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Posts posted by Vallun.2071

  1. > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

    > Most good Thieves don’t just spam FS/LS it’s a trap to do that, it can work alot of the time against bads and sometimes vs semi competent players but overall it’s on of the worst things to do kinda like seeing HS spammers.


    Right but spamming heartseeker is objectively bad in most situations except when enemy less than threshold of hp and not able to react. However larcenous is always the optimal play if it lands. Good thieves will bait dodges and blinds with autos and dancing dagger, but I would argue thats more just using your larcenous strikes more effectively than someone who spams it. In the end it still has too much value on it, you should have to choose whether you want boon rip, evade, or damage, not all in one.

  2. > @"eagles.6380" said:


    > I say anet makes backstab unblockable, i mean it is called 'BACKSTAB', you shouldnt be able to block it.. any other ideas?


    Whether or not the flavor of the skill makes sense like that, its counter-intuitive to class balance. The counter to a thief going in stealth is to dodge or block when you think they will open on you, so blocking a backstab is completely skillful and reactive, also you can just hide your back to a wall, but generally the thief in stealth has to play around blocks and evades and you even have basi for an unblockable backstab every minute.


    That being said the issue with D/P is not that backstab isnt unblockable or that you can't stack as much stealth as before (which is arguably irrelevant because 3 stacks already depletes most of your initiative and using the short heartseekers makes you more susceptible to counterplay). Rather its that firebrand is too hard to outnumber and D/P thief is arguably the worst meta build for 1v1ing, so it really relies on its team to be useful and to rotate properly. S/D thief can get things done without teammates so its just more reliable in an unreliable environment. I don't think D/P thief should be buffed i just think larcenous strike should be nerfed a little bit. At the moment theres really no decision making in S/D gameplay because larcenous is just by far the best investment of skill usage.

  3. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > But it takes 20s+ to stack up for 15K damage shots thats why dd rifle isnt OP at all on especially not in PvP where damage is half of WvW etc etc and so on. Not to mention only having 11K hp for that kind of damage, that balances it.


    > At least thats what all the dds have been telling me.


    yea the malice ramp time is a good balance, though the playstyle of my build tries to work around that with the malice on stealth attack trait

  4. > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

    > Good kitten. Although I doubt I could ever succeed playing a build like this, I loved watching it in action and seeing how synergetic all your equipment and trait choices are. Cool to see a build without trickery too. Nicely done. Did you use this in ranked last season?


    no i actually came up with it right after the season ended, but i will for sure be using the build in the future, even though i dont think its the most competitive of builds (compared to daredevil dp or core sd).

  5. You can't just put your premises on an untouchable pedestal. Otherwise you can just argue for anything.

    Dailies are not there to dictate your gameplay, it is to guide it. I think the current system that gives you choices and a very hard cap is fine, mainly because I know that if the cap was raised it would regress back to the very old system where you spent hours on dailies per day to reach the maximum amount. There are plenty of things to do in this game daily as opposed to back then, for example fractals have expanded, living story maps and HoT metas all provide daily PvE rewards, not to mention the other two game modes. So we don't need more argbitrary repeat "X" content when thats basically what the unique achievement system is already doing.

  6. Well our bans are up, but still no answer on people who ACTUALLY win traded... Anet please respond and tell us your system is trash so we can forgive you, but as long as you tell us your investigations are CONFIDENT and come out with these laughable results you will remain a joke

  7. I actually like this decision to make more powerful condi cleanses that clear specific condis. However I think more of the granular condi cleanses should still exist because they are more versatile in a world where there are many of those condi specific cleanses. There are skills that remove all movement impairing condis, but only can think of the thief heal hide in shadows that removes damaging conditions. Not sure what suggestions you made for specific skills since i didnt read the whole wall, but it would be interesting to have maybe one reasonably-convenient-to-fit-into-your-build damaging condi cleanse per class, and then that allows condis to be balanced around the ability for them to be removed instantly but also only be removed reliably once per set amount of time.

  8. > @"Blood.5607" said:

    > > @"steelrage.2904" said:

    > > the only reason u get close is because no one plays anymore


    > This. The more and more seasons keep coming, the less players who obtained top 10 from last season play, be thankful some of us aren't there :^)


    saying "us" when you 3 am queued and STILL needed to pay helio to drop a spot for you OMEGALUL

  9. the whole mechanic of steal is designed to fuck one guy over. use it to secure kills on low targets. Can only do this if your team is in a position to pressure people. Go to the right places where kills are possible or create those situations by threatening to decap then outnumbering.

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