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Sajuuk Khar.1509

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Posts posted by Sajuuk Khar.1509

  1. Season 4 will likely deal with a number of things including

    -Finding Aurene.

    -Joko being freed, returning to Tyria, and trying to hunt us down for leaving him in the Domain of the Lost, as well as us stealing his army for a moment.

    -The Order of Shadows vs Order of Whispers conflict. One of the lore books the player can make tells us the original Order of Whispers is still active further south in Elona, and that the Order of Shadows has let civilians die just so they can keep up their schemes. It's all written in a way that very heavily suggests some sort of conflict between them and the original Order of Whispers in Tyira and Elona.

    -Braham will maybe play some part in it, getting pissed at Jormag being put back to sleep since he went on his blood quest to kill him, only to get denied that.

    -Kralkatorik expanding his brand, and us possibly having to help the Elonians now affected by it, as well as him gaining more power.

  2. > @RyuDragnier.9476 said:

    > ANET really needs to finish up these old assets. Make them new areas as part of the next LS, or something for a raid. Just do SOMETHING with them, there's no point in keeping area assets in the game if you aren't going to use them.

    This isn't how game development works. In fact, its generally considered wrong to remove any content from a game's code unless you absolutely have too, even if it isn't used at all, because while it may not be used, things that are used might reference it in some way, and removing it could break those things, which would break more things, and start a chain reaction.


    This is why cut content exists to be found in games in the first place.

  3. > @Fluffball.8307 said:

    > He got backstabbed by Balthazar, but that's sort of not important. It doesn't matter how personally powerful Joko is, he still rules an entire continent. He could be a 4 year old girl; he's still got a massive army and territory and could commit whatever genocide he wants.

    At this point Joko rules what is probably the single largest nation in the known world, with only maybe Cantha's Empire of the Dragon rivaling it in size(depending on that nation is doing at this point)


  4. Since Anet FINALLY restored access to the lore book collections for PoF, I found something rather interesting.



    P1. I've been sent to learn about the Order of Shadows—how they strayed so far, why they ignore our requests for collaboration. The first step is information, and for that I need local contacts.

    P2. So far, every line of inquiry we're pursued has failed. Balthazar's invasion and Joko's absence make this a unique opportunity for discovery. I will not let the Preceptors down.

    P3. Successfully infiltrated the mines. Strong Shadows influence here. Nobody's talking, though. It'll take time to build enough trust to exploit. Even with my Vabbian ancestry, this is dicey...dangerous.

    P4. Progress: after some strong hints, I was sympathetic to their cause, and some stronger Elonian wine, the mine foreman let slip he works with Shadows—an associate, not an agent. I can use that. And him.

    P5. Met with two confirmed Shadows associates. Astonishing: To them, we are the ones who lost our way. To them, Joko is a more pressing threat than Kralkatorrik...or any Elder Dragon.

    P6. Bombshell: Shadows is a splinter group. Original Whispers still here, farther south in Elona proper. They rejected Shadows' exclusive focus on Joko; schism formed, Shadows began parallel operations.

    P7. Secured proof that Shadows plays all sides off each other to keep the status quo churning and exploitable. They advance Joko's cause one day, Sunspears' the next. A very dangerous game.

    P8. Troubling: confirmed that Shadows sacrifices innocents simply to protect their ability to influence events. Schemes that only serve to perpetuate more schemes—do they even have an endgame?

    P9. I think they're on to me. Both of my primary contacts have gone missing, and my secondaries refuse to acknowledge me. There's so much more to learn, but I fear it's no longer safe to learn it.

    P10. My cover's definitely blown. Strangers tried to follow me home. I gave them the slip, but this will be my last dispatch. If Shadows knows what I'm up to, and where to find me...


    Apparently, while the Order of Shadow has split from the Order of Whispers, the original Whispers group still continues to exist further south in Elona, and the Order of Whispers from Tyria apparently didn't know this(or at least the agent they sent didn't)


    So I guess we have three Order of Whispers factions going on here.

  5. 1. As far as I am aware, it's unknown. Unless someone can find a specific statement saying they did go extinct, I am more inclined to believe that we don't see them because it's a game, thus an abstraction, and the devs likely had other priorities.

    2. The Halls of Chokhin aren't in the space covered by the in-game map, so we have no idea if it still exists or not. However, unless something says it was destroyed, there is no reason to think it was.

    3. Dzagonur Bastion is also not in the area covered by the current in-game map, so we can't confirm if its gone or not. Though it is in an area covered by Kralkatorik's brand, so it was likely twisted by the branding.

    4. The Hidden City is presumably in the same place, hidden in the mountains. We can't reach it in-game, and it is also outside the game map's area.

    5. ?

    6. Joko's problem the first time he tried to conquer Elona was that he outran his supply lines. By damming the Elon River, he was able to divert it, and make the areas north of Desolation farm-able, which in turn gave him far more resources.

    7. Maybe, again, it's a video game, not everything is shown.


  6. > @draxynnic.3719 said:

    > Hrrrmn. Cantha might match it. It's not as overt, and probably not overtly utilised by humans as much as in Vabbi, but there's a lot of magically significant stuff in Cantha, particularly if the lingering effects of the Jade Wind remain.

    Maybe, but yes, it was much less overtly used as Vabbi used its magic. It's also much more further south.


    On the subject of distance, I actually made a map once that plotted the latitudes of several major cities in GW lore, based off of that map texture Anet added to Living world Season 2. The results were actually rather interesting.

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/zYsIspZ.png "")


  7. Rytlock only let us use the sword because he interpreted what Kormir said to mean that the sword was the key. He won't do that again since the context as to why he let us do it this time wont be there.

  8. in order to keep the quote walls down

    > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:



    That isn't how that works. Species' territories do not always exist in clear separate chunks, and the territory of each would have overlapped the others. That the DSD pushed out four races who all lived in the depths of the oceans only shows that the DSD is expanding in the depths of the oceans. He neither has to be all that strong or powerful to achieve that, especially considering he is the only dragon in the water like that. Especially considering both the Quaggan and Krait are shown to be primitive tribalistic cultures, on par with the grawl, ogres, hylek, and skritt, with barely any sort of modernized or cohesive weaponry or military. The only underwater species shown to be developed are the Largos, who have the same fundamental weakness the Norn do, in that the operate on singular hunter/assassin organization, with no effective large scale military. The DSD has zero real barriers to its conquest of the depths. It **should** have a massive territory compared to every other Elder Dragon.



    The fact that Halo, Assassins Creed, The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Gears of War, and others like them are some of the best selling game series to this day, and do so by constantly making the same game, with the same characters/races/factions, over and over, disproves that theory. Even newer series like Pillars of Eternity did so well by effectively plagiarizing D&D. The only "new ideas" happen in one off indie games that die after the first game because there is no consistency for the player to get attached to make it a viable long term series.



    A. It's stupid because the dwarves are shown to be mountain folk, tied up exclusively in the Shiverpeaks. If they had gone to the southern end of Cantha, where are all the dwarven ruins all across Ascalon, Orr, the Crystal Desert, Kryta, and all the other places they should have been too before getting to Cantha? Human's spread across the globe makes sense because we can see them slowly moving from Cantha, to Elona, to Tyria, and inhabiting all the places in between. The Dwarves on the other hand basically just teleported from the Shiverpeaks to Cantha, and did nothing in-between. The only dwarven ruins in an Ascalon map are in the Shiverpeak mountains to the north, and the only dwarven ruins in a Crystal Desert map are in what is actually the southern end of the Shiverpeak mountains. Showing that their borders were, in fact, the mountains.

    B. Glint's legacy doesn't allow for anything of the sort. The Legacy regards her two children, ad her two children already have their own city, both of which we have already seen.

    C. They are land based because they naturally like on solid ground, and not underwater like the Quaggans do. That they prefer to use their terrain to their advantage, by building their homes in giant floating icebergs, to allow for easier transportation, doesn't change that. It's like humans who live in houseboats. If there were other land based cultures living in the north along with the Kodan, we would have seen them move south due to Jormag's rise like the Kodan did. Given that neither the Kodan or the northern Quaggan mention any other species from up north, shows there aren't any. Which makes sense because basically everything north of Janthir is the arctic circle, and wouldn't be survivable for most species to begin with.

    D. All corners of the globe is a generic phrase used many times in literature to mean they came from a lot of places. In case you forgot, globes don't actually have corners.

    E. You got me on the Charr bit, I didn't remember that book(which is stupid IMO)

    F. The comment was this. Anet already made races like the Kodan, Quaggan, and Largos, and had the Elder Dragon's rise push them inward, to show what other races existed in the world. If they wanted to have some other intelligent races out there, they would have had them pushed inwards to central Tyira also, or at least had those races that were talk about there being other races out there they don't know the fate of.



    On the Mursaat and Janthir, you seem to forget the whole "Saul got the eye from the inhabitants of Janthir who had the gift of true sight" thing was White Mantle propaganda BS to cover up how much of a lie their cult was. The fact that they do just describe them as "inhabitants" instead of using their actual name, suggests they ARE the Mursaat, because if it was anyone else, they would have just called them the "Janthirians", or w/e their race/cultural name was. The only reason to not name them specifically is if they are trying to hide something. Also, if the Mursaat didn't have the gift of true sight themselves, how could they see each other when they did their invisibility/plane shifting thing?



    Actually, the dialogue in the mission you linked says

    >Magister Sieran: Older than that. The dwarven civilization lasted for more than two thousand years, and this might be one of their first structures.

    Which suggests that after the last dragon rise 10,000 years ago, the Dwarven civilization collapsed, and didn't reach what we knew it was until 8,000ish years later. The structures seen in that mission aren't 10,000 years old, they are 2,000+, only about 1/5 of that time.



    While I am not in a Guild, and have never been in a guild hall as a result, the only globes I know of in the Guild Halls are ones the guild can craft



    Both of which are stock furniture used by the five races, making them creations of the five races, and not the Forgotten.


    And given the world ending threat of the Elder Dragons, **the races have every reason to NOT go explore the rest of the world**, because that would be a drain on resources that could otherwise better be used to fight the Dragons, and the Dragon's minions. Needing resources, and armies, is every reason why they would go to Elona and Cantha before anywhere else, as getting the armies of either Palawa Joko, or a freed Elona, and the armies of the Empire of the Dragon, are the singular best boosts one could ask for against the Elder Dragons. Going to podunk "arid" or "wetlands", or "icy tundra", or "fjord", or "sunken islands" , and recruiting whatever tribal culture is there, and having to set up the currently nonexistent resource operations, isn't going to help much in the fight.

  9. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    >Primordus was never under the Deldrimor Front area. And yeah, the DSD can move. In fact, lore indicates that he is moving, but currently, he's moving towards Tyria . How do we know? Because he's constantly pushing things towards us.

    I never said he was there before, only that he isn't right now, with a suggestion that he will move there when his expansion comes around. And nothing suggests the DSD is moving. All the increase in Quaggan and Krait refugees indicates is that his corruption, whatever it may be, is spreading. The DSD could have literally not budged an inch, and achieved the same effect, so long as its corruption keep spreading outward from its location.


    >Exploring old locations means that they're restricted to those locations and races we know. But going to new locations means they can create new races, new landmarks, new geography to their hearts content.

    Which is exactly why they won't do it, because it's extra work, and game series rely on fan's connections to already established things to sell future games. This is why the Fallout series keep reusing the same factions all across post-war America, why the new Star Wars movies are basically just rehashes of the original trilogy, why CoD and Assassins Creed come out with a new game every year. Most people don't want "new" because they have no connection to it, and developers, film makers, and everyone else, doesn't want to do new because that is more budget down the drain.


    >Dwarves and Forgotten were in Cantha. Forgotten were said to be across the globe, in fact, as were tengu before they retreated to the Dominion of the Winds. Kodan survived in distant lands, so did quaggan and largos. Kodan and tengu are also heavily hinted if not outright stated to have survived the previous dragonrise without Glint's aide - so were the charr. That is rather proof that there are many sentient races beyond the areas of GW1.

    -I recall the dwarves being in Cantha bit(which was terribly stupid and made no sense how they got there)

    -The Forgotten were only known to be worldwide when serving the Gods, which happened much later.

    -Kodan came from the frozen north, and were seemingly the only intelligent land based race to exist up there(likely owing to the fact its the arctic circle and everything)

    -Tengu coming from all around the world only validates them being all up and down the globe, as seen in GW1, not that they came from far off places we haven't seen before.

    -The Charr are likely post-Dragon rise, as some of their early creation myths have Meladru creating the world(which is OFC not true) The Charr are, if anything, proof against intelligent life outside the the known world. The Charr's empire is presumably very large stretching far north and east of Ascalon, and yet the Charr make no mention of encountering any real intelligent races out there, all they mention is subjugating Grawl level races.

    The whole point of groups like the Kodan and Quaggan being pushed into central Tyria was for Anet to introduce races from areas outside of the area we were comfortable with in GW1. If they wanted to suggest that there were races out in the "arid" landmass, they would have had some refugee species from there show up.


    >Sure there would be. We don't know where the Seers and mursaat lived during the previous dragonrise, for starters, and as said we have dwarven and Forgotten relics/settlements in Cantha and undoubtably elsewhere too. And this doesn't even count the countless races that were made extinct by the Elder Dragons, like the Giganticus Lupicus who have no known homeland.

    Mursaat are 99.99% likely to be from the Isles of Janthir. The whole "alliance of five races" thing doesn't work if they are spread out around the globe, as there would have been no real means for them to communicate with each other over such a large distance if they were. All of them had to have come from a centralized area, like the five allied races of today are. We also wouldn't see the ruins of races made extinct by the Elder Dragons, because the only reason we see ruins of the Elder Races is because they WEREN'T made extinct by the Elder dragons, and continued to live for thousands of years past the last Elder Dragon rise, to make new structures for us to encounter, so we could find THOSE ruins. No civilization rendered extinct by the last ED rise should have any ruins that we could find, 10,000 years of Elder Dragon corruption, and world regrowth, would have destroyed them.


    >Forsaken Cliffs, Thunder Cove, and Sunrise Crest aren't really generic. Furthermore, that same map you talk about also has a trade route to the Sunken Isles and Sunrise Crest, indicating that humans had been there in the past. Furthermore, that map is just human knowledge, for the most part, and not what could exist outside of human knowledge.

    Humans have likely been over most of the world at some point or another. The fact that no one ever mentions anything of note in those areas, despite humans having been there before, suggests that m original assumption of "its just more wilderness" is true. If anet really wanted people to think there was something of note on the Howling Peninsula, they would have had some NPC talking about the legends of the ancient explorers who supposedly found some cool things there ages ago.


    This is true of most fantasy settings. Everything interesting takes places in a small area of the world, while the rest, and the majority, of it is literally nothing but nothing.

  10. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    >It's never even established why he stopped in Vabbi (djinn magic? the temple of Lyssa?).

    I doubt it was any one thing, but rather a combination of everything going on in Vabbi. Vabbi was always shown as being one of the most magical places in the human known world, giant floating gardens, djinn everywhere bound to the land, people living in such eloquence that they had giant tapestries of magically moving text, etc. etc. Besides Orr before it sunk, Vabbi was the most magical human kingdom we know of.


  11. > @castlemanic.3198 said:

    > Why didn't they contain Balthazar like they contained Abaddon? Or conversely, why didn't they strip Abaddon of his divinity like they did with Balthazar.


    > The immediate thought behind why they didn't contain Balthazar was that they were leaving their domains, which means the work they would have done could possibly be undone by that action alone, so it makes more sense to strip his divinity (and still contain him). But for Abaddon, was he simply too powerful to have his divinity stripped or something? Or is this a case of different writers, different stories.

    Abbadon was contained the way he was because they didn't have a vessel to move his power into. Balthazar needed far less because most of his power was taken from him and seemingly moved into a new host.


    Or, more simply, they couldn't find anyone they felt was worthy of Abbadon's power at the time, while they apparently felt they had a worthy vessel for Balthazar's power.

  12. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > The deep sea dragon is not at Cantha... If you delve enough into lore, one can actually pinpoint its rough location - west of the Battle Isles (by now, perhaps even *at* the sunken Battle Isles - that could be a fun destination for expansion). So unless Scleritethin begins moving once more, I'm not seeing us going to Cantha because of it.


    > And truthfully, I'd like us to go to new lands before Cantha. As much as I enjoyed Cantha in GW1, Path of Fire's inability to give the same sense of joy for exploring the Crystal Desert, Desolation, and Vabbi again (while I do enjoy NPC interactions, exploration in PoF is something I'm not fond of, and I think the mounts are to blame for it). I'd rather we head to Sunrise Crest to take on the deep sea dragon.


    > As for Kralkatorrik getting two expansions, I can fully see this. Unless we're getting a longer-than-normal LW season for Season 4 (e.g., 9 or 12 episodes), or we get two seasons back to back, I cannot see us reasonably killing Kralkatorrik in Season 4. There's too many immediate plots happening: Aurene, Joko, Dragon's Watch, solution to imbalance issue, and supercharged nigh-invulnerable Kralkatorrik.


    > Before we can take on Kralkatorrik, we not only have to figure out how to save Tyria while killing another Elder Dragon, we have to make sure Aurene is strong enough to confront Kralkatorrik (otherwise we'll just have another Glint situation) which in turn means finding Aurene first. I cannot see us solving all four problems in Season 4 - not without it being as kitten as Balthazar' "reveal".

    And Primordus isn't under the Deldremor Front area... right now. Dragons move, Primordus moved, Jormag moved, Kralkatorik moved. Bubbles will be wherever Anet can make the most use of him, and get the most out of an expansion based around him, and the small ruins of the Battle Isles, isn't it IMO.


    I personally greatly enjoyed exploring in PoF because of the mounts. And I would rather they don't try to go to new areas, simply because I very highly doubt there would be anything worth seeing in them. The Five "Elder Races" all come from the central Tyria area, and Glint, the being that saved most of the intelligent races from the last dragon rise, did so seemingly in the central Tyria region, which is why the central Tyria region has so many sentient races compared to elsewhere. I fully expect most of the unexplored regions of the world to be nothing more then large areas of endless forests, jungles, wetlands, deserts, with barely a handful of primitive tribal species, on par with the Grawl, or Hyleks. Ancient ruins of lost civilizations wouldn't be there, answers to beating the dragons wouldn't be there, there would be nothing there beyond more of what we can already get in places we have visited before. This makes sense given that many of the larger landmasses shown on the world map Anet made are labeled either after the artists who made the map, or are given generic descriptors like arid, wetlands, icy tundra, fjord, sunken islands, etc. etc. The rest of Tyria is just wilderness, as it should be. The only previously unexplored place I could see them going too are the Isles of Janthir, for more Mursaat lore, and the rest of the Charr's lands, if only because it's related to a playable race.


    As for all those plots being resolved in Season 4, I can totally see it happening given how immediate of a threat Kralkatorik should be after absorbing so much power from Balthazar's deathsplosion. Gotta deal with him now because the balance is already upset, and Kralky gaining so much power so fast is just accelerating it. And I don't really see them doing a Kralkatorik expansion because it would literally be nothing more then Path of Fire 2: Electric Boogaloo. I don't think they could hype people on another expansion that would take place in the exact same environs we got this expansion. They have to change it up in some way, and "more Elona" especially after PoF, and likely all of Season 4, taking place in Elona, just isn't it. There would be way too much desert/badlands fatigue.

  13. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > Not just their focus (Elder Dragons and Central Tyria politics versus Joko, Mouth of Torment, and Elonian politics), but also methodology. The odd thing though, to me, is that the group who didn't follow the original Orders' purpose took the name Whispers. Well, hindsight thoughts and all I bet. I do find it odd they split the two for lore, when there was no real reason to.

    I would assume it was because the OoW had the larger portion of resources and manpower, and thus, could claim the right of being the "true" natural evolution of the group, which meant they had the right to keep the original name.


    As for the split, i think it will come up later in Living World Season 4. With the Pact still recovering from the ass kicking Mordremoth gave them, having this "separate" but still kinda the same, faction in Elona, helping us deal with Joko and Kralkatorik, makes sense as a narrative device to explain why we are getting the level of help we are getting. The OoW is likely still too depleted to help, so we get the OoS helping us instead!

  14. > @castlemanic.3198 said:

    > The humans on Tyria only had guesswork to go on, with prayers not being responded to and the like.

    Untrue, the gods told humanity they were leaving as far back as Nightfall.


    > @castlemanic.3198 said:

    >We also have precedence of a previously beloved god who people had stopped worshipping because of his actions that threatened tyria as a whole, Abaddon

    Also untrue. As stated back in Nightfall, the reason why people stopped worshiping Abbadon is because the gods went on a systematic campaign to remove every bit of knowledge about Abbadon's existence from written and known record. The Gods actively purged Abbadon from history, which is why he was forgotten. No such godly campaign took place in Balthazar's case.


    > @castlemanic.3198 said:

    >We also don't know if someone replaced Balthazar, we can only assume so.

    Again untrue. Kormir explicitly states Balthazar is no longer one of the Six after Rytlok tries to correct Kas by saying they are "The Five" now that Balthazar is gone. We know, for a fact, there are still 6, and Balthazar isn't one of them.

  15. Balthazar seemingly getting replaced really wouldn't change anything because said being who replaced them never showed themselves, or made their presence known, so while he/she may have Balthazar's power, he/she was never one of the human gods, because humans never worshiped them. Likewise, people already knew that the human gods left Tyria, and The Mists, some time ago, so that isn't exactly a big revelation.


    All that would realistically happen is that the temple would try to push the notion that we should remember Balthazar for who he was before, not how he died, and would still continue to worship him as one of the Six, because he was one of the six gods who actually was involved in human affairs, while this new "sixth" hasn't.

  16. > @Yitsul.8342 said:

    > If I may add one....


    > PoF Spoilers!

    > >! What will Divinity's Reach do with the Balthazar Road, plaza, and waypoint now that he's dead?

    Nothing, since him being alive or not has nothing to do with why they named it such.


  17. > @TeeracK.3601 said:

    > I want to know why the Order of Whispers and the Order of Shadows broke up. It would also be nice if the Master of Whispers could try doing literally anything in the lore considering they are master of whispers...

    As I recall, its mentioned they split because the OoW was focused mainly on the Elder Dragons, while the OoS was focused mainly on fighting Joko and trying to Free Elona from his rule.

  18. > @HaseKent.1843 said:

    > If Jormag is moving south, Kralk is heading south too, and from what we see, Zhaitan, Prim, and Mordy is at the South part of the map of each region..... Is there anything at the southern part which attract all of them???

    -Mordremoth and Zhaitan were already where they are in-game before the awoke. They didn't move south, that is just where they were.

    -Primordus only moved south to absorb magic from Zhaitan and Mordy's deaths.

    -Jormag is likely moving south because the area he awoke would be close to the arctic circle of Tyira(assuming Tyria is anything like Earth in that regards), and he already drove the Kodan, and northern Quaggan out from the region, so he has to move south to find more things to snack on.


  19. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > Side note: the portals found in Sparkfly Fen and Mount Maelstrom (Judgement Rock) were also leading to scrapped zones, which were to be mostly underwater content.

    They really hate underwater content don't they?


    But really, the guy from the floating castle they can't talk about.

  20. > @Oglaf.1074 said:

    > If the next expansion pack (or even the next LW installment) isn't Norn-centric and focusing on Jormag I... I might just go crazy....

    I actually suspect the next expansion will be bubbles focused.


    It makes sense from a narrative and mechanics standpoint if you think about it

    1.The base game had us killing Zhaitan.

    2. The first expansion was about us dealing with Mordremoth, the dragon who was opposite Zhaitan in the Antikytheria.

    3. Living World Season 3 put both Jormag and Primordus(who are each other's opposites) back to sleep, effectively taking them both out of the narrative until they are needed later.

    4. Path of Fire, while mainly about Balthazar, was also largely about Kralkatorik. And Living World Season 4 will likely have us dealing with Kralkatorik in some manner.

    5. With Zhaitain, Mordremoth, and Kralkatorik either dead, converted, or replaced, and Jormag and Primordus asleep, this leaves bubbles, who is Kralkatorik's opposite in the Antikytheria.

    6. Expansion 1 added gliders for air based travel, expansion 2 added mounts for land based travel, this leaves expansion 3 to deal with underwater travel in some form or fashion.


    Unless Anet throws a massive curveball, and gives both Elona and Kralkatorik TWO EXPANSIONS, the above makes the most sense. Living world season 4, and maybe 5, will have us going to other parts of Elona, and dealing with the fallout from Joko being freed, and doing something with Kralkatorik. Expansion 3 will likely take us to Cantha as we deal with bubbles.


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