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Posts posted by Rysdude.3824

  1. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > @"Mighty MJ.9850" said:

    > > Does anyone know what is stopping Anet from adding build templates or saving builds?


    > The intention to sell character slots in the gem store, I guess.


    This is what I think also.


    > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > > @"Mighty MJ.9850" said:

    > > > Does anyone know what is stopping Anet from adding build templates or saving builds?

    > >

    > > The intention to sell character slots in the gem store, I guess.


    > You make a new character so you don't have to switch builds?



  2. > @"Garrus.7403" said:

    > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > @"Garrus.7403" said:

    > > > > @"Terrier.8732" said:

    > > > > If all you want is good quality fights, then go to Obsidian sanctum with even numbered enemy pug groups.. you still get your PPK. It's not rocket science.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > We would go but no one wants to go with us. :( I wonder why?

    > > >

    > >

    > > but thats your seflmade issue by stacking.

    > > i do understand all this 'toxic' behaviour towards pugs that just want to leech, that makes sense so you can play the game coordinated within your group. but while doing that also stacking on one server you get yourselves the issue that you wont have anyone to fight against. etheri is right there are many leeching pugs infact so many they can fill tons of servers yet the more harcore players can maybe fill 1 or 2 servers. now vabbi has to -as etheri put it- bully one or two PPT servers, spawn camp them till they log off or they cant keep up with the PPT to stay in their tier yet they dont get servers willing to fight them in any tier and this wont change. those pugs wont suddenly become better if the more harcore player leave them. they just ignore the elitist server if it is in the matchup and have fun with the other. with this stacking and then bullying vabbi might even reduce overall players in WvW or you attract more and more pug bandwagoners that you then need to get rid off. so while the toxicity makes sense, your stacking is just stupid, you dont have anyone to fight and those pug servers wont improve much without more harcore people and fighting only other pugs while avoiding vabbi. that stacking makes zergfights in EU really a joke. you get rid of the pugs for your server but those pugs are still in the mode and the mode needs their numbers.


    > How is it the mistake of a grp of ppl who play together that EU wvw is dieing? In the past there were more organized grps like the ones on vabbi or wsr. Can you blame some ppl who play together for more than 4 years for playing together? No one on vabbi/wsr asked for over 9000 pugs to join your raids. The ppl I know just wanna have fun with ppl who they know for so long and who want to organize for teamplay. Because wvw is a teambased mode. Its for sure not the mistake of wsr or vabbi that there are no other grps who try to organize and get better at the game. For sure ppl come to a good server because its the ez way. Would you ask Ronaldo to play for your local football club with ppl who are not on his level infact far below his level? I guess not. First of all he would never do it for the money but he also would not do it because it would be so boring for him. If other players would step up and organize themselves you would not have so many players on wsr or vabbi.


    I can’t help but to laugh at this comparison. The Ronaldos of WvW? That is so comical, and quite sad, at the same time.


  3. > @"SloRules.3560" said:

    > Its funny how many people have problems with being kicked or stuff and here i am on pretty much any class(like seriously i was on mirage and in a squad that kicked even chronos without visible signet) i want and always being put in commanders party(mesmer main curse)....


    > I guess being in top guilds really has its perks, maybe more people should try, joining a (hardcore) guild.


    This sounds more like the “Good ol’boys” system. Or a WvW version of Mean Girls lol “You can’t sit with us!” Lol


  4. > @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

    > Unless you're coming in with a set of full ascended gear already, fractals always seemed to give a good sense of progression. You start out learning the basics in tier 1, then when you finally get that first piece or two of ascended gear, you can do 25 and the first couple of levels of T2. As you get higher up, you get better rewards, and each piece of ascended loot, even the recipes and ascended mats, feed into making you strong enough to climb higher. By the time you reach personal level 100, you should have a full set of ascended gear that you've built over the course of your journey. The various collections, and legendary backpack journey helps make it interesting as well. Some of the challenge motes for the legendary backpiece are a decent challenge, especially if you're pugging it.


    > Fractals do also reward a decent amount of gold and decent equipment rewards. And there's plenty of unique skins (of debatable quality) aside from the backpieces (of which there's actually 7) Fractal weapons, gold fractal weapons, nightmare and caustic nightmare skins, mistwild greatsword, unique infusions.


    > Now, once you get to the top, there's nowhere to go except the grind for titles and infusions, but with almost 25 different fractals there's enough variety to keep it interesting. Is doing the same raids week after week any different? I haven't yet got to the point of doing CM 99 and 100, but I could see those get boring if you did it every day.


    That's very insightful, thank you. Most of my characters are all in full ascended already. No AR yet but I can buy some when the time comes. Ill gear up my warrior, study the mechanics at the low levels and work my way up from there. Seems like there are some cool things to see, receive and learn so will give it a shot. Thank you!

  5. Good day everyone,

    I'm one of those 95% WvWers but recently that environment has gotten a little stale for me so now I'm looking at Fractals. After reading the wiki and a few guides about fractals, my question is, what is the draw of doing this instanced content? Are there any unique rewards besides the back piece? Is it a stepping stone towards doing raids?


    I've settled on this build for starting out: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Warrior_-_Core_Power_Banners but just not sure what the selling points are for doing the same thing over and over again.


    Any insight from Fractal Guru's would be much appreciated!



  6. > @"urdriel.8496" said:

    > > @"Durzlla.6295" said:

    > > > @"urdriel.8496" said:

    > > > > @"Durzlla.6295" said:

    > > > > > @"Substance E.4852" said:

    > > > > > > @"jcbroe.4329" said:

    > > > > > > You guys are all debating the ins and outs of the suggestion and I still can't even engage the topic sincerely because "such survivability" and "Soulbeast" were used together....

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I'm just used to people thinking a Ranger not dying in 5 seconds is too much so I can never tell how absurd people's metrics actually are.

    > > > >

    > > > > Now is this 5 seconds of the ranger is out of dodges and is being focused sorta thing? Or 5 seconds of the ranger still having all their defenses/evades up and hasn’t been given the death mark? Because these are two totally different situations lol

    > > >

    > > > Sometimes i have a feel like i have a permanent death mark over mi head ,is something like "ranger must die , first , always" :/ .

    > > > If you make a single mistake while dodging or kiting, you are dead.

    > >

    > > Do you have stealth in your build? If not chances are you literally have a target the whole game lol


    > ofc, LB/Sword and warhorn , combos with smoke scale almost all time, but if you fail a single time, you are dead, and to combo with smoke scale with all ccs and condition spam is really difficult sometimes, is a shame that althought i know that ranger class is underpowered compared to almost every other class , it is the class i like the most.


    > BTW they should improve LB#3 , it is like a lottery to land it, sometimes it enter in CD but the ranger dontt shot the arrow, if you have someone targeted and use it but when using the skill you are on the move or not in a 180% in front of your enemy it fails and enter in cd......


    Its good to know that LB3 issue happens to others. For a second I thought it was me. It’s so annoying.

  7. Although I know the benefits of merging and unmerging, I enjoy camping from time to time. Kinda feels like a “nature’s warrior” vibe without the pesky pet management. I’ve also been told that since I camp I may as well just go warrior lol

  8. > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > I suspect if they did the change proposed by the OP, then your pets 'Beast abilties' would share a cooldown. I believe they designed it this way to avoid giving SB rangers access to 2 sets of pet abilities while in beastmode.

    > >

    > > For example, merged with Smokescale I engage in melee, hit F1, then maybe F2, but then being able to immediately swap to Brown Bear and have access to defy pain and AoE heal would be a tad OP, no?

    > >

    > Whould it be now? Let's check the math:

    > You engage with smoke in melee and cast an skill with 40 seconds cooldown which will only give you 3 seconds of no power damage, and after that... Will you cast the heal which is 40 seconds cooldown, has a cast time of 1 second and half and will only heal you for 4k? Why in the heavens would you first engage?


    > _Let's put it in a actual scenario and then you'll see how that is that stronk_


    > **You are fighting a group and you are on bear. Because you are low on health but pewpewing you cast spiritual retrieval then you cast Defy pain and swap to the rock deer and cast charge to get into melee so you don't die before reaching your target (smoke assault is already an evade which obviously you didn't know..) .**


    > **This doesn't sound OP to me**. OP to me is 15-20K each meteor hit, or 12K + 8K in two deadeye attacks in less than a second from stealth to a 2.8k armor. **That** sounds broken to me. Mesmer is a meme at this state i can't take seriously any player which plays with that _professionally_ in pvp.


    > Please people stop shooting your own foot. This class is a complete mess, the mains do what they can to make it work. But that doesn't mean is fine, not when the skill required to achieve the same results is so absurdly absurd. I'd like to see the deadeye to have to execute flawlessly 5 skills to make Dead judgement to work like it does now.


    > It is obvious Anet need the help to figure out what to do with this class in general, they should read the forums and take some ideas from it. But they only listen Raid winning about the why power ranger doesn't have an space in raids.. apparently.


    > Just think if this class would stop having the clunky mechanics would be actually fun to play with it. Everybody wins!



    I cannot agree more with the points brought up in this post. The cooldown clunkiness deters me greatly from such a great profession theme. Please consider the changes Anet. SUUUUCH a huge and much needed quality of life change.


  9. Good day everyone,

    I have now three characters that utilize the Hammer as a weapon and think it’s time to upgrade their hammer to a legendary. The professions I use hammer on are Herald and Spellbreaker for zerging and hammer scrapper for fun roaming.


    Which legendary hammer do you enjoy

  10. > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > > YEa but....Did they nerf natural healing and not document it

    > >

    > > You mean how it procs attacker's insight?


    > natural healing is the meditation heal skill. . . .


    Yes. Using it procs attacker's insight which got nerfed a tiny bit. Sorry thought thats what you were referring to.


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