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Posts posted by Rysdude.3824

  1. > @"Skada.1362" said:

    > > @"EpicTurtle.8571" said:

    > > > @"Skada.1362" said:

    > > > Lets be real here guys, Mirage (condi, hybrid and power versions) are all pretty overtuned and have been for quite some time. I got a bit over 3k hours on my Mesmer, doing nothing but WvW roam, mostly solo, and in this current patch I got burnt out with the class and started roaming on other builds like SD core thief (got 4k hours on thief too :p) Marauder DH, Mara rifle Holo etc and it wasn't until then I got the proper perspective on how OP Mirage really is.

    > > >

    > > > I used to be the guy who defended Mirage telling people "you have to do this and that to beat a Mirage" but man, it really is the best class in game by far. It got to the point where I feel its simply way to easy to win over others and even if I was about to get my butt kicked in outnumbered fights I would simply escape with EASE. I mean, as a full zerker mirage I could jump straight into a 60 man zerg and shatter 5 players and get out with no problems what so ever. Any 1v1 vs any build isn't a problem, and don't even get me started on full ascended fully infused Trailblazer Mirage I mean what the actual F.

    > > > You literally get EVERYTHING in one package. Zero weaknesses. Zero challenges.

    > >

    > > Nobody is disagreeing with you, it's just that the people complaining loudest about it would rather it be gutted than have any semblance of reason if it gets nerfed whereas people here would like it to be nuanced and for Elusive Mind to actually get addressed since it was pointed out as a problem almost an entire year ago.


    > If changes are made, they have to be fair so that the game becomes healthier for all parties. I'm not one to call for "revenge nerfs". I only wish Anet would patch things more often so their game wouldn't have these kinds of issues.


    I would agree with that also. I know their cadence, but there’d be less QQing on the forums if these kinds of things were addressed sooner.


  2. Hi there,

    And welcome to GW2! The non competitive side of the game is extremely fun! If you do decide to do WvW or PvP, the overpowered profession that has a blind-eye turned to it is Mirage, and its great for new people as it takes no skill, near unbeatable and is very forgiving if you do make a mistake. So if you're interested in giving PvP/WvW, join the Mirage bandwagon today!

  3. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"Kraitan.8476" said:

    > > Title is pretty self explanatory. Think everyone except the mesmer mains can agree. It’s overplayed, WAY too forgiving making it an extremely easy class to do well on and still applies conditions like its a power burst.


    > Mirage is currently being banned entirely in any/all tournaments being held. It's the first specialization as a whole, that is so overpowered, that organizers must omit it completely from any competitive play.


    > Not much more needs to be said other than that.



    That's pretty terrible actually lol and Anet is okay with this? Are they all mes mains?

  4. A curious thought project. Player skill levels aside, what builds, playstyles, tactics or profession/especs counter well against others in competitive gameplay? For example, kiting works fairly well against Spellbreaker, necros (core, scourge and reaper) have a difficult time against ranged attacks, thieves generally melt to conditions. What are some others?

  5. It took two full servers working together, three since the Kaineng bandwagon, to take down Blackgate. Even Jade Quarry had guilds that bandwagoned to it. That should show that BG is very much alive. With JQ Joffreying Kaineng, there'll be a new Cersei on the Throne.

  6. > @"TigStripe.2379" said:

    > I love Guild Wars. I love Guild Wars 2. But I find myself lacking in direction when I play the game.


    > I'm not an Achievement hound, so trying to farm bounties or story instances for such trivial amounts of AP and/or mediocre ascended trinkets doesn't hold my attention.

    > Fractals are fun, but a little repetitive and grinding up personal level to reach the end of it is proving...difficult, at best.

    > I have a legendary weapon and am not looking forward to trying to do another one. I'd rather accumulate the materials more naturally this time around.

    > As far as raids go, I main Mesmer and abhor their primary role in raiding parties. I don't have the experience on another class necessary for raids.

    > I'm pretty garb-garb at PvP, and I completely don't understand how WvW works.

    > The biggest thrill I get is playing the story. PoF and LW story have been great, albeit temporary, reasons to continue playing, but with release schedules being so far apart, I find myself losing interest over and over.


    > Can anyone maybe share some positive experiences to get me excited about setting a goal in the game again?


    For me, the attention keeper is roaming in WvW. Yes, it can be repetitive with flipping camps, etc but roaming around alone is always exciting. Running into other sole roamers, groups, zergs keep things pretty fun for me. Im horrible at PvP with rock-like reflexes but some times I win. Thats always a treat.


  7. Crafted: Claw dagger, Shooshadoo, Astralaria

    Bought: Eternity, Bolt, Bifrost

    Advice: For crafting, do it in phases so you don’t burn yourself out. Check the recipes ahead of time to see if any component is time gated and start working on the time gates during the first phase. Take your time and enjoy the content when doing map completion, gathering materials along the way. If you WvW, spirit shards from tomes fall like rain. Mystic clovers can be gained from reward tracks.

    Edit: For my own length of time, Im hitting my 1 year this month :). But each leggy took about a month or so depending on my time and/or

    my wallet.

  8. Good day!


    IRT WvW roaming, I find my hardest opponents are Thief and Mesmer (Mirage).


    For Thief, specifically the build wherein they shadow step in, condi and imob me then shadow step back out and rinse and repeat.


    For Mirage, im just asking for advice in general. Its the rare day where I win a Mirage encounter.


    I roam on Spellbreaker but can’t ever win the encounters I posted above. I know its a L2P issue, so Im here asking from those way more knowledgeable than me. How do you do it?

  9. > @"EvilSardine.9635" said:

    > This is insane. I just came back to the game and saw countless mirage builds running around and I swore there had to be some sort of bug or exploit due to how broken it seemed.


    > I made a mirage and was blown away that this is even in the game. What on earth was Anet thinking? Do they not play their game? The amount of clone spam and condis being thrown around during a fight is crazy. The escapes I had were absurd and I was untouchable. It was honestly silly how effective I was with such minimal effort even being new to the spec/class.


    > Any word if this is going to get balanced? Don't even get me started on condi mirage either.....that's just some sort of April fools joke that hasn't been patched out yet.


    I completely agree with you OP. I started GW2 as a mesmer because of the uniqueness of the class. But when I started WvW, I noticed how OP it was as well. I stopped playing my mirage in WvW as I refuse to be that cancerous. If I come across a mirage while roaming, I leave. Dont bother with them at.


  10. > @"Killerguy Person.8724" said:

    > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > Why are people so proud of the kdr when it isnt even skill based because it’s hardly ever 1 v 1? just groups running around “hurdurr Im skilled because 7 of us killed you and that’s proof enough.” Pathetic.


    > Why would 1v1s ever be remotely relevant to a matchup?


    Isnt kdr a part of this match up talk?


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