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Posts posted by Urud.4925

  1. I've always thought that "commander" was simply an easy choice to avoid any gender issue. Although you're right, there are also other genderless words/titles that might be better. On the other hand we also have people complaining that during the story is Trahearne the main leader (although he's also a quite shy/introverted scholar) and we are just his assistant. It's hard to make everyone happy.

    Personally I'm quite fine, but I have to admit that that word is a bit of a burden to carry, since... "You know what, CCCOMMANDER?" (Braham you hurt me)

  2. Your idea is good, I would also prioritise ley-line gliding, definitely more useful here and there. Adrenal Mushrooms is only useful (imo) to complete one hero point (to refresh the healing skill), but other than that, I never divert from my path to use the mushrooms. Nuhoch Alchemy might be useful during the meta in Tangled Depths (idk if you do it regularly). I would go with gliding, exalted, nuhoch, mushrooms.

    EDIT: that's 4 days old, I realised now... nvm :)

  3. I'm actually quite pleased from the few issues found so far. Compared to other episodes (like "A bug in the system" - maybe it was named this way for a reason) this one went quite smoothly. Considering that there are even 2 meta and that the map is huge, it's nice :)

    Thanks for looking into it.

  4. I don't like to ask Anet to make foes invulnerable because ppl kill them too early. The problem, as many of you said, it's not that they are noob, they do it on purpose for the loot. I agree with @"Skotlex.7580" , the best solution would be to decrease a bit the drop during this phase, or (if even possible) to have no loot at all out of the range of the crystal.

  5. I took some time before writing the feedback, to avoid what happened with Jahai Bluffs (very good story, very nice map, poor questing ruined by we-all-know-what).


    I liked the story of this episode. For some reason I'm still not used to the Rox's voice, but her part in this story was quite minor in the end (not that it's bad, just still new for me). The big gathering before the last battle was also impressive (it reminded me a bit the cleansing of Orr, with historic characters came there for us) and there were very cool dialogues (like the 2 Charr friends reunited after the Joko's defeat, and yeah-YEAH!

    Speaking of nice dialogues, also the map offers some gems here and there. I laughed when I found the 2 NPCs (a corsair and a vigil recruit) on one of the ships, trying to insult each other to start some sparring ("you... you wretched dog... oh I'm really bad at this" "no no, you're doing great."). Finding Rhoban was also a nice surprise. And I really appreciated that you gave some relevance to the Dredge (until now we just killed them). Sergei has very sad but also beautiful lines. Also the Skritt and the Priory agent talking about "true love" was funny.

    In general, the staff that wrote the small dialogues/lines of the NPCs did a very good job. I'm always amazed to see such quality work on small details and minor characters.


    The map is unexpectedly huge, a bit of a pain to navigate, but the waypoints are placed in good spots. And there is a lot of content. Many quests with few waiting time (also to complete the achievements), the 2 meta events are spaced with just 1 hour, fixed time (to please the people who complain about the lack of interesting meta in PoF), and I liked that this time you linked the weapon collection to the meta (so playing on the map, with account bound items), rather than buying items from the trading post. Lesson learned, well done!


    There are only 2 issues for me: one is the amount of lights, glowing effects that make stressful to fight in the 2 meta. The landscapes are gorgeous, especially during the night there are a lot of nice spots to take screenshots. But all of those effects coming from (our) skills completely fill the screen with an indistinguishable mush of colours. Sometimes I see my character taking damage and I don't know why, since I'm not standing on any weird circle.

    The second issue is the lag. Every time I teleport and mount, I see my character stuck on the ground for 5-6 seconds. Often also if I change mount. This was annoying during one of the adventures for example, as I had to unmount-mount-waste 5 seconds just to wait (and hope that some mob doesn't hit you). If I keep pressing "W", I can see me moving on the minimap, taking damage, use the endurance to sprint, all of this while in my main screen my character is still stuck on the ground, still. Maybe it's just my bad PC, but it never happened on other maps.


    TL;DR: this time both the staff that worked at the story and at the quests did a very good job. The map is a bit less "cool" than Jahai Bluffs maybe, but it contains better quests and things to do (the dwarven chambers are a good idea). Special congratulations to the staff that wrote the dialogues of the NPCs. A slightly less farming for the ascended collection or making the full completion an optional (thus, not rewarding any AP) would have been probably better, but it's not a critical issue, unlike the lag.

    We all got this for free, so thank you ArenaNet!

  6. I had to repeat this trial several times in solo, before completing it (with a revenant). Following what Dulfy says can be a problem if you are alone and don't have such a high dps (you are right, if you kill all the adds far from the crystal, you have only few seconds to burn the veteran down, before a new wave spawns).

    What I found though, is the following:

    * you don't need to kill the veteran at last to charge the crystal. It's enough that you use the veteran to charge the crystal, even if it's not the final charge

    * you can use any veteran to charge any crystal (that you didn't charge yet)


    So after trying to follow what Dulfy said in solo (and failing), I did it this way:

    When the veteran spawned at the first crystal, I brought it inside the second crystal (that wasn't charged at all yet) and killed him there. The crystal remained not fully charged but spawned the second veteran. Here you can judge whether to bring this new veteran to the third crystal or back to the first one (it depends on his HP and on the amount of adds).

  7. > @"Flying.6509" said:

    > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

    > > > @"GWMO.4785" said:

    > > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > > Think you guys are looking for the endless upgrade extractor contractor. about 3000g.

    > > > No.. im looking for a perma salvage kit that ACTUALLY has a chance to recover upgrades. And no silver kit does not do that, **despite the description saying 80%**

    > >

    > > The description on the Silver-fed CLEARLY states "80% chance of **salvaging upgrades**"

    > > What needs to be introduced is a Permanent Black Lion Salvage Kit, which given the latest changes, wont be too long to see come out I think. *Until then*, your option for a permanent way of recovering upgrades is already in game, via the Endless Upgrade Extractor.


    > You sure about that? Says "recovering" here. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Silver-Fed_Salvage-o-Matic

    > Only it doesn't recover anything, it salvages. Outdated description? False advertising? Something doesn't add up.


    Not anymore: This page was last edited on 1 January 2019, at 18:02.

    Ninja edited!

    Anyway, it's a too cheap way to scam people, so it's not ANet's style (I mean, I'm sure they didn't do it on purpose). But I wouldn't have called it "Runecrafter" kit, since you end up with no rune. Maybe "The Crumbler, "The Destroyer", "The Annihilator" or "Mote Maker" were better names.

  8. > > @"GWMO.4785" said:

    > > Correct me if im wrong.. but i feel like im missing something here. The description on the Rune kit says "100% chance of salvaging upgrades". As where silver kit has 80% of RECOVERING upgrade. Copper kit has 20% chance of salvaging upgrades (it always did. i never got an actual rune or sigil from it ever since the change). Same for Mystic kit but 80%. And finally the black lion kit has 100% chance of recovering upgrade, excl. infusions.

    > >

    > > So...

    > > Why do some of these kits say salvage and others recover? shouldnt these be the same with the cost being higher or lower depending on the kit?

    > > Why does non of them actually recover the upgrade other then the black lion kit? i know its a chance. but very oddly it never happend...


    > all silver/copper/runecraft are salvaging all runes/sigils

    > so it's a scam


    > i want tool not to salvage runes/sigils. only if i click on rune/sigil, then they should be salvaged.

    > argument that "it is faster this way", is so stupid that i don't want to comment on it


    > once we empty TP for low tier runes/sigil, new rune/sigil system will blowup, bcs 99% of salvage you get dust

    > you think runes/ sigils are now costly? wait few months it will be pain in the * to craft or buy them


    Well, idk if it's a scam or not, but during these holidays, inebriated by the alcohol, weighed down by sweets, I also misread. Although the price was too low to be good (that's why I looked on the forum) Thanks a lot for your first post, it helped.

    I agree with @"GWMO.4785", it would be better to use similar descriptions.

  9. DLGamer is an official seller and currently GW2 is discounted:

    [https://www.dlgamer.com/eu/search?keywords=guild%20wars](https://www.dlgamer.com/eu/search?keywords=guild%20wars "https://www.dlgamer.com/eu/search?keywords=guild%20wars")

    It's not 50%, but 37€ for both PoF and HoT is a very good price.


    EDIT: sorry, I'm sleeping, you said add-ons... nvm, I leave the link, maybe someone else is looking for the expansions.

  10. They have the AreaNet emblem close to their name, but you won't be able to recognize them from the chat, as their name appears like everyone else in chat (though you must trust me on this because I decided to[ cover the name](http://sistersofmercy.altervista.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/gw150-copia.jpg " cover the name")...)

    EDIT: btw, in case you are thinking that he/she might have used some special power during that match... nope, we badly lost :smiley:

  11. If it's the first time you participate, I suggest you to give a look at the usual [Dulfy](http://dulfy.net/2018/12/11/gw2-wintersday-2018-activities-and-achievements-guide/ "Dulfy"). (mainly for the achievements)

    The activities are: the Winterland wonderland (jumping puzzle), Bell choir (musical), Snowball mayhem (pvp), Toypocalypse ("dungeon") and this year the Secret Lair of the Snowmen ("raid"). Apart from the latter, you can join any activity as solo player (for the Toypocalypse, the game will fill the party with other 4 players). For the Secret Lair, it's better to look at the LFG, but it's quite easy and you can complete all the 4 achievements in just 1 run.

  12. Throughout the episode of LW3 : One Path Ends, Examplar Kerida swaps the commander's gender if we play as Charr.

    For example during the oath, if the player is a female Charr, Kerida says: "Anise, tell** him** to hand over the aspect." ("her" if you play as male Charr).

    Before boarding for Siren's Landing, Kerida says: "Agent, this is Exemplar Kerida. [...] You will transport her to Orr." if you play as male, while "transport him" if you play as female.


    I don't remember if it was like this also on my previous 6 playthroughs with other races, this was the first time that I tried with a Charr, and I wanted to try both genders to be sure.

    (I can provide screenshots if needed).


    Cheers o/


    EDIT: actually the problem is not on Kerida only, but the gender tag itself. Also Anise says "[i vouch for his honor](http://sistersofmercy.altervista.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/gw188.jpg "I vouch for his honor")" when we are a female Charr.

  13. I did some math time ago (before the rune/sigil revamp), between the runes of the spellbreaker, ogre, pack, eagle and exuberance (not scholar because for me was also hard to stay always above the 90%; although now the loss is "only" the 5% of dmg, so they might be a good choice as well.)

    [comparison](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/653131#Comment_653131 "comparison")

    Note that I didn't actually try them on the golem, that's just some math done using the build editor and calculating the damage of the normal hits + the % of crit (with their corresponding ferocity). I didn't consider additional bonuses (like fury or might) that you might have on you.

  14. > @"Leablo.2651" said:

    > A similar thing happens in GW2 where the use of Tomes (or something with the same effect) can be spammed with a very loud noise, even though there is no reason for it to appear on other clients at all.

    Ahh, the Tomes... I always have to move away from the bank, when someone starts to use their 70+ ToK, so annoying indeed. Not big issues in the end, but applause to the Jason's proactivity :)

  15. Hmm, as @"Khisanth.2948" said, maybe you completed the achievement with another character. The wiki says:

    "_You may change the form of Caladbolg you selected for 1,000 Unbound Magic by speaking to Ridhais in your home instance. **Unlike during this achievement, she will not be at the entrance**._"

    So you may be able to figure out if the character you are using is the one who completed the achievement the first time or not, depending on Ridhais' position: if she's at the entrance, try another character.

  16. It's a new idea that I never took in consideration (so I enjoyed the reading) but I still prefer single instanced houses.

    * First of all, as others also pointed out, for very big guilds this might be a problem, since ArenaNet should basically add pieces of land (all the same in size) to the guild, and as new people join and leave, the guild hall will continuously change shape. Now imagine to teleport you to your guild hall and to look for your house out of 400 other houses. I'd take ages, unless you put a direct teleport (which would invalidate the point of a "social home instance").

    * You could save the design of your house as blueprint as you said, but what if you join a guild with a different guild hall? You would keep your furniture, but maybe it won't fit anymore with the piece of guild hall you'll get (desert/golden etc).


    I think the point of the "social home" is more the wish to show off your/our houses (especially if you want to include achievements and mount skins). More like an Animal Crossing Happy Home Design than a place we can call home. In other MMOs with open world houses that I played, those maps where always a desert: people went there, gave a peep to their neighbors' house once, then they always stuck to their own house (and most of the time they forbade the entrance to strangers because they didn't want to risk to find someone inside when they came back home).

    We already have the guild hall as public area, it's fair to leave the home instance as private one (we can already invite other people, if we want, but they cannot enter like if it were an open market).

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