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Posts posted by Rysdude.3824

  1. > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

    > And just as expected, people are still complaining.

    > ANET did listen, they did remove the RNG factor, but I guess the problem wasn't really RNG after all :-)


    > It almost makes me want to go back to the old thread and have a good laugh at all these people saying they would love paying for mounts but not for RNG... complain on this very thread now.


    > Anet: Sell it 400G/500G in game. These people will never stop complaining, but maybe they will be fooled by that. They don't complain about RNG in game anyway.


    LOL well said, and I agree! I think Anet did a fair job this time around! Great designs and extremely affordable. I bought the few I wanted and not stuck with skins I didnt want. Good job!

  2. > @"jcbroe.4329" said:

    > Alright, I was hoping this topic would give me more insight before I participated in it, but I see that isn't going to be the case, so I guess it's time for my take/2 cents.


    > Starting with macro level concepts, roaming builds can basically be divided into 2 paradigms.

    > * The first is a focus on pure offense. These builds are designed to catch people by surprise, open up their defenses, and kill them with high damage being dealt in a short timeframe.

    > * The second tends to be focused around extending fights and longevity by having to tools to react and respond to what enemies can do, while also factoring in the ability to reset the fight.


    > Usually, the efficacy at roaming of either build focus can be gauged in tandem with the amount of mobility the build brings without sacrificing its desired toolkit.


    > So, Ranger. Ranger is blessed with 2 fantastic elite specs, in that each elite spec fits perfectly into a paradigm.


    > Druid is incredible at handling basically anything that can be thrown it at, and it has the damage, mobility, and reset potential you want out of a reactionary playstyle. It is opportunistic at its core, meaning that you have to outplay you opponents cooldowns and know when to capitalize. Outside of working on specific tactics to guarantee damage, the main 2 mistakes I see other Druids make are that they use Celestial Form too soon or for no reason, and that they don't utilitize their sword for damage, when sword is the main damage output source in any build running it.


    > Soulbeast on the other hand is almost hyper offensive; basically the equivalent of a rushdown character in a fighting game. It's all about catching your enemy off guard and opening them up for high damage, and plays very much in a proactive manner, as opposed to Druid being reactive. The main mistake I see Soulbeasts make is that they blow all their cooldowns upfront and they spend the rest of the fight on the backfoot.


    > The real question isn't which one makes for a "better" roaming spec, because it's apples to oranges in what roles they perform. More importantly, you need to choose the setup that best suits your playstyle. Here's a list of questions to help you decide:

    > * Do I play aggressively or methodically?

    > * How good is my pet control and micromanagement?

    > * Would I rather play in a way that counters an enemy's defense, or offense?

    > * Do I prefer to deal damage, or survive damage being dealt?


    > Generally speaking, answering more of the choices with the latter option would imply that your playstyle favors Druid, but the pet micromanagement question is important because being able to manage the pet is key to being an effective Druid, just as it has always been at being the most effective Ranger player you can be. You need the pets damage and CC for pressure and setting up damage combos, and without it there are certain fights that you won't ever be able to win.


    > Soulbeast shares many similarities with the above sentiments but relies much more on micromanaging the Beastmode cooldown and tricks than the pet itself, although the pet micromanagement is still an important aspect.


    > All in all, as a Druid, you need to learn to manage your cooldowns primarily against an enemy's offenses, whereas a Soulbeast you need to manage your cooldowns primarily against an enemy's defenses.


    > I want to take the time to state this again though because it's a pet peeve of mine; if you're using sword, please please please learn to use it for damage, regardless of what your build/spec is. It adds so much much more damage/pressure when you incorporate it into your gameplay.



    I'm not the OP but this was very insightful. Thank you.

  3. > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > Alot of great insight and advice here everyone. Thank you to you all. Im on the fence about Scrapper. Its one of those specs Ive always been interested in for roaming WvW (mostly for the tanky cc capability) but too concerned with all the negative reviews about it. This most recent patch seemed to have brought it up on the viability scale a bit. Any thoughts on the intended pvp/wvw split? Will it improve the Scrapper?


    > Short answer: Only by relative comparison with most classes.


    > Long answer: There's a lot of bugs and poor design decisions still afflicting scrapper, many of which I do not anticipate getting fixed in this next balance patch. Additionally, I expect mesmers to be even stronger (relatively speaking) due to the few nerfs they are receiving this patch. I still think Holosmith will beat out scrapper under most circumstances though.


    That’s unfortunate. But thank you for the information!


  4. Alot of great insight and advice here everyone. Thank you to you all. Im on the fence about Scrapper. Its one of those specs Ive always been interested in for roaming WvW (mostly for the tanky cc capability) but too concerned with all the negative reviews about it. This most recent patch seemed to have brought it up on the viability scale a bit. Any thoughts on the intended pvp/wvw split? Will it improve the Scrapper?

  5. I have to say, I'm new to Holo (and engi in general) but I ran Alchemy, Invention and Holo tonight and the sustain on that thing is amazingly good. I roamed and did some open world to test it out. Im liking holo so far. Thanks for all the great input I read here.

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