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Posts posted by Interpretor.3091

  1. WARNING: shitposting Incoming.

    . Spvpmode only. Use ranks S-D, S being best/meta, and F being absolute shit. Explain if you want.


    Rank S

    - Scourge

    - Firebrand

    - Mirage


    Rank A

    - Spellbreaker

    - Holosmith

    - Daredevil/Core D/p


    Rank B

    - Dragonhunter

    - Core Warrior

    - S/D thief

    - Soulbeast

    - Druud

    - Condi mes


    Rank C

    - Scrapper

    - Reaper

    - Burn guardian

    - PP thief

    - Scepter Ele

    - Staff Daredevil

    - Herald Rev

    - Condi thief

    - Core guardian

    - GS Mesmer


    Rank D

    - Weaver

    - Ventari Rev

    - Condi warrior

    - Condi thief

    - condi Engi

    - Core Necro


    Rank F

    - Everything else/rest of core/HoT specs

  2. I like it, pretty balanced IMO, probably the most balanced in the game next to Holosmith.

    SB can contend and win against all classes if played correctly...and with the nerfs to stances it makes the class a lot more skill based because you rely less on passive stances and more on active utilities such as Break Enchantments and Featherfoot Grace. Also... regardless of what people say, using Full Counter effectively, both offensively and defensively is a big part about being a good Spellbreaker. Especially in 1v1s.

  3. I bet Spellbreaker will have some niche in the next raid wing with boon removal, but other than that, I don't think so :/. It's pretty good in open world for the reasons that you list, but other than that Beserker 10% dmg flat increase and the fact that it revolves around torch dmg (and condition dmg which is much stronger than any power build atm).


    That, and it's main new burst ability, full counter, revolves around you getting hit. I betcha that if a raid boss next patch requires constant boon removal or AoE interrupts, (which is highly possible after what they have done in CM 100 with boons) it will be a good tank.

  4. **Strip Boons.** Spellbreakers and Necros are really good at this. If you can't strip boons, do burst dmg. Look for a friendly warrior's Break Enchantments or Breaching Strike and then burst as hard as you can. Necro boon strips from scepter 1 and the unblockable marks from their staff helps get through a guardian's spam Aegis.

  5. Fell into a pattern of +6,+7,+8, -18. Over 3 days worth of about 15-20 games I have made like 3 points of progress. (Rank 8 now). Majority of my games are either stomps, or unwinnable games with DUOS ON MY TEAM.

    Another thing I noticed was that I played VS a guild member the other day who's current rating is 1373. Why am I playing with and against players that are OVER 400 rating below me????? I understand 100-150 rating, but 400?!?!

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/koMqhM0.jpg "")

    Missing these more and more...

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/VnYLu4m.jpg?1 "")


  6. > @Chaith.8256 said:

    > > @TheDevice.2751 said:

    > >

    > > kitten bro where are all those scourge? ? Who cares, nerf em! Not firebrand. Don't disable firebrand or get all up-in arms about them. Its all scourge.

    > >

    > > I mean, we all knew how much the devs love mesmer and guard already.


    > Oh there's a handful of Scourges in the top 25.


    > Doesn't change the fact that Scourge is bad for the game and should be nerfed to the ground and rebuilt as something that doesn't prevent Melee builds like Scrapper/Herald/Reaper from queuing up.


    ^ Second this. The only reason I can beat Scourges 1v1 as a Warrior is because of all of my resistance. (Healing Signet, Zerker Stance, Featherfoot Grace, Full Counter). Warriors don't even run Endure Pain as a utility in PvP because we need all of the resistance to counter Scourge condi burst and constant application. I pity anyone who isn't a Warrior who wants to play meele atm.

  7. > @Malicious.3716 said:

    > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > > > @Interpretor.3091 said:

    > > > > @Malicious.3716 said:

    > > > > > @Interpretor.3091 said:

    > > > > > > @Malicious.3716 said:

    > > > > > > > @Interpretor.3091 said:

    > > > > > > > > @Spartacus.3192 said:

    > > > > > > > > > @Hitman.5829 said:

    > > > > > > > > > There is no reason why a **decent** warrior would choose strength traits over dicipline, defence, or specialization.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > And yet Shinryuku, arguably one of the most well known YouTube warrior mains is using Strength, Dicipline, Spellbreaker

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > It is viable but much glassier than the standard Disc, Def, SB build. I would argue ONLY good warriors can play STR DISC SB effectively.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I would argue that just because he is a Youtuber and plays Warrior, doesn't necessarily mean that he is a good warrior/should be looked towards for a good warrior build...

    > > > > > > > He also fights majorily in WvW where 9/10 players are worse than garbage.

    > > > > > > > He's an average Warrior player that streams and kills bad players with even worse builds than he is running on a profession that is stronger than 75% of the other professions.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I mean, you can play Str > Defence. Is it better? No. Will I farm you if you play it? Most likely yeah.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Do you even watch him? Get off your elitist pedestal. Might Makes Right is just a build that's squishier than the meta build because it's higher damage output for less passive ez mode gameplay.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Why would I comment on it if I hadn't? And how is it elitest to point out the fact that just because he streams, doesn't make him good or the best? Lol.

    > > > > > And yes, it's squishier, clunkier, comes with less much less survivability and happens to produce a very marginal dmg increase**. Just because it does more dmg doesn't make it better**. You have to be alive to do the dmg and I guarentee that any discipline/defence/ spellbreaker will easily defeat any other version that tries to stray from it, warrior has always been that way. Pvp is about surviving dmg and doing your dmg at the correct oppurtunities and not using a shield or having passive endure pain is hurting you more than anything.

    > > > >

    > > > > No one said he was the best. Strength spellbreaker can beat defense spellbreaker if he capitalizes on his unblockable dodges and massive endurance Regen. Marginal? Dagger 3 or bulls charge into dagger 4 crits for 5-9k in sPvP and for 7-12k in WvW.

    > > >

    > > > No sense arguing anymore with you. Your argument is filled with 'what ifs.' What I am saying is that on paper the correct spec will win when skill is equal. Play what you want though. I just hate to see people put themselves at a disadvantage for no reason.

    > > > We can duel if you want. But It wont be a fair respresentation because I'm definitely the better warrior.

    > >

    > > You say this as if you've accomplished something great, lol

    > >

    > > I think you've surpassed the rank of "Skilled Warrior" and been fully promoted to "Tryhard".


    > He's for sure a try hard and one who thinks they are right no matter what. I said if a strength SB utilizes his dodges and endurance it can beat the defense spellbreaker and he said my argument is FILLED with what ifs. Then claims he's better as a warrior than me without knowing my skill level. Talk about ignorance.


    Alright, fair enough. I apologize. I went way over the top there...I just don't agree that it's consistently better. That's all I will say to avoid making myself look more like an idiot lol.

  8. > @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

    > > @Interpretor.3091 said:

    > > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

    > > > If we all play spellbreaker we all go Legendary. Hashtag warrior nooby no need real-skillz

    > >

    > > Not even gonna validate this garbage and horrible troll attempt with a response.


    > But you did just that lol.


    LMAO yeah, fair enough. I'm garbage at the forums man.

  9. > @"Faux Play.6104" said:

    > > @Interpretor.3091 said:

    > > > @Jeknar.6184 said:

    > > > The best part is that your first loss pretty much invalidade your past 3 matches and still leave you at a -1 defict.

    > >

    > > Yep, game eventually punishes you hard for winning too much lol. And to put it into perspective, that loss has Ryan on the other team. Who is currently top 15 consistently (same ranks as me right now).


    > The reason you are getting punished is the two people on the other team who's rating is way below yours are lowering the rating of the team you lose to.


    What avout the two people on my team whos rating is also low and is largly the reason we lost the game?

  10. > @Chaith.8256 said:

    > > @Interpretor.3091 said:

    > > > @Crinn.7864 said:

    > > > > @huehuehueh.5106 said:

    > > > > Its because you dont multiclass, but hey you got 2 raptor loot boxes so its all worth it in the end.

    > > >

    > > > Last time I checked practically none of the people that get legend multiclass.

    > >

    > > 1. Steelrage (CHRONO)

    > > 2. tehmaverick (Mirage?)

    > > 3. Moobs (Zeromis, POWER MIRAGE)

    > > 4. Ambi (Thief)

    > > 5. Arken (Firebrand)

    > > 6. controlfreak (Firebrand)

    > > 7. tsawr (Firebrand?/DH/thief?)

    > > 8. Vacheron (?)

    > > 9. Chaith (Holosmith)

    > > 10. Ryan (Firebrand)

    > >

    > > Currently most of the top 10 are Guard/Firebrand mains. Shows how strong Firebrand support is in conquest right now...




    Thanks, wasn't too sure. I didn't realise how versatile mesmer was right now when it came to builds.

  11. > @Jeknar.6184 said:

    > The best part is that your first loss pretty much invalidade your past 3 matches and still leave you at a -1 defict.


    Yep, game eventually punishes you hard for winning too much lol. And to put it into perspective, that loss has Ryan on the other team. Who is currently top 15 consistently (same ranks as me right now).

  12. > @Malafaia.8903 said:

    > I don't care about what tier i'm in, but i REALLY care about match quality.

    > Look at that matches log, it's ridiculous. These matches could NEVER be won by the losing team because there's an insane skill gap between the teams.


    > 502 x 73? 501 x 184? 501 x 161? 502 x 50? There's, maybe, 3 quality matches on your history.

    > Look how this matchmaking got sorted out:

    > https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/f0/f0/74/f0f07426abef9adf295c7f663cf2bc0f.jpg


    I actually only queue on 'prime time' (6pm - 11pm mostly) and actually TRY and get good fights and fun games..and most of them actually were a lot of fun and close... contrary to what you think. It was something I was trying recently. First half of this season (first 50 games) I only played on non-prime time hours as Core Warrior and maxxed out at like 1600-1620.

    Now I only play prime time NA and I'm actually playing Spellbreaker and get teamed with and against some solid players who I know are good and know the game. I rocketed up 150 more rating after that...HOWEVER, that being said, I have noticed that I will see like 2-3 players on both teams who are good and then 1-2 players who, when I look up their rank, are WAY too low to be playing with and have no business being that high. It's interesting when I see people on my friends list who are closer to my rank and who are in DIFFERENT matches at the same time. IDK why it doesn't just put everyone at my rating together in the same match.

  13. > @Crinn.7864 said:

    > > @huehuehueh.5106 said:

    > > Its because you dont multiclass, but hey you got 2 raptor loot boxes so its all worth it in the end.


    > Last time I checked practically none of the people that get legend multiclass.


    1. Steelrage (Mirage)

    2. tehmaverick (Mirage?)

    3. Moobs (Firebrand/Dragonhunter?)

    4. Ambi (Thief)

    5. Arken (Firebrand)

    6. controlfreak (Firebrand)

    7. tsawr (Firebrand?/DH/thief?)

    8. Vacheron (?)

    9. Chaith (Holosmith)

    10. Ryan (Firebrand)


    Currently most of the top 10 are Guard/Firebrand mains. Shows how strong Firebrand support is in conquest right now...

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