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Posts posted by aelska.4609

  1. In game report does not work. Sending a mail to "Exploits@Arena.Net" gets you an answer asking "you should better use game report button". Ultimately posting that on the forum makes you the bad guy. I think you guys should become more realistic, toxicity is one of the major problems of your game, alongside balance.

  2. > @ReaverKane.7598 said:

    > So, pvp should be just auto-atacks?

    > Cause that's what it looks like from your post, and if you think THIS is the constructive one, no wonder the previous was flagged.

    > How about articulate, make suggestions, create arguments for your case instead of: "This bad, me sad!"


    There is a difference between skills that have one or two effects and skills that have 5+. You are supposed to activate a condi cleanse to remove conditions, not because it deals damage, give protection, break stun and blind ennemies at same time. If it does everything at same time, YES, the game looks more like a spamfest than actual thinking.


    > @Malafaia.8903 said:

    > **- condi cleanses:** It goes right against the title, since it's a REACTION to condis, spam it in the wrong time and you burn a cooldown that could save your life if used in the right time.

    > **- condis:** It's a kind of damage, i understand it needs to be well toned (aka do the damage OVER TIME), but whats the problem with condis in it's essency?

    > **- healing:** ???

    > **- damage:** ???

    > **- boons:** Buffs, right? whats the problem with them?

    > **- corrupts:** This, again, goes right against the title, since it's another REACTION to buffs.

    > **- hard ccs:** Another mechanic that adds to the complexity of the combat, whats the problem here?

    > **- stability and breakstuns:** Again, against the "spamfest" argument, since it's a reaction to another mechanic (and just like condi clenses, if you "spam" it you will burn a cooldown that could save your life if used at the right time.


    Getting permanently pressured by condi so you permanently need to use condicleanse to counter it totally not the same thing as having to cleanse sometimes at strategic moments. Same goes with damage and healing, boons and corrupts, hard ccs and stability. If each skill was having a limited number of effect and appropriate CD, I am convinced that you would use them more strategically than actually. As it was the case pre-HoT.

  3. **Previous post has been flagged because it was "non respectful" or "non constructive", so here it is again without directly targetting the 'culprids'**


    After 2 months (or even two years, since it has been introduced by HoT), we could have expected the following:

    * Less condi cleanses

    * Less condis

    * Less healing

    * Less damage

    * Less boons

    * Less corrupts

    * Less hard ccs

    * Less stability and breakstuns

    * Less unblockable skills

    * Less blocks

    * Less passives


    But instead we've got:

    * Nothing, or even the opposite

  4. Resistance is still an aberration by itself; it was somehow controlled with only one class being able to share it with a specific build (mallyx rev) but, as everything, anet made it more accessible with other classes. In any case I would agree with someone saying "dont reduce the number of condis applied because you have resistance", my point of view remains "nerf (or totally remove) resistance, reduce the number of condis applied".


    Back to weakness, it is way too strong in its current form. Totally annihilating the effect of three combined stats (power/preci/ferocity) with only one condi, that does not even require any investment in condi-related stats, was already a very stupid decision. Making it more and more accessible is not stupid, but reterded. The same applies with resistance: it annihilates the condi stats without even a single investment in a stat.

  5. > @Morwath.9817 said:

    > > @aelska.4609 said:

    > > We can all agree that the damage loss is "at least" 25%, which is tremendous especially when it is coupled by protection. If you have access to both weakness and protection, you transform the (power) opponent into a running potato, no matter how good he is and how bad you are.

    > > Make one affect the condi damage and the other affect the direct damage, and I think it would be fair.


    > Would you prefer spammable hard CCs to disable you constantly rather than be 'controled' by weakness you can cleanse ? Imho both power and condi damage should be reduced by weakness and protection.


    Who talked about adding hard CCs ? If the "damage builds" become too strong after the removal of weakness, then it would still be time to nerf this damage. Meanwhile dodge stays a very good counter to direct damage but necessitates a good timing and a more active gameplay than just "you hit me but I dont take any damage lel".

  6. We can all agree that the damage loss is "at least" 25%, which is tremendous especially when it is coupled by protection. If you have access to both weakness and protection, you transform the (power) opponent into a running potato, no matter how good he is and how bad you are.

    Make one affect the condi damage and the other affect the direct damage, and I think it would be fair.

  7. Anet is still going in the way where there is too much of everything. Too much condis, too much cleanse, too much dps, too much healing, too much boons, too much corrupts, too much blocks, too much unblockable skills, ...


    Everything gets countered by something, which makes the pvp look more like a spamfest than an actual skill based gamemode. What is the point of using a block to negate an attack if it is randomly unblockable ? Good thing is that any new player can pick up a random build from metabattle and be nearly as efficient as more "experienced" players by spamming random skills.

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