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Posts posted by Interpretor.3091

  1. The MMR system punishes you for losing so hard because almost every game you are against someone with a low MMR compared to yours. It balances teams based on the mean MMR of each team. The population of good, high rating players, isn't high enough. So once you get up around plat 1, 2 you are getting punished extra hard because, based on your personal MMR, the game expects you to win against these low rated players. Also, because you are only 1 player on a team of 5, It seems especially unfair because you can't be everywhere on the map regardless of how well you play individually and it's basically a crap shoot of whether you get all thieves on your team or an actual team composition that performs well in conquest. Compare this to games like League of Legends where everyone has an assigned role, or CS:GO where everyone is on the same level entirely.

    Anet needs to have a separate team queue and solo queue but they aren't going to put anymore money into servers (nor is the population good enough for team queue) to support this so just play a different game or just enjoy solo queue for the gold/memes and make a team to play in ATs/scrims and waste your time there to compete with the good ~25 players in your region.

  2. Acro staff is horrible. Horrible for this game. As for thief in general. It blows in solo q but is very powerful in terms of map control and overall effectiveness when used as a coordinated team.


    However .01% of the pvp population takes Teamplay competitive in gw2 seriously so it won’t get nerfed.


    Just move on Flandre

  3. This post is literally why I quit playing.


    Playing since beta and this is just another fluff post with vague promises, “this is our top priority,” “this is our number 1 priority,” “we still don’t feel comfortable giving any specific release date or information, but this is all very important to us, please keep buying gems in the meantime.”


    Insulting honestly, whoever is in-charge of this shit should really quit at arena net and go be a politician because they would be great at it. All bull and fluff.

  4. > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

    > > @"Interpretor.3091" said:

    > > 7-3 like always...solo queued. 3 were unwinnable because of enemy team duos. 3 were stomps with good duos on my team and none on theres and 4 were actually good games because everyone was solo and I was able to carry.

    > >

    > > Duo is bad.

    > >

    > > Also, everyone ‘throws’ now. There are about 10 people who still play PvP who know 100% of the time what they are doing.


    > Feelsbadman.


    > It sucks honestly. No one really has the spirit anymore, especially in lower tiers.They just quit or afk for quick pips.


    There’s no point honestly. There is NO support for PvP now, not even a little. On top of that, there is so much to learn outside of pure competitive meta vs meta PvP. In ranked, if you arent aware of every single ability and trait from all professions, solo q can be a complete coinflip in terms of countering and playing against other players. You can’t even inspect what other players are playing until the game starts and you have to fight them and see their abilities.

    At least in MaTs you have an idea of what the other team’s comp is/will be, but even last minute swaps ruin that too.

    Not saying we had a chance, but the last time I played in a MaT, Helio swapped last second from Spellbreaker (mirror matchup) to Condi Mirage as a side laner and absolutely shit on me in game because it counters warrior. How is that even fair? Am I supposed to swap mid game to Scrapper to counter him and suffer a 60 second respond timer?



  5. 7-3 like always...solo queued. 3 were unwinnable because of enemy team duos. 3 were stomps with good duos on my team and none on theres and 4 were actually good games because everyone was solo and I was able to carry.


    Duo is bad.


    Also, everyone ‘throws’ now. There are about 10 people who still play PvP who know 100% of the time what they are doing.

  6. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > Hm, I always considered the "problem" in this the regard to the fact that players want to do 360-no-scope 10-man killstreaks in 10 seconds so they can feel cool, when in fact GW2 sPvP is far more complex on a tactical and strategical level because they need to control an entire map, requiring people to think. And thinking hurts.


    I wouldn’t boil it down to this, Mmo players want a challenging learning curve, thats why they play Mmos. People want to be challenged and a good learning curve is important and keeps people invested for long periods of time too.The players that have PvPd from the beginning stick with this game because they have invested so much time to learning.

    Similarly, League of Legends has like what, 40-50 champions now? 100s of different items, runes, and skill trees. Learning curve is just as hard imo. Difference is population and lack of resources to learn for new players. LoL (riot games) provides a plethora of tutorials and also has the population to back it up. MM is better also much better due to population, community tutorials are more available, etc.


    People want to be challenged and learn, but they need the resources to do it. Anet needed to take the first steps years ago to provide this, and then the playerbase would make up the rest. Riot games was constantly making tutorials for their new characters. Now community content creators and sites like Op.gg and proguides.com make up the rest. Who do we have in Gw2 that actually makes tutorial/learning content for PvP? Shorts? Jawgeous? They both quit doing it I think.

  7. > @"Tycura.1982" said:

    > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > looks at Stronghold...... Answers poll.


    > I take my answer back


    Too late! :D


    But for real though. I just imagine Smite with Guildwars2 combat and graphics. I think Smites combat system is crap tbh.


    As far as stronghold...I don’t think it’s a fair indicator of how a dedicated Gw2 moba would be. There’s no support whatsoever for the game mode, The game already had a plethora of balance issues before and during stronghold release, there was no info on how to actually play the gamemode, and without a separate client it pretty much relies on already existing Gw2 players to stumble onto it. If you were new to the game, you would have no idea stronghold even existed aside from the little checkmark in the Spvp queuing client.


    Ive been PvPing and playing since release and I still don’t understand 100% what the hell is going on in stronghold.

  8. Would you play it?


    - Separate client

    - Same combat system and graphics.

    - Vanilla Professions.

    - Lore character skins or customizable characters/weapons.

    - Ranked Seasons

    - Mounts and gliders.

    - Different balance team.

  9. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > > > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > > > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > > > > > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > > > > If i ever see a Warrior that uses Rampage in a Zerg Fight, i will instantly loose all respect of him.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > WvW is about Teamwork and not selfishness.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Go help your team by using Bubble.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > It is all about survival of the fittest. In a serg fight, when I am not in a group and all the ones who are in a group die, guess who is the one that always survives?

    > > > > > Yes, that is me! I survive because:

    > > > > > * I have the best traits and skills for my profession.

    > > > > > * I have the gut feeling to tell when the fight its done

    > > > > > * I have the skill to survive alone with no boons or heals.

    > > > > > * I have a mouse with 12 buttons.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Survival of the fittest baby!

    > > > > > I rarely ever die in blob fights.

    > > > >

    > > > > Double EP, and runes of speed or superspeed keep me alive when I dive in and out. Still room for an elite that actually helps the zerg to boot. As a spellbreaker you can just dive in and out laying down your bursts... I've done that even with all the scourge vomit cluttering the screen.

    > > > >

    > > > > Staying alive in a zerg is not hard. Staying alive and actually helping is a different story.

    > > >

    > > > Well, i dare you to try a berserker build in a serg fight of 60+ and remain alive.

    > > > And you have to be the one that downs the enemies.

    > > > Every time I rush onto an enemy serg I see 3 to 4 downs around me.

    > > >

    > > > Can you do that with your build? I don't think so!

    > >

    > > Double EP, Savage instinct, Strength and Berserker traits are all you need man. Pop an adrenaline gain skill, get in, burst, Blood Reckoning, burst, get out. Still have room for Warbanner.


    > My man, you aint trying to teach this legendary beast warrior how to play in WvW blobs fights are you?

    > You can't give me advice unless you have achieved the legendary title ["Lone serg killer"](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/880727#Comment_880727) Yes, I defeated a serg of 30 all by myself.


    Worst troll attempt ever. Move on everyone.

  10. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > > Why would you even start to think about using rampage in large WvW zerg? How is increasing the damage reduction to 50% a nerf compare to some extra toughness? If anything, rampage will end up with greater damage reduction and no drawback except a longer CD in PvP and WvW. Unless you think that temporary toughness is taken into account for consummable and toughness conversion traits, which is not the case. Outside of the CD the change will have absolutely no impact on your performance when charging into a zerg (if it's something that you enjoy and your zerg curiously allow you to play a non meta build)

    > >

    > > I always use rampage in large scale fights it has stability, toughness, CC.

    > > Rampage is meant to be a large scale fight skill.


    > That seems like an opinion dressed up as a fact. It has as much of a use in large scale as it has in small scale fights.


    Yeah, no one uses Rampage in large scale. Never has, ever.

    Winds and Banner are much better, not even close. Been GVGing for 7 years and the only time I used Rampage for large scale was in a GvG when i was running Berserker as a meme and Rampage allowed me to stay alive longer and not be entirely useless while waiting for Berserk to come back off CD.


    Also, dmg reduction over toughness is a huge buff? You take reduced dmg from both conditions and physical dmg now instead of just the latter.

  11. It’s going to happen within the next week or two...if it doesn’t, contact me and Ill send you some gold.


    Either way, It doesn’t matter when they drop the patch...that’s not the point. Unless anet is making decisions on the fly about balance, they definitely have the notes they want to implement available, or at least an idea of what they want to change. All i’m asking for is more transparency and communication because balance patches are fun and enjoyable to look forward to. It’s a plus for them to release them early or give us a hint of what they want to focus on. People, including myself, get hyped about changes.

  12. The way that the game company Blizzard is frequently changing and updating their game, Hearthstone, lately (since the dev team changed) should really be looked at as a model for all games as a service for the future. That game was honestly about the die (or at least be a shell of its former self) and recently within the last 6 months they have changed everything dramatically. Frequent and community driven small balance changes, quality of life implementations within the game and client, more transparent communication with the community, etc.. All of their work has revived the game and their esports scene and would really work wonders in this game as well.

  13. I know this has nothing to do with balance but with this game’s really good action combat in a moba style on a different client and game would be a lot of fun.

    Think Classic moba style, items, levels, jungle and minions like smite but with good GW2 action combat would be a great game. Would be easier to balance too. Single map, different classes with like 2 bans for classes. Mini jumping puzzles in jungle for buffs, lords and bosses for buffs. So good.

  14. OK so new update, was solo Queuing this morning fine. Then all of a sudden I had a friend of mine join my party and queue up ranked, said he was testing something. We were able to queue and then he left the party. I tried re-soloqueuing and then was unable to. He was previously unable to duo with his partner BUT was able to solo queue by himself. It seems like whatever problem his account was causing, seemed to spread to me. When I invited him back to my party, we were able to duo queue again. He said the last thing he remembers happening was that he join into ranked, the loading screen came up, and then he was booted out of the game and unable to requeue with his partner. Hopefully anet reads this and helps. Happened around 1:35PM on NA servers.

    This was not on purpose it seems like no one has any idea what is happening.

  15. Hi,

    Today the NA daily Melandru's Matchup at 11:15am (June 23rd) got stalled out due to an opposing group being stuck in their map. We ended up waiting 20-25 minutes to see if the issue would resolve itself and then finally gave up and logged out. This is the second time that this has happened in the last two weeks to me personally. 2/5 of the last ATs I've played in this has happened at the Semi-Finals stage.

    Also, two days ago I was in duo queue when my partner and I were suddenly removed from Ranked Queue entirely without warning and then unable to re-queue. Re-logging did not fix the issue and our gaming session in PvP was effectively ended .

    What is happening?

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