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Posts posted by tim.4596

  1. Hello,


    I was looking at Metabattle in the open world section, and I find out that while there was a few open world build available, they all seem very straight forward assassin/berserker stats for power and viper for condi. So I thought it'd be interesting to make a post on the forum and ask what's everyone mesmer/chrono/mirrage build in open world. :) And discuss thoughts etc...

  2. > @"APGaming.3104" said:

    > Here's how you make guilds good.


    > 1) Have a monthly event that requires guilds to bid (in gold) for a specific map (like a whole map)


    That would be good actually, if guilds could control certain area of Tyria and fight for them on a monthly or weekly cool down. Like in Dofus, where you can have npc's from your guild hold a certain map, and you would get a slight reward loot from each mob killed in the area. So if you collect it often you'd have a lot of resources automatically gathered for your guild, and if you forget about it, then other guilds can attack that area and steal resources from the NPC would they die.


    > 2) then, for that month, the guilds get a tiny tiny % of ALL sales, trades etc that go on in, that map. Even using different currency ( laurels for example) would deposit those into the guild bank


    > 3) the guild would have to decide how its members reap the rewards. This could be either participation in content (meta events, raids etc) or contribition go something else.


    > 4) Alternatively, the guild that owns a map would have its banners shown at every non enemy camp / city (imagine owning a place like divinity reach.


    > 5) gwg events could compete for EXCLUSIVE vendors for a certain thing ( which they could ideally sell on trading post to make even more gold)


    > 6) if guildies banded together for ranked pvp with squads made up of only the same guild members.. You could then make a league table for "best pvp" guilds. You won't even need good players.. Just heaps of them since the more ranked matches your guild plays the more you'd climb this table.


    > 7) introduce a player cap on guilds (unsure if it exists) and make it expensive to raise cap. Guilds that work hard can get it.


    > The casual solo chumps can be just that. Their content doesn't have to change.


    > At the end of the month, you reap the rewards ofal a month's worth of work.




  3. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > @"tim.4596" said:

    > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > @"tim.4596" said:

    > > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > > > If I want an achievement and there aren't many people in the zone, I can usually count of my guild to come help out. I'm not talking about big stuff like Dragon Stand that gets done anyway. I'm talking about smaller stuff that doesn't always get done. Having that back up sure helps. Having people to play with, even if it's less interesting stuff like chatting while I world complete helps.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Agreed. I have a very small guild of close friends and family who all have similar time-constraints when it comes to being available to play (work, family, etc). Once the changes were made that pretty much nerfed our small little guild into obscurity, we really only do events together that aren't "guild" events.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > > @"Tumult.2578" said:

    > > > > > >... I liked being able to drop banners and food to help everyone at events, and I could do so much more now, but to me guilds died when they implemented the cost and requirements to create a guild. I'm most certainly not alone on this.

    > > > > > Yeah, even our small guild was able to crank out a banner or two at events from time to time. Now, without a hall, we don't have this ability.

    > > > >

    > > > > What do you mean by that "without a hall we don't have this ability"? Isn't getting a hall available to hall players ?

    > > > >

    > > > > > > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

    > > > > > > To me a guild has always been a group of people who come together and help each other, and do events and content together. They socialize with each other, become friends and share interests. They share commonalities and goals, or friendships. Its them together standing up for their own. Im probably outdated in my thinking because i come from an older generation that believe a guild was more than just a tag and a place to get bonuses.

    > > > > > You're definitely not alone in this thinking.

    > > > >

    > > > > Well yes, but I think it's also important not to forget why their are Guilds in the first place in an MMORPG. It is indeed to form a community of players, but it also generally comes out of a need for a Guild. As of now, guilds are nothing more than an extended friend list, with players you might be prone to recurrently play with. I think our thinking might diverge but I wouldn't ask any of my guild mates for help to do any quest of some sort unless there is no way around it, or if they can as well get something from it. Otherwise you'd just be exploiting other people's time for no reason at all than your own benefits...

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Actually, there are people in my guild who enjoy helping people and not asking them for help would be hurtful to them if they new I needed help and I didn't ask. The same works for me. I like helping people. One of the things my guild was founded on was helping people get stuff done. We even have an evening set aside for just that purpose.

    > > >

    > > > Are you suggesting asking your friends for helping is using them? Maybe it is. On the other hand, using people is not the same thing as abusing them. We all use people all the time. For company. For entertainment. For help. My friends helped me move. And I've helped them move. I didn't feel exploited. Obviously if all you do is ask for help repeatedly without trying to do something, you can start to strain the bonds of what's reasonable, but different people have different levels of that.

    > > >

    > > > In fact, this game is set up uniquely for that, because if I go to a lower level zone, I can still get drops at my level and almost everything I do gives me something. And yes,, there are a couple of times that's not true, but by and large, most of my game time is spend helping people with stuff. It gives me something to do, keeps the game fresh and I don't feel like I'm missing out. I'm always making progress on something. Even if it's just helping someone find a POI they can't find, I'll farm some wood or metal on the way there.

    > > >

    > > > Sorry but this idea that everyone has to get something out of it just because we're playing a game together sounds very mercenary to me. That's not how I play and it's not how I'll ever play. I guess we really are different.

    > >

    > > I'm not sure to be honest. This game is so grindy that once you've done all your dailies that's 2h of meta 1h of fractals 10-20min of daily (pact supply + 3 daily) you barely have time to come help people. Those are just the dailies, most of the time, you might as well be crafting legendary etc... and need to do collection. That if people ask for something doable solo, it feels a bit forced.


    > Because if you don't do your dalies each and every single day you're going to implode, and you've lost the game? What would happen if I didn't do ALL my dailies for a day, two, six? What if I took two weeks off from doing dailies.


    Yes, that's exactly what will happen if I don't do my dailies every day. If you don't do your dailies for two weeks then you'd need some other more efficient way of using those daily 3h I guess that gives you more gold/rewards than the daily do. Otherwise I don't know. If you're pushing for progression raid to clear day 1 I might understand that you might skip dailies, or if new content get released. Otherwise I'm not too sure why you logged on, if not to do your dailies right. Like... if you don't play the game what do you do in the game ? right ? Unless you main PvP then I guess you play a different game.


    > What I do daily is farm my home instance, with people from my guild so I'm still helping people at the same time. Usually I have a full party and I go in as many as three or four times for people who want to farm it. I farm the guild hall. I do the daily that nets me 2 gold which usually takes me under ten minutes. Today it took me 3 minutes. I don't do fractal dailies every day, but I don't need to. I don't do daily metas every day because I don't need to. Honestly if I wanted to work I'd come out of retirement and spend my days doing chores for real currency, not in game currency.


    > I play a lot of hours. I have 23 legendary weapons (well on my way to my 24th). I have 41 characters that are level 80. I've completed all story and zones on 13 characters. I have 1 legendary trinket, 2 legendary back pieces and 8 characters in full ascended gear, with most of the others in full exotic with ascended jewelry and some ascended weapon and armor pieces mixed in. I have 2 of the 3 permanent fractal potions. And if someone needs fractals, I'll do the daliies, but I don't feel a burning desire to sit there and make this game a shopping list. I guess that works for some people. Then again, those some people probably find the game grindy. I don't.


    I've often find myself doing daily fractals multiple times a day. 2, 3, 4 or 5x even for guildies. But that's different, you do get a reward, and you can practice rotation or other class in every run, to get better clearing run time.


    41 characters is an insane number and 23 legendary weapons is too actually. I guess you're one of the achiever type. I just do raids and fractals, so... that doesn't give me much gold. Raids are rather a gold sink. I only have 20 characters, but 19 of them are full ascended though, with multiple sets on some of them. And 2 legendary armor, well almost 3 but I stopped the third one, as druid feels kind of meh, right now. And I recently started crafting legendary weapons for my chrono, and the thing is, even though you're telling me that you got the time to help people, I'm not too sure how, cause since I've started to craft Legendary, I spend so much time doing anything that can potentially give me gold. I don't mind gated collection or items, but I still do enjoy to craft legendary weapons without having to wait a whole month before crafting it. So honestly I don't know.


    I guess you're just at a point in the game that doesn't require you to farm much anymore, as you've already unlocked so many things, whilst I'm currently concerned with crafting as many legendary weapons with as little time as possible. Anyway, those things are highly subjective I'd say... not much debate to do here.


  4. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > @"tim.4596" said:

    > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > If I want an achievement and there aren't many people in the zone, I can usually count of my guild to come help out. I'm not talking about big stuff like Dragon Stand that gets done anyway. I'm talking about smaller stuff that doesn't always get done. Having that back up sure helps. Having people to play with, even if it's less interesting stuff like chatting while I world complete helps.

    > > >

    > > > Agreed. I have a very small guild of close friends and family who all have similar time-constraints when it comes to being available to play (work, family, etc). Once the changes were made that pretty much nerfed our small little guild into obscurity, we really only do events together that aren't "guild" events.

    > > >

    > > > > @"Tumult.2578" said:

    > > > >... I liked being able to drop banners and food to help everyone at events, and I could do so much more now, but to me guilds died when they implemented the cost and requirements to create a guild. I'm most certainly not alone on this.

    > > > Yeah, even our small guild was able to crank out a banner or two at events from time to time. Now, without a hall, we don't have this ability.

    > >

    > > What do you mean by that "without a hall we don't have this ability"? Isn't getting a hall available to hall players ?

    > >

    > > > > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

    > > > > To me a guild has always been a group of people who come together and help each other, and do events and content together. They socialize with each other, become friends and share interests. They share commonalities and goals, or friendships. Its them together standing up for their own. Im probably outdated in my thinking because i come from an older generation that believe a guild was more than just a tag and a place to get bonuses.

    > > > You're definitely not alone in this thinking.

    > >

    > > Well yes, but I think it's also important not to forget why their are Guilds in the first place in an MMORPG. It is indeed to form a community of players, but it also generally comes out of a need for a Guild. As of now, guilds are nothing more than an extended friend list, with players you might be prone to recurrently play with. I think our thinking might diverge but I wouldn't ask any of my guild mates for help to do any quest of some sort unless there is no way around it, or if they can as well get something from it. Otherwise you'd just be exploiting other people's time for no reason at all than your own benefits...

    > >


    > Actually, there are people in my guild who enjoy helping people and not asking them for help would be hurtful to them if they new I needed help and I didn't ask. The same works for me. I like helping people. One of the things my guild was founded on was helping people get stuff done. We even have an evening set aside for just that purpose.


    > Are you suggesting asking your friends for helping is using them? Maybe it is. On the other hand, using people is not the same thing as abusing them. We all use people all the time. For company. For entertainment. For help. My friends helped me move. And I've helped them move. I didn't feel exploited. Obviously if all you do is ask for help repeatedly without trying to do something, you can start to strain the bonds of what's reasonable, but different people have different levels of that.


    > In fact, this game is set up uniquely for that, because if I go to a lower level zone, I can still get drops at my level and almost everything I do gives me something. And yes,, there are a couple of times that's not true, but by and large, most of my game time is spend helping people with stuff. It gives me something to do, keeps the game fresh and I don't feel like I'm missing out. I'm always making progress on something. Even if it's just helping someone find a POI they can't find, I'll farm some wood or metal on the way there.


    > Sorry but this idea that everyone has to get something out of it just because we're playing a game together sounds very mercenary to me. That's not how I play and it's not how I'll ever play. I guess we really are different.


    I'm not sure to be honest. This game is so grindy that once you've done all your dailies that's 2h of meta 1h of fractals 10-20min of daily (pact supply + 3 daily) you barely have time to come help people. Those are just the dailies, most of the time, you might as well be crafting legendary etc... and need to do collection. That if people ask for something doable solo, it feels a bit forced.

  5. > @"CaffeinatedSugar.7283" said:

    > In the end, I don't see this happening, but I do think Guild Halls should be reworked so they're worth putting time into. :tired_face:


    What I'd love to see added to Guild Halls is customizable NPC, and ultimately the option to attack other Guild halls in a PvE setup. By that I mean instead of attacking other player in a GvG context. Players would attack other Guild Halls and their NPC. I'm sure that there are way to make it happen, the anime "Overlord" has a lot of good ideas towards this with a maximum amount of Dungeon Guild Hall in the entire game. Although this will most likely never happened, it would create repeatable content and add a cool feature to the name Guild "Wars".

  6. > @"Samnang.1879" said:

    > No, i am not talking about basic/useless housing nobodycurrs like you see in other MMOs, and no, guild halls and home instances don't count because what i'm propossing is far better than anything you have ever imagined. The question is, does Anet have the spleen to implement it?


    > The housing construction process: Basic homes = 200k elder wood logs 400k mithril ores mansion = more castle = more

    > Gemstores items = posters of famous characters in gw2, we can display minis in home, furnitures, lamps, chandeliers etc. 2000gems = customizable poster we can put a picture from our PC in.

    > we can make bedrooms, toilets etc.

    > The most important rooms:

    > - Gaming room - this is where we can train to do anything in pve, example training raids, we can train with our friends or solo, the other 9 toons will be NPCS who will help us clear bosses, these simulations/trainings do not give rewards, it just train u how to do mechanics in the open world.

    > - Garden - implement a REAL garden (not garden plots), introduce new crafting profession: lvl 500 gardener, soil, fertilizers, raising crops for Chefs. Garden plots will also appear here. Raise chicken, cow, jellyfish, octopus, choya meats.

    > - Stables - where our mounts rest, make new animations for mounts, the more we interactive with them, the more they have animations sort of like tamagotchi. we have to feed them, otherwise they run away and we have to re-catch them. we can feed them, give them showers.

    > - weapons & armors room: we can display our most beautiful weapons and armors here. also if u place a weapon in the forge in this room, it slowly turn from white to green, from green to yellow over time (long time) and then yellow to exo, exo to ascended (example 60 days).


    > we can hold parties and discos, the more ppl show up, the more we get Gold/exp/"insert something else useful here". monsters might invade our homes, if we defend successfully, we get a special prize.


    > i proposed this idea in-game, & ppl told me to go play "Life" or "The Sims"... but thats not my point. I play those games by themselves, they're just not fun on their own. Imagine if Anet collaborate with EA sports, and The Sims is in GW2... imagine how fun it would be, i would spend hundreds of hours decorating my home, and when i get bored, I would go and kill stuff.


    > Please, anet, give us in-game housing like this... also please dont make it like SUPER BIG that nobody cares to walk to. Each room has to have a use... not just there to make it look big but totally useless...


    I'd love to see changes like that implemented into the game too. Not to point the obvious, but Final Fantasy Online offers so much freedom with House creation and it is so nice, why can't GW2 have a bit more personal customisable zone. It could also further the scribing economy or create an entire new profession altogether for crafting pieces of furniture and else...


    Since jeweller and cooking profession are getting an upgrade, it would be amazing to have a follow up with scribing, and get more customisable place that players can create. I looked for some video and all I could find of interest currently, was the creation of your own jumping puzzle. Beside that not much.


  7. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > If I want an achievement and there aren't many people in the zone, I can usually count of my guild to come help out. I'm not talking about big stuff like Dragon Stand that gets done anyway. I'm talking about smaller stuff that doesn't always get done. Having that back up sure helps. Having people to play with, even if it's less interesting stuff like chatting while I world complete helps.


    > Agreed. I have a very small guild of close friends and family who all have similar time-constraints when it comes to being available to play (work, family, etc). Once the changes were made that pretty much nerfed our small little guild into obscurity, we really only do events together that aren't "guild" events.


    > > @"Tumult.2578" said:

    > >... I liked being able to drop banners and food to help everyone at events, and I could do so much more now, but to me guilds died when they implemented the cost and requirements to create a guild. I'm most certainly not alone on this.

    > Yeah, even our small guild was able to crank out a banner or two at events from time to time. Now, without a hall, we don't have this ability.


    What do you mean by that "without a hall we don't have this ability"? Isn't getting a hall available to hall players ?


    > > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

    > > To me a guild has always been a group of people who come together and help each other, and do events and content together. They socialize with each other, become friends and share interests. They share commonalities and goals, or friendships. Its them together standing up for their own. Im probably outdated in my thinking because i come from an older generation that believe a guild was more than just a tag and a place to get bonuses.

    > You're definitely not alone in this thinking.


    Well yes, but I think it's also important not to forget why their are Guilds in the first place in an MMORPG. It is indeed to form a community of players, but it also generally comes out of a need for a Guild. As of now, guilds are nothing more than an extended friend list, with players you might be prone to recurrently play with. I think our thinking might diverge but I wouldn't ask any of my guild mates for help to do any quest of some sort unless there is no way around it, or if they can as well get something from it. Otherwise you'd just be exploiting other people's time for no reason at all than your own benefits...


  8. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > @"Nogothanc.5014" said:

    > > I remember in GW1 the times as the server wide message appeared that Guild [insert guild name] has won the favor of the gods. I thanked them and went immediately to the Temple of the Ages to get into the Fissure of Woe. Only the region (America, Asia or Europe) that has won the tournament five times in a row got the favor of the gods and only that region could enter the elite maps The Fissure of Woe and The Underworld. It was literally a permanent Guild War going on. That kind of competition and that kind of importance is missing for Guilds in GW2.


    > There are guild themes that play when certain events happen in Guild Wars 2 and you can even select the music that plays in your guild hall. That much at least, remains. Guilds can claim and, if they want, try to hold towers in WvW as well. Your guild banner is displayed on the tower. This game isn't without guild stuff like that.


    I think needing to unlock buildings from the Guild hall, just to hold towers in WvW is a bad joke. I mean how does holding a tower in WvW benefit your Guild in anyway? same for everything else. There is no point in having a Guild currently, except from unlocking extra features, that are rewardless in what is supposed to be a competitive environment.

  9. > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

    > To me a guild has always been a group of people who come together and help each other, and do events and content together. They socialize with each other, become friends and share interests. They share commonalities and goals, or friendships. Its them together standing up for their own. Im probably outdated in my thinking because i come from an older generation that believe a guild was more than just a tag and a place to get bonuses.


    I wouldn't say you're outdated, I think you got the spirit of what a Guild should be about. I'm just struggling to understand the meanings of Guilds in GW2 as it is right now, since you don't really need one except in PvP or Raid maybe. By that I mean, you might preferred organised group in WvW and regarding raids, it's much faster/less nerve wrecking to raid with a Guild (I'm not counting statics, as in my opinion they are sort of the same as a Guild, just on a lower scale.


    I have some suggestions, which could be done regarding Guilds, and I'm tempted to make a post to follow up on a previous post that I made, which basically concluded that we need more content overall (not a surprise I know, haha, everybody knows that), but I suggested that Guilds "activities" (missions, etc...) might be a good way to have inexhaustible content created by players. I'm just not sure whether Anet either care, or what is their current state. Through posting a bit, I've actually found out that there seem to be a lot of really good idea, but they never seem to end up somewhere, or they get left alone.


    The post that I wanted to make, would somewhat look like that :


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/7mlYL7c.jpg "")


    While Guilds "activities/missions" offers three different type of Guild Missions (PvP, WvW, and PvE), there are no crossover between Guilds. They do not compete with each other on any level. The only interest which could have been apparent at the beginning, was probably levelling your Guild to max level, however there is not much use to do that anymore. Once you've reached the top lvl it doesn't do much for you except maybe giving you some extra perks in terms of QoL that no one really seems to care about.


    The only current crossover could be found in Raids and WvW (GvG). In those game modes "Guilds" can become kind of important, however GvG doesn't actually exist in the game (it's been run by Players, but there aren't any official way to do GvG or appear on a leaderboard of some sort from Anet). Regarding Raids, I'd say that there isn't enough content at the moment for it to be alive, It's mostly content which has been done, and redone, and redone..... if you ask me it's kind of sad. Record run are somewhat interesting, they have been backed up from Anet. SC and Roca recently created some contest for players and Guilds to participate in and Anet agreed to participate to the prize pool by offering gems, would there be enough teams participating.


    Otherwise, I think GW2 is seriously forgetting what an MMORPG is supposed to be about, by that I mean there isn't any repeatable content that you can't do solo.


    When I questioned myself about Guilds, regarding the direction that Anet was trying to take with them, I went onto GW2 wiki and typed in "Guild". Here is the definition from wiki:


    "Guilds are a great way to connect to a community and make new friends. Each guild has its own chat channel and list of members to see who's available to play with. Members can cooperate to obtain a guild hall and purchase upgrades such as leveling bonuses, shared item vaults, and the ability to throw a party."


    They even have a benefit section:


    Socializing within a community.

    Access to the Guild Hall.

    Sharing items in the Guild Vault.

    Learning from more experienced Guild members.

    Acquiring Guild Commendations and other rewards by participating in Guild Missions which may be used to purchase items from a Guild Commendation Trader or Guild Trader.

    Guild Enhancements available in the Guild Tavern and an automatic buff reducing waypoint travel costs.

    Access to a new crafting discipline, the scribe.

    Access to Tenebrous Crystals or Shimmering Crystals used to create a new tier of guild weapons and armor.


    In short: "Guilds are a community of players" full stop. What ever else you currently may think that guilds are about you can forget about it. Projects towards making missions PvE, PvP or WvW axed are projects that have mostly been abandoned.


    On that; I think there are a lot of ways in which Guilds perks could be improved and Guilds missions taken further, and more divided. While the PvP section seems to make sense. I'm not too sure what's the direction of the PvE Guilds missions. Race/Jumping Puzzle shouldn't be put as in the same basket as monster hunting. And monster hunting missions that requires 5, 10 or 15 players shouldn't be easily done by 2, 3 or 5 players. I understand that Guilds missions shouldn't be too hard. But there is a point, when asking a player to come up with a somewhat of a strat should still be considered. Otherwise, I guess you could just make massive hack n slash encounter with waves that gets more and more difficult, and doesn't end.



  10. Thank you for your answers, feels bad though, I really wanted to see some gen 2 legendary underwater weapons :( I guess not enough people enjoy under water content, would be nice to have some actual encounters underwater. Like they could start with an underwater world boss or a meta event with an underwater boss and see how it goes from there. The new maps are located in some islands. It's a shame that such a big part of the game mechanics are disappearing.

  11. > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

    > What is the fastest/easiest way to tell if inventory items may be dropped to free space?

    > I have tomes, books, precursor items, and too many other things that I'm not sure what to do with.

    > Many don't seem to line up with current events or collections, but I don't want to drop everything to free up space just in case they are useful in the future.

    > Is there a better way than going item by item in wiki across all my inventory slots to see what I need to keep?


    Unfortunately, going item by item is the safest way, however a little trick to go faster: you can type /wiki (in the gane-chat) and shift click the item you want to search. It will open a direct wiki page on internet and alt tab you automatically too.


    Another option would be to apply a simple rule. If you don't know what it is, just delete it. Most likely you won't need it. And if you really want it back you always have ways to get it back when you will be doing the collection.


  12. > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

    > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

    > > > Because of the rotation of the daily fractals and the instabilities, I believe that interchangeable stat&rune gear -legendary or not doesn't matter- is as necessary (convenient) for fractals as it is for raids. Adding a long term system to somehow upgrade the present ascended gear to become interchangeable would be a great idea.

    > >

    > > To be honest, not really. **The instabilities rather encourage changing class or mostly utility skills and traits. There is still almost no reason to change stats in fractals.**

    > >

    > > The most notable changes in fractals which are being done:

    > > - change utilities for more reflects on mesmer, guardians, engies if We Bleed Fire is present or on Volcanic

    > > - change base warrior banner slave to spellbreaker or take Shattered Concentration as chrono if a lot of boon pressure is present (other boon strip works too like Renegade)

    > > - switch to Scourge and cleave heavy classes for the end boss of Siren's Reef

    > > - take additional stability utilities for Chaos or in 100 CM

    > > - take some additional cc if no banner slave is present

    > >

    > > That's pretty much it. The only class which could be considered changing is guardian from power DH to condi Firebrand at the end of Siren's Reef. Any other minor stat adjustments can me done via trinkets if need be, but as I said, it's super rare is at all.

    > >

    > > The major difference between raids and fractals remains:

    > > Fractals still heavily favor power builds across the board. Raids alternate between power and condition builds as well as party setup (solo or double heal).

    > >

    > > While I am not opposed to get fractal armor added, this currently is not one of the reasons for it. At least not due to necessity. A proper build template system would be more useful than legendary armor for fractals at this point.


    > I don't know other classes, but as a druid, I find myself often 1 shot killed because of some kitten inst combos in some fractals. For those cases, I really miss the option to add some more vitality/toughness to my gear.


    You can add toughness to your gear especially as druid. Feel free to run full minstrel gear if you prefer it as a druid. It's exactly the same as running full harrier. Damage as a healing druid in fractals is hardly noticeable and most party wouldn't care wether you do 2-3 or 6k damage.

  13. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"tim.4596" said:

    > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > > > > > @"thrag.9740" said:

    > > > > > I would like legendary armor available through fractals (I don't think they should give envoy skin though, other skins that are easier for the artists to make would be good). I already have all 3 sets from raids, and I want more, but recrafting the same skins feels like a waste, and I wouldn't mind another way to earn more legendary gear with different skins. Then again, I have 1k+ LI sitting around, so I guess the real limit for me is the gifts of magic/might etc.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Honestly, I wish Anet would just make more legendary equipment on the whole. Its taking them multiple years just to add a single legendary ring. Still no legendary amulet or 2nd accessory, and you can only get 1 aurora as it is. I think it would be pretty fitting for fractals to have legendary rings too, considering how important rings are to fractals.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > @phs.6089 c'mon c'mon don't ignore the numbers now, you came up with them in the first place

    > > > > > > raids legendary gear 10 weeks for first set

    > > > > > > wvw legendary gear: 21 weeks for non unique skins, 25 weeks for unqiue skins ( requires wvw rank 2000)

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > how is that even close to "same amount of playtime"

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > full raid clear (all wings) with a good group is 2-3 hours per week, so full legendary raid armor is 30 hours max

    > > > > > > for wvw, you need to complete diamond pip chest 6/6 25 times (1 time each week)

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > do you know howlong that takes??????

    > > > > > > depending on your rank(every rank gives +1) and warscore this can take a kitten long time

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > ^ have a read on actual numbers before you sprout nonsense to get your easy-mode

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > i know you won't so allow me to type it here for you

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > raids: 2-3 hours per week

    > > > > > > wvw: 34.5 hours per week minimum (best scenario with outnumbered buff,lowest rank, least warscore etc) 54 hour maximum (least warscore, lowest rank and no outnumbered)

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > how is that even close?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > it takes longer hour-wise (34.5 minimum for wvw) to do 1 diamond chest 6/6(ans you need to do it 21 weeks in a row) COMPARED to 30 hours max for raids, full legendary gear

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > i'm literally in tears laughing

    > > > > > I agree that wvw and pvp legendary armor takes a significant time longer. But you really discredit your argument by claiming that raids takes 30 hours max, if anything that's closer to the minimum, and it makes me think you have no idea what your talking about. Its not as though new raiders working on their first set are full clearing in 2-3 hours. A players first150 LI are their slowest. Its definitely an accurate estimate for people in a static who have been full clearing for years, but its absurdly inaccurate for the first set. When people first start raiding they do all sorts of stupid stuff that wipes the group like not running out poisons at sloth. Beginner groups wipe for hours before they even get a kill commonly. The fact you don't know this is surprising.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > there are entire guilds dedicated to "train" new players for raids, so no it's not as hard as you try to make it sound.

    > > > > https://discord.gg/nZg52r3 for example, even the very first training run (t0) is easy 8 li per week, and you literally get carried through the bosses by experienced commanders and people teaching you eveything you need to know.

    > > > >

    > > > > pugs will be pugs, and you will allways have those that try to struggle on their own..and then they come to the forums, and here we are

    > > > >

    > > > > so yes, the 3 hours is more realistic then you were willing to admit

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Have to disagree, 3 hours is no where near realistic for a full clear of wing 1-4 for a new player. That's plain incorrect or we are talking about a person getting carried through ALL the fights by 8-9 other people consistently. Possible with a big guild or enough friends, certainly not common.

    > > > Even with training raids, of which I am part often and/or lead enough of those myself, a new player will be forced to train quite a while before he can consistently kill all W1-4 bosses. 8 LI per week is more realistic (and doable with highly motivated new raiders as well as enough experienced raiders) but automatically extends the time needed for the first set to close to 20 weeks.

    > > >

    > > > 2 Evenings of training (2.5-3 hours each) for 10-12 LI is a more realistic assumption for a new player (and even that is assuming people already are semi decent at their class and are not starting from scratch). Also after the first armor, LI requirements increase to 300 which again doubles the time required time gate wise.

    > >

    > > I don't think your numbers are accurate either, as if you want a true estimation of time, you need to acknowledge that player skill level will improve over time. More over if they have done a little bit of golem training for their rotation and prepared for raids, they should perform relatively well if the commander know what he/she is doing. Also in training runs key classes such as chrono or mechanic specific encounter classes seems to be done by more experienced players. Needless to also precise that a lot of those players might have already done T4 fractals before starting raids and therefore have a somewhat good understanding of their class and sometimes even can pull out a really good rotation. Websites such as Snow Crows and discrete are also fairly popular, and players would/should have geared up for the encounter.

    > >

    > > I think you are strongly underestimating the average new raid player.

    > >

    > > Even though the first time a training group goes into a training group they might take up 6-7h to obtain 10-12 li, the 2nd and 3rd time will be much better. Therefore the 3h per weeks estimation over 11-12 weeks might actually be much more accurate than yours.

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > > @"tim.4596" said:

    > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > > > > > @"thrag.9740" said:

    > > > > > I would like legendary armor available through fractals (I don't think they should give envoy skin though, other skins that are easier for the artists to make would be good). I already have all 3 sets from raids, and I want more, but recrafting the same skins feels like a waste, and I wouldn't mind another way to earn more legendary gear with different skins. Then again, I have 1k+ LI sitting around, so I guess the real limit for me is the gifts of magic/might etc.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Honestly, I wish Anet would just make more legendary equipment on the whole. Its taking them multiple years just to add a single legendary ring. Still no legendary amulet or 2nd accessory, and you can only get 1 aurora as it is. I think it would be pretty fitting for fractals to have legendary rings too, considering how important rings are to fractals.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > @phs.6089 c'mon c'mon don't ignore the numbers now, you came up with them in the first place

    > > > > > > raids legendary gear 10 weeks for first set

    > > > > > > wvw legendary gear: 21 weeks for non unique skins, 25 weeks for unqiue skins ( requires wvw rank 2000)

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > how is that even close to "same amount of playtime"

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > full raid clear (all wings) with a good group is 2-3 hours per week, so full legendary raid armor is 30 hours max

    > > > > > > for wvw, you need to complete diamond pip chest 6/6 25 times (1 time each week)

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > do you know howlong that takes??????

    > > > > > > depending on your rank(every rank gives +1) and warscore this can take a kitten long time

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > ^ have a read on actual numbers before you sprout nonsense to get your easy-mode

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > i know you won't so allow me to type it here for you

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > raids: 2-3 hours per week

    > > > > > > wvw: 34.5 hours per week minimum (best scenario with outnumbered buff,lowest rank, least warscore etc) 54 hour maximum (least warscore, lowest rank and no outnumbered)

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > how is that even close?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > it takes longer hour-wise (34.5 minimum for wvw) to do 1 diamond chest 6/6(ans you need to do it 21 weeks in a row) COMPARED to 30 hours max for raids, full legendary gear

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > i'm literally in tears laughing

    > > > > > I agree that wvw and pvp legendary armor takes a significant time longer. But you really discredit your argument by claiming that raids takes 30 hours max, if anything that's closer to the minimum, and it makes me think you have no idea what your talking about. Its not as though new raiders working on their first set are full clearing in 2-3 hours. A players first150 LI are their slowest. Its definitely an accurate estimate for people in a static who have been full clearing for years, but its absurdly inaccurate for the first set. When people first start raiding they do all sorts of stupid stuff that wipes the group like not running out poisons at sloth. Beginner groups wipe for hours before they even get a kill commonly. The fact you don't know this is surprising.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > there are entire guilds dedicated to "train" new players for raids, so no it's not as hard as you try to make it sound.

    > > > > https://discord.gg/nZg52r3 for example, even the very first training run (t0) is easy 8 li per week, and you literally get carried through the bosses by experienced commanders and people teaching you eveything you need to know.

    > > > >

    > > > > pugs will be pugs, and you will allways have those that try to struggle on their own..and then they come to the forums, and here we are

    > > > >

    > > > > so yes, the 3 hours is more realistic then you were willing to admit

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Have to disagree, 3 hours is no where near realistic for a full clear of wing 1-4 for a new player. That's plain incorrect or we are talking about a person getting carried through ALL the fights by 8-9 other people consistently. Possible with a big guild or enough friends, certainly not common.

    > > > Even with training raids, of which I am part often and/or lead enough of those myself, a new player will be forced to train quite a while before he can consistently kill all W1-4 bosses. 8 LI per week is more realistic (and doable with highly motivated new raiders as well as enough experienced raiders) but automatically extends the time needed for the first set to close to 20 weeks.

    > > >

    > > > 2 Evenings of training (2.5-3 hours each) for 10-12 LI is a more realistic assumption for a new player (and even that is assuming people already are semi decent at their class and are not starting from scratch). Also after the first armor, LI requirements increase to 300 which again doubles the time required time gate wise.

    > >

    > > I don't think your numbers are accurate either, as if you want a true estimation of time, you need to acknowledge that player skill level will improve over time. More over if they have done a little bit of golem training for their rotation and prepared for raids, they should perform relatively well if the commander know what he/she is doing. Also in training runs key classes such as chrono or mechanic specific encounter classes seems to be done by more experienced players. Needless to also precise that a lot of those players might have already done T4 fractals before starting raids and therefore have a somewhat good understanding of their class and sometimes even can pull out a really good rotation. Websites such as Snow Crows and discrete are also fairly popular, and players would/should have geared up for the encounter.

    > >

    > > I think you are strongly underestimating the average new raid player.

    > >

    > > Even though the first time a training group goes into a training group they might take up 6-7h to obtain 10-12 li, the 2nd and 3rd time will be much better. Therefore the 3h per weeks estimation over 11-12 weeks might actually be much more accurate than yours.

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > I have trained over 20+ fully new to partially new raid players by now, with sometimes 1 or up to 4 present in squad. I believe I have a pretty good grasp of who and what skill level of player joins raids at this point in time.


    > How many training runs have you lead or been part of?


    I'll be honest here, I've done a few Guild training run, however I've never done any pug training run, or any training run at all in which we had no say on players. In the training run that I did, it was comprehended that before coming into raids, the players would have prepared a minimum. Food + Utility were a requirements, exotic gear or ascended gear with correct stats (Berserker/Assassin are fairly easy stats to get) Viper for condi classes, and we would also have asked them to do a Golem rotation first (or at least make sure that they knew their rotation). If the player had not done any of that or couldn't get the gear, then they simply weren't ready for raids.


    The natural PvE progression for new players is generally Dungeons --> Fractals --> Raids. Going straight from dungeons into raids would be skipping a lot of steps. That would be the general pattern for people who are new to the game and generally interested into End game content such as raids.


    I understand that this pattern might not be true for a lot of players in GW2, as most players would probably skip fractals and dungeons altogether and do open world content story instead, and would have probably do their own min/max stats with stats such as trailblazer, commander, soldier or other stats based on their gameplay and what they thought right to go through the game content. Although gearing might be significantly more expensive to those players, as they may have to craft ascended items, instead of stat swapping, they should still be able to get a full set of armor of the correct stats combination before going into raids.


    If they are unable to get those stats then they are not ready for raids yet.


    > The fact that you assume new players are already using the golem tells me not many or if at all. Using the golem to optimize your performance is NOT something you will see for fully new raiders or even semi new raiders.


    I originally included a comment in my previous post, which I then deleted as I thought it wasn't necessary to add it. But you wouldn't bring someone with insufficient agony resistance in a T4 fractal run, so why would you bring someone to raid who hasn't done the basic golem training rotation.


    > But sure, there is greatly varying degrees of players. I'm sure there is some who have extensive experience of fractal CMs who start raiding on the average level of PUG normal groups. My personal subjective experience with fully new people has been different.


  14. > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > im playing for a bit more than a year, im playing fractals, raids and wvw. im pretty sure, iv spent comparable time in wvw as in fractals and raids together, and while i jsut finished 2nd set of pve armor, i made 4 pieces of wvw armor, warcry and i got 1000 tickets more. if someone want to compare availability of creating armor in those 2 modes.

    > coming to fractal leg armor... why not, maybe more ppl would start doing them, cant rly understand, why are ppl against it. rn some fractals are harder than some raid bosses. sirens reef is muuuuuch harder than Vg/gorse/kc/some others. or 99 and 100 cms. these are actually harder than most of raids


    You can somewhat cheese Siren Reef. For the last encounter, you can take classes that have really good AoE damage (Holosmith, power reaper, Staff weaver) also warrior isn't that useful as there aren't many CC bar, so you can replace the warrior by a DPS class (Necro or DH are really good). Also, your chrono and DH's (if you have any) can bring reflects so that people take less damage.


    Mechanic wise the fight is pretty simple and dodge too, however people often get confused with the Circles.


    Green circle = Hug your teammates

    Red circle = Go away from them


    Also, "Siren's Reef", is in no way harder than 99 and 100cm however a lot of people tend to think that because it's not a CM they can just yolo through the boss fight and therefore end up wiping for hours.

  15. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > > > @"thrag.9740" said:

    > > > I would like legendary armor available through fractals (I don't think they should give envoy skin though, other skins that are easier for the artists to make would be good). I already have all 3 sets from raids, and I want more, but recrafting the same skins feels like a waste, and I wouldn't mind another way to earn more legendary gear with different skins. Then again, I have 1k+ LI sitting around, so I guess the real limit for me is the gifts of magic/might etc.

    > > >

    > > > Honestly, I wish Anet would just make more legendary equipment on the whole. Its taking them multiple years just to add a single legendary ring. Still no legendary amulet or 2nd accessory, and you can only get 1 aurora as it is. I think it would be pretty fitting for fractals to have legendary rings too, considering how important rings are to fractals.

    > > >

    > > > > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > > > >

    > > > > @phs.6089 c'mon c'mon don't ignore the numbers now, you came up with them in the first place

    > > > > raids legendary gear 10 weeks for first set

    > > > > wvw legendary gear: 21 weeks for non unique skins, 25 weeks for unqiue skins ( requires wvw rank 2000)

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > how is that even close to "same amount of playtime"

    > > > >

    > > > > full raid clear (all wings) with a good group is 2-3 hours per week, so full legendary raid armor is 30 hours max

    > > > > for wvw, you need to complete diamond pip chest 6/6 25 times (1 time each week)

    > > > >

    > > > > do you know howlong that takes??????

    > > > > depending on your rank(every rank gives +1) and warscore this can take a kitten long time

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > ^ have a read on actual numbers before you sprout nonsense to get your easy-mode

    > > > >

    > > > > i know you won't so allow me to type it here for you

    > > > >

    > > > > raids: 2-3 hours per week

    > > > > wvw: 34.5 hours per week minimum (best scenario with outnumbered buff,lowest rank, least warscore etc) 54 hour maximum (least warscore, lowest rank and no outnumbered)

    > > > >

    > > > > how is that even close?

    > > > >

    > > > > it takes longer hour-wise (34.5 minimum for wvw) to do 1 diamond chest 6/6(ans you need to do it 21 weeks in a row) COMPARED to 30 hours max for raids, full legendary gear

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > i'm literally in tears laughing

    > > > I agree that wvw and pvp legendary armor takes a significant time longer. But you really discredit your argument by claiming that raids takes 30 hours max, if anything that's closer to the minimum, and it makes me think you have no idea what your talking about. Its not as though new raiders working on their first set are full clearing in 2-3 hours. A players first150 LI are their slowest. Its definitely an accurate estimate for people in a static who have been full clearing for years, but its absurdly inaccurate for the first set. When people first start raiding they do all sorts of stupid stuff that wipes the group like not running out poisons at sloth. Beginner groups wipe for hours before they even get a kill commonly. The fact you don't know this is surprising.

    > > >

    > >

    > > there are entire guilds dedicated to "train" new players for raids, so no it's not as hard as you try to make it sound.

    > > https://discord.gg/nZg52r3 for example, even the very first training run (t0) is easy 8 li per week, and you literally get carried through the bosses by experienced commanders and people teaching you eveything you need to know.

    > >

    > > pugs will be pugs, and you will allways have those that try to struggle on their own..and then they come to the forums, and here we are

    > >

    > > so yes, the 3 hours is more realistic then you were willing to admit

    > >

    > >


    > Have to disagree, 3 hours is no where near realistic for a full clear of wing 1-4 for a new player. That's plain incorrect or we are talking about a person getting carried through ALL the fights by 8-9 other people consistently. Possible with a big guild or enough friends, certainly not common.

    > Even with training raids, of which I am part often and/or lead enough of those myself, a new player will be forced to train quite a while before he can consistently kill all W1-4 bosses. 8 LI per week is more realistic (and doable with highly motivated new raiders as well as enough experienced raiders) but automatically extends the time needed for the first set to close to 20 weeks.


    > 2 Evenings of training (2.5-3 hours each) for 10-12 LI is a more realistic assumption for a new player (and even that is assuming people already are semi decent at their class and are not starting from scratch). Also after the first armor, LI requirements increase to 300 which again doubles the time required time gate wise.


    I don't think your numbers are accurate either, as if you want a true estimation of time, you need to acknowledge that player skill level will improve over time. More over if they have done a little bit of golem training for their rotation and prepared for raids, they should perform relatively well if the commander know what he/she is doing. Also in training runs key classes such as chrono or mechanic specific encounter classes seems to be done by more experienced players. Needless to also precise that a lot of those players might have already done T4 fractals before starting raids and therefore have a somewhat good understanding of their class and sometimes even can pull out a really good rotation. Websites such as Snow Crows and discrete are also fairly popular, and players would/should have geared up for the encounter.


    I think you are strongly underestimating the average new raid player.


    Even though the first time a training group goes into a training group they might take up 6-7h to obtain 10-12 li, the 2nd and 3rd time will be much better. Therefore the 3h per weeks estimation over 11-12 weeks might actually be much more accurate than yours.





  16. Okay, overall, from all the comments that I am reading here, Guilds seems to be pretty abandonned :(


    > @"Blaeys.3102" said:

    > They admittedly dissolved the guild activity team a few years ago. Since then, guilds have been more or less ignored - save for a couple new decorations a year.


    > The last new guild missions were added more than 4.5 years ago. Something that could have really been special died on the vine - which can be said of just about any guild oriented support from Anet.


    > My guild is the reason I play. I have been bitter by the lack of attention they receive for a while now - but I also know that when I bring it up, it isn't typically a well-discussed topic. I don't see anything changing anytime soon.


    I didn't know that the Guild team was completely dissolved or that they even had one to begin with, thank you for pointing that out.


    > @"Gant.3904" said:

    > I bought GW2 when it came out and have never joined a guild. I've never felt there was a particular need to, which I find quite sad for this game, especially as I found guilds an integral part of GW1.


    > Personally, I feel that GW1 had more of a community feel to it, but also there was a need to be a part of said community as it'd be hard to solo the game. GW2, on the other hand, I believe lacks the need for social interaction as well as co-ordinated, co-operative play. (Note: I only speak from a PvE experience, I can't speak for PvP/WvW). I'd love for there to be more incentives to join guilds and be part of the community in GW2, I think that's a significant thing the game lacks and could very much benefit from.


    Yeah, that's one of the problems which I currently have with the game right now, it feels like GW2 is strongly lacking co-operative game mode indeed. By that I don't mean the ability to play as a group, because we can, but something that actually requires you to group up, or that you will benefit from. As the game is right now, nothing in Open World or farm wise, is really hard enough that it will require you to group up, or you won't increase your farming capabilities by making a group with one of your friend and co-ordinating pulls. At least GW1 had that co-ordination of pulls, that if you didn't respect you would most likely wipe.


  17. > @"Henry.5713" said:

    > If only it wasn't for those mean elitists, everyone would get their legendary armor for free...


    Well, everyone can get their legendary armor for free. You just need to invest time into it. Also joining a Guild or training group is strongly advised, as you will meet people who are also learning about raids, so that you can form a party with them.

  18. > @"lokh.2695" said:

    > Guilds in GW2 are what you(and your guildies) make of it. Anet has abandoned developing guild content as the game moved to being more and more solo'able or "a single player game you can share with a community" rather than an actual MMORPG.


    Is that an actual direction wished to take (to make the game more solo content)? Or did it just somehow happened?


    > The places where guilds matter most by design are WvW and Raids I'd guess, as those two are the only pieces of content that require a certain number of active players and some dedication to teamwork. The rest of the game requires as little interaction between players as possible to not offend the vocal "this game was marketed as play how you want and I want to play solo"-crowd.


    So, are you saying that it wouldn't be a good idea to add group specific content as it would force player that want to play solo to play with guildies? I mean, I can see a point there, but then I guess it should offer both options, with various possibilities. Like maybe you could farm a certain content solo, but then you would be limited by scalability. So it would still be worth farming it, however you wouldn't get the same rewards from it (like, it could be less).


    > But my first statement still stands. The game lets you create a guild and gives you plenty of tool to manage ranks, a guild bank, a guild hall as you see fit for you and your m8s.


    "Well, a guild hall as you see fit", I'd say it's still missing a few features, if you compare it to let's say Final Fantasy Online and FC houses.


  19. > @"phs.6089" said:

    > > @"tim.4596" said:

    > > > @"phs.6089" said:

    > > > > @"tim.4596" said:

    > > > > > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

    > > > > > As relevant or irrelevant as your previous coment. No confusion at all. We are not talking about skins or legendary armors. We are talking about the possibility that the game gives to players to obtain the same or very similar items (be them skins, legendary armors, food or whatever).

    > > > >

    > > > > Okay, but can you imagine if we start getting the same rewards in Raids that people get in Fractals... I mean... Fractals already give so much rewards to players, while Raids clearly does not. Also you are aware that right now the game is asking Players to do Fractals to get a legendary backpiece ? So it's the same with legendary armor, you have to do Raids. Both aren't that hard to obtain in either game mode.

    > > > >

    > > > > And completely separating raids and fractals and giving them the same rewards, would just dissociate both game modes completely. In all honesty I think you guys asking for Legendary Armor to be added to Fractals is not really fair. You don't see raiders winning so much about all the different things available from other content to be added into Raids. They just understands that they need to play other game modes.

    > > > >

    > > > > I think it's pretty much like what @ButcherofMalakir.4067 is saying. You can't do "X" and you're asking if you can do "Y" instead to get the same things as you would doing "X".

    > > > >

    > > > > > > Also if you give legendary armor to fractals, why shouldn't you give "raids encryption box" to raids ? And add daily rewards too on top of that? Since you seem to think that there are no difference between the two.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > What I'm trying to say here is that you should start giving some serious arguments as to why Legendary armors should be added to Fractal? Asking Anet to add legendary armors to fractals because it is what people play the most and thus (arguably) the easiest way to get it. Is just being lazy. Many people hate world completion, however unless you want a legendary weapon you have to do it (that or pay 2k gold at the trading post).

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Ohhh, "easy", here we go again. Who said easy? When you get your "fractal God" title after +1 year of work and close to 8,000 gold spent, like I did, tell me what's easy in it.

    > > > > >

    > > > > I think the section above answers "easy".

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > What game are you playing? Fractals and raids were on separate notes the day, there was a raid. Please stay on topic,if you not happy with raids rewards, open own thread and put your thoughts in it

    > >

    > > What do you mean stay on topic. I'm not the one who started crossing boundaries by asking Legendary Armor to be added to Fractals...


    > Excuse me? I never asked for Envoy to be added to fractals. Please read my OP.


    I have read your OP, and I think, as from the messages from previous comment already made, we are way past that. I'm sorry if my usage of the word "same rewards" in raids than in fractals was misleading.


    > PVE doesn't have legendary armor, raids have. Raids are not the whole PVE.


    Isn't that the same as saying Fractals have Legendary Backpiece, Fractals are not the whole PVE? I mean, not much to say about this.


    > Why not WvW is PvP, Conquest modes is PvP so what is the difference you see.


    I won't pronounce myself about PvP because I don't play those game modes enough to have anything relevant to say. But although similar to Fractals and Raids (both game mode being different, and player doesn't seem to enjoy crossing between both). When Legendary armors got added to Conquest mode (as it wasn't at first), WvW required you to play it for multiple hours in order to get the tokens to craft legendary armor. Raid doesn't require such an investment from players.


    I don't know if what I just said is still relevant, maybe now with just doing daily WvW you could potentially get the legendary PvP armor. That's why I do not wish to elaborate on this.



  20. > @"phs.6089" said:

    > > @"tim.4596" said:

    > > > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

    > > > As relevant or irrelevant as your previous coment. No confusion at all. We are not talking about skins or legendary armors. We are talking about the possibility that the game gives to players to obtain the same or very similar items (be them skins, legendary armors, food or whatever).

    > >

    > > Okay, but can you imagine if we start getting the same rewards in Raids that people get in Fractals... I mean... Fractals already give so much rewards to players, while Raids clearly does not. Also you are aware that right now the game is asking Players to do Fractals to get a legendary backpiece ? So it's the same with legendary armor, you have to do Raids. Both aren't that hard to obtain in either game mode.

    > >

    > > And completely separating raids and fractals and giving them the same rewards, would just dissociate both game modes completely. In all honesty I think you guys asking for Legendary Armor to be added to Fractals is not really fair. You don't see raiders winning so much about all the different things available from other content to be added into Raids. They just understands that they need to play other game modes.

    > >

    > > I think it's pretty much like what @ButcherofMalakir.4067 is saying. You can't do "X" and you're asking if you can do "Y" instead to get the same things as you would doing "X".

    > >

    > > > > Also if you give legendary armor to fractals, why shouldn't you give "raids encryption box" to raids ? And add daily rewards too on top of that? Since you seem to think that there are no difference between the two.

    > > > >

    > > > > What I'm trying to say here is that you should start giving some serious arguments as to why Legendary armors should be added to Fractal? Asking Anet to add legendary armors to fractals because it is what people play the most and thus (arguably) the easiest way to get it. Is just being lazy. Many people hate world completion, however unless you want a legendary weapon you have to do it (that or pay 2k gold at the trading post).

    > > >

    > > > Ohhh, "easy", here we go again. Who said easy? When you get your "fractal God" title after +1 year of work and close to 8,000 gold spent, like I did, tell me what's easy in it.

    > > >

    > > I think the section above answers "easy".

    > >

    > >


    > What game are you playing? Fractals and raids were on separate notes the day, there was a raid. Please stay on topic,if you not happy with raids rewards, open own thread and put your thoughts in it


    What do you mean stay on topic. I'm not the one who started crossing boundaries by asking Legendary Armor to be added to Fractals... when PvE already has legendary armor. And the grind level from WvW and Conquest modes are just not comparable to PvE game modes.

  21. > @"Curunen.8729" said:

    > Can't it just be a skin/cosmetic ascended armour?


    > I prefer if it remains one source of legendary armour per game mode, but would welcome ascended or even exotic fractal armour for cosmetic only.


    I think that would actually be a really good compromise.


  22. > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

    > As relevant or irrelevant as your previous coment. No confusion at all. We are not talking about skins or legendary armors. We are talking about the possibility that the game gives to players to obtain the same or very similar items (be them skins, legendary armors, food or whatever).


    Okay, but can you imagine if we start getting the same rewards in Raids that people get in Fractals... I mean... Fractals already give so much rewards to players, while Raids clearly does not. Also you are aware that right now the game is asking Players to do Fractals to get a legendary backpiece ? So it's the same with legendary armor, you have to do Raids. Both aren't that hard to obtain in either game mode.


    And completely separating raids and fractals and giving them the same rewards, would just dissociate both game modes completely. In all honesty I think you guys asking for Legendary Armor to be added to Fractals is not really fair. You don't see raiders winning so much about all the different things available from other content to be added into Raids. They just understands that they need to play other game modes.


    I think it's pretty much like what @ButcherofMalakir.4067 is saying. You can't do "X" and you're asking if you can do "Y" instead to get the same things as you would doing "X".


    > > Also if you give legendary armor to fractals, why shouldn't you give "raids encryption box" to raids ? And add daily rewards too on top of that? Since you seem to think that there are no difference between the two.

    > >

    > > What I'm trying to say here is that you should start giving some serious arguments as to why Legendary armors should be added to Fractal? Asking Anet to add legendary armors to fractals because it is what people play the most and thus (arguably) the easiest way to get it. Is just being lazy. Many people hate world completion, however unless you want a legendary weapon you have to do it (that or pay 2k gold at the trading post).


    > Ohhh, "easy", here we go again. Who said easy? When you get your "fractal God" title after +1 year of work and close to 8,000 gold spent, like I did, tell me what's easy in it.


    I think the section above answers "easy".



  23. > @"phs.6089" said:

    > > @"tim.4596" said:

    > > > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

    > > > > @"tim.4596" said:

    > > > > > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

    > > > > > Ok, 1 question for all those that suggest, think, believe, and angrily demand that there shouldn't be a fractal legendary armor:

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Apart from raiders keeping the exclusivity of the so called "PVE legendary armor", what's your reason to deny other PVE players (way more numerous than raiders, btw) a new way to get ANOTHER (yes, another, a different one, not the same, and probably a way uglier one) legendary armor? And please, don't talk about it would be too easy, because it shouldn't be easy at all, the same way that getting the "Fractal God" title isn't easy at all.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > As I said in a previous post, GW2 has so many examples of different ways to get the same or equivalent items in game, so that wouldn't hurt raiders at all. Moreover, raiders could get the new armor as well, in case they were interested in it.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > What would be the point of creating another PVE legendary armor, when we already have one? And if it's to make it way uglier what's the point at all? Moreover wouldn't adding legendary armors from different game modes make it less prestigious? Also 5 and 10man contents are very different, you shouldn't be able to access legendary armor from Dungeons no matter how many steps it takes to get it. It's just wrong.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > What would be the point of adding a new mount, when we already have many?

    > > > What would be the point of adding a new map, when we already have many?

    > > > What would be the point of adding a new food, when we already have many?

    > >

    > > How is this relevant? I think we are getting confused here. Are we talking about a new skin ? or a new legendary armor ? If you just want new skins, I don't think that it has to be a legendary armor necessary. Plus what are you suggesting; that you would like more 'combat enabled' armor skins? Do you consider the skins from the PvP legendary armor to be legendary ?

    > >

    > > > You have a RAID legendary armor. Raids are the worst representative of the PVE playerbase, simply because raids are , by far, the least played PVE content. I am asking for a FRACTAL legendary armor.

    > > >

    > > > In any case, the key of your answer is "Prestigious": thats your real, unintentional answer. In other words, exclusivity. "I have it, and (since I know that the vast majority of PVE players are unable to participate in raids, for many reasons) I don't want more people to have it".

    > >

    > > What do you mean by unable? Are you saying that they do not have enough time to consider to raids? Are raids not their primary focus as it isn't as rewarding as Fractals?

    > >

    > > Also if you give legendary armor to fractals, why shouldn't you give "raids encryption box" to raids ? And add daily rewards too on top of that? Since you seem to think that there are no difference between the two.

    > >

    > > What I'm trying to say here is that you should start giving some serious arguments as to why Legendary armors should be added to Fractal? Asking Anet to add legendary armors to fractals because it is what people play the most and thus (arguably) the easiest way to get it. Is just being lazy. Many people hate world completion, however unless you want a legendary weapon you have to do it (that or pay 2k gold at the trading post).


    > Because Armor isn't reward, it's convenient item. Reward for raiders was the skin, not functionality.

    > If raids were fine in this game, people would raid.


    Are raids not fine ? What do you mean?


    > I don't care of easy encounters.

    > There is already legendary armors outside raids, so asking for another from most played mode makes sense to get outta raidjail.

    > Now gimme one good reason why are you against it beyond 'I do raids, I'm better then you'


    The "I do raids, I'm better then you" isn't relevant there are good Raiders and bad ones the same as in fractals. You can't say that raiders are better than people who do fractals. I'm only pointing out the difference between 5 to 10man content. The true issue here seems to be that people seems to have preferred game mode that they enjoy playing and they do not wish to play another one. Also raiders are much more on the loosing end when it comes to rewards, so I'm not sure it'd be a good thing to start differentiating the two and make them 2 separate game mode. Raids are only rewarding once a week, and repeating them multiple times would not get you any rewards, while if you do fractals more than once a day you'd still get "fractal encryption box" upon completing a fractal, which are worth much more than" gear loot box" from raids.


    Also, only having legendary armors in Raids is inviting players to play raids, while adding it to fractals would only create more boundaries between the two. As in this is wrong on so many levels, I'm not even sure why I need to be pointing this out.

  24. > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

    > > @"tim.4596" said:

    > > > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

    > > > Ok, 1 question for all those that suggest, think, believe, and angrily demand that there shouldn't be a fractal legendary armor:

    > > >

    > > > Apart from raiders keeping the exclusivity of the so called "PVE legendary armor", what's your reason to deny other PVE players (way more numerous than raiders, btw) a new way to get ANOTHER (yes, another, a different one, not the same, and probably a way uglier one) legendary armor? And please, don't talk about it would be too easy, because it shouldn't be easy at all, the same way that getting the "Fractal God" title isn't easy at all.

    > > >

    > > > As I said in a previous post, GW2 has so many examples of different ways to get the same or equivalent items in game, so that wouldn't hurt raiders at all. Moreover, raiders could get the new armor as well, in case they were interested in it.

    > > >

    > >

    > > What would be the point of creating another PVE legendary armor, when we already have one? And if it's to make it way uglier what's the point at all? Moreover wouldn't adding legendary armors from different game modes make it less prestigious? Also 5 and 10man contents are very different, you shouldn't be able to access legendary armor from Dungeons no matter how many steps it takes to get it. It's just wrong.

    > >


    > What would be the point of adding a new mount, when we already have many?

    > What would be the point of adding a new map, when we already have many?

    > What would be the point of adding a new food, when we already have many?


    How is this relevant? I think we are getting confused here. Are we talking about a new skin ? or a new legendary armor ? If you just want new skins, I don't think that it has to be a legendary armor necessary. Plus what are you suggesting; that you would like more 'combat enabled' armor skins? Do you consider the skins from the PvP legendary armor to be legendary ?


    > You have a RAID legendary armor. Raids are the worst representative of the PVE playerbase, simply because raids are , by far, the least played PVE content. I am asking for a FRACTAL legendary armor.


    > In any case, the key of your answer is "Prestigious": thats your real, unintentional answer. In other words, exclusivity. "I have it, and (since I know that the vast majority of PVE players are unable to participate in raids, for many reasons) I don't want more people to have it".


    What do you mean by unable? Are you saying that they do not have enough time to consider to raids? Are raids not their primary focus as it isn't as rewarding as Fractals?


    Also if you give legendary armor to fractals, why shouldn't you give "raids encryption box" to raids ? And add daily rewards too on top of that? Since you seem to think that there are no difference between the two.


    What I'm trying to say here is that you should start giving some serious arguments as to why Legendary armors should be added to Fractal? Asking Anet to add legendary armors to fractals because it is what people play the most and thus (arguably) the easiest way to get it. Is just being lazy. Many people hate world completion, however unless you want a legendary weapon you have to do it (that or pay 2k gold at the trading post).

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