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Posts posted by Rysdude.3824

  1. > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > I guess I just want to know if anyone else feels conflicted about playing their _easy _ profession? I get my intelligence insulted at least once a day for beating something like a mes/ele as my ranger or warrior. I don't know if I'm just unlucky in running into toxic people or if this is actually a common view people have of the more simple professions.


    Tbh I used to. I roam solely on Spellbreaker so you can imagine the whispers. At the end of the day though, I play the game for my enjoyment and no one elses. Play what you enjoy.

  2. > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > It's interesting changes for sure. Anyone have a example of a shoutwarrior build they want to share?


    > sure bro, ive made a post a while back, its still basically the build i play now, now its just waaay better


    > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/29523/revive-of-the-worker


    I appreciate it! And nice build. I love that it still uses Spellbreaker as well. I imagine it would be just as good in smallscale group roaming as in a zerg as well. Beautiful sustain

  3. The tone of this thread, and the conversations themselves, perfectly highlight why WvW is the mess it is today.


    Id have to agree with Dawdler as I see there are lines being drawn by both PPTers and so called “fight” players. It’s been happening for a while now. In my fight guild, PPT and those that enjoyed it were ridiculed and lashed out at. In my casual, more PPT inclined guild, they never bothered to fight the “fighters” and instead chose to just backcap, in turn, enhacing this self induced superiority complex fight people have and in turn, making the server more toxic because people didn’t choose to fight them or play their way.


    A cycle i think will be solved if/when Anet changes the fundamentals of WvW will be determined by the formula for winning.

  4. Back to the OP, though my experience is limited (only about 10 months or so in WvW), I would say from what I've seen is that toxicity forms from a combination of attitudes: Bitter "Veterans", Elitists, Purposeful trolls, and IDGAF players. When someone new first steps into WvW it can be quite harsh for them if they ask questions in team/map chat. Not all the time, but all it takes is a couple of times to paint a negative picture. Humans feed off emotions and even IG you can sense these things and then it's a downward slope from there. I think the key to changing the toxicity starts with the guilds. Having a strong leadership foundation can do miracles. Not neccessarily having a carebear attitude about everything but simply being an adult about it and recognizing that not every player eats, drinks, and sleeps WvW.

  5. > @"Etria.3642" said:

    > Sigil swap! Btw I have crafted astralaria, bifrost and bolt and have yet to have my second birthday so they aren't THAT impossible.


    > Working on aurora currently but mystic coins take forever.


    > Sigil swap. Sigil swap. Sigil swap. Dyes would be nice too!


    It’d be cool if we could toggle the footsteps on and off also. It would allow us to choose which to use (or if we use any at all) when dual wielding legendaries.


    And for OP, its totally dependent on how much you put in. Just hit my 1 year last month, and i have 3 gen II weapons that I crafted as well as Warbringer, and have bought 3 gen I legendaries from the TP. It’s certainly possible, don’t give up!


  6. I love crazy. How about a “Wild Skill Day”. A day where your skills aren’t exactly what you’re expecting. Press F1, you get your 2nd utility skill. Want to use your Elite skill? Press it, and out pops your healing skill. Oh, you want to use Shield 5 to block? Well guess what, now you tried to Shield Bash that pew pew ranger. Random skill usage, yes!

  7. Vabbi has many respecteable guilds with great players but that generally goes out the window when they use alt or spy accounts to pull tactivaters. It’s been happening this whole match up. Have some integrity guys and gals.

  8. > @"Acnologia.6934" said:

    > Hello anet!

    > Im Sunless the Reaper, the leader of RACE the Beetle League Racing Team. Our guild has 38 pilots and still growing. Everyone of our pilots explore the GW2 world building circuit after circuit.

    > But there is a problem... we don't have the tools to build true circuits using only commander markers to show the path.

    > As the leader of the RACE guild i'm here to ask you... please give us more tools to improve the gw2 Racing community!!! We'll be ready to help you with our ideas and passion!


    I love that this is a thing. People are so creative.

  9. > @"olleN.2356" said:

    > FSP is probably the worst server out there, avoid at all cost.


    Agreed. Any players new to WvW or new to GW2, Vabbi is the server you want to choose. Not only do they take the time to support and foster teamwork and community, but they also love to help new players. Vabbi is currently open...join them today!

  10. > @"Etheri.5406" said:

    > National servers make balancing EU only more difficult; especially in their current form. Without deleting them it's difficult to make good links.


    > If you give RS or kodash links they'd become very strong. If not they are stuck in T5. If you give either of them a link, some other german server lacks a link. Unless you want to make another EU main server... but what would that be? AG I suppose; but AG is genuinely even weaker than RS / kodash without link; so it needs a link too.


    > About the 50v10... The main reason german servers were closed this long is their 50v10 early morning PPT zoneblobs. Funny how those blobs kept them full and stuck in T5 for a long time.

    > I hope world restructuring improves this, as it should be much easier to balance out national servers.


    > I'm excited that the big gerbro's are open. Let's finally get them out of T5 because I miss fighting german blobs; much more exciting than all this other T1-T4 garbage. While elona occasionally offered pretty good fights, especially with iN core, elona in general is like FSP. 50 capable players and 200 PPT monkeys.



    God yes. Bring them up and send Vabbi down! Need more variety to fight than Mirages and Teeves stuffed with cheese.

  11. > @"asterix.9614" said:

    > I would rather they make new stuff, pretty much everything in the gemstore is boring as hell, I am an outfit hoarder but anet seriously needs to stop with the buttflap/ buttcape thing yuck....


    Agreed. In my first 6 or 7 months of playing, I spent several thousand in the gemstore for various things becaus everything was new and exciting. Now I feel like things are getting a bit boring and stale. Even the most recent black lion chest update is a little lackluster and im buying keys mainly just to support the game rather than a desire for anything.

  12. > @"Roxanne.6140" said:

    > > @"Etheri.5406" said:

    > > > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

    > > > > @"Etheri.5406" said:

    > > > > Crops

    > > >

    > > > The description of veterans written is casual to me. You claim that pugs are trash because they don't go voip. However, do those so-called veterans go to voip as well when they pugging? There are a lot of veterans that never ever go voip just because is not their guild raiding or because they don't like that guild playstyle or whatever. Also, veterans are also "pugs" when they outside of your guild raid. Lastly, you claim veteran guilds bandwagon away to empty server which is fine but what if they bandwagon together to the same server, are they not stacking? Furthermore, there are no such thing as empty server, is just means that it is low populated or they all just playing pve until someone come in to command for them. Pugs are always there, blaming pugs for the decisions are just poor justification, act of casuals. Be a man, do the right thing.

    > >

    > > Maybe my definition of veterans doesn't include the "hardcore casuals" of gw2. Too many players with 5k hours who still have no clue what they're doing.

    > >

    > > The guilds end up going together because they want to play an actual organised style rather than sitting around a choke spamming random aoe's in eachothers direction because neither side can push. The guilds go to the emptier servers because there aren't 3 queues every prime. Because they won't have 10 pugs adding to every guild fight they do.

    > >

    > > Pugs are trash because they're too casual to try and play the game. They want to sit around and do their thing without improving; roleplaying around in WvW. Which is fine; except nobody wants to do it with you. Especially not if they're a majority on every server. Overall the general quality of WvW is so low that frankly, playing on most servers isn't enjoyable in any way for most of the players.


    > Whoa Mr Hotshot, which guild and which server are you in?


    I’m so curious about this as well. While I agree with most of what he/she has written, the matter of fact tone of the writing makes it sound like he/she is the Founder of WvW lol I don’t mind it, just curious on the credentials.


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