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Posts posted by Rysdude.3824

  1. > @"witcher.3197" said:

    > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > Metabattle has a few but not sure exactly how “good” they are.


    > You must be trippin' because they don't ahve any. Nobody has, for that matter. It's a terrible elite spec.


    > Yea I was. Mobile doesnt show which thread its under. Thats my bad.



  2. > @"Spurnshadow.3678" said:

    > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

    > > Those who outnumber. Why should they be rewarded?

    > >

    > > #removedownstatefromwvw


    > Sorry, but you are totally wrong. It favors the smaller group.


    > If you're smart and use the terrain to your advantage, and are better, then you whittle down the large group until they are even / smaller. You can beat a 50 man group with 10 no problem. I've done this multiple times. Sure, open field, you will loose, but that's usually the case. I mean, you're not making a smart decision if you are just gonna fight a group twice your size and expect to win, even with rally mechanics, unless they're just really bad. Same thing with roaming or small groups.


    > To those who claim they are in a smaller group and now can't kill larger groups because they don't have the rally traits / skills available to them. That's not an argument as the larger group also has those same things in their tool kit. This week is all about skill, teamwork, builds, and commanders. No more rally crutch, on either side.


    Well said. Very much in agreeance.

  3. > @"Ubi.4136" said:

    > Downstate benefits the larger blob, nothing more. 50 vs 20, even when the 20 down someone, the 50 man blob just insta-resses them. No downstate means they are out of the fight, giving 20 a chance to win if they have more skill.


    Completely agree here. With no down state, you can more easily thin out a full map blob by focusing the stragglers until the blob becomes manageable. With a down state, they just continue getting rallied or rez’d.


  4. > @"mulzi.8273" said:

    > > @"Maxxamillion.4125" said:

    > > Mesmers are OP 1v1 and need serious nerfing.

    > > You have power builds that can one shot, and condi build that push out 5k ticks of confusion and burning.

    > > All this while being invisible and having lots of decoys out.

    > > But Anet would rather focus on utterly destroying scourge with obscene nerfs because more ppl moan about it.

    > > Why don't you nerf mes Anet? I really don't get it.


    > Mesmer is the baby of a certain developer who has alot of pull. I'm afraid you will never see the mesmer brought on line.


    Eeshk. This is disturbing if its true.

  5. > @"Silinsar.6298" said:

    > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > Im enjoying it as well. I like the risky feel of solo roaming. A bit tough when you encounter 2 or more roaming in a squad, but still fun.


    > Actually, solo roaming is easier with instant kills. In a 1vX (with X being two or more) you can now more reliably make kills. With downed state, they'd have a chance to res, while you don't benefit from downed state at all as a solo roamer.


    Ah thats a good point I didnt realize. It was really fun going from 2 or 3v1 down to a 1v1 and the last player from the group trying to run away :)


    I hope it becomes permanenent. It would force some welcomed changes to some skills, siege and the like. Not sure how theyll incorporate finishers, since people spend gems on those



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