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Posts posted by Eddbopkins.2630

  1. Ats are not the answere. Im an adult i dont have a set time i can play video games. People mentioning ats are the answer infureates me and i want to delete there post from this thread!



    Did i say ats in the orginal post no! So why did crann n jacobin mention it. The post is about 5v5 ranked q not ATS dont mention ats here!

  2. As title says......if you dont got friends to play with thats your problem. If you are so introverted you cant mesaage someone you just played with " that was fun, we played well together. want to team up?" That shouldnt stop everyone else from enjoying some comradery and real team talk and strategy. This is a 5v5 team vs team game.

    I want to be mic-ed up with the best/funniest guys/girls i can find and enjoy this god forsaken 5v5 team vs team game.


    Sorry if i offended anyone. Im just talkin from my heart.

    Ats are not tue answere!!!!! I dont uave a set time i can wait for ats. And once an at starts you still have to wait 30 mins sometimes to start ur game. Ats are not the answere and if u think so then ur thinking of what a 5v5 strategic team based game is, is wrong.

  3. > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > The balances n bug fixes for classes only happen every 2-4 months....we had one already this month. Dont expect another till February at least...its been like this since day 1, 5 years ago. Reconize anet for what theyve been doing and how they been doing it and expect disappointment and lack of attention to the pvp community.


    > The devs said that last balance patch was off cycle and it is not going to interrupt the quarterly patches. It is certain that we will have a patch before next sPvP season starts. How big will it be, that is a different question.


    Whens the next one scheduled? Early February late January? Ha. Anyway there big condi changed didnt really change condi and there effectiveness, they still hit just as hard if not harder then befor. so if this last update was considered a big change to condi by tje devs then what hope is there that any future balance patch will be effective as anyone hopes?

  4. The balances n bug fixes for classes only happen every 2-4 months....we had one already this month. Dont expect another till February at least...its been like this since day 1, 5 years ago. Reconize anet for what theyve been doing and how they been doing it and expect disappointment and lack of attention to the pvp community.

  5. Idk to much about mesmer but im pretty sure they have no problems with access to evades invulns and teleports to keep distance and avoid damage. With there 12 second sword evade, 10 second staff teleport and probably more they got no problems avoiding power.

    Scourge these days if there anygood will keep weakness on the enemys as well as plunty of cover condis as well.

  6. Can we please go back to the main topic...weakness....not invuls block or dodges or frost aura or mitigation....please stay on topic when you post here. This thread is about weakness only and how it shuts down power builds, while it leaves condi players unaffected when applied to them.


    Most condi builds (IN PVP all i care about) dont use percision as far as i know but thats only 1/3 of what weakness does. The fact that 1 condition does 3 things and only to power build is unbalanced...reduces damage, reduces crit chance, and reduces endurance regen. 2/3 of weakness shuts down power builds 100%.


    And as far as resistance goes only a very few classes have it n its super corruptable


    Love all the input though its really fun hearing what you all have to say.

  7. > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > > > Conditions are meant to work different as direct damage. I guess ANet has no intention to equalize these two damage types too much (would not make sense). Vulnerability is such a weak condition that it is quite safe to apply the damage increase to all kinds of damage.

    > > >

    > > > But Weakness would destroy conditions completely now where ANet is about to nerf the burst potential (the latter is good). An additional damage reduction would be too much. They would have to increase the burst potential again to compensate for a third counter in addition to cleanses and Resistance that Weakness would be.

    > >

    > > Your worried about a third counter to condis? How many counters are there to power...lets see...invulnerables, evades **(cant dodge a condi tick once its on you)**, blocks, protection, traited damage mitigation, and probably more. Your agument is null n void.......


    > Sorry to say but evades, in-vulnerabilities, and blocks work just as well against conditions. Yes you cant avoid damage that has already been dealt but that's not their purpose. They are supposed to prevent new sources of incoming damage, which they do equally well against both damage types. This has always been a fallacious argument.


    Some invulns dont stop condi application so 1/3 of ur statement is false. And the other 2 dont do equally well.... theres not any power feild that i know of that sits out on the battlefield for 8 seconds like the scourge marks do n apply pulsing power damage like those marks do with conditions. Pulsing aoe condi marks for 5+ secobds wait they can lay down 3 with no cool down after one another so thats 24 seconds of almost continuous condi application if the player knows is rotations.


    But lets get back to the post title weakness shuts down any power build while condi have no mitigation. Not talking counters like clearing. I mean mitigation like protection/weakness is to power builds.

  8. > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > Conditions are meant to work different as direct damage. I guess ANet has no intention to equalize these two damage types too much (would not make sense). Vulnerability is such a weak condition that it is quite safe to apply the damage increase to all kinds of damage.


    > But Weakness would destroy conditions completely now where ANet is about to nerf the burst potential (the latter is good). An additional damage reduction would be too much. They would have to increase the burst potential again to compensate for a third counter in addition to cleanses and Resistance that Weakness would be.


    Your worried about a third counter to condis? How many counters are there to power...lets see...invulnerables, evades (cant dodge a condi tick once its on you), blocks, protection, traited damage mitigation, and probably more. But for now i thought up 4-5 in the span of a few seconds. Your agument is null n void.......

  9. The critical negation is negligent when it comes to condi builds they can do fine without it specially if the condi bomb already happened, but power builds are 100% shut down with weakness on them

  10. can we get this reverted back to its original form please? February 26, 2013 update. with all the other mobility in the game that revs have, thfs, druids, mes,and others. to remain competitive, fair, and fun, i feel this needs to happen. just 1st of many small tweaks that can happen to make ele offhand dagger a real contender again.

  11. why does it ONLY affect power builds?


    an idea poped in my head.....if you have weakness on you the conditions that are on you are also halved. so if the the enemy wants to put weakness on you to stop your burst then there burst will be mitigated as well giving the weakness condition balance when applied. best idea i thought of yet i think...lolz



    Just adding this here:

    50% fumble on all attack

    Endurance regeneration decreased by 50%

    50% of hits are Glancing Blows (50% damage).


    Fumble: 50% of regular damage and lose any critical damage

  12. Some classes absolutly need more hp.....having ele thf gaurd all at 11.9k hp makes it almost...no it is absolutely immpossible to run certain ammys n build because you just have no hp for the condi bombs since condis ignore armor stat.

    For example a warrior can run demolishers hammy giving him nice dps burst stats along with 2900 def and still have 19.5k base hp. Against an ele thf gaurd with demolishers we stuck at 2.6k def and 11.9k hp all while having the same stats in dps burst area piwer percision ferocity all the same while war and other classes have a major MAJOR advantage. This needs to be addressed i feel if you really want fair competitive play.

  13. > @"Morwath.9817" said:

    > > @Eddbopkins.2630 said:

    > > > @Morwath.9817 said:

    > > > Woooooo-hoooooooo!

    > > > [source.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/19600/upcoming-wintersday-balance-update/p1 "Source.")

    > >

    > > whos the best ? u r! yes u r! the very bestest Quaggan. good boy Quaggan. good boy.


    > Wooo-hooo! Quaggan did nothing, but praise him a bit more!


    Just for being on the forums, being posistive, entertaining as heck with you keeping up with the whole quaggan thing for every post.

    You refer to yourself as quaggan like a helpful pet or something so i figured a good boy was in order. Lolol

  14. In season 8 i accumulated well over 800 gold in about 200-300 games. N with that gold iv bought well over 1k gems and a few things off of the gem store in the past month (some new greatsword that looked sweet along with an outfit) and still have about 250 gold atm. Saying they want people to buy gems specially with real money is a ludicrous idea if zed player is playing a decent amount of pvp to begin with.

    I guess my gripe is with the idea of them doing gem store things in the 1st place when any actual player should have the gold to bypass what there end goal is n tjats to make real money. Like why waist resources.

  15. why would it be a "buy". from what i understand u make it sound like it a QOL thing added to pvp announcer so why would i want to spend my hard earn moneys on something that should be in the game already i feel? i also feel there should be voice coms as welll since this is a team based coordination game imo.

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