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Posts posted by Rysdude.3824

  1. > @"Evolute.6239" said:

    > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > > @"cobbah.3102" said:

    > > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > > Well I'll tell you who definitely doesn't want to fight: people sitting on acs.

    > > >

    > > > So your actual fights you speak of are 40 v5 so you can get some little bags and feel good because of ?? some inane reason. They have sorted the fight part for these so called fight guilds didn't they just redo EOTM go look for your fights and you wont have to be concerned about seige

    > >

    > > Ah yes, a good point. Once they redo the arena size, the borderlands should be barren of fight guilds because all those so called fight guilds will just be in EoTM waiting to blob/fight against each other, right? Isn’t that the dream of the fight guilds? No more yucky ppt for them. No arrow carts in the arena. Everyone wins.


    > In other shocking news, fight guilds may want to take structures too, just not play arrow cart versus player for 2 hours.


    > It’s almost as if extremes on either direction are not entirely healthy for the game mode. Woah.


    PPT?! Blasphemy


  2. > @"cobbah.3102" said:

    > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > Well I'll tell you who definitely doesn't want to fight: people sitting on acs.


    > So your actual fights you speak of are 40 v5 so you can get some little bags and feel good because of ?? some inane reason. They have sorted the fight part for these so called fight guilds didn't they just redo EOTM go look for your fights and you wont have to be concerned about seige


    Ah yes, a good point. Once they redo the arena size, the borderlands should be barren of fight guilds because all those so called fight guilds will just be in EoTM waiting to blob/fight against each other, right? Isn’t that the dream of the fight guilds? No more yucky ppt for them. No arrow carts in the arena. Everyone wins.

  3. > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > Well I'll tell you who definitely doesn't want to fight: people sitting on acs.


    Yes, because 5 or 10v50 would be considered a “fight”. I’ve only seen a few guilds that have the talent to blob bust and theyre few and far between. Xv50 isn’t a fight. Its a bag farm.


  4. > @"MilkChocolate.3201" said:

    > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > The sad thing is, even with the nerfs to siege, so called "fight" servers are still using spies to prematurely use EWPs followed by a full map blob. And then they have the nerve to say they're here looking for fights when they disabled one of the key ways to get them. So which one is it? You want actual hard/even fights? Or you want to just map blob and ktrain? Yes, looking at you Whiteside Ridge.


    > WSR didnt have have main fighting com to even tag up for last +4days just cuz piken/kodash cant even form more than 30man squad, or if they do it gets wiped in less than 1sec in open field (with ac's behind)

    > so all i can see currently WSR is running random com tags and ppl are ktraining cuz there is simply no1 to fight


    Bandwagoning doesn’t seem so good now, does it?


  5. > @"Ubi.4136" said:

    > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > > > > > > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

    > > > > > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > > > > > > > This nerf isn't enough. Hope there are more nerfs to defenders in the future since it's killing this game. No1 wants to spend their raid hitting doors and walls for hours. SMC also needs to be nerfed.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I fail to see how making it easier to break into structures is going to do anything other than keep you hitting doors and walls. The folks in there are not coming out to fight, do really think that if you get in faster you'll what? Take em by surprise? They'll just port to citadel sooner.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Nerfing AC fire is not going to create the outcome that you want.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > What's the point of playing if you're just gonna sit in keeps and spawns all day? I just don't get it.... sounds super boring

    > > > >

    > > > > Agreed. It's boring as hell.

    > > > >

    > > > > But the point stands: if they won't come out when they outnumber you, they won't come out when they don't.

    > > >

    > > > Then they deserve to lose all their things until they grow a spine don't you think?

    > >

    > > Yes.

    > >

    > > Which is anethema to the people who want the fights....


    > But the "fight" crowd isn't looking to fight unless they outnumber their opponent. Which is why they siege smc up, run around flipping paper objects farming smaller groups until their smc trebs crack open a T3 outer tower, than zerg it down. Or, they drop siege "near" the tower to take, knowing that even if the enemy does come out to "face them", the enemy force is half or less of their size...they are guaranteed victory in either case. It's what we see year after year. People bandwagon to a server, so they can have "fights", yet they only want to fight when they have 100% chance of winning due to numbers. When they lose at equal fights, they log out and then bandwagon to the next server in lower tiers to ride the numbers back to the top "looking for fights".


    Couldn’t agree more. All these keyboard superheroes always front and say they want a fight, but never bring less than a map blob and then some. And yet when you visit their keeps, towers and camps, it’s sieged up more than Fort Knox. But of course, they love to “fight”.

  6. The sad thing is, even with the nerfs to siege, so called "fight" servers are still using spies to prematurely use EWPs followed by a full map blob. And then they have the nerve to say they're here looking for fights when they disabled one of the key ways to get them. So which one is it? You want actual hard/even fights? Or you want to just map blob and ktrain? Yes, looking at you Whiteside Ridge.

  7. I was, until this infusion tease with the zephyr supply chests. It was disheartening to spend so much RL money trying to get an infusion. ANY infusion. Has changed my outlook quite a bit and made me realize just how much money I’ve been throwing at this game with nothing in return. Going to be a free loader here on out. It’s not worth the financial investment.

  8. > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > Glad I managed to buy one for 230g from the trading post. It is such a joke that the gauntlet does not give any loot anymore. What is even the point if you just do the achievements and never come back.


    I agree. For a festival taking place for the first time in what, 4 years? The rewards are very lackluster and disappointing. More horrendous is the drop rates for those zephyr supply boxes. For the first time since started playing here, Anet made me sick of this game.

  9. > @"Fenom.9457" said:

    > The drop rate is so low, it isn’t to give everyone these and ruin their point - it’s just to get a tiny number up on the TP, because right now, someone of them are so rare they aren’t even available. They’re TOO rare right now, and it’s a slight adjustment


    This. Spent 300 usd on keys, and about 3k gold on zephyr supply chests and nothing. As someone who's spent over 10k usd in the last 12 months or so, Anet lost another customer. Well, paying customer. Time to be a free loader.

  10. A good post. Was just about to ask the same question. I currently have an asura engineer, and while cool looking, it doesn't really showcase the fashion war side due to it's size. Was thinking of creating a Sylvari holo. Don't see much of those around though. Concept issues maybe?

  11. > @"archmagus.7249" said:

    > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > > @"archmagus.7249" said:

    > > > I use Marauder's but for tankiness, I mix in commander's. I lose some damage and health, but I get some toughness and boon duration.

    > > >

    > > > Only critique I have is going for HGH instead of purity of purpose, so you can have a higher fury up time and more might. Also a sigil of energy would be better for more dodges so you trigger thermal release valve more often.

    > >

    > > Thanks! Ill see what I have that I can convert a few more armor pieces to commander. I thought about using HGH, mostly for the reduced rechage. I guess Purity doesnt make sense since I only have one light field and only limited sources of Protection. Which sigil would you replace for energy?

    > >


    > I'd say sigil of intelligence, since the bonus 33% boon duration is more useful than 3 critical hits on a weapon swap. Just make sure to get all of your boons in that 7s window.


    Thanks for the tip. AFter converting a few more pieces to commander, I decided to take out the concentration sigil since now i have a flat 51% in boon duration. Not much but something I can satisfied with.


    > @"Dediggefedde.4961" said:

    > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > I guess Purity doesn't make sense since I only have one light field and only limited sources of Protection. Which sigil would you replace for energy?


    > You have hardlight arena. With anticorrosion plating this removes a condition from 5 players each second for 8 seconds, so a total of 9 pulses.

    > It makes sense to use purity of purpose with hardlight arena and anticorrosion plating against condition heavy encounters. Also thanks to purity of purpose you can convert vulnerability to protection, which again removes another condition.


    > Since the kind of boon you get is depending on the condition, it is a damage loss compared to the sure fury/quickness uptime that comes through a lower elixir CD and longer elixir boon duration.

    > However, since vulnerability, chill, poison, and bleeding are common conditions, you get free vigor, protection, regeneration and alacrity most of the time.


    Thank you for that breakdown. I can live with that and I think it's what I'm going for..sustained, tanky with a little oomf!


    > @"ApaWanka.2698" said:

    > The main issue from my point of view is that you have a really limited movitily and no range to deal with kiters or people that play with ranged weapons.


    > Something like Necro syndrome, been a sitting duck in some situations and been trolled by thiefs, rangers, mesmers..... that can disengage, recover themselves and come back until they defeat U.


    > Range and/or high movility are a must for roam (from my experience)


    hmmmm good points for sure. I decided to swap out the elite for Elite mortar. Now I have some ranged attack (with a myriad of combo fields) . Let's see how it works out!

  12. > @"archmagus.7249" said:

    > I use Marauder's but for tankiness, I mix in commander's. I lose some damage and health, but I get some toughness and boon duration.


    > Only critique I have is going for HGH instead of purity of purpose, so you can have a higher fury up time and more might. Also a sigil of energy would be better for more dodges so you trigger thermal release valve more often.


    Thanks! Ill see what I have that I can convert a few more armor pieces to commander. I thought about using HGH, mostly for the reduced rechage. I guess Purity doesnt make sense since I only have one light field and only limited sources of Protection. Which sigil would you replace for energy?


  13. > @"Odik.4587" said:

    > > @"jportell.2197" said:

    > > Wow I can't even. Ok anet go head. Nerf what he's asking for. But then make Chrono bunk viable again pls ???


    > They cant nerf main mesmer mechanic . THey would have to delete class and offer us a new one. Doubt they want it :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


    Gosh this is the dream, isn’t it?

  14. > @"cray.5263" said:

    > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > Great vid. Absolutely demolishes them. Is the build listed anywhere? Im curious how he can just juggernaut through all those enemies. It was very nice to watch. Extra points for the Marvel-like intro!


    > The high protection uptime with wells and the life leech toghether with multihitting several enemies really boosts your sustain. You also benefit a lot from the fury and other boons from revenant wich makes you even more deadlier.

    > I will list the build later in the video description for everyone who wants it


    Thanks for the explanation. Quite interested to see it. Only thing i have a gripe with is mobility of necro but thats a profession wide thing

  15. Hello everyone,

    Wanted to create a build utilizing a more utility side of the profession with some sustain and decent damage. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdQQJAsenUUBVXhlIDmXBcJjFDDr/G2DDiinjPw/JMAMO6LA-jFCHQBPRJYY0DcQlDyT9Hyt/A/OBAGRJHAeAAkCYslRA-w


    -I tried to tailor it for roaming from this one https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Holosmith_-_Conversion_Holo.

    -Using Sword and Board (personal preference and style) for the quickness from Sw3, additional boon conversion with the protect from Shield 4 and 5, as well as the block and reflect.

    -Utilizing Durability runes + two Wanderer trinkets for 75% boon duration (with conc sigil), as well as boons for the dura runes.

    -Choosing utilities was hard for me since there are so many but wanted to try and maintain the boonbot utility which is why I chose Elixir's B and U, as well as hard light arena. It only has one stun break but with two sources of stab, it might not be an issue.

    -Some cavalier trinkets to help with tankiness and damage with a 53% crit rate (with fury).

    -Chose Roasted Cactus food for additional might and more ferocity.

    -Water turret for the obvious two water fields.

    -Things I miss in this build and will probably continually swap Elixir B for is Elixir S (for the stealth) and rocket boots. Man I miss rocket boots.


    Any glaring errors?


    I am by no means and expert in engi/holo so any feedback provided will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!



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