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Posts posted by BlackBullWings.2734

  1. I like strikes, grothmar and Drizzlewood, but the masteries are stale, the story instances feel lazy except for some niche moments, and the enemies are a disappointment. each expansion brought cool new enemies with cool new attacks and engagement, here they just reuse some vanilla GW2 enemies (seriously, vanilla?) without even proper modern gw2 attacks, and they copypaste icebrood construct 3982389489 times.

    visions of the past is giving me a huge "never gonna touch it again" vibe that they tend to do with so much gw2 content. The scarlet visions were also pretty badly implemented, I'm still 0% up to date on what even happened during that season. The steel and fire one is cool, I hope they do more of those.


    So nah, but for a living world, it's pretty good tbh.

  2. Don't get me wrong, the new map is awesome and I love that one meta leads to the next. But this takes way too much time. it's actually insane. It took us around 2h 30min to clear, and in the end we get 10 minutes to desperately gather tiny chests with tiny loot around the entire second part.

    **there are easy ways to solve this though:**

    - make troop evaluations take less time

    - make troop morale checks take less time (kind of goes hand in hand with troop evaluations)

    - in canopy crag we have to fight portals and then cannons, these are 3 separate events, why not make them 1 event with a bit of a timer until the next portals/cannon wave spawns

    - ~~instead of having us fight the tribunes in sentinel bay, archstone coast & frostvein watch one by one, why not just let us do all 3 at a time and make players split push? the first meta has us split push to the left or right anyway, so why can't that be applied here?~~ (this is appareantly already the case, ppl either don't know or are doing all 3 for the loot/ap)

    - what i think is the biggest offender, why have the dominion chest far between the 2 metas, it's 15 whole minutes of waiting time. why not have this happen at the end of both metas instead so we can get to the next meta event faster?

    - can we also just get a very big chest at the end instead of 20 chests scattered around the map, it's less frustrating, and would also tie in well with the previous point.


    overal, once you get to the ice part, the meta events get beyond amazing. but it just takes so much time, and it's so much effort. a lot of people i've talked to have said they're not doing it again, as the rewards aren't worth it for them. It's a shame IMHO, this map is really up there with its content, and it could be top tier, if not almost on par with HoT metas, if it didn't drag on for so long


    dunno, just my 2 cents. What do you guys think?

  3. oh god please yes.

    I think what bothers me the most is the on hit effects on enemies, such as freeze, poison, flashing white, and so on. these change the colour of the enemy and make them look ridiculous.

    But the worst is the on hit effects that create some kind of visual around the enemy. when 50+ people are hitting an enemy, they pretty much turn into a disco ball. the option to turn these effects off on enemies would be nice.

    There's not many settings that help against this. effect LoD barely does anything against this.


    Let us turn off overdosed glow on players as well, and an option to turn off player's backpacks so I can't see shit with all those ridiculous oversized backpacks in the way.


    I'm also curious... does this affect people that can get epilectic seizures from lights? Because it really looks like something that could trigger a seizure.

  4. no interesting enemies, very boring events, tedious world boss, masteries that make 0 sense and add nothing to the game, sloppy story. This season is a big setback honestly.

    The prologue map and story are an exception, fantastic map, really got story. the 2 other maps however, very lackluster.

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