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Posts posted by Rysdude.3824

  1. > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > Not related to PvE, but Ive been seeing more and more core necro’s roaming in WvW (EU). Didnt realize that became a thing.


    > That's because you are way more tanky than on reaper and scourge. You still do decent dmg but it's not nearly as good as with elite equipped.

    > But in nowadays meta, where everyone tries to oneshot you, it's an okayish build.

    > Especially because almost noone knows, how to play against it, because it's been long, that people played core


    Yea, Im one of those. I joined after HoT so rarely played and encountered core professions. That Death shroud 2 and 5 really caught me off guard.


  2. > @"Vordrax.5243" said:

    > When I played a lot of WoW - progression raiding, arena - there was this dude who played a super easy class. We were joking with him and said if he was so good (we had a 2000 rated 5's team with him), why didn't he play a more challenging class. He said he plays earlier classes so that he can focus more on what's going on, rather than spending all of his mental energy on playing the character. In other words, he could focus on situational awareness rather than mechanical complexity. I fully agree with his reasoning. You don't get an award for playing a "hard to master" class. You either win, or you lose.


    Well said!

  3. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

    > > I'm plat 1/plat 2, and i only saw this one shot build in low plat. It was personally devastating against me, I play a full glass soulbeast and I don't run Signet of Stone or greatsword. As a result, I have 0 blocks, and depend on evades for survival. The problem I have against a competent 1-shot DE on my build is that the DE can usually predict where I'll go to try to break LOS, and can usually get to a point where they'll tap me before I can hide, thanks to 1500 kneel range.

    > >

    > > The real, real problem I have is the long stealth duration. For DEs that haven't invested too deeply into hiding (or just aren't that good at it), I can usually tap them with longbow 3, hide myself, and either bait them into trying to decap or just wait until they unstealth for some other reason. LB 4 into LB 2 with One Wolf Pack generally spells the end of any DE I decide to hit. However, a patient DE that has invested into stealth basically drives me from the point every single time, with the possibility of being able to kill me after resetting and chasing. There needs to be a restriction on DE restealth, and I totally agree that the Shadow Meld arms race is a terrible, terrible path to start on.


    > I'm a terrible thief, I didn't bother with cap points and mostly just stuck to killing people and eventually started hunting a ranger, abusing stealth the whole time, Rifle/Rifle build..



    > So can agree that stealth needs looking into, mostly with rifle dodge.. Same can be said for Mirage dodge though I guess.


    Next will be warriors endure pain on dodge.


  4. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > Considering that the legendary armors for WvW/PvP dont have unique skins, [...]


    > Well, if I ever finish my WvW collection, I will transmute the armor anyway (and would have definitely done the same with the PvE sets, since they are super ugly and I am not into animated "bling-bling" stuff ;) ).


    To each their own :) im set on getting my tentacles of doom!

  5. > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

    > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > No we are not is the answer to that question imagen the outcry if raids got a second set


    > I doubt that, since you can get legendary also in PvP and WvW, so one more set won't make anyone howl on top of their lungs.

    > However a-net stated clearly they are not making another legendary armor set (visual-wise) after the mountain of work it took to make current raiding one, that got rather lukewarm reception from players.


    Considering that the legendary armors for WvW/PvP dont have unique skins, but raids would (if they added a second) i think there would be quite a bit of justifiable outcry.


  6. > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > Honestly all I want at this point is to be able to farm goe or gift of maguuma or gift of the desert with wvw currencies instead of having to do map completes. That change alone would get me playing a lot more. New maps can be cool as long as they don't make another desert bl.


    I never really knew how much I wanted this.


  7. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > I don't really care about the opinion of somebody who uses gay as a demeaning adjective, but siege is part of world vs world. Not because it's been so long in the game it can't be changed, but because this mode isn't supposed to be large scale pvp only. Points and objectives don't matter at all if everything is just a glorified camp, night capping will be even worse than ever before and control over objectives will feel extremely meaningless. No use tiering anything up anymore etc.


    > WvW offers things to everybody. Lazy people can afk flip camps and veterans, roamers get their small scale fights, guilds get their guild group vs whatever is on the map. Siege plays very little part in this outside of having siege and placing countersiege or placing siege to bring out the enemy from their objective to smoke you out.


    Agreed. Calling siege gay already determined the mental age of that post and invalidated any argument.


    I never understood the hate against siege. If people want to fight without siege, isnt that what PvP is for?


  8. > @"Haseo Lopez.6417" said:

    > As the title suggest, I think rangers need to have pet skins for improving our overall swag :)


    > What do you guys think?


    If they did this, id have to put in a couple more hours at work :)

  9. > @"Lynnie.7213" said:

    > Another lettuce ranger girl video for you. Let me know your thought on the "text-commentary", if i should continue or not, or if i could improve something. Sadly do a real commentary for me is not a good option since english is not my main language.



    This is a great video! Alot of good information and gameplay tips for those of us new. And your english is great. Thank you for sharing!

  10. > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

    > > @"calb.3128" said:

    > > > @"Wolfb.7025" said:

    > > > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > > > I like Prime Light Beam. Love firing it into a group and just watch players flop.

    > > >

    > > > TIRO FINALE

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > asdf, sadly I haven't seen other classes elite skills, but I'm in love with all the Holosmith has to offer. Prime Light Beam just looks so freakin cool.

    > >

    > > Yes! The only way you could make it any better would be by sticking it on a shark. Sharks with freaking laser beams, _that's_ cool.


    > At this moment i ask myself if i am the only one who hot that reference.


    Haha i got it too


  11. > @"Dagger.2035" said:

    > Yeah, you still get Tomes of Knowlege in WvW. I find them really annoying since I had to click through several stacks of them recently to free up bank space.


    Why not just swap them at the mystic forge vendor?

  12. > @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

    > Maybe it would help to look at GW2Style.com? You can search for all the looks using a particular armour skin. Here's [a link to the search page](http://gw2style.com/search.php "a link to the search page") (it won't let me link to search results for some reason). Just select medium under "Armor Class", Triumphant Brigandine under "Chest", then click search, and it'll show you all the looks people have uploaded using that chest piece (there are 45 of them). You might want to look at the ones using the Triumphant Hero's Brigandine as well.


    So helpful! Thank you!


  13. In regards to ECSU, it is not as useful as the other two, I agree. I’d like to see maybe one or two more skills (or traits) be affected by being used over 100% heat. Maybe a slight reduced cool down on holo elite skill if used over 100%, or additional healing from Coolant Blast if used over 100%.

  14. > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

    > All i can say is none of you passive players would be able to handle none passive players if you were forced to actually hit key's to immune yourselves.

    > Just saying, lazy play = lazy players = Not real pros


    I don’t think this has the boasting effect you’re going for. Wrong game.


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