-requirements and all that stuff. Finding a static is also quite hard since most LFGs in the forum or elsewhere are either bloody casual or extremely hardcore without anything in between. The "monday clear" mentality is also kitten stupid. I just want to have fun with other people in raids and try out the raids I want to try out.


    > > @"tim.4596" said:

    > > Also Raids, are not everything, but all in all they need more inexhaustive content that players can play at a try hard level. Cause right now, the PvE scene in GW2 is seriously dying. I see a lot of new players who get into raids, that are really hyped about raids for the first few months, they create multiple characters, do various raids, play various builds etc.... have fun spamming raids for a little while, and after they've done that, that's it. The game doesn't leave you room for improvement beyond a certain point. (By that I mean, you just grow bored of raids, and don't see a point in improving beyond a certain point).


    > I've been through the newbie-experience after having acquired approx. 240 LI and then quitting the game for several months. The problem isn't being bored. The problem as a newbie is being burned out by all the kitten about the raiding community. There are far too many special snowflakes in PUG-raiding who are either quitting after the first fail or who downright sabotage you since they just don't care about the rules you've set up (like taking the kitten last updraft at Gorsy-chan for safety reasons) which then leads to a wipe. After having put up with these people, having organized multiple training raids to get the LI to somewhat get into PUG-raids and having bad luck during PUG-raiding, you're bound to be burned out for good.


    > I just hope getting into W7 won't be a pain in the kitten...


    Well, I was not even talking about PUG runs, since there are too many variables (they have already cleared, are trying a new class for the first time, weekend raid heroes that play once in a blue moon, etc... the list can go on).


    It's true that PUG groups asks way too many KP's especially when it means nothing, but puging really shouldn't be anyone's starting point or end point. It's way too much time and effort for all the frustration that it can bring (even though I pug most of the time, but I am starting to get really tired of it, especially now that there are 7 raid wings).


    What I was trying to convey in my previous post, is that raids, except from getting the legendary armour brings nothing. And all in all they are starting to feel like, getting the legendary armour from them seems to be their only goal... With the addition of W7 Anet removed the NPC that allowed you to exchange LI to LP ... And for what reason ? Because they wanted to make getting the legendary ring capped to new raid wings only whilst getting the legendary armour even more easy as you can still downgrade your LP. I am getting a bit off track here, as it's not a valid argument, but I am just saying... It's those small things which Anet does, which makes you strongly question what direction are they taking with PvE ...


    And if we look at W7 CM's to find an answer. The answer is not great.... CM's in raids are getting easier than ever. And if you look at fractals, they completed deleted CMs from any new coming fractal. In last Sunday Teapot streams they talked about a conversation which one of them had with a developer at Anet regarding repeatable CM's to which they replied that they were scared of splitting the community into 2 by doing so... So I am not really sure. It is true that 100CM + 99CM have split the community sort of, as the people doing CM's consistently wouldn't bother doing Normal Mode anymore especially since CM's actually give more loot. But I think there is a difference between being downright scared of the impact that CM's (or Hard mode / Elitist group) might have on the community and releasing them while looking for ways around it to invite players to play together, and provide something that players can strive for.


    What's so frustrating in all of this,is that GW2 is a great game.... with great fighting mechanics and actually descent and fun classes to play... So to see that if you want to take the game to the next level, it's plain not possible. Like compared to other game WoW mythic depending on your level might take you a good whole month to clear in guild (of course this is mostly due to gearing) but once you managed to clear all bosses in mythic you feel like it's an achievement. In GW2 I am not sure anymore. Demon Demise was something (Deimos pre nerf was actually difficult + you had 4 CM to clear) Voice in the Void, even though Desmina was somewhat a complete joke, Dhuum was really good.... Then came W6 (someone explain me what happened) and then W7 ... What does that say about the future of raids in GW2, W8: 'enter the raid' and get the title already, or ?


    What is currently labelled as "challenging content" in a thorough rework... And maybe new content should be released as open beta before release, so that they may check what's actually going on... And maybe increase/decrease the difficulty...

  16. > @"Gop.8713" said:

    > > @"tim.4596" said:

    > > > @"Ganathar.4956" said:

    > > > I use invisible bags for this, but I do not believe that unid gear should be salvageable anyway. Nobody uses that option except by accident because identifying and salvaging is way better. If you don't want to deal with opening you just sell it more profit than salavaging it without identifying. Salvaging unid gear has no purpose whatsoever.

    > >

    > > Having to use invisibile gear specifically for this is extremely inconvenient, also there are other ressources such as glob of ectoplasm which aren't taken into consideration by "salvage all" it should really be the same with unidentified gear. Maybe there is a reason why Anet didn't make it so, but if there is, I can't see it.

    > >

    > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > > I like the idea of shared slots, too. However, there aren't anywhere near enough of them.

    > > >

    > > > I don't remember if you regularly play multiple toons, i.e more than 5. If not, invisible bags work just as well.

    > > >

    > > > > I only have one free, and I have to work pretty hard to keep that one open.

    > > > If you want to share how many you have and what's in them (screenshot works for that), people might be able to offer some advice.

    > > >

    > > > For example, I invested in the Permanent Bank Access contract. At today's prices, that's about 3500 gold, enough to buy 12000 gems (aka the cost of 25 shared inventory slots). Because, in effect, it turns a single shared slot into however many bank slots you have: 30, 60, 420, etc

    > > > So things that I use constantly get a shared slot, while things that only get occasional use do not. It's amazingly useful.

    > > >

    > > > There are cheaper ways to conserve shared inventory, depending on what you're currently using them for.

    > >

    > > Yeah, otherwise, I guess if Anet doesn't do anything about unidentified gear, it might be worth min/maxing investment towards keeping a clear inventory :)

    > >


    > ecto doesn't autosalvage bc it's exotic . . .


    Interesting, for some reasons I'd never affiliated ectos with being exotic (I guess they just feel too common).


    So I am guessing there aren't any common/uncommon/rare items that don't auto salvage then.


    Is that short to say those changes will sadly never get implemented in the game, and that we should start looking for ways around it? Such as shares inventory space investment and invisible bags :)

  17. > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

    > >Wing 7:

    > >1:32 hr from release - Last boss down

    > >5:42 hrs from release - All CMs Done

    > >6:52 hrs from release - all achievements done (Title + Chair)


    > >Wing 5

    > >29 hours from release - Last boss down

    > >1 Week from release - Dhuum CM down


    > See the difference? I don't care if normal is easy. I want CMs to be hard.


    They also nerfed confusion, cause it was too easy... hahaha I believe a few hours after patch release xD

  18. > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > Well, who would have thought that? Isn't it obvious that this is the outcome after the layoffs earlier this year? I mean seriously what did you expect? A shift to the better in terms of challenging content when it was already a niche before the structural changes? Especially when the lead developer and most dedicated & communicative person here in the forums & reddit left the company.

    > GW2 will be in a good state but raids and fractals won't be. At least that was and still is my logical conclusion. And finally this is a perfect one for the whole community. Wing 5 & 6 are too complex for a lot of players and also not interesting enough. Hopefully the new wing will change that and be a perfect equivalent to W4.


    > Great days/weeks for GW2 at the moment. I'm very happy.


    I don't know Vinceman, to be honest, it feels like the game is strongly letting its players down in the End Game PvE content. I understand that Raids are not much played by the GW2 community, and that it's not the primary focus of Anet... bla bla bla.... but I've had player talking to me completely depressed almost about how easy the wings where. Some people compared it to "World Bosses" !!! World Bosses !!! It's sad, but it's starting to feel like, for challenging PvE content we should just go play another game...


    Also Raids, are not everything, but all in all they need more inexhaustive content that players can play at a try hard level. Cause right now, the PvE scene in GW2 is seriously dying. I see a lot of new players who get into raids, that are really hyped about raids for the first few months, they create multiple characters, do various raids, play various builds etc.... have fun spamming raids for a little while, and after they've done that, that's it. The game doesn't leave you room for improvement beyond a certain point. (By that I mean, you just grow bored of raids, and don't see a point in improving beyond a certain point).


    I know that you can do every boss with a try hard scenario and try to kill at as fast as possible, however, it's hard to see a point in it. It's fun to do once or twice, but it just becomes very grindy and repetitive. And from what I'm seeing, even try hard Guilds are struggling to maintain their players interested. Or at least that's how it feels.

  19. > @"Ganathar.4956" said:

    > I use invisible bags for this, but I do not believe that unid gear should be salvageable anyway. Nobody uses that option except by accident because identifying and salvaging is way better. If you don't want to deal with opening you just sell it more profit than salavaging it without identifying. Salvaging unid gear has no purpose whatsoever.


    Having to use invisibile gear specifically for this is extremely inconvenient, also there are other ressources such as glob of ectoplasm which aren't taken into consideration by "salvage all" it should really be the same with unidentified gear. Maybe there is a reason why Anet didn't make it so, but if there is, I can't see it.


    > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > I like the idea of shared slots, too. However, there aren't anywhere near enough of them.


    > I don't remember if you regularly play multiple toons, i.e more than 5. If not, invisible bags work just as well.


    > > I only have one free, and I have to work pretty hard to keep that one open.

    > If you want to share how many you have and what's in them (screenshot works for that), people might be able to offer some advice.


    > For example, I invested in the Permanent Bank Access contract. At today's prices, that's about 3500 gold, enough to buy 12000 gems (aka the cost of 25 shared inventory slots). Because, in effect, it turns a single shared slot into however many bank slots you have: 30, 60, 420, etc

    > So things that I use constantly get a shared slot, while things that only get occasional use do not. It's amazingly useful.


    > There are cheaper ways to conserve shared inventory, depending on what you're currently using them for.


    Yeah, otherwise, I guess if Anet doesn't do anything about unidentified gear, it might be worth min/maxing investment towards keeping a clear inventory :)


  20. > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > +1 boon chrono


    > I tried full diviner chrono with runes of pack, Illusion/Domi [meme build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQJARMncfCtfiFqBGohlUjC96WjsgcAKhAoW1etA-jxBBQBCW5XR2fAAXAA/qDgiPAAAr+DJVCCA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQJARMncfCtfiFqBGohlUjC96WjsgcAKhAoW1etA-jxBBQBCW5XR2fAAXAA/qDgiPAAAr+DJVCCA-e")

    > It was just for fun, I wanted the accessories for my renegade; but in final it is really amazing and strong, I have even better DPS than my zerk/assassin gear (in open world, alone) I don't quit diviner anymore. Perma quickness, perma alacrity, perma fury, perma 25 mights without even trying; perma lol.

    > Runes of pack works really good with the 2 fantasmal Berserker to open fight; the 2 phantasms will give you back the boons + quickness with illusion spec, it ensure perma fury + the 125 precision which is appreciated with diviner gear

    > Of course if you want to optimize etc, 99.99% BD is useless, but it's fun.


    Yes, I find where it really shines is it's ability to upkeep boons, while pulling the next mob or pack of mobs. So you're actually always under perma boons. Compared to Assassin/Berserker Chrono, which has to restack boons after each fights. So on Boss fights it's less powerful, but if you're solo open world. It's so strong haha


    > @"Me Games Ma.8426" said:

    > I actually run several builds in open world depending on what I feel like playing and thanks to arcdpa' build templates it's easy to switch them.


    > In many cases I'll run a Danger Time+Lost Time Chrono with Sw/Sw & Sc/Sh.

    > Dueling 131- Illusions 121 - Chrono 211

    > Gear is Assassins/Berserker mix with rune of the Scholar. (This is actually just a slightly modified meta dps chrono)

    > Skills are Signet of the Ether, Disenchanter, Mirror Imagea, Mantra of Distraction, Gravity Well


    > Sometimes I run Power Mirage on Split Surge using Gs & Sw/Fo. Full Berserker with Runes of Stength.

    > Domination 221- Dueling 131 - Mirage 111

    > Skills are Signet of the Ether, Disenchanter, Blink, Mantra of Pain, Jaunt.


    > And lately because I thout is is fun I'm running a core mesmer using Sw/Sw & Gs.

    > Domination 221 - Dueling 131 - Illusions 121

    > Skills are Signet of thr Ether, Disenchanter, Mirror Images, Mantra of Pain, Time Warp.

    > Also Berserker/Assassin mix.


    I like your first build. It's good synergy to run Lost Time + Danger Time, I'm guessing since it's hard to upkeep Alacrity as DPS chrono, Improved Alacrity is pretty useless I guess.

  21. Okay, thumbs up for making this. But this list is very bad. It only allows you to choose for one option, while there should be a versatility of things to be able to choose from. For example "New PvE game modes" and "New PvP game modes" should be merged together, doesn't make sense that one game type get something while the other doesn't. Also you're making stipulation without actually knowing what they could be. And the New multiplayer activities could potentially fall within New PvE game modes. I think you should have way less options and combine them together.

  22. @"Crackmonster.2790" Build is really good, but if you want the Power version read on :)


    I made this post a while ago, it died out but maybe it's useful.




    Or you can check those builds below.


    First of, though, you should drop shield off hand and go sword/sword instead. Damage mitigation form Shield is less important than damage mitigation from "Protection" buff, which you can easily get from the Chaos spec for solo content. Especially since your block is on a 30s cooldown. Plus Sword off hand helps you get might quickly, you also have a free block on it which does a lot of damage. Might is really strong as you'll kill trash mobs/champions faster and therefore get hit less times.


    * Option 1: Chaos/Illu/Chrono with Diviner/Assassin gear (berserker instead of assassin is fine too).



    * Option 2: Or the same, but a more offensive version. You technically run either a mix of Assassin/Berserker or full Berserker. The difference would be that you wouldn't be able to upkeep protection as long, and SoI would be pretty much useless in that scenario. Chaos spec is giving you a lot of damage mitigation + Access to extra buff. So you can kill champions with that build.



    * Option 3: Run full commander as it gives access to toughness and really good critical chance. So you do descent damage while having good boon duration, precision and toughness + attack power. You can then either combine it with "Durability" or "Pack" Runes.



    * Option 4: Run full Harrier with either "Pack" (damage) or "Monk" (healing) runes. That way you're doing damage + heal (however you'll have extremely low crit chance) so your damage might be pretty terrible, but still viable, with Accuracy sigils + Precision food that's 21.29% critical chance + 20% from fury (which you can get by using f3 shatter) so 41.29% on yourself constant. You can also go Thief runes instead of Pack you'd then have 49.62% crit chance on yourself. That's descent.


    (Important: make sure you run Accuracy sigils, it's really important as you may have too low critical chances otherwise and won't do any damage for solo content, also go for damage runes, after thoughts Monk runes would be too low damage; If you Run Pack Runes, you'll overcap on boon duration so you can exchange some pieces for Assassin gear).


    * Option 5: (Only if you can't have access to option 1-3 or 4) You can run Soldier/Assassin gear with Pack or Eagle or Thief runes. Soldier gear doesn't give precision, so it's important that you mix it with Assassin pieces and not Berserker, as you'll be lacking Critical chances. If you then run "Pack runes" + "Concentration sigil" + "Boon duration food" you can then reach 40% boon duration and 58.67% critical strike. It's not optimal but when you start in fotm (Fractals of the Mist) you'll be able to slowly gear towards more boon duration. You should still be able to upkeep 100% boon duration on short fights with that build in Fotm that is, with full wells. And then you can get Diviner gear. That option is only assuming that you're new new to the game, and have no way of getting early access to the stats from Option 1 - 3. If you're however an experience player and just want a really strong build for open World on Chrono then you can probably go for Commander/Marauder/Crusader and try to fill in with runes that will fill in the gap of what you're missing.



    But to be honest, I'm running option 1 that is the boon chrono raid pve setup, but power chrono have no problem either doing champions. Those builds can be found from the SC website. As I said depending on the situation you're better off swapping utilities and builds rather than actually swapping gear.



    Lastly, there are other gear composition which you could go for, but the option that I listed here will allow you to get into Fractals as a Boon Chrono and even into raids. If I had to rank them. I'd say Option 1 and 3 are the strongest. However option 3 is stronger as you'll have extra toughness. Vitality isn't too important as base Chrono vita is good, 17k roughly + it's only really useful against condition heavy trash mobs, which are extremely rare in PvE. In the event that you're fighting condition heavy champions, you're still better off swapping utilities (healing well) or you can even swap traitline (get Inspiration 1-2-1) for easy dispel on yourself. The only stats that would be really helpful to keeping you alive is Healing Power, but it's too much of a trade off in my opinion (you'll do very little damage). Plus you don't really need it since Chaos Chrono can pretty much give himself all the boons in the game, so you'll have short fights, and will even be able to pull large pack of mobs, without dying.


    Might also be useful to note that depending on your play style you might be better off dropping Chrono spec and run Core Mesmer instead. Chrono spec is more damage and allows you to recharge your skills faster. But you should see it as a situational thing. In the event that you're against a condition heavy Champion, it's better to drop Chronomancer spec and take Inspiration instead, or if you need high CC/Debuff you can take Domination traitline. You can drop illusion traitline instead, but then you'll loose a lot of damage, and won't have Quickness on Phantasm spawn.


    I hope this helps you getting the right gear option.



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