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Posts posted by Interpretor.3091

  1. > @Kata.6795 said:

    > Maybe instead of focusing on minor things that have been in the game from launch you can perhaps discuss your thoughts (if any) on the balance ATM. Granted, the meta is developing, but scourge (and to a smaller extent, spellbreaker) are terrorizing the villagers.


    > I'm not really ready to scream "OP, nerf into the ground", but I am interested in hearing what you have to say about possible changes/directions you are considering for pvp and the hypothetical time frame involved.


    > The main issue for spellbreaker, in my eyes, is that it currently has too few windows to be killed by marauder's ammy classes, while requiring very little effort to kill the aforementioned. I wouldn't necessarily point my finger at full counter, but I do believe that in conjunction with low cooldown on endure pain (+ traits), over saturation of stability, and a 16 second shield block is perhaps too potent a combination given all of their other strengths. Losing 1 source of stability will allow more counterplay but preserve the warriors niche of being a frontliner. Despite the obvious strengths, spellbreaker suffers from lack of condition removal, smart necros/condi mesmers can easily capitalize on this by stripping resistance, and keeping cripple/chill/weakness up.


    > I wouldn't say spellbreaker is too scary. It is strong in 1v1s but a good dragonhunter can dance with it, effective kiting greatly reduces it's damage. Not something to engage on Power ranger or thief.


    > Scourge. What to say, it's not fun to be melee vs. It has too much damage and control (blind/cripple/weakness) over too wide an area, melee can't really compete. This problem is greatly exacerbated, when you add support like firebrand and/or another scourge into the mix. At that point, melee cannot exist in the vicinity, and ranged damage is really well mitigated by guardian bubbles. This makes it mandatory, to have at the barest of minimums 1 scourge, and for melee, a ranged weapon. I wouldn't use the word broken, it can be countered, but it will shift the game away from what it currently is: contesting points by standing on points.


    > Adding a 2 second delay before sand shades activate could make things interesting. Similarly, you can also mix things up by adding a life force cost to summoning the actual shade and increasing the cast time/shared cooldown for shade abilities/shades get destroyed by each ability.



    This is a good and constructive comment.

  2. Both Scourge and Spellbreaker need some re-tuning. Scourge a little bit more than Spellbreaker, but both are pretty strong. With Spellbreaker, Full Counter is a little hard to dodge in a team fight. 1v1 it's balanced but in team fights where you can just run into damage and do an AoE, unblockable interrupt, is pretty strong. Rampage also is pretty ridiculous right now with the buffs from Attackers Insight and Pure Strike. It get's even more cheesy if you can get 25 stacks with Magebane Tether beforehand.

    ...You can remove boons in Rampage with Dispelling Force by just spamming your abilities on a target. I'm hitting players for 8-10 and I one shot Kat (a thief) the other day when I hit him for 13k with Rampage 3.


    I'm a warrior main, but I definitely see that Spellbreaker is gonna get a rework next balance update. I would really just like to see it CORRECTLY BALANCED, instead of nerfed into oblivion like the usual stuff. Spellbreaker is such a fun spec, I hope Anet listens to some quality feedback from some experienced Warriors before they make their changes...


    Back on the Scourge subject, I will definitely agree that Scourge is incredibly difficult to play against on a technical level. especially as meele (poor Revenants) because you can't dodge all of their abilities. They have SO MUCH to throw at you on low CDs. You can't dodge it all and if even one good burst gets to you, you are pretty much a goner or get CC feared and kited until things are back up. You just can't get close. Even as a Spellbreaker specing against it you have trouble getting through all the health before your Resistance runs out.

  3. What about making it so that on all maps there is no "Neutral." Only Red and Blue caps. Would make fighting on the point all that more important, make rotations really matter and make objectives a strategic choice to go after and consider.

    The reason Foefire in particular (and maps like Capricorn) are so "snow-bally" and frustrating for teams to play on, is that spawn points are too close to objectives, especially the middle point. It's so hard to cap the center point because you are trying so hard to keep re-spawning enemies from jumping into the circle to keep it from being capped. Tanky bunker guardians/ventari revs are particularly good at kiting and surviving on point. Instead of regrouping and fighting as a team, players will continuously run into the neutral point to keep it from being capped.

    Making the switch away from Neutral points will push players into playing more of a team game instead of running around and Neutralizing points. Destiny 2 made this switch and it's a great format, maybe something to consider?

  4. How to abuse the horrible MM system in 3 steps in order to climb to Legend this season.

    1.) Play literally any class other than Scourge.

    2.) Swap to Scourge Pre-match.

    3.) Win match.


    The MM system only allows 2 of the same class per team, this will allow you to have 3+ Scourges on a single team. Automatically winning every match.


    Have fun climbing!

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