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Posts posted by Rysdude.3824

  1. > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

    > I always envious of servers that have many people who ranked mithril or even diamond. Then, when I look at my server, I feel sad, finding players of those ranks are like as rare as a precious gem. It seems like "good" players tend to stack server and naturally those server become full of "good" players. Then, often whine about where the good fights, I really can't comprehend this mentality.


    > It makes me wonder if I am just too stupid to understand or others too pretentious about it.


    Just one thing..having a high rank in WvW doesn't mean they are good by any means.

  2. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > I just noticed Vabbi is now ‘high’. Hopefully it goes down to Medium soon.


    > So everybody left it it to bandwagon somewhere else? But thats impossible, that only happens to other servers!


    Hahaha just goes to show how much that toxicity experiment is working out for those clowns.


  3. > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > here's like a sample raid of what we do. it's 2x speed and 4 panels. it will not show a smooth gameplay but it's fun. in the end, the thing that wiped our team was that guy on the tower hitting us with ac. in a way if he did not do it, we'd be farming all day.

    > > > >

    > > > > siege works. people got to use what's available.

    > > >

    > > > Just because you can do some thing doesn't mean you should

    > >

    > > not a smart reason not to.


    > Yes it is. You compromise your potential as a player when you use shortcuts and crutches to win. In the short term you might win the fight but in the long run the players who don't use shortcuts and crutches will be better than you. It's not worth the price.


    > Just because you can do something to win doesn't mean you should. Win legit or lose with honor.


    Lol this is just dumb. So I take it you don’t use armor as thats a crutch in order for you to survive longer thus dappening your reactionary skills. You only try to take captures solo because let’s face it: having allies is a crutch because it doesn’t test your potential as a player when you have 49 other squadmates that help with the killing and the healing. You NEVER attack anyone unless it’s Xv1 because you outnumbering the target isn’t a challenge for you and thus inhibits your potential as a player. And you never use a meta build, as its the most effective tactical build and thus the easiest route available and again, prohibits your game playing skills.


    So ignore all those tools available to you.


    Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should. Win legit or lose with honor (in a video game lul)


  4. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > @"Israel.7056"


    > I think no one addresses 50 defenders building seige to defend vs 50 attackers because they know there is no defense of that. Period. (Yes the game allows for it, but c'mon man...)


    > My statement (and not speaking for anyone else) is if ACs are destroying Catas, the commander is doing it wrong.


    > With all towers, catas can be built outside of ballista range and watchtower range. ACs SHOULD BE a non factor.


    > I am glad they nerfed the damage to players. That will allow a push to be more about defenders casted skills and less about the kitten ACs.


    > I only wish they had kept AC damage high vs catas and trebs, but nerfed it to the floor vs rams. Though I doubt the two could be separated.


    Finally, something that makes sense.

  5. Not sure that I can be called a whale, but Ive spent what some people make in a month since I started playing a year or so ago. I do it because I don’t have the time, between work and family, to grind out gold and I consider it worthwhile. It allows me time to enjoy more what I do IG than something that would feel like a chore. Plus, it still supports the game. I just wish Anet would implement some sorta reward track similiar to the achievement point system or title besides the boring “I’m Rich, You know” which isn’t even related to supporting the game.

  6. > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > > @"SPESHAL.9106" said:

    > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > I see holo players jumping into any fight without second thought, **that feeling of invincibility is what's wrong**, nobody should feel like a god at every turn during all match, players tend to develop a rather unhealthy vision of gameplay.

    > > > >

    > > > > Currently there are too many safety nets around holosmith too many get of jail for free and all is accessible with min level of skill investment...that's why holosmith is meta and herald and weaver are not.

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > That being said...Engie doesn't need a total rework...The mobility is prolly what needs to be nerfed. They have far too many rocket boot et al type movement boosts on far too short a cooldown.

    > >

    > > ...

    > >

    > > The only mobility skill like "rocket boots et al" that we have is... Rocket Boots. If that qualifies the whole class as "high mobility" to you, let me show what a thief can do with their bow.

    > >

    > > > @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

    > > > Holosmith's resilience is off the charts. They have a lot of damage mitigation, healing, stealth, invulns. It's really over the top.

    > >

    > > Man, I wish I could play this imaginary holosmith everybody comes up with.


    > Holo is the most survivable bruiser build right after SB, yet it does significantly higher damage and ton of CC. It currently outperforms weaver, reaper SB and core guardian as a bruiser build. It also has no weaknesses. It is not susceptible to focus fire, has strong condi removal, access to many boons with long durations. Multiple CC breaks and stability.


    Im not so sure. I think if players of equal skill played holo vs SB/Weaver/Reaper, it’d be a tough fight. Weaver can out sustain it, SB can kite it and/or out damage it and and Reaper can corrupt it.


    Weaknesses I can see for a holo are boon corrupt, boon removal, kiting if using sword and board, imob makes holo’s life hard. Holos are actually pretty squishy so well susceptible to focus fire. Holo condi removal is limited to cauterize, the light field from HLA, and the trait which converts 2 (or 3) if traited. Cauterize is rarely, if ever, taken over the benefits of healing turret. And HLA only works in some builds and easily counterable.


    It does access to a decent amount of boons but you have to build for the duration as holo doesnt have inherent concentration boost. It has one stun break. And three CC in forge 5, elite skill and pull from HLA (tool belt skill). Holo players have already recommended small increases to forge skills for balance. Other things you named belong to core engi.




  7. > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > @"SPESHAL.9106" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > I see holo players jumping into any fight without second thought, **that feeling of invincibility is what's wrong**, nobody should feel like a god at every turn during all match, players tend to develop a rather unhealthy vision of gameplay.

    > > >

    > > > Currently there are too many safety nets around holosmith too many get of jail for free and all is accessible with min level of skill investment...that's why holosmith is meta and herald and weaver are not.

    > >

    > >

    > > That being said...Engie doesn't need a total rework...The mobility is prolly what needs to be nerfed. They have far too many rocket boot et al type movement boosts on far too short a cooldown.


    > ...


    > The only mobility skill like "rocket boots et al" that we have is... Rocket Boots. If that qualifies the whole class as "high mobility" to you, let me show what a thief can do with their bow.


    > > @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

    > > Holosmith's resilience is off the charts. They have a lot of damage mitigation, healing, stealth, invulns. It's really over the top.


    > Man, I wish I could play this imaginary holosmith everybody comes up with.


    Lol ikr. When uses those descripters it leads me to think of mesmer, warrior or ranger. Hardly an engineer.


  8. > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

    > lul

    > When people go as far as saying that passive invuln is bad and that engies hate it when every single engi build except full kit uses it...


    > I should take some notes so when people demand mesmer nerfs I say something like distortion is bad, mesmers hate it, it destroys the damage potential of shatters or blurred frenzy is bad, good mesmers don't even use it, if it goes to retal it will kill you!



    That’s not the same, at all. Alchemy line doesn’t offer any other good substitute in that traitline, if alchemy is taken. Comparing a core engi traitline to anything mesmer isn’t even remotely close and just loses argument validation.


  9. > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > @"Etheri.5406" said:

    > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > > @"Etheri.5406" said:

    > > >

    > > > > You're very welcome to come home and relax from a stressful day. Imagine, I come home from my long and stressful day at work and decide I'll tag up. The enemies instantly run because I have a group of good players capable of killing them, so I start to PPT to go up in tiers and get stronger enemies. I get shot by ACs for the next 3 hours. None of my players are having fun. I log off frustrated, because despite wanting to have fun in the game I didn't get a single fight all evening. I also didn't get to PPT enough to make up for the 5 defenders recapping everything the moment we log off.

    > > > .

    > > >

    > > > So here we have people trying to defend Keeps who get bugged because the blobs get in... on the other hand the blobs/zergs seem to also have issues because they can't fight AC's. Who in the world said you had to take the wall down AT the wall? long range trebs and catas can do the jobs... then blob your way through. It's not really that hard if your big group wants to actually TAKE the keep. I'm amazed at how many zergs give up when they don't have to.....

    > >

    > > I play on EU prime. The servers I play against are capable of queueing a map without issues during the time we fight. This doesn't stop them from buliding 10 acs and not coming out. And if we want to, we'll still take stuff but it'll take hours, be boring and the moment we get through the wall the defenders jump out anyways. At no point is there a real defense with players; there is only siege wars and stalling. "Give up" for what? Not spending my entire evening on a keep that auto-upgrades because EU has one prime? Great thinking.

    > >

    > > Again, there is no interactive gameplay in defending with pure siege. You expect attackers to do a perfect attack for several hours straight to flip your stuff because what? It took 3 players a few hours to upgrade? So it must take 70 players the same amount of time playing siege wars without defenders to hold? Of course not.

    > >

    > > Defenders are pretending defense is impossible, casually ignoring the fact that they still have MASSIVE advantages. Terrain is heavily in favor of defenders. Every keep helps your range and gank with space and freedom of movement. You still have siege, including mortars cannons acs and trebs which do a lot of damage. You have disablers which can't be prevented. I'm seeing trebs on every other gate which can't be blocked meaning gates don't even exist the moment 1 person is inside. Supply traps still easily stop blobs. Most cata's and trebs can be countered even when not next to the wall, or suicided on to delay more.

    > >

    > > And the hardest part is still pushing in, through chokes and a million siege, killing the defenders serveral times without having clear respwns, kill the lord, stand in a circle taking a million AoE while clearing it from all enemies and not letting them res the lord in an area where they constantly respawn + tactics + still having siege...

    > >

    > > YET SOMEHOW. Defending is impossible. Somehow, we just want to karma train, and if 5 players can't defend against 50 it's unfun and they're bullies.

    > >

    > > Defenders have absolutely massive advantages over attackers. If you can't defend your structures, perhaps you should work on your defense strategies rather than telling me how to play. And no, asking for ACs to be absolutely broken isn't a defense strategy ;).

    > >

    > > PS. Did I say anything about blob or about catas on a wall? Don't think so.


    > catas on the wall... etc... <== I was speaking to the general comments in many of the posts here....


    > After all is said and done the intent of my post was to point out that both sides are complaining about the other instead of just letting people do what they want. Sure some people do sit in T3 Keeps and man tons of siege I know a couple servers that do that but don't need to name them. It doesn't matter to me... let them sit in there and be bored... those Keeps obviously just get manned and left alone.


    > As for the rest, some of us (like me) DO go into a Keep when it looks like it might be hit and a few of us will work our butts off defending it. If the blob is bad then they don't get in. If they know what they're doing then no amount of siege 3-5 of us can manage can keep them out. Most blobs aren't very good so they can be kept out, but the good ones just go through the T3 keeps like they're butter a lot of the time... when they really want to, they can do it.


    > My issue is with the constant complaining from both sides.. Sheesh, I do both.. I will run with a zerg/blob from time to time just because it actually is fun at times. Other times I will roam and defend. I have no issue with the defenders or the zerg/blobs. Each does what they do. I only have issues with the complaining... I mean seriously, it's a game.. the mechanics have been put there for us to use.. why in the world would be not use them regardless of what mode we choose to play??


    Can’t help but agree here. A good blob with a good commander wouldn’t be stopped by just a few defenders with arrow carts. If that’s where the heartache is then maybe people should play smarter.


  10. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

    > > > @"Kroya.1072" said:

    > > > Help, how do I get all those things listed in the OP as a holo?

    > >

    > > They don't exist. OP doesn't understand the entire engineer class, let alone Holo. OP appears to be an elementalist who is sad (rightfully so) that Anet can't balance eles at all. I also miss elementalist (was a well-known d/d ele main), but calling for nerfs to mostly balanced classes like Holo is just bad form.


    > Say what you want about me it doesn't bother me but...why are you still trying to play coy? Except fresh new players....everybody knows what an engi run : https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Holosmith_-_Static_Protection


    > The build in the link has 1x invulnerability but some engies take https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elixir_S and that brings an additional invulnerability plus stealth while detracting nothing from the list in the OP which include dmg reduction with https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spectrum_Shield and allow engies to drop **photon wall** and add elixir s, now you have 2x stunbreak + stealth + 2x invulnerability but pls....do your best to prove otherwise , you call me liar anyway


    I can’t even...this build is what the post is based off of? Elixir S if used is on a massive 60 sec cool down. 48 if traited but that forces the alchemy line. 2x stun breaks are common in almost all roaming/pvp builds, as is stealth. Again, getting a second invuln forces the alchemy traitline.


    OP correct me if Im wrong but aren't you a ranger main? Which have access to all of those things you listed, plus more?


  11. > @"GwAddict.9746" said:

    > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > > @"GwAddict.9746" said:

    > > > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > > > So for option 1, players new to GW2 and its combat/mechanics system can bypass the content thats there to teach them and jump right in expecting to contribute to your team? Theyre more likely to get flamed for being a free rally.

    > > >

    > > > It'll be the same system as in sPvP just having more slots. It's not like the players new to gw2 now can't already jump to WvW at lower level than 80 currently. Basically this will make them autogeared the moment you step into WvW.

    > >

    > > Fair point, so its already accessible to players currently. But one group just worked harder to gear their PC than the other. And with this option it renders that obsolete.

    > >

    > >


    > Gear will still matter in PvE as stated in the original post, so not obsolete. This is just a discussion anyway. Maybe it could be changed to you must be lvl 80 to enter WvW for all players.



    Personally I think the idea has merit to a degree. Would be interested in hearing other view points for the sake of discussion.


  12. > @"GwAddict.9746" said:

    > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > So for option 1, players new to GW2 and its combat/mechanics system can bypass the content thats there to teach them and jump right in expecting to contribute to your team? Theyre more likely to get flamed for being a free rally.


    > It'll be the same system as in sPvP just having more slots. It's not like the players new to gw2 now can't already jump to WvW at lower level than 80 currently. Basically this will make them autogeared the moment you step into WvW.


    Fair point, so its already accessible to players currently. But one group just worked harder to gear their PC than the other. And with this option it renders that obsolete.



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