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Posts posted by tim.4596

  1. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > @"tim.4596" said:

    > > They overly simplified raids, and you now have access to extremely simple events/bosses to get li.

    > I have "Fractal God" title, but have aprox at all 40 lee, and this that raid more harder. It is not compared values.


    I never said that raids are harder, I said they do not require the same level of coordination. Asking 5 players to do something is not the same as asking 10 players to do it. If let's say 1 player being bad doesn't matter. That's a 20% ratio, which would be to say that 2 bad players in a raid group wouldn't matter. However depending on the boss mechanics etc... that isn't true. Some mechanics depending on the boss fight are more punishable than in fractals. Also Fractals doesn't require specific players to perform specific mechanics.



    If you have 2 bad players

    6 Good players and 2 medium players, the 6 Good player might not be enough in a Raid scenario to compensate the other 4 players. Whereas in a Fractal scenario that 60% ratio of Good player would.

  2. > @"Hugedeal.5426" said:

    > Hi everyone, i'm a gamer like all of you, i play a lot of games, i played World of warcraft for 14 years, Aion, Lineage 1 and 2, etc etc, the sheer amount of hours i dedicate to games is already past my own comprehension of why i do it, but i enjoy it, and like so i would like to keep at it.


    > I am a player in GW 2, as well, i got my fair share of hours, with some breaks in between, in those breaks i always come back to check how much of a future is present in GW 2, for me the game has an unmeasured amount of potential, but this is what i see, usually you can measure potential of a game like an mmo by the sheer number of players playing it, and GW 2 compared to other mmos have never been on top, i know a lot of you do not like to hear it, but unfortunately it is a fact, compared to WoW, and some other titles it always lacked, but still some players stick to it, like me, well most of the time. I'm making this post mostly to look for a reassuring opinions, or just to see the reason behind why you play GW2, i myself keep losing interest in these games, but due to my out of control imagination, i keep imagining ways on how the story present in gw 2 could end, what else could they improve, and unlike WoW, which i lost total interest, gw 2 has a weird charm to it that makes me come back, maybe it is the story telling, maybe i like the fashion behind it, the combat, the wvw or the pvp, i do not know for sure, but it is something in between, i wanted to come back to gw 2, but i am not sure i want to give the game a chance, i enjoy it sure, but i start to see issues like the ones present in activision, EA and other few companies that seem to detoriate their games more and their communities, more then actually help them or please them with their products.


    > So as said, why do you guys keep playing the game, do you see a future behind the game, for me it has been feeling like arena net is just trying to drag the game to profitise as much as possible, not judging them for doing so, business is business, but is the exchange fair, are you guys having the fun you always expected for the money you spent, if you actually spent any i guess, do you see a future in gw 2, would it be smart to reinvest in the game again, right now how many of you feel like the game is sort of broken (for example like they cannot fix some of the old content because of the outdated code on dungeons for example), i am looking for well opinions, nothing to agressive but be honest if you can, ty vm everyone xd!


    To be honest, I'm sort of struggling myself, and I don't really have an answer to your question. While Guild Wars 2 combat system is amazing, and that the game possibilities seems uncountable, Anet doesn't appear to utilise those possibilities. At first I thought they couldn't see it, but I've come to think they do not do it as fear that it will push the game into one direction too much. However all is not lost Communities are very strong in GW2 and it seems that Anet is somewhat responding to what they say. The only issue is that how much effort does it take from the players to voice out those opinions through a community. Forums surely doesn't seem to be much help.


    I'm myself very tempted to stop GW2 to go play FFonline as I'm loosing interest in the game as nothing seem to deliver. It feels like a never ending promess. Also, since micro-transaction which most games are exploiting I don't think it is justifiable anymore to say that "it's a f2p game therefore it releases less content".


    So I'm strongly starting to question what GW2 is doing. There are so many features which other games have, which GW2 could have but do not have. Also I created a post about it some time ago, but GW2 doesn't seem to bring it's player together to play the game, apart from PvP and WvW maybe... which sort of makes it relevant to party up with people. PvE doesn't provide that (and I'm seriously questioning why); no matter how I look at it, it doesn't make sense.


    Also I don't think I'm wrong in saying that, but every single community of players seems to think that the content is lacking, whereas they are 'Casual PvE players', 'Hardcore PvE players', 'WvW players' etc... I guess new players wouldn't feel that, as they have so much to explore and do. But anyone who's played the game for more than a year straight seems to have reached the point that you are just doing content or farming stuff without any true motivation behind it, other than "I'm playing this MMORPG, and I already unlocked so much utility things in this game, which I won't find in other game" and the "combat system is nice" however I'm not sure the combat system is enough to keep players playing a game. That's why I'd say that a lot of people seems to go and come back to GW2, but at some points, I'm guessing they will be fed up and stop.


  3. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"tim.4596" said:

    > > What would be the point of creating another PVE legendary armor, when we already have one?

    > What's the point of creating another raid wing when we already have one?

    > What's the points of creating raids if we have fractals?


    > The answer in all cases is the same - more content, more choices, more options for more players.


    I would be careful not to cross boundaries here. 5man and 10man contents are very different, and while fractals might actually be harder than raids, they do not require the same level of coordination.


    > > Moreover wouldn't adding legendary armors from different game modes make it less prestigious?

    > Did adding WvW/sPvP sets made the legendary armor less prestigious? Not to my notice.


    Here again, you are crossing boundaries, PvP and PvE shouldn't be put in the same basket. Very few players play both PvP and PvE (I do not count the people doing a daily PvP match as PvPers).


    > > Also 5 and 10man contents are very different, you shouldn't be able to access legendary armor from Dungeons no matter how many steps it takes to get it. It's just wrong.

    > Because you say so? It's not "wrong". It's just something you, personally, do not like. And those are two very different things.


    No, it's pretty self explanatory. Or if you don't think it's wrong, please give some arguments as to why?

  4. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > For me guilds in any MMO are mainly a group of people to talk to while playing. The benefit over just using map chat is you can keep talking without being stuck in one place, and as it's a consistent group you get to know each other and can have better/more in-depth conversations. Plus you probably have at least some things in common beyond just playing the same game.


    > Being able to ask guild members to help is a bonus, and can be a lot of fun as guild runs are typically more relaxed than playing with strangers, at least for me.


    > I don't really consider dedicated guild content necessary, IMO anything which isn't strictly solo content (meaning instances where you cannot bring another person, which I don't think GW2 has but some games do) can be guild content, especially things which need a big group. Of course there will often be other people present too, but I don't see that as a problem.


    What about Guild activities? Let's say, if Guild Wars 2 was to bring some GvG content like in GW1 but adapted to GW2 and maybe a bit more PvE oriented, let's say give players a lot of more control and let them add NPC or else to defend Guild Halls.

  5. > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

    > > before HoT guilds where nothing more then a chatroom with the weekly missions. This changed with the halls and everything with them. This was done after a long consult of the community to talk how to improve it. I personally think that within the GW2universe, guilds have expanded as far as they can go in the current state of the game. simply cause you can not force people to do content with a specific group of players. So in theory, they could make a few guildraids. To make them succesfull you need agood reward, or a raid mode that is exclusive to people. It is ok to introduce this with a new feature (e.g. raids), but not now. The same goes for all other things. It either make people feel left out when they are not in a guild or feel like they are forced to do things with their guild. Neither is good.


    > I dont necessarily agree, ofc you can have fontent that heavily incentivises coprdinated group play, which in turn incentivises finding a guild.


    > The problem is that even with said content the current guild system is just makimg the whole process harder for ppl to come together and do the content.


    What do you mean exactly that "guild systems is just making the whole process harder for ppl to come together" aren't Guilds supposed to do just that, bring a community of players with similar interests to play together? If you could elaborate please.


    > The game has been out for 6 or 7 years and we still dont have a guild search function.


    I agree, some basic in-game Guild search / Guild information could be useful.

  6. > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

    > Ok, 1 question for all those that suggest, think, believe, and angrily demand that there shouldn't be a fractal legendary armor:


    > Apart from raiders keeping the exclusivity of the so called "PVE legendary armor", what's your reason to deny other PVE players (way more numerous than raiders, btw) a new way to get ANOTHER (yes, another, a different one, not the same, and probably a way uglier one) legendary armor? And please, don't talk about it would be too easy, because it shouldn't be easy at all, the same way that getting the "Fractal God" title isn't easy at all.


    > As I said in a previous post, GW2 has so many examples of different ways to get the same or equivalent items in game, so that wouldn't hurt raiders at all. Moreover, raiders could get the new armor as well, in case they were interested in it.



    What would be the point of creating another PVE legendary armor, when we already have one? And if it's to make it way uglier what's the point at all? Moreover wouldn't adding legendary armors from different game modes make it less prestigious? Also 5 and 10man contents are very different, you shouldn't be able to access legendary armor from Dungeons no matter how many steps it takes to get it. It's just wrong.


  7. > @"phs.6089" said:

    > > @"tim.4596" said:

    > > > @"phs.6089" said:

    > > > There was a topic I can't find it now.

    > > > Let me refresh this request. With upcoming build temples etc, please consider giving us Legendary Fractal Armors.

    > > > At the moment we can get ascended with selectable stats from fractal vendor. It has default ascended(craft) skins.

    > > > Would be nice to get fractal themed skins and way to upgrade ascended into legendary.

    > > > Seriously I don't know any other mod where stat swaps could be used as intense as in fractals. maybe sPvP.

    > > > But anyway. Game needs mat sink and play-time added for goal(s). Fractals deserve to have own set of legendary armor.

    > > >

    > >

    > > I don't think that Legendary Armor should be available in 5man content, but yet again they added it to Conquest Mode in PvP so.... I guess nothing is stopping anyone from adding it to Fractals, although I still think it should remain within raids.

    > >

    > > They overly simplified raids, and you now have access to extremely simple events/bosses to get li. W4 B1-3 Are very easy. W1 B1 + Spirit run is very easy too. Then you can do W3 Escort + KC + TC. I mean the whole of W1-4 Aren't that hard anymore since they've been out for so long.

    > >

    > > Plus, wouldn't that be a bad idea, since the current aim in Fractals is to get "Fractal God" title, so if they release legendary arbors in Fractals, wouldn't that make getting the title even more difficult.


    > Suggestion wasn't about raids armor and how to cheese it.

    > What makes you believe the objective in fractals is to get 'Fractal God' title?


    That's like the Nespresso commercial, What else? do you do fractals for? And although I haven't done the actual math, but in the long run the extra relic box from titles would get you the gold back.


    > It's not, it's optional. here are many vet players that never go even savant.


    I understand that it's incredibly expensive, but if you do Fractals everyday and don't buy the 2 daily Mystic Clover, then why not get it? You will eventually get the relics. I know some Fractal God people who already have 200,000+ relics


  8. > @"phs.6089" said:

    > > @"tim.4596" said:

    > > > @"phs.6089" said:

    > > > There was a topic I can't find it now.

    > > > Let me refresh this request. With upcoming build temples etc, please consider giving us Legendary Fractal Armors.

    > > > At the moment we can get ascended with selectable stats from fractal vendor. It has default ascended(craft) skins.

    > > > Would be nice to get fractal themed skins and way to upgrade ascended into legendary.

    > > > Seriously I don't know any other mod where stat swaps could be used as intense as in fractals. maybe sPvP.

    > > > But anyway. Game needs mat sink and play-time added for goal(s). Fractals deserve to have own set of legendary armor.

    > > >

    > >

    > > I don't think that Legendary Armor should be available in 5man content, but yet again they added it to Conquest Mode in PvP so.... I guess nothing is stopping anyone from adding it to Fractals, although I still think it should remain within raids.

    > >

    > > They overly simplified raids, and you now have access to extremely simple events/bosses to get li. W4 B1-3 Are very easy. W1 B1 + Spirit run is very easy too. Then you can do W3 Escort + KC + TC. I mean the whole of W1-4 Aren't that hard anymore since they've been out for so long.

    > >

    > > Plus, wouldn't that be a bad idea, since the current aim in Fractals is to get "Fractal God" title, so if they release legendary arbors in Fractals, wouldn't that make getting the title even more difficult.


    > Suggestion wasn't about raids armor and how to cheese it.


    I'm not sure I fully understand what you mean, because for me Legendary Fractal Armor would be adding another Legendary Armor to the PvE content, and I don't think anyone actually care how the legendary armors looks like, most people have transmuted them anyway. So I don't really understand how adding another set of Legendary Armor to the PvE content, wouldn't result in cheesing the Raid one.


  9. > @"phs.6089" said:

    > There was a topic I can't find it now.

    > Let me refresh this request. With upcoming build temples etc, please consider giving us Legendary Fractal Armors.

    > At the moment we can get ascended with selectable stats from fractal vendor. It has default ascended(craft) skins.

    > Would be nice to get fractal themed skins and way to upgrade ascended into legendary.

    > Seriously I don't know any other mod where stat swaps could be used as intense as in fractals. maybe sPvP.

    > But anyway. Game needs mat sink and play-time added for goal(s). Fractals deserve to have own set of legendary armor.



    I don't think that Legendary Armor should be available in 5man content, but yet again they added it to Conquest Mode in PvP so.... I guess nothing is stopping anyone from adding it to Fractals, although I still think it should remain within raids.


    They overly simplified raids, and you now have access to extremely simple events/bosses to get li.

    -W4 B1-3 Are very easy

    -W1 B1 + Spirit run is very easy too

    -W3 Escort + KC + TC.


    I mean the whole of W1-4 Aren't that hard anymore since they've been out for so long.


    Plus, wouldn't that be a bad idea, since the current aim in Fractals is to get "Fractal God" title, so if they release legendary arbors in Fractals, wouldn't that make getting the title even more difficult.

  10. Hello everyone,


    I thought I might make a post about Guilds, but first I feel it would be better to have a general idea about what everyone thinks of "Guilds in GW2" so, I'm just generally curious what are your thoughts on GW2 Guilds right now?


    - Decorations, customisations, guilds activities, guilds upgrades, guilds utilisation etc...


    Feel free to post anything, it's great to have a wide variety of opinion.

  11. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > The OP raises two distinct questions:

    > * Should MOX be made available in the guild hall?

    > * Should there more ways to obtain the same music list, including for the guild hall? (There's nothing specific about it that MOX has to be present for this.)


    > I'm entirely in favor of providing more decorations and upgrades for guild halls, whatever ANet thinks they have time for. More music (even if I don't myself care about it) seems like a popular choice.


    > Regarding MOX, I have mixed feelings. That golem has historically been a per-character unlock, since the GW1 days. I think I'd prefer some other golem to provide a similar service (much as we have [PJKT D33-J4Y](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PJKT_D33-J4Y) in Sun's Refuge).


    I agree, it would be amazing to have more decoration for the guild hall / MOX or any other golem.


    On top of that, it would be amazing if we could have some controls over luminosity and weather too. It would be amazing if you can choose the amount of light to display within your Guild Hall, it would allow the possibility for some more thematised Guild Hall and make lights somewhat useful ^^


  12. > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > Try to reserve three slots (either in an invisible bag or in shared inventory) for unidentified gear, and always leave one piece of gear in each slot. All the unidentified gear you get will add to those stacks out of reach of "salvage all" that way.


    > If you had been playing PoF and season 4 maps you'd be familiar with the concept already. And if you are exclusively playing core/HoT maps, you will find that unidentified gear drops regularly enough to easily open up three permanent slots in your invisible bag since the rest of your inventory will fill considerably slower than before.


    Oh, I didn't know that shared inventory slot worked, but having to buy 3 extra shared slot for that seems a bit extreme haha.


    Thanks for the tips though

  13. Please Anet, remove Unidentified gear from "Salvage all" options. Since the new patch it became extremely annoying. I now have to constantly type "unidentified gear" in the search box of my inventory before salvaging anything. And that's the less annoying part of it.


    If I do a meta event and start stacking unidentified gear, well that's when the trouble start. I have to go to the bank to deposit unidentified gear in my bank, and then start open them to then salvage items I got.

  14. > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    > For the last two days my FPS has been randomly tanking for seemingly no reason. I haven't recently changed anything on my computer and I tried uninstalling and reinstalling on my D drive.


    > I use a low end gaming laptop and have never had any issues until recently. I average 50+ FPS in most areas with low 30's in high population areas or HoT maps. Most settings are on medium/high with character settings both being on Lowest when in large groups.


    > In the .gif example [here, you can see my FPS suddenly make significant drops where there isn't anything going on.](https://gfycat.com/bronzepolitehog) I really need an answer on how to fix this because it is unplayable at the moment. At times it will go for quite a while with no FPS drops, others it will be multiple spikes within a few minutes. Thus far it has never lasted longer than a minute but regardless, with it dropping below 10 most times it happens, it can get me killed in some situations.


    No worry, it should be fairly easily fixable, it's probably some windows automated **** gone wrong


    My initial response might be that because you said you're running it on a laptop, your battery settings might have changed and you might be on a 'saving mode' or something similar, which would ultimately limit the maximum capability of your laptop. However it might be one (or several) other issues.


    Can you be a bit more specific?

    * Did it suddenly stopped working from on day to another? Is it just in some specific areas?

    * What's your computer spec? you said a low end gaming laptop do you have a GTX 1050 or 1050 Ti or similar but lower generation?

    * Are you running Windows 10/7/lower ? Are you running Windows at all ?

    * In-game settings (I'm mostly interested in shaders, shadow, sampling, etc...)

    * Are you using Nvidia Gaming Experience software with automatic update

    * Have you reached multiple times the maximum space size of your HDD ? Sometimes gaming laptops have relatively small HDD 128GB or 250GB and if you use it for multimedia you sometimes often end up writing and re-writing data on top of each other. That's also an issue with SSD, so technically your HDD might be communicating very poorly with the rest of your computer. (In which case, you would need to wipe it clean with special software, to rewrite everything as blank data) I am also partially asking that, because I know a lot of uni students use gaming laptops and therefore run into this issue more than you would think. Especially since those 128-256GB SSD which they put inside your computer are generally pretty *****.



  15. > @"BaiRenYi.6043" said:

    > I have 2 friend that I got into guild wars. Both started with the free version and decided that, after a few days of playing, they wanted to purchase the expansions. They were both using the same card. One was able to get the expansion on the first try ingame. The other has tried multiple times both ingame and on the shop website. She keeps getting a "payment failed to authorize" or "unexpected error occurred" message. She even tried another card and another computer.

    > She hasn't submitted a ticket to support yet, but I was curious if anyone else had ideas?


    Purchasing the expansion in-game is not advised. Many players had issues with in-game purchase, that's a known issue to Anet.


    Purchasing it on the website would be your way to go. If you're however running into difficulties with that you could try payments via PayPal, sometimes it does fix the option. If that doesn't work, then I'm afraid contacting GW2 support is your only way to go. Unless you want to purchase it on a third party website.

  16. > @"TromzOr.2847" said:

    > Good Morning Guys,

    > I have an issue concerning the LOW FPS and Drop when Playing GW2 only with a range of 12 ~ 23 FPS

    > i have a Powerful GPU ( Gigabyte Geforce GTX 1060 G1 Gaming 6GB), RAM 16GB DDR3 and CPU ( Intel Core i5-3470 3.2GHz (4CPUs) and up to 3.6 GHz) and um stilling .... Please i need someone to help me with my issue.

    > P.S : um playing on a Samsung Screen Model : LA32D403E2 with a refresh rate 50/60 and while playing another games on the same screen the FPS is locked on 120 FPS


    My first guess would be that you might have cranked up the CPU settings a bit too high, which would explain low fps. While your graphic card is very powerful, your CPU is pretty bad. 3.2GHz base (3.6GHz turbo) is pretty outdated.


    Also, I'm not exactly sure when you first bought your computer, but your CPU is suggesting that it might be within the 4-5 years range, which get me guessing that it could be that the thermal paste might have been wearing off a little bit, which would then sort of cap your CPU performance at 50-60% (I doubt it is that, but it's a possibility)


    Could you however give a bit more details:

    -Game settings (please be specific) Shaders low/medium/high, Reflection etc... (if you can take a screenshot, would be good)

    -HDD? 5400 rpm, 7200rpm, is it an SSD (please do list them all)? (if you do have an SSD are you booting from it? sometimes you have 2 HDD and windows is installed on the slower, as well as the game)

    -RAM Is that on 2 channel or 4 channel (8x8 or 4x4x4x4)? also are you sure that both your RAM are working ? I've had instances when only one of my 4GB RAM was working and the game being relatively demanding on the 4GB RAM range, I runned into issues, and my FPS was really low.

    -Monitor: I just checked it online, is that monitor of yours a TV?

    -Resolution: 1080p, 1440p, higher ?



  17. Hello guys,


    I'm thinking of upgrading my system, and I can't seem to decide between which processor to go for (see CPU spec below). I've looked at benchmark tests and both CPU seems to come pretty close. While they are overall very close to one another. i5 seems to perform slightly better for video games within the 5-10% range. I wouldn't care much for a 5-10% performance difference. However, I know that GW2 is highly CPU based, so I'm thinking would that be a 5-10% difference or more like a 10-20% difference depending on the CPU that I choose. Cause, I could really use the +10fps boost I guess, especially for WvW.


    Then come the other problem, what about streaming, is 6 core really enough?


    Last, I'm mostly considering the R7 1700x as it was featured in Gamers Nexus entry level gaming PC / streaming rig, however as you can see they mostly had Fortnite in mind, so I'm not sure how much that's relevant for GW2.




    AMD R7 1700x


    8core, 16 threads, 16MB L3 cache

    3.4GHz base clock (3.8GHz turbo)

    OC 3.9-4GHz all core (4.1 might be possible but I've read it's advised not to)


    Intel i5 9600k


    6core, 6 threads, 9MB L3 cache

    3.7GHz base clock (4.6GHz turbo)

    OC (pushable to 5-5.2GHz it seems, but I'm not sure i'd go above 4.8GHz or OC it at all)

  18. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"tim.4596" said:

    > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > > > Soo yea I know chrono can easily maintain perma quickness and Ala with 50%bd in raids. But in fotm u need 100% and land all ur wells and tots, while any splitting can badly affect ur uptime.

    > > > In the same time, fb in full zerk keep perma quickness, while doing bs dps, Rene press 1 button to keep up alacrity.

    > > > Don't get me wrong, I love build diversity and fact we don't have to play chrono anymore, but renebrand is just way ahead in terms of boons, dps and survivability. Chrono comps just struggle.

    > > > Another thing is the duty contribution in renebrand comp. Fb deals better dps, has higher supporting abilities-perma protect, Aegis spam and perma stab), while Renee's job is to press F4, F1 off cd, occasionally F2 if bs don't take strength runes with dumplings, and kallas elite when available. Use staff 5 off CD and boonrip with npng. I feel It kinda boring, becouse than ur just maximizing ur dps to 10-15k dps (assuming ur on Shiro). Imo fb should get toned down a bit(both in pve and pvp) while rev could get a little buffs.

    > > > Now wer coming to chrono part. Hard boon maintaining, no Aegis, only source of stab is spirit of nature(none in 3 dps comp). Chronos are forced to take illusions only to shorten CD on cs. I would be fine if we could occasionally take inspi for Aegis share on 30 s CD. Also, being interrupted in beggining of cs, just screws up boon uptime A LOT.

    > > > The last thing may just be l2p issue, but imo, chrono comp is just harder to play, while being less rewarding. Renebrand just needs to stack together to be effective. I'm just simply asking for a little chrono comp buffs.

    > > > Only reason ppl are asking in lfg for chrono is becouse: a) they didn't play renebrand, b) they are used to old comp c) ppl are afraid to put resources in gearing new classes, if meta can change soon

    > >

    > > Okay, first of, Renegade + Firebrand will never outperform Chrono/Druid or Chrono + 3 dps in terms of clearing time. While your analysis is good, and that Firebrand + Renegade does provide many more boons, you are not taking into consideration the skips which chrono can do. And just for that chrono will always be way ahead of Renebrand. On top of that, Renebrand works in CM's but tend to perform less good if fights are too long, assuming that your renegade is running full diviner, either your renegade or firebrand will have to switch to healer.

    > >

    > > Overall, if the Firebrand + Renegade are a pair and know how to play their class then yes. It is a good alternative. Since the last chrono CC nerfs, Firebrand + Renegade also provide way more CC

    > >

    > > I had actually written a post about that a while ago https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41897/how-long-should-you-take-to-clear-daily-fractals/p1

    > >

    > >


    > Your thread is lacking the most important composition: very well played meta statics without a healer.


    > I know speed clear groups which do CMs in support renegade, support fb, warrior and 2 dps (none of the supports healer) pushing 20k on each damage dealer and 10k on the supports. Druid is not meta in the top tier statics, it's meta in the good statics and top tier PUG groups.


    > That leads nicely into the issues this thread has, people are comparing apples to oranges difficulty wise.


    > A.) If we are comparing absolute clear times, then which level of player skill are we talking about? Because Renebrand beats out on dps without a healer.

    > B.) If we are talking safest composition with mediocre clear times? Then Renebrand beats out again with more utility and easier uptime on boons as well as better heals.

    > C.) If we are talking mediocre composition which also does chrono skips? Then chono+druid comes out ahead again.


    > **This was all pre Tuesdays nerf to SoI. While Renebrand is even stronger now since Renegade got buffed.**


    > Both compositions are still valid (though not perfectly played chrono groups will feel the lacking alacrity and quickness even more if they miss wells) but without skips, Renebrand is the safer and stronger composition overall. With skips factored in and perfect play, Renebrand still outperforms since they just save time on fights which the chrono+x comp has to make up for first.


    I mean, there is no real discussion to have here, when the comp got released dT did some pretty try hard test, and in no single run did Firebrand/Renegade came up first.

    -Something which you guys also appear to be forgetting is the [shattered Concentration ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shattered_Concentration "Shattered Concentration ")traitline from Domination, which removes boon on shatter, even though the Warrior can swap to Spell-breaker, this is still much better value.


    So I guess the only difference would then be as you suggested in point A) "which level of player skill are we talking about".

  19. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > I've toyed with this idea myself although mine was based on a Bard not a Minstrel.


    > Suffice to say I like the concept but I dunno how it would work in Gw2.


    I think it would be interesting to see 'bard' classes introduced to the game. To further support the support classes, and to finally see some changes to druid. they could provide healing + quickness. That would actually be really cool.

  20. > @"RabbitUp.8294" said:

    > The initial class burp was all focused on support chrono and mirage, and then you have this here sneaky little change:


    > "• Signet of the Ether: This skill's recharge time now begins at the same time as phantasm skills are recharged."


    > Why? Why completely kill dps chrono without any compensatory buff? Even a nerf to Danger Time without at least reworking it so that it becomes a lot more realistic to take in pve scenarios, since slow uptime is quite limited.


    > The dps numbers were perfectly in-line with the rest of the meta, the rotation was fun and engaging, and we are not going to get a new expansion for quite a while, so it's not like mesmer was going to get a power spec any time soon. So of course the most logical thing to do was kill power chrono. To say that I'm extremely disappointed is putting it lightly.


    While I appreciate the fact that Anet is trying to make other support class viable, I would rather that they buff other class and stop hard nerfing Chrono. Invulnerability on distortion got removed, CC got completely destroyed, and now we can't DPS. At this point, I am only curious. What's next ?


    I'd like to suggest that removing quickness or alacrity might be the way to go to completely kill the class. Just in case Anet was wondering what to nerf next.



  21. > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > Soo yea I know chrono can easily maintain perma quickness and Ala with 50%bd in raids. But in fotm u need 100% and land all ur wells and tots, while any splitting can badly affect ur uptime.

    > In the same time, fb in full zerk keep perma quickness, while doing bs dps, Rene press 1 button to keep up alacrity.

    > Don't get me wrong, I love build diversity and fact we don't have to play chrono anymore, but renebrand is just way ahead in terms of boons, dps and survivability. Chrono comps just struggle.

    > Another thing is the duty contribution in renebrand comp. Fb deals better dps, has higher supporting abilities-perma protect, Aegis spam and perma stab), while Renee's job is to press F4, F1 off cd, occasionally F2 if bs don't take strength runes with dumplings, and kallas elite when available. Use staff 5 off CD and boonrip with npng. I feel It kinda boring, becouse than ur just maximizing ur dps to 10-15k dps (assuming ur on Shiro). Imo fb should get toned down a bit(both in pve and pvp) while rev could get a little buffs.

    > Now wer coming to chrono part. Hard boon maintaining, no Aegis, only source of stab is spirit of nature(none in 3 dps comp). Chronos are forced to take illusions only to shorten CD on cs. I would be fine if we could occasionally take inspi for Aegis share on 30 s CD. Also, being interrupted in beggining of cs, just screws up boon uptime A LOT.

    > The last thing may just be l2p issue, but imo, chrono comp is just harder to play, while being less rewarding. Renebrand just needs to stack together to be effective. I'm just simply asking for a little chrono comp buffs.

    > Only reason ppl are asking in lfg for chrono is becouse: a) they didn't play renebrand, b) they are used to old comp c) ppl are afraid to put resources in gearing new classes, if meta can change soon


    Okay, first of, Renegade + Firebrand will never outperform Chrono/Druid or Chrono + 3 dps in terms of clearing time. While your analysis is good, and that Firebrand + Renegade does provide many more boons, you are not taking into consideration the skips which chrono can do. And just for that chrono will always be way ahead of Renebrand. On top of that, Renebrand works in CM's but tend to perform less good if fights are too long, assuming that your renegade is running full diviner, either your renegade or firebrand will have to switch to healer.


    Overall, if the Firebrand + Renegade are a pair and know how to play their class then yes. It is a good alternative. Since the last chrono CC nerfs, Firebrand + Renegade also provide way more CC


    I had actually written a post about that a while ago https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41897/how-long-should-you-take-to-clear-daily-fractals/p1



  22. > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

    > I have a question which class is the tank in raids now ? I'm bit confused I went through the SC homepage there were a few build for kiting but is there no dedicated tank anymore or I'm blind ?


    Support Chrono is the most played tank class, however you could tank on a healing firebrand (with minstrel gear). I've been tanking Xera, VG, Deimos (well pretty much any tankable boss on it, and it works great) It's also much safer than chrono in a lot of cases. Like on Xera you almost can't wipe with a healing firebrand as tank

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