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Posts posted by Rysdude.3824

  1. > @"LaGranse.8652" said:

    > Anet has stated that eventeffects that affect coremechanics of some classes will never be implemented. Thus you will never see a no stealth week.


    So I guess No Downstate week’s effect on Scrapper’s core mechanic was Anet’s official shaft to the Scrapper lol

  2. > @"JayAction.9056" said:

    > > @"Falan.1839" said:

    > > Many WvWers don't care about SPvP and vice versa, so dishing out rewards in another game mode than the one they were earned is already a bad concept.

    > > And also mounts in WvW would be terrible, it's just another way to avoid fights, which is certainly a kind of behaviour WvW does NOT lack. The gliders were already a bad idea, mounts would be terrible. The Raptor dismount skill also influences organized zerg fights in quite unpleasant ways, as seen in one of the GvG tournaments that was done in guildhall (mounts were obviously banned there but one guild did it for fun when it had already lost).


    > I’d argue that “WvWers” are mostly people new to the game or just never could achieve much in PvP. **People don’t avoid PvP because it’s not fun. They avoid PvP because they are not good.**


    Sorry but I'd have to disagree on this one. PvP is extremely boring, that's why I avoid it. There is nothing exciting about it. There's a multitude of things to do in WvW that keep things interesting and make things fun. Hell, you can't even use your armor in PvP.



  3. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

    > > I thought it was considered much easier among legnedaries? Ask you don’t need all of those achievements, just most of them.


    > Well at least it is cheaper. Everything else is subjective. A lot of people will probably not appreciate having to do Chalice of Tears twice.


    I was able to get all my Chalice tokens with the help of a mesmer. Shout out to the chrono from Cute, But Devlish Inside (CUTE) that helped me get them. And to all the offers from mesmers I saw in map chat. You all truly are gems!


  4. > @"Joraan Adenard.2061" said:

    > You dont need to complete every mets achiements to craft it, you only need the **items** rewarded through those meta achievements. These items can be obtained through PvP/WvW reward tracks, making you completely bypass most achievements, if that is what's keeping you back from crafting the legendary.


    > @"lokh.2695" said:

    > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

    > > > I thought it was considered much easier among legnedaries? Ask you don’t need all of those achievements, just most of them.

    > >

    > > Is this true? The main thing that turned me away from Aurora is a thought ALL LS achievements had to be completed.

    > >


    > Not all of them but you need to do all meta achievements for the episodes. They don't require you to do everything but still abig chunk. Also, ANet made sure to keep the hardest part in, regardeless of which achis you do for the meta, f.e. you will need to do the Chalice of Tears, regardeless of the meta achievement for EP2.


    Will definatley go back and revisit this. Thanks!


  5. > @"Thifire.7209" said:

    > Striking a foe breaks stealth, however if the attack was evaded or blocked stealth does not break. I think it would be better if stealth breaks even if the attack was evaded or blocked. What are your guys thoughts on this?


    Blocked makes sense. Bur evading? No


  6. > @"andy.7813" said:

    > Are they planning to bring back elixir U toss functionality back to what it was , or this new garbage version is here to stay? Before the nerf this skill had good cd, duration and sweet utility, now is just random toss with almost 0 gameplay impact.


    I dunno, I kinda like it. Im pretty selfish with its use though. I usually toss it on myself right before entering PF. Anyone around me I stun break is just a bonus.


  7. > @"Etheri.5406" said:

    > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > Hopefully now that they have their own arena, GvG “fight” guilds will all gather there. Might be slow to catch on at first but some silver lining. Maybe GvG will become great again!


    > Let's ignore the gamemode 6 years literally leaving it non-functional several times for several months, then add an arena and pretend it'll bring hundreds of players and guilds playing daily back.

    > Oh wait no; an arena won't actually bring back the guilds. It might slowly give rise to a better scene for the remaining guilds. It might make htem not ragequit the game because every dead mu would imply nothing to do for an entire week. But bringing back players? hahahaha.


    > The casuals are too toxic for anyone to want to come back and play with you. Not even joking.


    Yea I get it and can understand the thought. Although I left my GvG guild due to RL, I still hope they find some satisfaction in their preferred method of play. Or all GvG guilds for that matter. May not bring back the old krusties but could pave the way for new blood willing to learn and enjoy GvG.

  8. > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

    > What are most of the skills/traits that are important for ranger/druid kiting? I see some skills on shortbow that would help, and axe 3.


    > How does longbow help you kite?


    The most effective Druid’s Ive fought use Longbow/Staff.

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