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Posts posted by aelska.4609

  1. There are two problems I see with this rune:

    * It's too profession-specific (if you dont have access to traps you just can't take the rune)

    * Effects are quite powerful compared to other runes (stealth + hyperspeed with no icd)


    The only good things preventing this rune from being "totally meta" are traps being slightly underpowered.



    * make it profession-wise "upon using healing skill/utility skill"

    * (or) change the effects

    * (or) icd

  2. > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

    > > @"aelska.4609" said:

    > > This skill does not apply the cripple effect as mentioned in the tooltip.

    > >

    > > Literally unplayable/10.

    > > Suggestion: remove cripple effect from tooltip.


    > It only applies cripple if the projectile bounces.


    Demn! I should read sometimes, it is clearly stated. Thanks, once again I am a fool!

  3. Heya! I open this thread to list a thing of annoying things happening from PvP, that should not even exist. Don't worry, it's not an other "nerf X" thread, more like "that's bad design".

    I begin:


    * **"No valid path to target"** on random locations

    * **"Miss"/"Obstructed"**: an other map-related bug

    * **Weakness**: big gambling condi. Is your skill going to hit for 8k or for 500 ? Let's flip a coin!

    * **Stomps**: let's spend **three** seconds to either see your target getting rezzed, or your stab removed out of nowhere while doing so and getting cced to hell.

    * **Rezzing abilities**: pushing the stomp/rez balance even further. Best part is when it happens out of nowhere (thanks ele/guard)

    * **Unblockable CC**: as i'm already opposed to unblockable skills, that goes one step further. What is next step? Skills that will ignore invulnerabilities or barrier ?

    * **Stucked in wall**: no need to explain

    * **Getting hit at spawn** before the match start, so you can't change the build. Cuz making invulnerable spot is too hard!

    * **That little delay between "out of stealth"** and "actually seeing the animation/the guy". Same goes for ports, sometimes.

    * **AoE skills with no AoE indicators** (wink at Elixir Gun)

    * **Interrupted CC skills that will keep ccing you** (wink at Temporal Rift)

    * **Unlimited range skills** (wink at unrelenting assault/ray of judgment)

    * **Messy PvP UI**: remove these tutorials windows we've seen billions of times and open the matchmaking window instead!

    * Continuing with terrible UI: **build UI**. So many clicks to swap a build! Good thing it's unlimited storage. WAIT WHAT ?! Previous UI was waaaayyy better T_T

    * **Titles as rewards**: Oh yeah! An other meaningless title that will replace the meaningless previous title, plaguing the game so much we dont know which title is the best!

    * **+7/-23 games**: Cuz loosing 0-500 or 499-500 against newbies with newbies in your team is the same, you were supposed to carry this buddy!

    * **Report button**: because toxicity and literal insults in chat are too hard to deal with :(


  4. For a game not "balanced" around 5v5, I have got to admit i's not as bad as I expected. Nonetheless, I still see big flaws in this mode:


    * Class stacking. That might seem stupid, but there are some builds i'd be happy not to see twice in the ennemy team.

    * Toxicity: 5v5 was not glorious already, but it is even worse in 2v2. If someone starts flaming it will obviously be on you. In a deathmatch, zero tolerance should be allowed.

    * Rezzes/stomp: Many threads have been opened about this, already. Traits and skills that favour rezzes are insanely powerful in this game mode. Also, there is a huge imbalance between rezzing speed and cleaving speed/stomping speed. One player stomping while the other one cleaves is not sufficient to prevent a rez.

    * Queue time: 5 minutes of waiting to meet people with sometimes more than 500 (!) skill ranking than you is quite annoying.

    * Lack of soloQ: Which is especially missing off-time.


  5. Heya!


    I open this thread to propose a change to our all-favourite yet not op skill in this game: Banish!


    In its current state, this CC skill has mainly two purposes in conquest: push away a player to uncap his node, or prevent a player from getting rezzed. The long cast time (1s) and the difficulties to land this skill (130 range right in front of you) makes it hardly useable in combat. The effect of its CC is extraordinary (GET OUT THE WAY \o/) but its also a huge weakness of that skill: the guard, which is a slow melee class, has to run to the opponent that he just pushed away on the other side of the map.


    **My proposition: add an immediate port to the banished player after this skill lands.**


    Its op because: guards finally get a CC that is useful for him to deal its melee damage afterwards (hammer 2, gs, sword, whatever), and worth the weapon slot and the cast time.

    It is not op because: The skil is hard to land. The effect is predictable, the banished player would have all his reasons to prepare a stunbreak or to dodge as soon as he can; other ennemies can anticipate and already drop the damage on what would be the future teleportation area.


    What do you think about it ? :)

  6. While I agree symbols can become utterly cancerous and need to be looked at, what you are asking here is a significant nerf to other guard builds (must it be core, DH or FB) .

    To make symbols such a good source of sustain and damage, you need 2 traitlines fully dedicated for them. That's an insane lot. Firebrand can give up on others because of their insanely powerful class mechanics, but core and DH cannot.

    I'd rather see symbols doing something different than damage and all these trait reworks than a lazy nerf justified on one brokenly designed elite.

  7. Here's a list of some weapons bugs of the guard. Besides all balance, these attest a dysfunction of the skills under certain circumstances. I've probably missed some, don't hesitate to expand the list.



    # Hammer

    * #2 Mighty Blow: this skill might fail to have any damage output despite animation, especially when paired with JI. This skill has also 0 tolerane to z-axis.


    # Torch

    * #4 Zealot's Flame: Most of the time (Always?) the projectile fails to find a way to the opponent, even on a flat ground. Obstructed or missed. This skill has also 0 tolerane to z-axis.


    # Scepter

    * #1 Orb of wrath: (Always) This skill fails to land if the ennemy changes direction (left and right).


    # Greatsword (my personal favorite bugged weapon)

    * \#2 Whirling Wrath:

    * (Always) if used quickly after swap, animation of this skill will occur without any damage, then it will go on full cooldown. Perfect to waste a burst

    * (Always) This skill is supposed to emit projectiles at 600 range ... that never hit.

    * \#3 Leap of Faith: (Always) Lands too far if ennemy changes direction during course (from running away/running towards).

    * \#5 Binding blade: (Sometimes) for some unknown reason this skill might occasionaly "miss"


    # Focus:

    * #4 Ray of judgment: (Always) This skill as infinite range after first hit. Might not be a bug, but as it's the only skill on the game to have that behaviour, I assume it is. But don't fix it too quickly, I actually like it.


  8. > @"Tazer.2157" said:

    > > @"Odik.4587" said:

    > > Why nobody post about mauls that hit you for 6-10.5k (and thats core lul) and pets 13k instead?;d


    > If you cannot dodge a maul or see it coming, you are probably a really bad player. Ranger's Greatsword has a very slow autoattack and maul has a pretty long animation time. It is a skill that is very easy to dodge and if you are fighting a ranger on gs, you specifically save your dodge for the maul as it is the only one that does damage. And if pets are hitting you for 13k you must be high. You must be running a glass build if the pet is hitting you for that much damage.


    Sorry for being a bad player by not being able to dodge a 6s cd skill with a 10s cd dodge,





    Sorry if some modifiers prevent me from dodging,






    Sorry to realize that pet damage is placebo,

    Actually i'm quite sorry for you.

  9. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"aelska.4609" said:

    > > > Test of Faith: Increased power coefficient of passthrough attack from 2.52 to 2.8. Reduced power coefficient of initial attack from 1.4 to 0.1. Reduced protection duration from 6 seconds to 2 seconds. Reduced cripple duration from 6 seconds to 3 seconds

    > >

    > > You might want to take a look at [Deflecting_Shot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deflecting_Shot). Tooltip is longer than my arm (massive damage, blocks missiles, blinds, finisher, unblockable + CC and stability with trait) with a very low CD (10 s ...) and cast time (1/4s ??).

    > > I can guarantee that, paired with Test of Faith buff and global heal nerfs, this skill will plague PvP.

    > > At least remove unblockable, so there is slight counter to it.


    > I think the cast time is enough counter built into the skill itself.

    > I already prefer the current version with damage and the CC on trait to the future version of no damage but CC built in.


    True that 1/4s cast time, that can be fired backwards, gives all the time to the opponent to "preventively dodge" the skill, because that's what good opponents do. And it is perfectly balanced (and will even be more balanced after this balance patch) considering how risky it for the DH to use this skill with the low rewards associated to it (we are only speaking about damage, blind, missiles blocks, and CC after all). Imagine if the DH misses to land this skill, he'll have to wait 10s before using it again !!


    I don't even know how you can defend this very cheesy skill.

  10. > Test of Faith: Increased power coefficient of passthrough attack from 2.52 to 2.8. Reduced power coefficient of initial attack from 1.4 to 0.1. Reduced protection duration from 6 seconds to 2 seconds. Reduced cripple duration from 6 seconds to 3 seconds


    You might want to take a look at [Deflecting_Shot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deflecting_Shot). Tooltip is longer than my arm (massive damage, blocks missiles, blinds, finisher, unblockable + CC and stability with trait) with a very low CD (10 s ...) and cast time (1/4s ??).

    I can guarantee that, paired with Test of Faith buff and global heal nerfs, this skill will plague PvP.

    At least remove unblockable, so there is slight counter to it.

  11. This went from a global balance topic to a ranger topic.


    Let's face it boys, every build somehow competitive have something OP in them.

    Does it require nerf/change ? Well, if that promotes spammy gameplay (aka not needing to think about what your opponent is doing) to activate them, clearly.

    Can you differentiate when a good player from a bad one on how appropriate he uses a ranger GS#4, a revenant riposting shadows, a guard JI+agility sigil without LoS burst, a war damaging dodge roll, etc. ? Then it needs modifications.


    Let skilled players farm less experienced players. If you cannot make the distinction between a decent and a bad player because how spamming a skill/trait/sigil is efficient regarding the situation, then it needs modifications/rework.

  12. > #####General


    > - Symbol of Blades and Judge's Intervention no longer require targets. You can now teleport to a target location or to an enemy if you have them selected.


    Why not, but it goes against my conception of the guard: "win or die but don't escape"



    > #####Weapon Skills


    > - Leap of Faith: This skill is now an evade.


    Not a huge fan of additional effects to existing effects, as it promotes spammy gameplay. A defensive and simultaneously offensive skill with low CD, that blinds and heals, not for me. An offensive skill that leaves you vulnerable so you have to time it right ? Yep, better.


    > - Shield of Wrath: Reduced this skill's cooldown from 35 seconds to 25 seconds. This skill now blocks attacks for 2 seconds. If an attack is blocked, the shield explodes and damages nearby foes at the end of the channel. The base damage has been reduced from 800 to 500 and the activation remains a blast finisher.


    Same, current situation makes it use either defensively or offensively, but never both at the same time. Your proposition goes against that.


    > - Ray of Judgement: Reverted the skill back to the 4 bounce, 1200 range blind.


    Totally agree. The change was pure bs, it's fun to have unlimited range but come on, older skill was way better.


    > #####Healing Skills, Utilities, Elites, and Virtues


    > - Judge's Intervention: Reduced this skill's cooldown from 45 seconds to 35 seconds.


    It's still relatively high CD, but it would definitely help balancing around the mobility of other classes. But i'd rather give guardians an other "gap closer port", see my proposition of virtues of justice


    > - Renewed Focus: Reduced this skill's cooldown from 90 seconds to 75 seconds.


    Why not, it won't be a game changer anyway.


    > - Virtue of Justice: Increased this skill's cooldown from 20 seconds to 24 seconds. (Yes, "nerf," but keep reading for the Wrath of Justice change)

    > - Virtue of Resolve: Reduced this skill's cooldown from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

    > - Virtue of Courage: Reduced this skill's cooldown from 45 seconds to 38 seconds.


    Virtues are badly designed and a deep rework on them would be beneficial. Imo, virtues should have **strong** passive effect and **midly strong** instantaneous active effect on a very high CD (60s ? More ?) so that the player gets rewarded for not spamming them, but also gets rewarded for using them on a good timing. I'd recommend something like


    - Virtue of justice: Active: an other judge's intervention-like skill when active. I dunno about passive, maybe very short "protection on hit". Passive: should definitely be changed imo, as burning is quite specific. Maybe might ? Burning should come from a related trait.

    - Virtue of resolve: Something between Contemplation of Purity and "Save Yourselves!". Full cleanse, maybe also from allies. Passive: healing ... why not, but better healing then. Also, small cleanse ?

    - Virtue of Courage: Active: Break-stun/stability/protection/aegis (one, the other or all, i'm just giving idea) to allies and self. Passive: i find a random pop of aegis to be too "cocky". Protection/speed ?


    > - Shelter: This skill is now a Consecration. Reduced the cooldown from 30 seconds to 25 seconds. Reduced the cast time from 1.25 seconds to 1 second. This skill no longer blocks. Instead, it grants Aegis to yourself and nearby allies on activation. Cancelling this skill places it on full cooldown. Base healing has been increased from 4.5k to 5.5k.


    As I agree the skill needs a rework, I am not sure it would make it stronger or unique. It rathers lookl like a budget version of FB heal.


    > #####Traits

    > - Absolute Resolution: This trait also grants 5% cooldown reduction to Virtue of Resolve

    > - Indomitable courage: This trait also gives 5% cooldown reduction to Virtue of Courage. Stability duration has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.

    > - Unscathed Contender: This skill now causes you to deal 1% more damage for every 10% of health you have and take 1% less damage for every 10% of health you are missing. (10% damage buff at full health, 10% damage reduction under 10% health)

    > - Wrath of Justice: Removed internal cooldown from this trait. Immobilize duration has been reduced to 1 second from 3 seconds. (Similar to Panic Strike but trades a "weaker" effect for a shorter cooldown)


    Not gonna review these as, imo, virtues should be changed first. Traits should then be created to orient these virtues on very specialized gameplay.


    > - Focus Mastery: This skill now causes Focus skills to gain 20% reduced recharge, remove 1 condition on activation, and heal for 200 every time they hit a target. The protection has been removed.


    Could work.


    > - Inner Fire: This skill has been renamed to Melee Training/Justice is Swift. It now grants 25% increased movement speed while wielding melee weapons. Movement skills on your melee weapons have 100 longer range.


    Traitlines should be organized first before making such a change. That would be a huge buff on an actually very popular traitline.

  13. > @"BlackyWarsX.5384" said:

    > I made a comment about something similar 2 days ago in the build template feedback thread: [Comment](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1122623/#Comment_1122623)


    > Although I did some things different:

    > * integrated wardrobe into the builds (but easier access to dyes, novelties, miniatures, mail carrier and finishers)

    > * gave Mounts a seperate submenu on its own

    > * inspiration for builds and their layout was gw2skills.net as well.


    Demn, that's not lazy work you have done there, congratz !

    That's very similar than what I had in mind, but with pictures ^_^ If Anet could implement that i'd be 300% happy :D

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