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Posts posted by aelska.4609

  1. If I die against trapper rune build, i'll never tell "this thing is so overpowered, please nerf". I will just hate myself for dying against that.

    But everytime I see someone running a trapper rune, I can't stop myself from thinking "Wow. You definitely need a master degree in idiotism to come up with such a design for a rune."

    Bad job, please rework.

  2. Thief rifle is exactly how it's supposed to be. Stealthed sniper mechanic will always be toxic in competitive, this is GW2 not call of duty. Combat system is better balanced with action - reaction mechanism, give a class a range stealth burst and that goes away.

    What you are asking is to make a build that cannot be healthy to the game viable. Of course there is a way to balance out things, but it won't be fun to fight against. That's the same reason people dislike fighting against scourge, explosive entrance mortar engies, burn guards, etc. and are slowly leaving the game.

  3. What you are complaining about is accurate. But it is not the problem, it is the consequence.

    Player base has never been so small for thousands reasons (balance, toxicity, rewards, team q vs solo, ...). It would take unreasonable amount of time for the matchmaker to find enough players of the same ranking for both teams.

    So it ends up in 2 high elo players facing 2 others, with less experienced players all around. It is frustrating for both sides: high elo will get frustrated by the mistakes low elo people make, while low elo people will either be annoyed by toxicity of high elo people, or annoyed to get farmed by the other team's good players. Unfortunately, there is no solution for that besides fixing the root of the problem, which anet refuses to do.

  4. > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

    > The only thing keeping dps guard out of being viable is agility sigil. Give guards a semi frequent way of gaining quickness, like on f1 for example and it would be usable.


    Yup but it promotes bad gameplay. Mighty blow is 3/4s cast time so that it forces you to set up the burst. If you lower the cast time (even artificially through quickness) , you leave no chance to the opponent "even if he could dodge". You will have more troubles recognizing a bad guard from a good guard with that change. Opponent should tell themselves "I should have dodged that" instead of "The f*ck did I die from ?"


    My vision of dps guard remains the same: burst should be "avoid or die" with big tells so that the opponent "knows he has to avoid it". It should be tactical for the guard to land the burst in the most appropriate moment (when ennemy has no dodge left, is rooted, is getting cced, etc.), and if the guard fails at it he should be punished hard.

  5. The problem I see with DH is that it overlaps too much core guard, with more cheese options introduced by HoT. So that, in its current form, I don't see a way to buff them without erasing core guard. For the subjective part, I prefer to fight against core guard than DH: gameplay is more dynamic and does not rely on stupid CC through Test Of Faith or big symbols bunkering.


    For the similarities: let's recall DH has access to all core guard weapons, utilities and traits. The only thing that change are virtues which ... are the same but stronger:

    * F1 passive adds cripple on top of burn. F1 active adds cripple instead of burn, pulsating, with additional pull

    * F2 passive is exactly the same. F2 active doubles the healing and gives mobility to the guard.

    * F3 passive is exactly the same. F3 active blocks for a duration instead of giving a single aegis.


    So why is DH not a popular option over core ?


    * F1 feels clunky. 3/4s cast time is a lot. 1/2s cast time on pull sucks too.

    * F2 feels clunky: walking speed slows down, increases, slows down, and back to normal. Effects appear at the end of the animation and not at the start.

    * F3 feels clunky: 1/4s of cast time on a defensive skill is weird.

    * Abandoning a traitline for DH is not worth it. Guards utilities/F3 virtue/symbols/defenses are trash if not traited. Traps and trap traits do not offer a good alternative.

    * Radiance traitline hardly combines with DH traitline: Longer F1 cooldown and cast time do not apply enough retaliation for radiance to be interesting as damage boost. Keeping F1 passive is a waste of its potential for condi builds.

    * Mobility is a bit better than core, but ridiculously low.


    So ... should it be buffed ?

    I'd say no. Keep it for PvE. I don't want to see any trap happening in PvP as it's the most cheese and boring gameplay one can think off. Longbow could be fun but needs serious redesign for that.

    25% speed won't change anything to the viability of DH and it is legitimate to ask, but I think people here share my mind: we do not want to risk DH reappearing in PvP.

  6. That's a nice brain teaser. In 1v1 no one will ever get hit by one (except when it will be pulsating and covering the whole node ... what most problematic AoEs tend to do -_-), while in teamfight people will be forced to walk inside some.



    * Make them rarer so that landing one actually feels nice when timed properly. Effects should be powerful.

    * (or) make them less powerful and more frequent, That's what Anet has been doing for years with the catastrophic effects we know.

  7. > [some firebrand changes + WvW changes]


    Not willing to discuss those, as i'm unqualified to do so


    **Shouts buffs**


    > "Feel My Wrath!": Reduced recharge from 35 seconds to 30 seconds. This skill now grants 6 seconds of quickness to the guardian and 3 seconds to other nearby allies. It previously granted 5 seconds of quickness to all affected characters.


    Why not. It is always a bit odd to see a shout not having a full party support, but I guess this change was driven by PvE. I have never seen this shout being taken in PvP as Renewed Focus brings way more, this small modification will not change it.


    > "Hold the Line": Reduced cooldown from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.


    It could be 10s cooldown that it will still not be a solid option. Protection on an utility slot is an outdated design, your teammates probably already have that boon or better defensive options.


    > "Retreat!": This skill now uses ammunition with 5 seconds between activations and a 30-second count recharge.


    A bit better, double aegis can really be a life saver. But taking an utility slot for swiftness is so laughable in 2020. The 5s between activations is hardly justified. I wish this skill could be reworked to be a valid defensive (like blocks N next attacks) or mobility option (like Superspeed for X seconds) with a balanced cooldown.




    _Overall the shouts buffs are meaningless. The teammates probably already have the boons you want to apply. They still suffer from the same flaws: they do not provide any efficient defensive/mobility/anti-CC abilities. They do not cleanse conditions (1 ... if you take a grandmaster trait) to be meaningful. They are stucked in 2012 and any cooldown change will not make them any better._




    **Meditation buffs**


    > Judge's Intervention: Reduced cooldown from 45 seconds to 40 seconds.


    One good example on an unecessary change. This skill is powerful and justified the high cooldown, it was already a very popular option yet nobody complained about it because it was what it is: balanced. Lowering the CD by 5s is not much but do not do it any further, JI on a 25s CD is definitely an open door to spam gameplay. There are other ways to give mobility to guards.


    > Litany of Wrath: Increased damage to healing conversion from 25% to 33%.


    It is nice to have but do not make this heal option any more or less viable. Reason being that guards rely more on the combo "Monk's Focus" (1470 heal) + "Smiter's Boon" (1470 heal) + litany of wrath base heal (1640 heal) to heal their 11645 hp, instead of the damage to healing conversion. Outcoming damage to heal is clunky in pvp and does not bring much: what will the opponent do to counter it ? Avoid getting hit ? That's already what he was doing.




    _These changes are unnecessary, as they bring nothing new to already popular and balanced utilities._





    **Weapon buffs**


    > Leap of Faith: Increased base healing from 234 to 1,053 in PvP and WvW.


    No one asked for healing at first place, but at least now it is significant. I'd still use this skill for mobility more than as dps/healing thing, but I guess it's nice to have.


    > Mighty Blow: Reduced cooldown from 10 seconds to 8 seconds in PvP and WvW.

    > Glacial Blow: Reduced cooldown from 10 seconds to 8 seconds in PvP and WvW.


    I kinda liked the cooldown matching the dodge regeneration one, as it was promoting more tactical gameplay. Hammer #2 is already the sole reason to take hammer (alongside with #5), buffing it further just accentuates the cheese side. Hammer buffs should go through a rework of the #1 (AA), #3 (Zealot's embrace) and #4 (Banish) skills, not the ones that are already working.


    > Whirling Wrath: Increased melee strike power coefficient from 0.3 to 0.4 in PvP and WvW. Reduced projectile power coefficient from 0.25 to 0.1 in PvP and WvW.


    Damage on GS #2 **was already fine** but hard to land because of the reduced mobility while casting it. This change makes it way more cheese, as it's basically "if it hits it will hit like a truck, but it won't probably hit". There are way healthier way of buffing it.




    _It is hard to know why Anet decided to buff the already strong offensive weapon skills._





    **Final words**


    I do think these buffs are completely off-target. It is difficult to understand the reason behind these changes in PvP; as guards need more quality of life improvements than buffs. So many weapon bugs are unresolved (gs #2 doing the animation but not the damage, mighty blow #2 not hitting vertically, gs and torch #5 not randomly missing, ...), and others could be improved (sword #3 not rooting, gs #2 on normal movement speed, hammer #2 not going on full cooldown if voluntarily interrupted, ...).

    Core virtues should be more impactful (with an adapted cooldown), while trait tree should be reorganized. Lesser used utilities (signets/shouts/spirit weapons/consecrations) will need a more serious rework than cooldown adjustments to bring them in line with nowadays game. Condition pressure, CCs and mobility are very present today, these utilities cannot find their way out if they don't answer efficiently to these.


    As a conclusion, I'd rather have no patch than this one, as the changes are unconsistent and unnecessary. Guard flaws are obvious when you start playing them, and this patch does not solve them at all. This class is often refered as "noob friendly" thanks to few very strongs options (big symbols on condibunker, gs or hammer #2 on dps), etc. that are on the cheese side. That makes guard outrageously powerful in the hands of inexperienced players, while playing it in higher levels requires a flawless gameplay with sometimes disappointing results. Buffing these strong options can only worsen the problem; and that's exactly what this patch has done.

  8. Buffing the "bad pvp design" of a class to make it viable in PvP is plain stupid. I don't understand how it went through the whole chain "proposed-accepted-implemented-tested-validated", but I keep getting surprised nowadays. Out of the thousands options available to rework shades in PvP, they have chosen the most cancerous and lazy one: double the AoE. Unbelievable.


    I don't think it will make scourges overpowered but it definitely will make them less fun to fight against.

  9. Balance patch will not arrive soon, but it will definitely look like this:


    "XXX prevalence in group content has been quite strong as they offer significant support options to the point that they were crowding out other builds. In particular, SKILL YYY had a bit more condition damage than was healthy, so we've sought to tweak that down while retaining its overall playstyle by removing some of its boon generation. We're also reducing SKILL ZZZ condition application and increasing WEAPON ALPHA damage in PvE as the best melee damage option should not be a ranged weapon."


    With the actual patch looking like


    * SKILL YYY: Fixed tooltip to match the correct effect.

    * SKILL ZZZ: Reduced burning stack from 2 to 1 but increased burning duration from 1s to 2s.

    * WEAPON ALPHA: Increased power coefficient from 1.05 to 1.10


    I'm so hyped!

  10. > @"Vancho.8750" said:

    > > @"aelska.4609" said:

    > > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

    > >

    > > I cannot thumbs up you because of that :

    > >

    > > > 2.)Since there are so many classes in team fights rn that can block alot(like engis and warriors) - I would like to see some reaper effect that makes something in reaper shroud Unblockable possibly if reapers onslaught made executions scythe unblockable the first time you use it

    > >

    > > Block is there to do exactly what it war originally supposed to do: block the damage. Unblockable effects promotes spam.

    > > There are too many blocks in the game ? Fine then! Lower the block uptime that are problematic.

    > >

    > > At the moment reapers are powerful but overall fun to fight against, so I would not change too much "for now" (there are plenty of things to say, but it will take more than 1 patch each 6 months to adjust these).

    > > Short-term, I would just put a proper animation on ghastly claws and on spinal shivers. These hit way too hard to be casted "out of nowhere".

    > > Spinal shivers also deserves a damage shave, it is incomprehensible it went under the radars on February patch. No animation, 867 damage with 2.625 power coefficient, 3 boons corrupt, 5s chill, unblockable by Aegis, 1200 range on a 20s CD ? Lol anet, please start being consistent with yourself.

    > > Same goes for lich.

    > Spinal shivers is boon removal not boon corrupt, it is punish skill for stacking boons it does nothing if you don't have any.

    > I like how everyone says nerf this nerf that but doesn't even know how the skills work.



    I edited my post, thank you for your note. All I know about this skill is that when I hear "SCHLUMP" I will have to cry over my dead character :'(

  11. > @"Dantheman.3589" said:


    I cannot thumbs up you because of that :


    > 2.)Since there are so many classes in team fights rn that can block alot(like engis and warriors) - I would like to see some reaper effect that makes something in reaper shroud Unblockable possibly if reapers onslaught made executions scythe unblockable the first time you use it


    Block is there to do exactly what it war originally supposed to do: block the damage. Unblockable effects promotes spam.

    There are too many blocks in the game ? Fine then! Lower the block uptime that are problematic.


    At the moment reapers are powerful but overall fun to fight against, so I would not change too much "for now" (there are plenty of things to say, but it will take more than 1 patch each 6 months to adjust these).

    Short-term, I would just put a proper animation on ghastly claws and on spinal shivers. These hit way too hard to be casted "out of nowhere".

    Spinal shivers also deserves a damage shave, it is incomprehensible it went under the radars on February patch. No animation, 867 damage with 2.625 power coefficient, 3 boons removal, 5s chill, unblockable by Aegis, 1200 range on a 20s CD ? Lol anet, please start being consistent with yourself.

    Same goes for lich.

  12. > @"Jekkt.6045" said:

    > hey man, celestial meta was one of the best metas ever where using skills with brain and counting dodges actually made a difference. they only ruined that with the stupid pre hot patch.


    Agree, it was by far the best we had and I really wish game could reach back a similar state. But i still remember how cele amulet insanely boosted any class able to self-stack might and how long it remained that way without "slight adjustments" (they just totally obliterated it few years later, anets way ?‍♂️). Still nowhere near unhealthy as today's stade of the game ?

  13. Veteran gw2 PvP people have seen horrible things. They have fought celestial meta. They have seen traits tree getting destroyed. They have fought HoT bunker meta with fights long enough that only ecstazy could save them from falling asleep. They have fought PvP seasons with queue times sometimes exceeding 1 hour. They have fought with no-LoS one shot builds. They have seen the 'winning ennemies dancing on your corpses animation' getting introduced. They have fought against wintraders. They have fought alongside people understanding the game barely enough to whisper you "fIgHT oN NOdE" before blocking you. They have fought in a total new meta where CCs were so abundant they could just watch their character die. They have fought in a new meta where any noob having a pet as profession utility or a lich as elite could just auto-attack you to death.


    These people are in love of the game, but the game is not sending their love back. The game was cruel and gave them just enough attention to bring them hope.

    You can only feel compassion for these people, toxicity is the least impactful byproduct of being a gw2 PvP veteran.


    A moment of silence for our fellow PvP veterans. May PvE raid bosses finally bring them the peace they all deserve.

  14. I dont know if it happens only to me, but this is quite annoying:



    It took 1,5s to render the character at the appropriate position. Against guard symbol it's not much of a problem as the symbol and the blind are big indicators "hey im here", but it gets more annoying when it happens with "out-of-stealth" characters/revenant ports.

    Thought ? Any fix ?

  15. > @"Shao.7236" said:

    > > @"aelska.4609" said:

    > > Herald builds benefit from an insane amount of active defenses:

    > > * Staff 3: 2s of block each 20s

    > > * Staff 5: 1s of evade each 20s

    > > * Shield 5: 3s of block each 25s

    > > * Glint heal: 3s of total invulnerability each 30s

    > > And of course, 1 dodge each 10s which gives 3/4s of evade.

    > > So in a period of 300s, you accumulate 30+15+36+30 +22.5= 133.5 of "untouchable state".

    > Typical Power Herald without Sword 3 rotation that involves waiting in between like a Thief because continuous aggressive means death to user, check. Core Revenant can put out the same pressure with less waiting in between, more utility and more damage at once. How about counting the other classes that constantly get Vigor(Core or Renegade) or Stealth, or blocks or blinds.

    > > **Almost half of the time, you are immune to direct damage when playing staff+shield+glint revenant**

    > Seems reasonable without Stability, if you were to add Stability, bye bye damage.

    > > But wait, there is more!

    > > **By playing Mallyx, you are nearly immune to conditions thanks to the insane amount of resistance you have**. Also, you get:

    > > * 20% damage reduction thanks to Demonic Resistance trait. I will not say "perma", but close to it.

    > But nobody uses that trait, it's a lost of damage when you can have protection that doesn't scale as well.

    > > * Protection (33% damage reduction) with facet of chaos and shield #4. I will not say "perma", but close to it.

    > And what's wrong with that exactly when you have classes that get Protection on evade, Protection on nearly everything they do with an AoE that cleanses them? There's more but I can't think of 'em. Nobody ever uses this facet progressively anyway because it's always tied to a rune spell.

    > > * at least 2s of weakness each 15s with Facet of Elements.

    > Think about why that is.

    > > * at least 3s of weakness each 8s (18s if you take weapon swap in consideration) with staff #2

    > In a perfect world it's reasonable, still not more than Core.

    > > But ... There is even more !! With the sage amulet you have insane amount of heals:

    > Insane is rather overstating, Revenant scaling is awful with heals. For a reason obviously.

    > > * 237 heal each time you use any of mallyx utilities

    > You mean anytime you get resistance which is extremely limited on Herald.

    > > * 753 each time you break stun

    > 3 times at best, which is nothing.

    > > * 490 each time you activate any of Glint utilities

    > Would spamming utilities be really helpful? Nobody uses that trait when they use shield anyway.

    > > * 2732 each time you use shield #5

    > Because otherwise shield would be bad.

    > > * 1465 each time you use shield #4

    > Again, because otherwise shield would be bad.

    > > * 750 each time you use staff #2

    > Assuming people are now using staff which is technically a better alternative but it's not like they ain't gonna get hit using that skill.

    > > * 1620 each time you use staff #4

    > Long vulnerable cast that obviously is always followed after 3 and 5 by a typical offender. If you're experienced enough with Revenant (IDK), you would know that without this skill, Power Revenant wouldn't exist.

    > > * 5100 + nbrcondis*646 each time you use mallyx heal

    > Only good assuming the user is good itself, which is EXTREMELY rare. The best I ever got with this heal skill is 11k, which is risking on it's own, the reward is justified. Should people NOT spam conditions if they want to kill.

    > > * 2053->infinity each time you use glint heal

    > Ah, yes. The skill that once it's used, you're extremely vulnerable. Should it always consciously be kept in the mind of people if you want to properly dispatch

    > > All of that on a medium health - heavy armor class.

    > Yeah, even though Ventari has a higher healing throughput with a CC, just no stunbreak. I think it's reasonable.

    > > **__Regardless or their damage output (conditions or damage), or support abilities, this sustain is NOT reasonable.__**

    > I think it's reasonable, given that core can outsustain Herald in the right plays because they aren't going to get tossed around. You're also ignoring everything else at play that Revenant depends on in the middle of a fight.


    The problem with that kind of reasoning is that everything separately does not seem overpowered. But when you put them together, as I did in the post you quoted, it becomes ridiculous.

    I invite you to imagine the most bunkerish build you can find on any other class and to list us all its defensive options. Maybe we will then be able to discuss.

    All I am seeing now is "Hey look, this is a bolt and this is a nut and this is a cylinder it doesn't seem to be so overpowered taken in its own" while I am telling you "yes but together they are a machine gun."

  16. > @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

    > I may sound biased, but sustain or damage on their own mean nothing. What matters is the ratio damage/sustain.

    > The build @"aelska.4609" is talking about is build for sustain. its ratio damage/sustain is something like 15/85. Imagine building for sustain and actually have sustain.


    I based my thinking on how unhealthy a bunker is in gw2 pvp. Such a build could heal the enemies instead of doing damage, it would still be unhealthy. Being able to facetank damage in 1v1 or 2v1 without getting uncapped is both boring and extremely effective. A sustain build is not supposed to be almost invulnerable even if it deals damage; cleric amulet had good reasons to be removed. Not because it was overpowered -its output damage being 0- but because it was ... boring to play against.


    Condi revs reach the same level of "tankiness" cleric builds had before, if not more. But it also get topped by decent condi damage, and teamfight abilities (facet boons/teamfight resistance/mallyx corruption/CC).


    > But yeah, glint and herald trait line need a massive sustain nerf.


  17. Many threads have been opened to QQ about one or the other build in the meta. But often these lead to useless debates "Your class is op" "-NO IT IS YOUR CLASS" "-WHAT ABOUT NERF THIEF??!"


    So I suggest this thread to denounce all the things that are unfun with the current metabuilds, which are available from here [https://godsofpvp.net](https://www.godsofpvp.net).


    State your build, and for each of the "metabuilds", list what you find unfun in fighting them. Do not try to give suggestions to fix that, as this is the Devs job.


    Let me begin:


    I play core guard, hammer zerk or cancer burn depending on ennemy comp. So technically not in meta, although I find these builds to be decent "metabuilds-killer".


    **Support tempest**

    Overall quite ok to deal with my build (they are quite squishy if targetted), except:

    * Glyph of renewal is frustrating and nearly invisible.

    * It's still a CC machine, aegis won't protect you from their CC as most of them are unblockable

    * Stone heart variant is quite power annihilating


    **Grenades Holosmith**

    Cancerous to fight against, it feels you get hit and blind from nowhere:

    * Long range grenades with fast cast time and no AoE indicator and great dps

    * Flashbang + explosive entrance are insanely effective

    Meanwhile I do not find sword/holothingie excessives, as they are both telegraphed and predictable.



    As long as they dont have rez signet, I am quite fine with them. Survive the first 10 seconds when they will spam all their symbols and their pulls then proceed to two bursts and they are quite down. But:

    * They do have quite a lot of powerful (AoE) CC

    * Symbols are terrible design overall, giving "must dodge AoE" build to players on a node oriented pvp gamemode cannot be healthy.


    **Condition mirage**

    Not really in the meta atm and I won't complain. It just feels like fighting an army of clones over and over again until the mirage is too low in health and decides to disengage.


    **Core Necromancer**

    * Corrupts are too frequent, at that point popping a stability "at the right moment" does not feel so worth it

    * Fear that deals insane amount of damage is not such a great design imo. Usually when you get CCed you have the choice to breakstun of it or not depending on the situation. When the CC starts to be life-threatening by itself, you don't have the choice: get rid of it the fastest possible.

    * I really don't like getting annihilated by a lich form auto attack. 1200 range auto-attack dealing 696 damage with a 2.34 power coefficient that pierces, while you get stability ? Sounds pretty cheese to me.


    **Power Reaper**

    I actually find them nicer to fight against than their core counterpart. Although not everything is perfect:

    * Ghastly claws (axe #2) is awful to fight against. It deals insane amount of damage "out of nowhere" (impossible to determine where is the necro from the animation). I think I would be way more ok with that skill if the animation was linking the target to the caster with a little beam or something.

    * Quickness on reaper shroud gives me a feeling of "old powercreep civilization" with agility sigil and HoT release flashbacks .


    **Ranger Core / Bunker soulbeast**

    Dunno about these, from my perspective I would simply rename these as "root generator". Besides that:

    * Counterattack kick (greatsword #3 activation) evade feels clunky and the animation do not fit it. That's 3s of block + 3/4s of evade, it slows down the game too much.


    **Condi Herald / Power Herald**

    Their sustain options are out of the chart, I recently made a post about these [in this topic](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/108192/condi-rev-is-so-op#latest). Targetting them just feel like a waste of time, it is like hitting a turtle inside its shell.


    **Condi thief**

    The amount of condis it can supply "out of nowhere" is ridiculous, but surviving the entrance burst gives you great guarantees on the outcome of the fight. I think it's "cheesability" comes from two game design:

    * The way cleanses might cleanse less "life threatening condis" than those 6 stacks of confusion and 15 stacks of poison, forcing you to use a second one for no reason

    * The way reveals work: you get it _after_ hitting the target and not _while casting your burst_ . So it is almost too late for the target to react.

    * The time it needs to render a character revealed. I dont know if it is my computer that is potato or gw2 servers, but needing half of a second before seeing a revealed character and the other incoming strikes is not great.


    **Daredevil D/P**

    Definitely feels like less cheese than its condi counterpart, I think it suffers from the same "reveal" design flaws. Blocking a backstab ? Just not worth it.


    **Strength spellbreaker**

    Not really in the meta, so do not see my comment as a "NERF EVEN MORE" comment. I find this class interesting to fight against as it requires you to use your breakstun properly and trick them to be able to burst them in the little windows of opportunities. However:

    * Unblockable damage on dodge is insanely stupid design.

    * Full counter really feels like ranger GS counterattack: clunky aftercast evade and damage negation, unblockable effects, which slows down the game terribly. Instead of pushing it in the "0 damage but nice sustain side" I would have put it the other way round, leading it more in a "dark souls parry" way.

    * Arcing slice feels like a "dodge or die" skill, but with little time to dodge it.


  18. Herald builds benefit from an insane amount of active defenses:


    * Staff 3: 2s of block each 20s

    * Staff 5: 1s of evade each 20s

    * Shield 5: 3s of block each 25s

    * Glint heal: 3s of total invulnerability each 30s


    And of course, 1 dodge each 10s which gives 3/4s of evade.


    So in a period of 300s, you accumulate 30+15+36+30 +22.5= 133.5 of "untouchable state".


    **Almost half of the time, you are immune to direct damage when playing staff+shield+glint revenant**


    But wait, there is more!


    **By playing Mallyx, you are nearly immune to conditions thanks to the insane amount of resistance you have**. Also, you get:

    * 20% damage reduction thanks to Demonic Resistance trait. I will not say "perma", but close to it.

    * Protection (33% damage reduction) with facet of chaos and shield #4. I will not say "perma", but close to it.

    * at least 2s of weakness each 15s with Facet of Elements.

    * at least 3s of weakness each 8s (18s if you take weapon swap in consideration) with staff #2


    But ... There is even more !! With the sage amulet you have insane amount of heals:


    * 237 heal each time you use any of mallyx utilities

    * 753 each time you break stun

    * 490 each time you activate any of Glint utilities

    * 2732 each time you use shield #5

    * 1465 each time you use shield #4

    * 750 each time you use staff #2

    * 1620 each time you use staff #4

    * 5100 + nbrcondis*646 each time you use mallyx heal

    * 2053->infinity each time you use glint heal


    All of that on a medium health - heavy armor class.


    **__Regardless or their damage output (conditions or damage), or support abilities, this sustain is NOT reasonable.__**

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