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Posts posted by aelska.4609

  1. Main UI is so much confusing even for the "everyday" tasks. It gets worse at each update (new content), I would like to highlight this fact with two simple examples:


    # **1) Changing the skins**

    First step is to go equipment tab (that actually makes sense). Then I have to select wardrobe. What are the other options ? Equipment, dyes, outfits, miniatures, finishers, mail carriers, glider skins, mounts, novelties ... Are they all useful to complete this simple task which is to change character appearance ? Absolutely not. Is there only one tab related to the character appearance ? Absolutely not. Which means that I have to filter out all the unnecessary tabs to find the good option, and that I will have to go to the process several times ... just to change the skins.

    > wardrobe ... But then how do I apply dyes ? Oh yeah back > I fall back to the main menu, with the same problem as before. I finally find the option "dyes" which is a must have for the skin. There I am, I can change something fundamental.

    > Finally I want to apply this outfit that I just bought. Why is it not in wardrobe ??? Oh yeah right. There is dedicated submenu for it, next to the finishers.


    What I recommand:

    Menu "Appearance".

    First window contains a merge between wardrobe, dyes and outfits. I.E., on the same window, easily gives access to dyes, outfits/wardrobe. Within the same window, gives access to mount and glider skins (and maybe even mini, finishers and mail carriers). That would look like

    Main UI/

    |-- Appearances -> Wardrobe, dyes and outfit window/

    | ... |-- Mount skins

    | ... |-- Glider skins

    | ... |-- Miniatures

    | ... |-- Finishers

    |-- (Others to specify)


    # **2) Changing the build**

    Same, but with the build. This is even more hilarious as it is newer, yet even less user-friendly. Build is composed of 3 things: armor and weapons, traits, and utilities.

    I want to change the armor and weapons: I click on equipemnt (that makes sense). But then I fall in the flooded menu that was the same for the skins, with dyes, outfits, miniatures, ... . I finally find the good menu by clicking equipment again. What are the tabs on top ??? Ah yeah, build template that's right. Does it also changes traits ? absolutely not.

    Now I want to change traits. Do I have to go back in the confusing menu, like we had to do for skins ? No no no. There is a second tab utilities in the main UI. What are the tabs on the top ??? I still dont have an answer so much it's confusing. What is that column on the left ? Oh yeah, build template. will it change my armor ? Absolutely not. Does it also stores utilities ? Yuuupp. How do I change them ? By using the bottom UI. Wow, userfriendly.


    What I recommand:

    No point to reinvent the wheel again, create a UI similar to [http://fr.gw2skills.net/editor/](http://fr.gw2skills.net/editor/) (which can, imo even be further simplified).

    Build template management could get added on a column left or right of each subtab (utilities/traits/equipment). There should be a "global" template which combines the three (so that changing a build takes two clicks and not 6).


    Overall, this gives:


    Main UI/

    |-- Appearances -> Wardrobe, dyes and outfit window/

    | ... |-- Mount skins

    | ... |-- Glider skins

    | ... |-- Miniatures

    | ... |-- Finishers

    |-- Build -> window similar to gw2skills.net, with fast access to global build template:

    | ... |-- Utilities | Build template utilities

    | ... |-- Traits | Build template traits

    | ... |-- Equipment | Build template equipment

    |-- (others)


    Congratulations, UI is way easier to use after grouping menus by functionality, and by prioritizing some of them.

  2. > @"Exedore.6320" said:

    > So because you're good, you can't play with friends. Great logic! Can't play as team in team-based game!


    I am +ing this.


    Initial proposition is to punish all the players above gold for a few players exploiting the system.

    There are other ways to assess the problem that wouldn't prevent "good and honest" players to play with their friends. For instance, it could be losing less/winning more points when facing premades.


    Also, encouraging players to play more offtime would be good, so that it gets harder to queue dodging. Lower rank volatibility would be great especially off-time (because falling from #10 to #100 in 3 games is quite abnormal ... especially in season **19 ** ...)


  3. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:


    > And about Sigil of Energy being removed: This is literally "The worst idea I've ever heard suggested in this forum." [...] Removing the sigil would have such overwhelming detrimental effects on the intra-class dynamic, that it would require a massive overhaul to every class to rearrange the game's balance after the removal of the sigil.


    That is exactly what I was meaning. The sigil is doing too much :)

    Give it a flat vigor bonus if you don't want to see it disappear from the game.

    Dodge mechanic is very powerful when used properly, with this sigil it allows bad players to dodge more, which basically brings more spam.

    People should be able to punish players that time their dodge badly. That should be one of the things that distinguish the good players from the bad ones.

    Of course this sigil is not the only cause of the current situation.


    > I assume that the people advocating the removal of Sigil of Energy, are probably imagining that it would be this fair baseline trim to the game's power creep concerning defensive play. But I can assure you that if you stop and actually estimate how this is going to effect the game, not only balance wise, but also how the game feels to play, this suggestion would render wide spread balance issues and a more "flat-footed" feeling of play, which I imagine player's aren't going to like after getting used to the standard of how things feel now, contrary to what they may believe.


    Same comment.


    > And upon all of this, you guys have got to understand that this is an MMORPG that is supposed to have diverse gear options. There will always be some particular sigil or rune, that happens to jive well on most classes, and lots of people are going to use it, if not due to sheer statistical value, it will be due to preference. Taking this trending approach of "Remove it from the game!" will inevitably result in some pattern like this:


    > * Sigils of Energy is removed from the game.

    > * Builds that once used Energy, start filling slots with Revocation or Annulment or maybe Absorption, if they already didn't have these sigils.

    > * Straight boon removal becomes the next universal option that just works well and most builds begin employing it in heavy doses.

    > * A new bandwagon begins because someone notices lots of builds are running these sigils. Remove it from the game!

    > * Boon removal sigils are removed from the game.

    > * The next best set of sigils are identified that work well in competitive modes. Some mixtures of Escape & Cleansing for defensive sides, and Intelligence & Courage for offensive sides.

    > * A bandwagon starts because well, I guess it's a fun thing to do. Remove those sigils from the game! Too many people are using them.

    > * So on and so forth until we have only the 4 bottom sigils left to choose from, things that most people don't ever touch now. And even then, players will evaluate the usage of those sigils and discover that 1 or 2 of them were clearly better options than the others.

    > * Now with much fewer sigils left, all classes/builds are even further pigeonholed into having to use the same sigils as everyone else, because there aren't any options left!


    You are being extreme there. Yet paradoxal. You talk about build diversity around sigils yet you agree on the existence of sigil of energy as a must have sigil. Which totally prevents the other sigils to be chosen, which destroys the build diversity.


    > I feel like, the moral of the story is 2x things here:


    > 1. In attempts to diversify build options by removing options from the game, it will indirectly pigeonhole everyone into a more narrow selection of options, that naturally will result in more players, more frequently, using the same options as other players because there aren't many other options, resulting in the problem of overused options actually becoming worse over time, the less options there are to chose from.

    > 2. If you want better balance, balance something, don't remove it from the game unless it is absolutely necessary. This is because removing something from a game entirely, often comes with more balance issues in other places that are larger and more difficult to deal with, than the original problem to begin with. And no matter how many OP things you remove from the game, and no matter how good the balance actually is between different options, there will always be an option or two that players view as the best or better. This is just what happens, how it works, in every game of this genre before it, and it will be the same in every game after it.


    Although I would agree with you, one important thing is missing from your moral:


    **If one build option is massively overused, there might be a good reason to tune it down, for the sake of build diversity.** And that's the case with sigil of agility and sigil of energy.


  4. > I'm P3/Leg EU.


    > I haven't seen a single guardian using scepter in the last 4 seasons.


    > Not one.


    I guess I don't count as the sole "scepter guard in PvP" :( (maidaen china, P3 EU).


    I'll bounce back on OP's post:


    >At 11k base health, you're pidgeon-holed into running an Amulet with Vitality on it. Either Mender, Sage or Marauder. I feel like messing with the base health of classes is a bit out of the scope of these upcoming few patches, so I will won't touch that.


    Yeah ... "heavy armor toughness" is not sufficient to compensate the low vitality. Guardians have ridiculously low protection uptime when compared to most other classes, and their mobility to "escape fights" is terrible.


    > # Greatsword

    > **#2 Whirling Wrath** - It is extremely hard to hit anyone with this ability unless they are stunned by someone else, or used in conjunction with your healing skill to out-trade classes like Holosmith / Rev / War in a melee scenario. It currently slows you down by 50% during the cast.

    > _**Remove the movement slow.**_


    Agree, but I would rather see a 75% than a 100% speed. CD is already low (8s) for a quite high dps skill, I don't want to see guardians become tornadoes.

    Retaliation hits a bit too hard when using this skill, but that's more like a design flaw of retaliation than the skill itself... Or the retaliation spam.


    > **#5 Binding Blade** - Once again, extremely difficult to hit anyone outside of melee range with this. Simply adding a velocity increase would do wonders. I would also give this skill a pulsing reveal for 3 seconds, every 3 seconds while the tether is attached. The reveal will stop pulse if you move 600 units away from the Guardian (Just like the damage does).

    > _**Increase the velocity and add a pulsing reveal**_


    Not sure. Imo the skill does wonders. People use it to pull, but it's an insane damage-over-time skill. Speed is fine, this skill needs to be dodgeable if standing further away. Problem is that sometimes the skill "misses" for no reason.

    Reveal can be fun though, but I am scared that it transforms this "already popular weapon" into a "must have weapon".


    > # Scepter

    > Never really been used at all in PvP. Saw a damage nerf last patch.

    > **#1 Orb of Wrath** - Once again, slow moving projectile. Functions the same as the old Mesmer staff Phantasm hit (before rework.

    > _**Increase velocity, keep damage as is.**_


    Agree. I would add that #2 Symbol of punishment has been totally trashed after being changed from a "fast hitting skill" to a "slow ticking symbol". No ennemy stands at 900 range on that symbol. The guard does not profit from the might of that symbol because it is a ranged symbol. These changes were unhealthy.


    > #Sword

    > **#2 Symbol of Blades** - Saw a 40% damage nerf on the initial hit last patch. It crits for around 1.2k currently on a full on glass build.

    > _**Revert the damage nerf in PvP**_


    I'm not sure. Double strike removal is healthier for the game, now it's finally dodgeable without doing instant 4k hit in the face. As for all the symbols, damage is fine for NON-MOVING targets, which never happens in PvP. Symbols are outdated design, changing numbers is just leading to more cheese. I'd recommend making the symbols move around the guardian, which seems to be a more modern design (i'm thinking about the new weaver skills).


    > #Hammer

    > Hammer was in a REALLY good spot about a year ago. The damage was insane ([https://twitch.tv/infinitemath/clip/CooperativeTalentedSardineFunRun?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time](https://www.twitch.tv/infinitemath/clip/CooperativeTalentedSardineFunRun?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time "https://twitch.tv/infinitemath/clip/CooperativeTalentedSardineFunRun?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time")). While I can see this being incredibly un-fun to play against and honestly flat out infuriating I wouldn't want this meta back. Even though I severely enjoy running one-shot builds.

    > Hammer right now is in a miserable state. It has no damage, outdated CC and slow projectiles (common theme).


    Video clip you mentioned is a nice oneshot, but let's put it into context: +20% damage buff, before Righteous Instincts trait nerf (so that guardians were able to play with valkyrie amulet while keeping the crit chance of berzerker, so a huge damage boost), and before glacial heart trait nerf. I am not against the nerfs, situation was extremely cheese before.


    > **#2 Mighty / Glacial blow** - Considering the immense after-cast and long cast times on hammer, the chill doesn't do much of anything.

    > _**Increase range of Glacial Blow to 600, remove chill.**_

    > **#4 Banish** - Right now, all it is good for is knocking people out of Mercy Signet (more on that later) resses. It also has less damage and a second longer cast time than Overcharged Shot. It cleanses no conditions and it's melee. It also launches people to far to be able to follow up with a Mighty Blow.

    > _**Reduce the launch to 600 range (to combo with Glacial Hammer), reduce cast time to .75 seconds (.25 buff).**_


    I consider **#2 Mighty / Glacial blow** balanced and I am against the 600 range increase. The problem is that it's an outdated skill, that gets its damaged negated because of the extreme amount of aegis/blocks in this game.


    **#4 banish** definitively needs some love, Cast time reduction seems to be a good idea. I am not sure about reducing the launch though, it can be quite helpful to "isolate" a target from a fight, or to disengage from one.


    **#5 ring of warding** has a nice design, but too many classes have access to stability or can escape too easily from the ring.


    Imo, the only way to really bring back hammer to the game in a "non-cheese way" would be by nerfing the amount of boons (mainly aegis/stability) during the fight.


    > #Axe


    > Axe is in a really good spot. Maybe a little too good. It has two hard CCs if you trait for it, pulsing Fury and good damage.


    > **#2 Symbol of Vengeance** - The Fury is excessive on this skill. It lets them switch out of Valor while still maintaining great amounts with Sword and Axe symbols.

    > _**Remove pulsing Fury and add 2 seconds of Regen per pulse (8 seconds)**_


    Never played FB so I won't comment.


    I would add ...


    # Torch

    **#4 Zealot's Fire** FIX THE LOS BUG FOR GOD'S SAKE.

    **#5 Cleansing Flame** Should ALSO cleanse own conditions.


    > ## Traits

    > #Virtues


    > **#Inspired Virtue** -By adding a 25% situational movespeed buff to F3 will let Guardians move between points faster without getting a speedboost once engaged. This also works with trade-offs considering the higher Courage cooldowns on both** Dragonhunter (60 seconds)** and **Firebrand (75 seconds)**.

    > _**In addition to it's previous effects, grants 25% movement speed whenever Virtue of Courage (F3) is not on cooldown.**_


    Would be great !


    > #Honor


    > **#Writ of Persistence**- Right now, this makes the Guardian symbols just about as big as a node. While my way would be to just make the nodes bigger (considering the amount of AoE spam we have in the game right now) I feel like that is once again, not in the scope of the patch. I think I can speak for the majority of the player-base when I say that spammable AoE-Based damage is un-fun to play against.

    > _**Does no longer increase the radius of symbols. Increase the healing per tick from 107 (0.075) to 157 (0.150).**_


    Yeah, large AoE is not a great thing in PvP. Make (small) symbol move with guardian instead.


    I would also add this following:


    # Valor

    **#Smiter's Boon**: revert the nerf [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/80510/core-guards-undocumented-strong-nerf-smiters-boon](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/80510/core-guards-undocumented-strong-nerf-smiters-boon "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/80510/core-guards-undocumented-strong-nerf-smiters-boon").


    > ## Skills


    > I could, once again list all the useless Consecrations, spirit weapons and signet. But in spirit of toning down power-creep I won't.

    > @cmc was talking about potentially adding cast-times to a bunch of instant cast skills. I will advice against this as it will make any and all meditations unplayable. Not being able to combo with Judge's Intervention, or use Smite Condition for the extra burst will break the class in DPS scenarios (where it doesn't shine) and do nothing to the problematic support side of Firebrand.


    Agree, guards instant cast times skills are really necessary and lead to nice gameplay (Judge's intervention <3 <3). However I admit that Smite Condition might be a problem as a "decent insta damage dealing skill". Damage might be replaced by a "damage boost buff" (might ?) for more counterplay.


    > **#Hammer of Wisdom** - Remove the travel-time of this ability.

    > _**Make it function like Drop the Hammer from Revenant. Keep the cast time as is.**_


    Why not, gotta see how it works.


    > **#Mantra of Truth** - The single most un-fun, unfair and bloated Guardian skill in the game. Having an instant cast, multiple charge, Aoe Blind, Cripple and Weakness should not have made it past the drawing board. It is either going to be completely useless, or extremely obnoxious.

    > _**Remove Weakness from the first two charges. (Keep on final charge). Remove Immobilize from final charge.**_


    Weakness is stupidly powerful. I agree with these changes.


    > **#Signet of Mercy** - A stable of support Firebrand. Was much needed in the high-burst metas we've had with double rev comps ruling over AT's, but with power creep toned down this should also get toned down.

    > _**Suggestion 1; Increase cooldown from 90 seconds to 150 seconds. Suggestion 2; Upon activating this skill, strip all personal stability.**_


    Personal stability strip could be fun. Otherwise make this skill root the guardian, as it was before. It's just too easy for a FB to cast it and start running safely away.


    > I will probably have missed a few things considering I composed this rather quickly. I also urge people to do the same about the classes you main in the most non-biased way you can.


    Nah, you did good <3

  5. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > It's been awhile since anyone has compiled the current status of things into one spot for good discussion.


    > **Class Balance:**

    > [...]

    > Guardians


    > * Guardian - Core Guardian is in a great place balance wise within the meta, and even mechanically.

    > * Dragonhunter - Garbage in competitive modes. The thing is, it shouldn't be. The problem is that PoF brought way way way too much stability. The Dragonhunter can't reliably run its gimmicks with so much stability in the game.

    > * Firebrand - Now here is a great case example of a class that is completely balanced when only 1 is present on a team, but becomes exponentially broken when players begin stacking Firebrands on the same team. Aside from recent commentary about Firebrand, the class itself is relatively balanced. The problem with FIrebrand happens when there are 2 or 3 or 4 of them on the same team. When stacked like this, they present a problem that we've rarely seen in GW2 competitive modes, where a single class/build has so much synergy with itself, that all it needs on a team is many copies of itself. The only other time this was as big of a problem as Firebrand is now, was back in core with Celestial DD Elementalist. The problem that enabled Ele to do this, was that Ele was simply a superior spec to anything else in the game at the time. The problem that enables Firebrand to do this, is that the support it offers is just too strong when stacked with copies of itself. There are no downfalls, no weaknesses, and none of the abilities overlap or negate durations. It just all stacks, works, and it doesn't even require any level of communication for it to work, in the same way that a team of DPS would need to coordinate bursting and targeting, or in the same way that a Druid would need to be very cautious & precise with when it was safe to pop CA to heal a Reaper when it went out of shroud instead of saving CA for himself. Another part of the problem with stacked Firebrand is that the animations are so quaint and all look the same, yet confetti like and 2nd in pixel spam only when set next to a Mirage. So the stacked Firebrands can all be running different builds like power or condi or full support, yet everything they are all individually doing looks the same so it's difficult to tell which one is running which build, and they hide each other's animations behind fused pixel explosions. By the time your team can figure out who is running what build, if they can at all, it's probably too late in the game to make use of that recognition, concerning who should be targeted first. And even then, does it really matter? I mean when you're looking at 3x or 4x Firebrands balled up on a node, are any of them really going to die any easier than the other? The last part of this problem, is that the Firebrands actually deal a lot of damage considering the type of support they're pumping out. _Again, the design is fine when the Firebrand is the only Firebrand in the team._ But this becomes messy and broken when Firebrands ball up and their attack animations all look the same, with little to no tells for when some CC combo is incoming. When I fight a Holosmith as example, I can see when it goes into Holosaiyan Forge, or when it is about to use a Special Beam Cannon on me. I can even see when it stealths, which is a tell into a combo. But Firebrands, due to pixel obstruction on top of animations that are little to no tell at all to begin with, when they all stack up together, they become dangerous and all of those damage combos land much more easily than they should be. - **What I am referencing is not a problem with Firebrand being overpowered. It is a problem with class stacking. My personal point of view is that only 2 of the same class or specialization should ever be allowed on the same team in unranked, ranked, or ATs. Even if a person logs out to swap before a match starts, if there are already 2 of some given class/specialization in his team comp that he tries to log in as, it should give him a message that says: "Nope sorry, already too many" and he should be redirected to his character select screen to log in as something else.**

    > [...]


    I appreciate your work, you have a good and honest opinion on the game.

    To bounce back on the **guardian** topic, as it is the class I know the most:


    * Core: definitely ok with your conclusions. Very decent and interesting mechanic, when the proper traits are picked.

    * DH: I really feel like this specialization has been created by unexperienced developers. It is basically a "Core guard with the same virtues, but better" (F1 deals more damage, F2 heals more and brings more mobility, F3 blocks more). Traps gameplay is just trash, longbow skills make absolutely no sense and is not "fluid" (except for that trap > shield 5 > F1 > bow 3 combo). Stabilitycreep made it less interesting, (necessary) buffs in other traitlines (radiance/zeal) are more interesting than DH traitline. In my opinion, there is no way to balance DH because of it similarities with Core and its stupid and simple gameplay. And, to be honest, I won't miss "competitive DH" in pvp (remember the daze traps at the beginning of HoT ?).

    * FB: Virtues that work like kits is definitely different and great mechanic, which brought a new versatile way to play guard. But a huge shave is needed to the support abilities of this elite. Less healing to allies, less boons to allies, less cleanse to allies. Guards already have a support build (shout guard).

  6. Hey,


    I'd like to point out one relatively important issue i'm confronted in unranked: the poor match quality. Most players from one team or the other are clearly way below the level of others, and that's just not fun. Instead of having a nice game, it really turns into clownfiesta. I am not speaking about people trying new builds or not tryharding and, therefore, underperforming. I am speaking about players that will start cheating -speedhack, porthack, ...- (behaviour that stops around silver 2), cap nodes with two people (gold 2), show apparent toxicity after getting killed/after killing (gold 3), fail to focus a downstate target in tedious situations (plat 1), etc.


    Ranked matchmaking is not perfect, but I think it should be transposed to unranked to some extent. Babysitting is fun a bit, but sometimes it's quite annoying too.

  7. > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > > @"aelska.4609" said:

    > > Besides, guardian's low health pool wouldn't be so problematic if all the other classes didn't have so many boons (facing a class with 25 stacks of might and perma prot as a guardian really feels like fighting some kind of dark souls boss) and so many CC. Before buffing stuffs, I would recommend to nerf problematic stuffs, as it is for me a better way to bring healthy gameplay.

    > The health pool is not problematic! Every single guardian spec has the capability to outsustain and outdamage necros and warriors.


    > Guardian would need heavy nerfs if you would raise the base health just to revenant levels. Did you notice that firebrands and weavers are the best bunkers in the game due to incredible damage mitigation and healing? So you think it's a good idea to increase their base HP that they can afford to change some vitality to power to become the best bunker in the game that also deals bruiser style damage?


    > I really suggest that you find some decent guardian player who will teach you how well the class performs in any game mode. Guardian is a strong and flexible class! Other classes can only dream of the amount of viable options you have game wide.


    > And please stop debating as if marauder gear would not exist. Only 12% less damage, but 50% more health for you - End of Story!


    Firebrand is not a good bunker by itself, firebrand is played because of their incredible support potential in teamfights. Many other specializations and classes offer better tanking abilities, even staff thief is a better tank. Put a firebrand alone and he will get uncapped quite fast, and might even get killed in 1v1.


    Besides, firebrand stands as an outlier as do all the other PoF classes. Core and DH guards do not have as many damage mitigations as you seem to think, I invite you to look more closely to the class to realize that.


    Marauder also exists for the other classes, the difference is that a "berzerker guard" (or any other amulet without vitality) is just not viable at all.


    Thank you for your suggestion about finding a decent guardian player, I will definitely look into one as i'm new into the game and never reached high-tier pvp with that class.

  8. > @"FtoPScrub.5476" said:

    > Because the original design behind the low hp pool was that Core Guard would be what FB support is today. It might've been true for a little bit in WvW but these days it no longer makes sense to impose 11k hp on Core/DH. **Many balancing issues would be solved if they had elite spec specific hp pools rather than class wide.**


    Imo this comment is underrated. That would be a pretty easy fix to bring back balance, which could be tuned perfectly.


    Besides, guardian's low health pool wouldn't be so problematic if all the other classes didn't have so many boons (facing a class with 25 stacks of might and perma prot as a guardian really feels like fighting some kind of dark souls boss) and so many CC. Before buffing stuffs, I would recommend to nerf problematic stuffs, as it is for me a better way to bring healthy gameplay.


    Other tweaks than raising the hp pool could be used to bring guardians more in line with what the game currently is. for instance symbols could be modified so that they actually follow the guardian (like war torch #5, although symbol damage should be lowered - king of the melee biatches), or the trait tree could be more consistent. But I doubt the balance team has sufficient knowledge for such modifications, they disappointed us way too often ^^

  9. Impossible to queue in PvP at the moment. It has been lasting for more than a hour.


    >Bug Fix:

    >Casino Coin: Fixed a bug that could cause the consumption of casino coins to grant less than the intended amount of experience.


    Not the patch I was waiting for

  10. Kind of agree with op, this is typically the kind of skills that has lead to cancerous state of pvp. Tooltip is too long, too many effects, can be fired backwards, etc.

    Although other shits are even more op (prime light beam :) ) that's not a reason to close the eyes on other problems.

  11. > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > > > @"aelska.4609" said:

    > > > > > @"MrFrusciante.2438" said:

    > > > > > it was a joke

    > > > > > but seriously git gud. weakness doesnt hurt if you dodge the skill its attached too...

    > > > > > but yea seriously maybe learn other clases skills that use weakness and look for tells and actually get better instead of running here and complaining....

    > > > > > but seriously if were all being serious, don't panic faceroll your keyboard during a fight and youll know be able to counter with a simple cleanse.

    > > > > > lets be serious still while being serious we all know gold 2 and down dont even bother cleansing condi so GG.

    > > > > > Full circle back to git gud.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > it was just a joke no need to make up outrageously false things about rangers using weakness....

    > > > > >

    > > > > > there is only 1 skill "some" rangers use to apply weakness in pvp.

    > > > > > Winters bite on axe main

    > > > > >

    > > > > > and 1 trait

    > > > > > protective ward which is on nature magic and is really only used by boonbeasts and core weirdos which are meant to bunk.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > the others are not even used in any viable build relating to pvp so git gud and stop lying to suit your agenda.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > lmao at the thought of rangers using black bear for enfeebling roar. most rangers don't even realize theres a pet with weakness

    > > > >

    > > > > The thread was not focusing on your particular class, no need to be so arrogant. Check [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Weakness](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Weakness "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Weakness"), [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Condition#Traits_that_convert_boons_into_conditions ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Condition#Traits_that_convert_boons_into_conditions "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Condition#Traits_that_convert_boons_into_conditions "), [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Condition#Skills_that_convert_boons_into_conditions](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Condition#Skills_that_convert_boons_into_conditions "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Condition#Skills_that_convert_boons_into_conditions"). You will see that your little ranger is not the only class applying such a badly designed condition. It was fine before HoT and PoF but now it's just everywhere, good luck trying to dodge that.

    > > >

    > > > So your problem is necromancers converting might into weakness?

    > >

    > > To be honest, I've always also though corrupting Might into Weakness is WAY too powerful of an effect considering how powerful Weakness is, and how pretty much every build can't help but get a stack or two of might from some source somewhere. Personally I think Vigor should corrupt into Weakness as they both impact endurance generation and Might should corrupt into Bleeding which is more appropriate in terms of the scaling value of might.


    > There is a very clear reason why necromancers generate more weakness than any other class.


    Reason is that the devs thought it would be a good idea to promote boonspam, so they decided to counter boonspam with corruptspam :bleep_bloop:

  12. 1. Bring balance and remove brainless spam. Experienced players should be able to farm novice players no matter what their builds are. That would force novice players to play pvp to become ... experienced. Instead of taking the first brainless metabattle build to spam photon forge.

    2. Sanction toxicity. No one plays a game to be insulted.

    3. Fix ranking points loss/gain during off-time. Winning 5 to lose 20 the game after is definitely not a goot incentive to play pvp.

  13. > @"MrFrusciante.2438" said:

    > it was a joke

    > but seriously git gud. weakness doesnt hurt if you dodge the skill its attached too...

    > but yea seriously maybe learn other clases skills that use weakness and look for tells and actually get better instead of running here and complaining....

    > but seriously if were all being serious, don't panic faceroll your keyboard during a fight and youll know be able to counter with a simple cleanse.

    > lets be serious still while being serious we all know gold 2 and down dont even bother cleansing condi so GG.

    > Full circle back to git gud.


    > it was just a joke no need to make up outrageously false things about rangers using weakness....


    > there is only 1 skill "some" rangers use to apply weakness in pvp.

    > Winters bite on axe main


    > and 1 trait

    > protective ward which is on nature magic and is really only used by boonbeasts and core weirdos which are meant to bunk.


    > the others are not even used in any viable build relating to pvp so git gud and stop lying to suit your agenda.


    > lmao at the thought of rangers using black bear for enfeebling roar. most rangers don't even realize theres a pet with weakness


    The thread was not focusing on your particular class, no need to be so arrogant. Check [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Weakness](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Weakness "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Weakness"), [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Condition#Traits_that_convert_boons_into_conditions ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Condition#Traits_that_convert_boons_into_conditions "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Condition#Traits_that_convert_boons_into_conditions "), [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Condition#Skills_that_convert_boons_into_conditions](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Condition#Skills_that_convert_boons_into_conditions "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Condition#Skills_that_convert_boons_into_conditions"). You will see that your little ranger is not the only class applying such a badly designed condition. It was fine before HoT and PoF but now it's just everywhere, good luck trying to dodge that.

  14. PvP wise, nothing has changed. Guard is an outdated class that also suffers from incoherent traitlines.


    * This balance patch focused on symbol traits. But symbols DON'T work out of pve. **Symbols are static, and the game has never been more dynamic**. People are not stupid enough to remain inside a symbol, in the best case it will tick once before they sidestep it. Also, the big symbol trait is misplaced in a traitline it doesn't belong to.. Suggestion (which will need underlying balance): Make the symbols follow the guard. Or nerf everything that offers mobility, so that the game doesn't look like a swarm of people flying in all the directions.


    * **Guards have the lowest health pool** of the game while being the class **with the lowest kiting options**. The defenses skills that were making it work in 2012 are no longer relevant nowadays. The amount of CC in this game totally annihilates the stability output of the guard. The poor aegis and protection uptime (if build adequatly..) is nothing compared to the defense options of all the other classes. And the only mobility skills you can think off are just a way to get closer to the opponents.


    * **The virtues suck**. They suck very hard. An entire traitline has to be taken to make them okayish. All the other professions have better mechanics. It would be better if the stability/breakstun on F3, condi cleanse on F2 didn't require any trait. Some traits require you to activate the virtues, and others only work if the virtues are not on CD. That's stupid.


    * **Most of the utility skills are garbage**. Spirit weapons are garbage. Signets are garbage. Shouts are garbage. Consecration are garbage. Meditations are good if you decide to waste an entire traitline for this sole purpose. Because yes, the other "must take traits" in Valor traitline consist in a +100 toughness, and [a trait that has been sneakily shoved to ground last patch](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/80510/core-guards-undocumented-strong-nerf-smiters-boon " a trait that has been sneakily shoved to ground last patch").


    Between this balance patch and nothing tbh I would have chosen nothing.

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