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Posts posted by Eddbopkins.2630

  1. Wow cant believe not 1 person puts any pressure on you. I havnt played pvp in at least a week b.c of the condi spam. If i get team mates like the ones you played against on my team its good bye gw2 for another week....theres was a staff ele on the other team, you know what staff earth 3 is? a reflect anyone who is in a ranked game should know there class well enough to be able to press earth n 3 quick enough to negate a burst oe two then focus n down a thf. If you dont know your class like that or are not fast wnough to react you are not ranked ready.

  2. i never waited longer then 3 mins and i still get placed against top 10s constantly at a rating for 1300-1400. im takeing a brake for a month this game needs a changing that the devs refuse to so. one day maybe one day they will learn how to make a balanced reliable system. i mean they did a great job on combat n gameplay. but when it comes to balance and matchmaking they got there heads in the dirt and straws threw there arses

  3. Isnt there a pvp reward track system u get just by playing pvp? The dungon tracks and the map tracks?

    I lose alot, and i think the pip syatem should only be for winners. You win you get pip reward track points. Simple and will always promote the best out of people in everygame.

  4. Im ranked around the 1300-1400, last night i was placed against the #4 person on the leaderboads at the time, multiple times in multiple matches. My question is why am i being placed against the #4 person on the leader boards. Is there a matchmaking algorithm? Did it decide to take a nap when placeing me into a few games? Does the devs care about there game match quality to players? In the few games iv played against the top 10 people when im only ranked 1300-1400 it was a blow out lost by over 350+ points my team couldnt keep up let alone kill anyone or even make it to an objective to be benificial in any way. Please place harsher restrictions on match making so it has better match quality n fairness.

  5. Sry its all in caps idk why

    #1 thing i hate in this game is inventory management. It wouldnt bother me in the least bit if they done away with rewards in ranked. Competitiveness is its own reward when you win or lose its fun. You shouldnt need boxes just to enjoy and continually play a game mode you either want to do it or you dont. With the reward system in ranked you get people who just dont care about learning what needs to be done in fights weather its when to cc someone so your team can burst or capture awareeness, or knowing what build/class you shouldnt 1v1 against repeatedly n lose. Yes rewards bring casuals to the ranked scene and help it grow but in the long run they are hurting the competitivness of ranked pvp with there half as s idelology of "o im mainly 75% here for the rewards so losing i dont care." And that what i feel your saying.

  6. If you need shinys n rewards to do ranked pvp in any meaningful way for your self then ranked pvp is NOT for you. All i care about is the ladder and how high i can climb on it. Not the rewards, not the shinys, not the felling of progression. Im in it for the out right fun of competition and gameplay the pvp provides. If you need to have the feeling of new shinys rewards and toon prgression how about not pvping at all? Your mentallity just seema toxic to the idea of competitive/ranked pvp.


    The enitre idea of duo q is dissapointing. This is a team based game not allowing 5 man q is bad enough but a 2 man q is almost worthless. I was hoping theyll allow at lwast 3 man q this season but then again anet is the king of dissapoint in my life atm.

  7. The season starts on the 7th the update is on the 7th, theres no time to practice the changes for a fair competitive season. If things end up broken or even more so unbalanced theyll be a 1- 4 months for changes?? thats super discouraging and dissapointing.


    Is there a reason why the developers refuse to balance any more then every 3-4 months when theres an obvious dissatisfaction amoungst its pvp player base about balance?

  8. I think hp and armor should be normalized across all classes in pvp 15000hp n like 2.1k armor.

    The way i see it some classes cant use some amulets because they just dont have enough in those two categorizes to make them effective.

    A warrior can run demolishers and still have 19k hp and 2.7k armor, while ele and thf and gaurd get the pathetic 11.9k making demolisher ammy useless.

    There are other ammys like this but im not going to go threw them all.

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