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Posts posted by Cynz.9437

  1. Also, on my alt account that has no xpac i don't get 42:0:9001:4457:101 error messages. On this account that has both xpac i literary can't play the first few minutes because i get spammed by the error message. I tried VPN, it didn't help.


    My assumption at this point is that login servers are located on some AWS machine and it is just overloaded so much that some of us just can't play anymore. It is especially noticeable in the evening. After 8 pm i can basically only kill monsters in open world and that is. There are better games for such kind of activity :/

  2. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > > It has been going for weeks, so probably.


    > Well, okay. Obviously, you just wanted to report the bug and be done with it. ;) Any attempts of help are futile when no one posts their system specs etc.


    Which specs do you need? Not to mention, it doesn't make much sense that game runs smoothly with no lags but everything AH/chat related isn't.

  3. > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:


    > > Other professions, have a healer role, tank role, etc.

    > > Except thieves.


    > Gw2 has no roles.

    > Every Profession in the game has ways to do Condi damage, do Power damage, heal, take hits, support etc.


    > It's just that some Professions do it better.


    > Thief can't face tank things, Thief can't power heal, Thief can't pulse boons all day long, but that's fine.

    > A few other Professions can't either.


    > Why are people dead set on having the best of everything for their favourite Profession?



    Because those so non existent roles do very much exist in raids/fractals and wvw. Honestly, i wouldn't mind thief having only dps specs if they were THAT good, like rogues in wow. But they are not. Every other prof does it better. Before xpacs you could argue that thief excels at mobility but even at that they are not THAT great anymore. Nearly any class has enough mobility to diminish thief importance in pvp. I am honestly annoyed at this point due to begging for crumbs and being forced to reroll to everything else just to be able to participate in game content. I do NOT have this problem as mesmer for example.

  4. > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > > > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > > > > @"Scykosix.7836" said:

    > > > > With IA costing 8 ini, leaving thief with no space for mistakes ( already a high skill cap class ) makes this even more annoying than before. After i use IA in certain situation, it wont teleport me. 8 ini gone for nothing is a death sentece for thief. This bug has been here since game release and it looks like it only affects thieves because of the unique mechanic (projectile-teleport) . Maybe fix your bugs before butchering its ini cost.

    > > >

    > > > You sure it's a bug? Projectiles can be blocked and destroyed. In that case the teleport simply won't happen.

    > >

    > > Even when there are no enemies around? Interesting. I can show you plenty of places on pvp map where sb5 simply doesn't work and eats ini. Blink from mesmers suffers from same issue and it is not projectile.


    > He said "8 initiative gone is a death sentence", that assumes a scenario where enemies are around. Also I haven't noticed anything like this after playing 25K+ pvp matches and countless hours or zooming around on PvE/WvW maps as thief, which means I'm either suffering from a very selective case of amnesia, or the bug is rare/hard to come by.


    > However if you can reliably reproduce it, record it and send it to a-net. They oughta fix it, just because I'm not aware of something it doesn't mean it's not real.


    I did. Plenty of times in the past. There was even thread for that. Guess what. The culprit spots are still there. 3-4 years later.

  5. Hello,

    i am not sure if i am only one but i keep experiencing problems with loading chats, AH, guild list, gw2 wiki, pvp stats. It is especially bad upon first login into game. It took 3 min for my messages to appear in chat and reach other players. Strangely enough private chat works without problems. AH either takes really long or doesn't load at all. I keep getting window with 42:0:9001:4457:101 error. I have otherwise no problem playing game and have 30 ms according the options menu. Anyone have any idea what to do? Worst case so far was that i wasn't sure weither i already spend gems or not and got dishonored for clicking join queue repeatedly but getting no response from pvp window.

  6. > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > > @"Scykosix.7836" said:

    > > With IA costing 8 ini, leaving thief with no space for mistakes ( already a high skill cap class ) makes this even more annoying than before. After i use IA in certain situation, it wont teleport me. 8 ini gone for nothing is a death sentece for thief. This bug has been here since game release and it looks like it only affects thieves because of the unique mechanic (projectile-teleport) . Maybe fix your bugs before butchering its ini cost.


    > You sure it's a bug? Projectiles can be blocked and destroyed. In that case the teleport simply won't happen.


    Even when there are no enemies around? Interesting. I can show you plenty of places on pvp map where sb5 simply doesn't work and eats ini. Blink from mesmers suffers from same issue and it is not projectile.

  7. > @"Skada.1362" said:

    > imo the GW2 community needs to l2p and deal with assassins. I rather see we get something like omega death knight stealth assassin, kind of like a reaper with lots of stealth and mid (900) range aoe condi bombs and pulls.


    Oh hell no, we don't need more murder AoE spam on CP.

  8. I do not have high hopes for next xpac but one can dream. Can we please get support spec (bard!!??) for thief? I think it would make interaction between thief players and rest of the community more healthy.

    Pve: we would have alternative to straight dps, BT and kick from raid/fractal group.

    WvW: spot in zergs -> less roamers -> less hate generated by getting killed by some sneaky one hit kamikaze.

    PvP: hey, we can teamfight, thief is not mandatory as decapper!?


    Don't get me wrong, i love thief, i love assassin like classes, always did and i am sure i am not the only one but it is also a fact that GW2 community hates assassins, with passion. We need alternatives outside of "rerolling". Mesmers got it, why not us?

  9. Look for a guild that does training raids. I am in one as well, the guild master organizes beginner runs every monday. You don't need 1 year to get 150 LI. Even if you just run first 4 wings (which are easy for most part) it is 15 LI per week => so 2.5 months for 150 LI. If you run 5-7 on top of it, you get it even faster. Also, for newer wings people don't ask for LI but rather KPs, you can get those also in relative shot time.


    I am not fan of LI requirements and elitism, on the other hand i know the pain of running raids with people that don't have proper builds, don't know mechanics etc. if you only have couple hours on monday to finish 4 wings you don't want to spend 1 hour on just 1 boss. I personaly find requirements for fractal CMs way worse and more gated than LIs actually.


    edit: also, if i may add, i would suggest you to roll the classes that are always wanted in raids and hard to find (probably due to gear/experience restrictions) aka druid/mesmers. No matter meta those 2 were always wanted and get a spot despite not having enough LI.

  10. They don't care. They also can't fix it. They probably would need to change game engine for it which won't happen. What they should have done is maybe to look at DrD and DE but instead they slapped lazy nerf that also affected core builds the most (same goes for engi) and called it a day. This is nothing new, this has been like this for years.

  11. > @"Scoobaniec.9561" said:

    > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > > Thieves have 100% evasion uptime underwater while doing damage at the same time. Basically a broken version of unrelenting assault.

    > >

    > > So unless you are a teef: Be careful what you ask for.


    > Minor tweak here and there and were good honestly. Besides i did not ask for it to be a ranked map, for all i care it may as well be hotjoin only. Besides that ability is hits stuff only in melee range as far im aware. Im very well aware how unbalanced underwater combat is but the "land" one is a huge mess as well so kinda a moot point anyway


    Nonono, you do not know how crazy underwater pvp matches are. Anyone who played on old Capricorn map knows the pains. Trust me, you don't want it. (Vietnam quality flashbacks intensified) "Toot Toot"

  12. > @"Shroud.2307" said:

    > > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > > > @"Jilora.9524" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > > > > > > @"SuchosCZ.2167" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"SuchosCZ.2167" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

    > > > > > > > > >This "community" hates when thieves dodge to survive. They hate when they stealth to survive. They hate when they teleport to survive.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Thats not true. People dont hate these mechanics. People hate, that thief has all of them...

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Name one rogue in any mmo that doesn't. Wow-check, eso-check,bdo,check,ff14-check lol rogue archetype always use stealth, high evades and teleports in pretty much every mmo, it's what its thing is. Other classes have reveals, higher hp, higher armor, barriers, more access to blocks/shields, invulnerability skills and other defensive skills and in gw2 even other classes have access to teleports( rangers,guards,mesmer,ele,necro, rev etc) and also stealth( ranger,mesmer,guards with trappers etc) the real issue is rogue's are just generally disliked by the players who dont play them due to their universal playstyle, which is why the rogue complaining is the same on every mmo forum. Anet needs to learn to ignore the whining if they want to have a rogue like in their game.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Never played most of the MMOs you mentioned. But i did play WoW like 10 years ago. From what i remember, you could go to stealth only out of combat or with Vanish, that had like 2 minutes cooldown. Also ANY DAMAGE would reveal you and i dont remember having any teleport at all, but there might be one. And are you really telling me, that there are skills for reveal ? really? which one ele have? LOL

    > > > > > > There is like 9 skills that have reveal in the entire game (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Revealed) and half of them are total garbage

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I have played rogue in wow, also above 2200 rating in arena and rbgs. WoW rogues were miles stronger than thieves in GW2. Rogues in wow could stunlock you to death and had actual teleports that worked and not GW2 version of "hey let's use long Cds or entire ini just get no valid path message". On top of it they had absolute long lasting evades and condi immunity which thief could only dream about. I spent a lot of time jumping into whole mob of enemies (high rated at that), murder someone quickly and get away. Every time. Unthinkable in GW2 even with suicide thief. You guys really don't know how good you have it with thief in this game compared to WoW and some other games.

    > > > >

    > > > > This 100%^

    > > > > I could only imagine the qq's if the thief in gw2 was designed similar to nightblade in eso, rogue in wow, ninja in bdo or dark runner in AAU lol. I donno something about gw2 attracts players that qq about everything that beats them a few times. There are no better players in gw2 just op builds so eventually every good build on every class gets gutted with 0 compensation leading to a game with all crappy dumbed down builds and playstyle and the few thst slip through the cracks that yr become fotm choice lol.

    > > >

    > > > You do get that this thread was a QQ by a thief and agreed with mostly by other thieves who also are qq'ing about it right? Not to say gw2 players don't qq about thieves or everything in general.

    > >

    > > Well, point is this debuff locks out the class out of their main mechanic. People justify it with thief having supposedly too much stealth and bring in other games (which is stupid at best, imo).

    > > I personally would love if just for 1 day mesmers would be locked out of clones, guards out of heals/blocks, necros out of life force etc. by this this debuff in WvW. Maybe then people would understand the issue. Once again, the community should really blame themselves for having so many thieves ruining their roaming experience - you guys are the one who kick thieves from zergs thus forcing them into roaming solo existence. Some thieves switched to something zerg friendly, other perfected their roaming builds and skills. There are plenty of classes and builds that can easily deal with builds BUT most people don't run them because they prefer to zerg. And then they complain about thieves. Find the error here.


    > You guys are so thick you don't understand that Stealth is not Thief's mechanic. It's Steal and Initiative. Stealth is a tool that Thief has an abundance of to compensate for its low base HP and low access to blocks and invulnerability. It isn't needed for a Thief to survive or to fight, it just improves their ability to do so. Marked also does not completely negate Stealth, it just limits the time you can be in it. There is enough time to land Stealth attacks while Marked so you really aren't locked out of anything.


    > All Marked does to Thieves in particular is force them to not Stealth stack/camp and wait to one shot spike people which is something no one enjoys experiencing. It does not prevent Thieves from using Stealth attacks and it does not completely disallow them from Stealthing all together, it just limits the time they can camp it.


    > If you want to compare Marked to how it effects Stealth you should be saying Marked does not allow Barrier because that is not a class specific mechanic but rather something two of them are dependent on and many others have access to. In this case however it would be a lot more harsh on a Scourge because they already lack mobility so this would literally take all form of defense from them.


    Let's just ignore entire traitline, as well as stealth attacks like backstab and utilities and pretend stealth is not thief mechanic. Show me another class that has entire traitline and mechanics that are focused on stealth. What, none? Yeah. Thought so.


    "Stealth is a tool that Thief has an abundance of to compensate for its low base HP and low access to blocks and invulnerability. It isn't needed for a Thief to survive or to fight, it just improves their ability to do so" - you just contradicted yourself withing 2 sentences. Did you even read what you wrote? So it is ok that thief has way lower chance to survive due to debuff but other classes don't suffer from it? Interesting.


    Stealth attack is not only reason why you want stealth. As you stated yourself, thief does nearly no invulnerability or blocks. If i wanted to survive some hard hitting attack or combo on guard i would just use block or invul heal - i cannot do it on thief. I have to sit in stealth to mitigate that damage. Also, you forget that ini regen and health regen is also bound to stealth.


    If you are so bothered by 1 shot thieves then stealth is not issue but rather between chair and monitor. I can do one shot on a lot of classes, just need to build for just as much as thief does. Really. Once again, you guys run zerg builds and complain that you die to thief builds built around solo roaming. That is like bringing pvp build to raid and complaining that you get kicked for doing nearly no damage.

  13. I would be against it. I have an alt account that doesn't have xpac (got it before GW2 became f2p). I enjoy playing it for fun and do some ranked on it as well. I don't think one need to limit pvp for f2p accounts just because of few hackers. I think it would be better if Anet support actually spent more time banning few hackers than limit experience of thousands of players. It shouldn't be THAT hard. Also, pvp community is small as it is - why make it even smaller?

  14. > @"Jilora.9524" said:

    > > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > > > @"Jilora.9524" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > > > > > > @"SuchosCZ.2167" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"SuchosCZ.2167" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

    > > > > > > > > >This "community" hates when thieves dodge to survive. They hate when they stealth to survive. They hate when they teleport to survive.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Thats not true. People dont hate these mechanics. People hate, that thief has all of them...

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Name one rogue in any mmo that doesn't. Wow-check, eso-check,bdo,check,ff14-check lol rogue archetype always use stealth, high evades and teleports in pretty much every mmo, it's what its thing is. Other classes have reveals, higher hp, higher armor, barriers, more access to blocks/shields, invulnerability skills and other defensive skills and in gw2 even other classes have access to teleports( rangers,guards,mesmer,ele,necro, rev etc) and also stealth( ranger,mesmer,guards with trappers etc) the real issue is rogue's are just generally disliked by the players who dont play them due to their universal playstyle, which is why the rogue complaining is the same on every mmo forum. Anet needs to learn to ignore the whining if they want to have a rogue like in their game.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Never played most of the MMOs you mentioned. But i did play WoW like 10 years ago. From what i remember, you could go to stealth only out of combat or with Vanish, that had like 2 minutes cooldown. Also ANY DAMAGE would reveal you and i dont remember having any teleport at all, but there might be one. And are you really telling me, that there are skills for reveal ? really? which one ele have? LOL

    > > > > > > There is like 9 skills that have reveal in the entire game (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Revealed) and half of them are total garbage

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I have played rogue in wow, also above 2200 rating in arena and rbgs. WoW rogues were miles stronger than thieves in GW2. Rogues in wow could stunlock you to death and had actual teleports that worked and not GW2 version of "hey let's use long Cds or entire ini just get no valid path message". On top of it they had absolute long lasting evades and condi immunity which thief could only dream about. I spent a lot of time jumping into whole mob of enemies (high rated at that), murder someone quickly and get away. Every time. Unthinkable in GW2 even with suicide thief. You guys really don't know how good you have it with thief in this game compared to WoW and some other games.

    > > > >

    > > > > This 100%^

    > > > > I could only imagine the qq's if the thief in gw2 was designed similar to nightblade in eso, rogue in wow, ninja in bdo or dark runner in AAU lol. I donno something about gw2 attracts players that qq about everything that beats them a few times. There are no better players in gw2 just op builds so eventually every good build on every class gets gutted with 0 compensation leading to a game with all crappy dumbed down builds and playstyle and the few thst slip through the cracks that yr become fotm choice lol.

    > > >

    > > > You do get that this thread was a QQ by a thief and agreed with mostly by other thieves who also are qq'ing about it right? Not to say gw2 players don't qq about thieves or everything in general.

    > >

    > > Well, point is this debuff locks out the class out of their main mechanic. People justify it with thief having supposedly too much stealth and bring in other games (which is stupid at best, imo).

    > > I personally would love if just for 1 day mesmers would be locked out of clones, guards out of heals/blocks, necros out of life force etc. by this this debuff in WvW. Maybe then people would understand the issue. Once again, the community should really blame themselves for having so many thieves ruining their roaming experience - you guys are the one who kick thieves from zergs thus forcing them into roaming solo existence. Some thieves switched to something zerg friendly, other perfected their roaming builds and skills. There are plenty of classes and builds that can easily deal with builds BUT most people don't run them because they prefer to zerg. And then they complain about thieves. Find the error here.


    > Again my same argument with cad it is just sentrys and the rare watchtower. It's so you thieves can't run rampant thru the entire map. You know if nothing like this there would be even more thieves hiding right in spots to jump players out of stealth right next to towers or hiding behind the arch in the camp south of bay or right before smc on enemy side for any single heading that way because there would be nothing at all to prevent it and yeah no one wants to run core necro just in case a thief shows up. There are not plenty of ways. It's not an error. It's wvw that you play as pvp 1 v 1. You thieves play it wrong not most of the players but **anet doesn't give you a choice really**


    Well at least you realize it. Once again, i also stay by my point that community is also to blame. As long as thief has no spot in zerg they will 1v1 in wvw.

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