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Posts posted by Interpretor.3091

  1. > @"NotoriousNaru.1705" said:

    > Lmao no

    > If you want a pvp tourny reward earn it

    > make a team practice and win

    > dont ask to be spoon fed literally everything in gw2 is catered to casuals who can eventually grind what they want but pvp is different. if u suck u dont deserve it


    Asking players to grind out 1000 ranked PvP Reward Track rewards, 500 AT wins, 10 Semi Finalist MaT wins, 5 rank 1 league finishes or a combo of the above for 1, a single 1, of the 12 Gizmos is hardly being spoon fed rewards.

    As it stands, maybe 5-7 players in the entire game (5 being in NA), would be able to aquire the final reward of all 12 Gizmos before the game completely dies or they actually end up making Gw3. Maybe 20-30 players after a year of consistent playing and WINNING would be able to get a single Gizmo without winning MaT.

    There are plenty of players who play PvP daily who definitely don’t ‘suck’ Naru, and this change would even benefit you as a top player who wins every MaT. It would increase competitivness in all aspects of PvP, especially in monthlies. Your team would be a barrier from keeping any player from possibly getting all 12 rewards. The final boss if you will.

    At the very least it would benefit any players who would sink as low as to sell MaT wins in a competitive PvP format and then brag about it on the official forums...


    edit: 500 daily At wins*

  2. We should really do something quickly to increase PvP population and what better way to do that than to offer PvP exclusive rewards that players can grind for?


    I would like to see the monthly AT Gizmo’s to be grindable. Hear me out...


    There are 12 Gizmo’s, make a vendor to have them cost something like 100 tournament/league vouchers (or more) and reward them SLOWLY in various ways.

    1. Participation and Rank in each Season.

    - Rank 1 = 20 vouchers

    - Rank 2 = 15 vouchers

    - Rank 3 = 10 vouchers

    - Rank 4-10 = 5 vouchers

    - Rank 11-25 = 3 vouchers

    - Rank 25-100 = 2 vouchers

    - Ranks 101-250 = 1 voucher


    2. Win or Place in Monthly or Daily ATs


    - First place Monthly = Choice of that Month’s Gizmo or 25 Tournament Vouchers

    - Semi Finalist = 10 Vouchers

    - Quarter Finalists = 5 Vouchers

    - Participaion = 1 Voucher


    Daily AT Finalist = 2/10 Voucher Fragments


    3. Voucher Fragment Reward Track


    - 1/10 Voucher Fragment rewarded for completing the Voucher Fragment Reward Track.

    10/10 Voucher Fragments = 1 Voucher


    Keep all titles and add new Monthly AT titles every season, i.e. Summer Mists Grandmaster or Winter PvP Champion or something like that.


    Allowing these rewards to be grindable (NOT TIMEGATED) while also rewarding the absolute best players with exclusivitiy needs to be a fair and delicately balanced . These rewards need to be an extremely lengthy grind or you risk losing the best players in the game. Each specific Gizmo should take multiple seasons for the average player to grind and players should be increasingly rewarded based on their skill level.


    I would also want to add an exclusive title, choice of a PvP legendary armor set or two legendaries from any Generation, and the Ultimate Gizmo/Aura/Backpiece/Glider/Legendary to anyone who has collected all 12 Gizmos and has sacrificed them into the Mystic Forge, seperated into 4 seasonal categories. (Gift of Winter, Gift of Summer, Gift of Spring, Gift of Fall). This rewards the best players who win the monthly every month.


    This will fix everything that is currently stunting Gw2 PvP population. It will get new players into the game, get old players to come back, keep all skill levels continuously playing and grinding, and successfully reward players based on skill and dedication to the game.

  3. > @"Rix.8510" said:

    > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

    > > It's radius attack now goes threw wall's with massive op damage that can't be blocked or evaded. Damage goes threw no matter what & you die.

    > > It need's to be fixed.


    > Incorrect! The attack is not unblockable,it can be evaded and the high damage comes from the attack hitting you 3 times in a row.Still needs nerf tho


    The strong part about it is that if you spec with signet of might (which is what everyone is doing) you can burn through all Aegis and Block.

    The full cast animation of Arc Divider is 1.75 seconds for all 3 ticks of dmg. It’s a 5 sec CD so with Signet of Fury, you can cast it again immediately after the CD is up.

    Thats 6 swings of Arc Divider in 6.75 seconds with a total uptime of 3 seconds.

    A single dodge roll is .75 seconds and 300 units. Total of 1.5 seconds of evade if you use them both immediately.

    Now you CAN dodge all 3 ticks of the initial burst if you time it perfectly and double dodge roll, but the problem is that you wont have both dodges back up again to avoid the second burst less that 6 seconds later.

    So not only are you making the enemy team waste their dodge rolls/invulns because that is the ONLY way to avoid the dmg with signet of might, but you are also severely weakening sustain for the entire enemy team by using ONE AoE ability.


    It’s absolutely rediculous. It’s a long lasting, AoE that you can chain AND guarantee unblockable for a short time with only two utilities. Not to mention that for some unreal reason, each swing of Arc Divider procs Sundering Burst, which allows you to get 10 stacks of Vulnurability on each target EACH TIME IT HITS AND CRITS. That’s 30 stacks of invuln per target if each hits and crits and 15 stacks if it doesnt Crit. (This last part has to be a bug or Anet has lost their mind).


    One shot builds are meme builds that only effect one player, those are fine and require finesse to work and even a bit of luck. This, however, is a bugged and overpowered atrocity. I was a total advocate for Berserker changes to make the spec more interesting and viable, I wasn’t asking for this though.

  4. Arc Divider is rediculous. This is coming from a Warrior main playing since beta btw...


    You play full glass, signet of might and go into a team fight, you are automatically deleting someone and if you aren’t, they are the very least wasting two dodge rolls to get through the entire lengthy animation of it all without taking 8-10k dmg per swing. Not to even mention that fact that it can be done twice in 5 second intervals.


  5. > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > Also most people (myself included) only know how to play their main class(es). Knowing the inns and outs of your opponents class is almost as important as knowing your own class.


    > But very few people are going to invest the kind of time thats required to effectively learn all the classes and those who do know them (well enough) got there by playing this game consistently for several years.


    > MMR / Matchmaking is a very simple concept and the only problem is that it only works well if the player population is high enough, which it isn't.


    It’s not just player population, The game has plenty of players, it’s the health and population of a competitive scene. There’s no arena net support ( Swiss tournaments were promised two years ago? ), Classes become over power and unfun to play against, lengthy intervals between balanced patches, lack of moderation for win traders, botters and hackers, etc..

    Plus, players recieve the same rewards regardless of skill, even ATs require minimal participation for 15 min for 5 gold.

    All of this drives players away from PvP in pariculatar, why stick around when everything is sick, unsupported and downright toxic? There are games that are 15 years years old like Warcraft III for example, that have a healthier and more competitive scene than Gw2 because even that game is given more updates and balances and update patches and like I said, is 15 years fucking old game.


  6. I think portal plays are exciting and are what made tournaments more fun back befoe the nerfs. I loved seeing good teams utilize Mesmer portals to their full potential.


    However, I think a middle ground could be better. The length of the portal being around after it’s use, (allowing teams to portal and overwhelm team fights and then port back), was a little too strong. I would change the skill to still allow it to lay down an exit portal like it is now, but instead of a portal that anyone can use, let it be a one time use ability that targets a friendly player to that pre-determined position. Call it like, ‘Teleportation’ or whatever.


    The old Portal gave teams a pretty huge advantage on every single map, especially with maps with mechanics like Foefire. Teams shouldnt be bringing Mesmers just for a single utility, which was the previous problem with Portal.

  7. N> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

    > > @"Chaith.8256" said:

    > > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

    > > > how can you be sure in something that simply isn't correct? there wasn't **a single mirage** out of 8 teams in the monthly AT

    > > > (Incisor being an EU player, I assume he's talking about the EU MaT)

    > >

    > > > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

    > > > There was at least one mirage in the mAT finals (EU) for the last seven months. I stopped checking any further.

    > >

    > > Can we get a fact check here or something, not that the MaT comps are an exact list of which specs are useful in the entirety of PvP, but I'm curious. Cause' one of you are wrong.


    > September: Flandre / "yt"/watch?v=AULXc41A2kE


    > October: Mes Ritu / "yt"/watch?v=6p6RRGvGG30


    > November: Flandre / "yt"/watch?v=ZEJm6CoANhk


    > December: Flandre / "yt"/watch?v=snu99SAz4GM


    > January: Misthelia (Flandre switched to boonbeast) / "yt"/watch?v=wRJzOQJqT9k


    > February: Frostball & Kaazers Le Maudit / "yt"/watch?v=AjusY0I-1Zk


    > March: kitten, I failed. I checked last year. Here is no condi mirage indeed. / "yt"/watch?v=Qo2TGmMFUgo


    NA monthly had plenty of Mirages MY TEAM made it to Quarterfinals and we had a Mirage. There were others too: Karh (Quarter finals) Pink Shorts (Quarter Finals), Barradin (Semi-Finals), Zeromis (Finalist and Winner of MaT in March).



  8. > @"everyman.4375" said:

    > > @"Interpretor.3091" said:

    > > People are still bringing Mirages in PvP and tournament play because of their mobility, utility and portals;amongst other things as well.

    > > Mirage ability to 1v1 gets nerfed and actually loses matchups 1v1 now and Mirage mains explode.

    > > Mirage is incredibly useful and brought in monthly ATs for a reason. It’s versatile and good Mesmer players will figure out how to utilize Mirage in a way that they can find advantages from, just like they have done in every meta (which idk if you have noticed, but Mesmer/Mirage/Chrono has been meta in sPvP since the game has been released).

    > > Just because you can’t push far and win every matchup to carry games anymore doesn’t mean that it’s not worth playing. Find another way to utilize your class.


    > Mirage mobility is a blink that you shouldn't use out of combat and a portal that is unusable because of the duration.

    > If you're planning on making a meta comp taking mirage is a mistake.


    Oh, you’re a top player and already know the meta so close to the balance patch?


    My bad.


    Pretty sure though the top teams are still bringing Mirages and even Chronomancers to ATs.


    Also, unlike any other 1v1 class in the game, Mesmers have superior mobility both rotational and during 1v1s. Mirages can blink up the clocktower and if they are in trouble or need to rotate faster and can blink to safe spots on side nodes when 1v1ing on certain maps. What other 1v1 side noder can do that? Spellbreaker? No. Soulbeast? No. Scapper? No. Weaver? No. Holosmith? No.


    Also, portal plays were used in base game, HoT and PoF metas, who is to say that it wont come back? Especially now that Mirage isn’t taking 1v1s that often.

  9. People are still bringing Mirages in PvP and tournament play because of their mobility, utility and portals;amongst other things as well.

    Mirage ability to 1v1 gets nerfed and actually loses matchups 1v1 now and Mirage mains explode.

    Mirage is incredibly useful and brought in monthly ATs for a reason. It’s versatile and good Mesmer players will figure out how to utilize Mirage in a way that they can find advantages from, just like they have done in every meta (which idk if you have noticed, but Mesmer/Mirage/Chrono has been meta in sPvP since the game has been released).

    Just because you can’t push far and win every matchup to carry games anymore doesn’t mean that it’s not worth playing. Find another way to utilize your class.

  10. > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > This mode just requires u to use brain, its fact. Now u meet a lot of ppl that refuse to do so. And they play it only becouse there is no other mode in pvp. And now if we received another mode for pvp, that would be more of a deathmatch or anything, it would make ques much longer, and it would make rating differences in ranked even bigger than now. (1500 rating vs 1800 is a bs, that I already observed)

    > That's prolly the reason, anet didn't leave us 2x2 mode


    I think a ranked 2v2 or a 5v5/8v8 deathmatch would

    outdo conquest tbh.

  11. > @"xp eke xp.6724" said:

    > Meeh at wvw you have more flexibility on stats -> all classes have more options for the playstile.


    > But back to pvp: warrior has to use 2 traitlines to do stuff:

    > - defense for enough base heal and condiremove. Cause the other non passive heals are just way to weak for theyr cd + activation time and since they nerf the uptime of resistance on him he is weak to condibomb.

    > - and Discipline cause he need the weaponswap + interaction with that + dmg. Otherwise he will technically never hit cause blind + kite would counter him far stronger.


    > Btw his range weapons* are too weak so he has to go meele and cause of that he has to use gs to get enough mobility.

    > * Bow has too les defence for the too weak dmg and rifle can only hit well with berserk line but then you loose dmg or the defence line


    > If you play a core warrior it feel like you hurt badly with every hit, but you most times miss. Without Discipline you have not enough strong hits per time to take enough defences out from enermies.


    > If you play berserk it feeled a long time like you are hulk in berserk mode and outside your a old man that struggles allready on moving. After nerfing berserk it feels allways like your allways behind others (if only one player starts to fokus you).


    > And as sb you can finally do something again, till you get nerfed again... (Ok aktually they don't nerfed him till he vanish)


    > :)


    Both meta builds don’t run defense.


  12. Pretty sure it’s 50/50 matchup now. Depending on which node you are fighting on. You fight on a node where they can teleport up and kite, you lose, but since Mirage dodge got nerfed, I’m finding a lot more oppurtinities to land my skills and put Mirages on the backfoot. I think they did a good job with Mirage this patch. The 5 good Mirages in this game are still superior with it and that’s how it should be.

  13. > @"Ralkuth.1456" said:

    > Hi, I think I saw you, OP, in ranked. I got my minty Warrior butt handed to me.


    > Now that we have had PoF specs in place I'd be happy to see Power Berzerker back in some form.

    > Someone in the PvP section systematized all the adjustments and explained his theory that ANet made it so that each Elite/Core spec was tweaked to have 1 function unique to them, within the class. One can be condition based, one is power, one may be support.

    > But with the new changes to Scrapper, perhaps these aren't the rules we expected.

    > Power Berzerker even in its best form might not be a match for some of the PoF specs however, and Condi Zerker could be interesting to see.


    > From what few hours I have on the Warrior in sPvP I can already see how GS is dominating weapon selection, and perhaps a revival of the Berzerker could come from weapon tweaks. From how power hungry Berzerker is, maybe we can change specific weapon Adrenaline gains. We have seen how amazing the Mesmer Scepter has become so that is one way to do things.


    All anet needs to do is identify what each spec should be good at and streamline it in that direction.

    They did good in PoF by saying for Spellbreaker: ‘This is what Spellbreaker does and should excel at’ which is stripping boons from enemies, as well as doing damage and disruption.

    They didn’t do that in HoT with those specializations, which is fine because it was the first expac and first time doing it. But I remember that berserker didn’t really have any actual gameplay direction or design choices. The way it was pitched to warrior players was that warriors smash things and are super offensive glass dmg types, so we made a bunch of cool abilities that we think players will enjoy just because its new and exciting....Which was fine for a while because it was cool to play with new weapons and traitlines, but after anet realized that it was too strong in PvP with condition dmg/warrior sustain and nerfed it into the ground (this was before resistance was a thing), no one wants to even touch it in any game mode.

    I understand why they put off changing berserker. With so much powercreep in the game they probably have no idea what to do with it. They can’t just increase the dmg because it would be way too OP. They thought that condition changes and buffing the fire dmg duration it does would help, but it didn’t.

    They have tried things with warriors to make utilities other than stances in PvP and Banners in PvE the meta, but it has failed time and time again.


    -Signets are still obsolete after they buffed them

    -Physical abilities are still clunky and lackluster, bullscharge is taken in PvP but a good portion of the time if an enemy is mid air and it hit, it bugs out.

    -Shouts are still largely unused after buffs.

    -Banners are still not being taken in anything other than raids.


    They need to streamline berserker into a certain direction (like buff the dmg output in PvE only) and then they need to rework some key traits in arms and tactics to make them more viable and flexable.

    Fast hands really pigeon holes warriors into taking discipline, which is a shame. Hopefully they make 5 sec weapon swap baseline for all warriors (supposed to be the master of all weapons), but i dont think that will ever happen. I understand why they havnt done that either, for fear of it being too strong.



  14. > @"Zenix.6198" said:

    > > @"Interpretor.3091" said:

    > > > @"Zenix.6198" said:

    > > > > @"Interpretor.3091" said:

    > > > > > @"Zenix.6198" said:

    > > > > > *laughs in weaver*

    > > > >

    > > > > You’re a pvp player, weaver is good everywhere else. They tried buffing weaver for pvpand still failed. You guys got major reworks and buffs to bring tempest up to snuff (which is now a viable support spec in PvP).

    > > >

    > > > Warrior also is good in every other gamemode, so whats your point? (Sure they are just bubble slaves in WvW, but still good there)

    > > > And if you think 3 mighstacks, 5s regen and 5s prot make tempest able to compete with FB in PvP ....I have bad news for you.

    > > >

    > > > I wish weaver was as viable as warrior as a sidenoder.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Spellbreaker is good in every other gamemode and core war and especially berserker fall short everywhere.

    > >

    > > PvP you have:

    > >

    > > s/f fresh air core ele

    > > D/F auramancer tempest

    > > Menders Weaver

    > > Fresh air weaver

    > >

    > > Fractals you have:

    > >

    > > Power Fresh Air weaver and Power staff weaver

    > > As well as core power build

    > >

    > > Raids you have:

    > >

    > > Power dps fresh air

    > > Core power dos

    > > Tempest support

    > >

    > > WvW you have:

    > > Auramancer tempest

    > > Dps staff weaver

    > >

    > > Most of these, especially in PvE are considered very meta and have been for a long time.

    > >

    > > Warrior has what comparitively?

    > >

    > > PvP:

    > > S/Sh GS Spellbreaker

    > > Dagger/Shield spellbreaker

    > > Core warrior that underperforms greatly since it Might Makes Right got nerfed into the ground 4-5 patches ago

    > >

    > >

    > > PvE:

    > > Banner Slave both Condi and Power both of which are only viable because they bring banners, we arent brought for any DPS or carrying potential whatsoever, we perform 1 role and that is to bring banners and to perform lackluster/barely moderate DPS

    > >

    > > Core BS w/ bad DPS

    > > Berserker Condi BS w/ bad DPS

    > > Spellbreaker BS w/ bad DPS

    > >

    > > WvW:

    > > Warriors don’t even have a meta build in this gamemode. The only thing that made them viable was Winds of Disenchantment which they nerfed 2 balance patches ago and then proceeded to change the entire ability making entirely unviable in large WvW fights in the latest balance patcg.

    > > Similar to PvE Spellbreakers also ARE NOT brought for their dmg capabilities, cc or other utilities in this game mode, ONLY BUBBLE.

    > > There is no Berserker or Core build viable in WvW guild fighting meta at all and most roaming specs take Spellbreaker.

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > Did you really just go to metabattle, and copy every single ele build with a gold badge here?

    > CORE FA ELE as a viable build for conquest ....jesus christ.

    > I mean....fair game....lemme do that as well then


    > So for conquest thats:

    > Strength dagger

    > Tetherbreaker

    > Gs/Dagger

    > Greataxe


    > Fractals:

    > Power boonstrip bannerslave

    > Power Bannerslave

    > Condi DPS

    > Power DPS


    > Raids:

    > Power Bannerslave

    > Condi Bannerslave


    > seems like a fair argument to use, right?


    My point is that ele has more viable builds with a variety of specilizations and playstyles that are meta in different gamemodes and have a large influnence on team performance and synergy.


    You listing that warrior PvE builds that are all banner slave varients that all do the same thing...just repeats what I already did in my last post and again makes me argument for me so...thanks?


    We have NO WvW builds

    BS varients for PVE no real dps varient that is worth taking

    And 2 spellbreaker builds for PVP that only change a stat line and a mainhand weapon.


    We are pigeon holed into traits, weapons and utilities and have been since the release of the game. There is absolutely no variety. Actually, Ele is the most versatile profession aside from ranger/druid/soulbeast.


    And btw, core FA ele is viable, at least in solo queue. I’m Currently rank 40 on the leaderboards and it performs very well in hands of eles like Gohan, grimjack and phantaram

  15. > @"Zenix.6198" said:

    > > @"Interpretor.3091" said:

    > > > @"Zenix.6198" said:

    > > > *laughs in weaver*

    > >

    > > You’re a pvp player, weaver is good everywhere else. They tried buffing weaver for pvpand still failed. You guys got major reworks and buffs to bring tempest up to snuff (which is now a viable support spec in PvP).


    > Warrior also is good in every other gamemode, so whats your point? (Sure they are just bubble slaves in WvW, but still good there)

    > And if you think 3 mighstacks, 5s regen and 5s prot make tempest able to compete with FB in PvP ....I have bad news for you.


    > I wish weaver was as viable as warrior as a sidenoder.



    Spellbreaker is good in every other gamemode and core war and especially berserker fall short everywhere.


    PvP you have:


    s/f fresh air core ele

    D/F auramancer tempest

    Menders Weaver

    Fresh air weaver


    Fractals you have:


    Power Fresh Air weaver and Power staff weaver

    As well as core power build


    Raids you have:


    Power dps fresh air

    Core power dos

    Tempest support


    WvW you have:

    Auramancer tempest

    Dps staff weaver


    Most of these, especially in PvE are considered very meta and have been for a long time.


    Warrior has what comparitively?



    S/Sh GS Spellbreaker

    Dagger/Shield spellbreaker

    Core warrior that underperforms greatly since it Might Makes Right got nerfed into the ground 4-5 patches ago




    Banner Slave both Condi and Power both of which are only viable because they bring banners, we arent brought for any DPS or carrying potential whatsoever, we perform 1 role and that is to bring banners and to perform lackluster/barely moderate DPS


    Core BS w/ bad DPS

    Berserker Condi BS w/ bad DPS

    Spellbreaker BS w/ bad DPS



    Warriors don’t even have a meta build in this gamemode. The only thing that made them viable was Winds of Disenchantment which they nerfed 2 balance patches ago and then proceeded to change the entire ability making entirely unviable in large WvW fights in the latest balance patcg.

    Similar to PvE Spellbreakers also ARE NOT brought for their dmg capabilities, cc or other utilities in this game mode, ONLY BUBBLE.

    There is no Berserker or Core build viable in WvW guild fighting meta at all and most roaming specs take Spellbreaker.




  16. > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > Warrior being balanced doesn’t mean we shouldn’t get any changes.


    > Where is the QoL?

    > Where is the polish?

    > Where are the fun changes?

    > Anything!





    This is exactly what I mean. Anet doesn balance for sake of meta in pvp, pve and wvw. They don’t give a shit about who is meta and where.

    They balance so that you have more reasons to play the profession that you want in a viable way and the spec that you want so that you spend more money on gems and both previous and upcoming expansions.

    Say there are 100k warrior mains in the game. Say 1/3 of those want to play berserker warrior, but it sucks so they don’t buy HoT, only PoF. Thats 33k warrior mains not buying a 30$ expansion and overall playing the game less (and spending less in the gem store). In this senario that is a least 1 mil in sales from failing to sell that one expansion to warrior mains that want to play berserker.


    It’s all about the benjamins. They will fix berserker before the next expansion, or at least they should from a bussiness standpoint.


  17. This last balance patch was lackluster for warriors to say the least.

    We saw nothing touched on Warriors except for a small rework on how banners function in the game, as well as a rework for how Winds of Disenchantment work.

    It was the only class to not have major changes in stats or weapon abilities.

    Are we about to see an complete warrior rework and overhaul?

    Obviously this is just speculation, however I have been maining warrior since release and it has been the only class not to have a major rework done to it yet. Correct me if I’m wrong or forgetting.


    We have had:

    -Weaver and now Tempest buffs and reworks

    - Scrapper and Gyro reworks and grenades too i believe?

    - A complete Mirage overhaul a few patches ago

    - large changes to Reaper as well as buffs and reworks to Desert Shroud (now Harbinger shroud)

    - Buffs to spirits, nerfs to stances and a pet overhaul a few patches ago

    - An overhaul of Renegade

    - Overhaul to major functions of Deadeye


    What has warrior gotten? We have had no major reworks or core class design changes since the game was released years ago. Only nerfs, buffs and removals of various stats and trait lines.


    Could the next patch be the patch of the Berserker? It’s definitely what the warrior community has been asking for since HoT release, it is probably the most clunky and underused specilization in the game.

    Warrior has multiple categories of utilities, traitlines and weapons that also go largely unused and We have been pigeon-holed into taking fast hands for the majority of specs in every game mode just to be viable.

    Not to mention that greatsword is so unbelievablly superior to every other weapon in the game, that it’s almost unreasonable not to take.


    Maybe I’m just getting myself hyped up, but we will probably only see 1 more balance patch before they announce and then release the next expansion later this year. Out of all the specs left, Berserker is the one I look at that needs the help so, hurray?

  18. I disagree. Side noders impact a match moreso than any other individual on the team in mutliple ways.


    1) They force 1v2 on far nodes, allowing your team to win favorable matchups elsewhere.


    2) They force enemy defensive CDs for faster 1+s by Thieves and Revenants.


    3) And they sometimes even win their 1v1s allowing for huge point swings and forced enemy team rotations.


    Good Mirages, Soulbeast, probably Scappers now, and even sometimes Spellbreakers are coveted in games both at high and low levels because they do all 3 of these things extremely well.


    I read your post above that it’s not about Weaver, but it is. The reason you are so frustrated as a Weaver main is because Weaver does only 1 of those things well (the first one). Weavers don’t do enough damage to force defensive CDs or win their 1v1s consistently.


    I would either accept that Weaver is in a bad place right now as a spec in the current meta and reroll classes or play the Fresh Air/scepter glass cannon build and try and carry team fights and 1+ side nodes.

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